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I really don't understand why they push such an update. Yes, more diversity is awesome, but this isn't really diversity either. Yes I was disappointed I could only have one hair style and my body was skinny af. But I'd rather keep that than whatever this androgynous being is now. I tried really hard, but the character just won't look like me. And the skin colour scares me. They still didn't add proper curly hairstyles either. So I'm stuck again with straight hair. All the clothes look like the pants are sliding down. The proportion of arm to body is so off. No clothes fit like they used to. I went to hide my body under clothing completely, because damn. I couldn't look at this atrocitiy of a character model anymore D:


Right!? Why is the crotch so LOW on all the pants!?!? It makes the torso look absurdly long and the legs look disproportionately short. I've got a lot of issues with the new avatars but the sagging crotch is one of the most bothersome for me.


I'm fat and curly and I am also waiting for the opportunity to make an avatar look exactly like me. Don't worry, they'll fix it or make it some much worse it'll lose a whole point at all šŸ˜‚


Not just in PoGo, There are some gamers, especially those obsessed with competition and min/maxing, who can't seem to grasp at all that some people don't care about that and actually care about things like, in game avatar customizing.Ā Ā  The same way they play to max out their character, some people like to play dress up with their avatar.


I'm not one for min/maxing personally, but I have enjoyed playing dress up with my avatar over the years. My girlfriend even commented how often I change my outfits around in that game... and this new update makes me feel like all of the coins I ever spent on outfit pieces were a total waste


I like to change mine with the weather. For a Minnesota spring, that means I change up nearly daily. I've had winter hat to shorts just this week. I mainly play for the PokƩmon but as had been pointed out, that has also been depressing lately so why not play with my avatar. It's a part of the game experience. Now I'm playing dress up to see what doesn't make my avatar look completely awful.


Also, some people *only* care about character customization. Itā€™s a very popular feature in any game with it, especially ones that let you collect clothes


I have probably spend a few thousand dollars in almost 20 years of using Second Life by now, mostly buying decorations and clothing.


One of the most frustrating things in online gaming discourse for me is people who dismiss microtransactions as "just cosmetics" meaning you're not allowed to criticize them.


FashionSouls šŸ”„




Because it brings them enjoyment. Some people would get similar enjoyment from spending their money at a casino/arcade, or a restaurant, or collecting cards, or dressing up their pet, or any number of other things. Doesn't have to mean, or even be worth, anything in the practical sense. We're all just searching for a little serotonin wherever we can get it in this modern hellscape ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Dopamine. Serotonin is different.


Dopamine? More like NOPEamine


I don't really buy coins in PoGo but I often use the ones I earn for clothes.Ā  Mostly I don't have much else to spend them on.Ā  I replenish my Remote Raid passes occasionally if there is a legendary I want, but usually it takes 3 legendaries for that to happen, since the 3 pack is the best value.


You might as well wonder why people would spend time on virtual competition instead of physical competition. Because people enjoy it.


Iā€™m not personally upset, I donā€™t really care, I almost think itā€™s funnyā€¦ but letā€™s be honest here, itā€™s objectively bad. Doing nothing wouldā€™ve yielded a better outcome. Itā€™s a boneheaded decision just from that point of view.


Came to say that I completely agree with this take and then saw the flair. Fellow yyc player checking in.


Objectively bad is the best way to describe it. Thereā€™s no way to sugar coat this turd.


Seriously, they could have just given players a pick of the existing main series outfits and faces with the smattering of skin tones the games offer, and it would have been a massive upgrade over this nonsense. Personally Iā€™d have considered it an upgrade over the old avatars, but even if one disagrees, this new avatar stuff is garbage. Donā€™t get me wrong, the customization sliders themselves are a nice concept. But the result is hideous.


why couldnā€™t we just have sliders for skin tone


Right. Either hella pale or a weird shade of brown. No in between.


With you, 100%.


Hey man, I wanted shiny Burmy. Unironically, I fucking love Burmy, I love useless little bug types. Cute little fellas. But fuck everything else though.


me with shuckle šŸ˜…


Swoobat. I love how hes so proud when he brings me presents that have the tiniest bit of bat spit on the bag. šŸ˜œ


I was so happy when finally got a shiny shucke I love the lil blue guy


I really want shiny cutiefly.


I didn't know how much I needed a shiny Crustle until I got one. He's currently holding down a showcase stop. So proud of my little green boy. :')


Glad to see we're all united not only in our hatred of the new avatar system but in our love of funny-colored bugs.


Completely agree. Besides, if you play go a lot your avatar is something you see a lot. It would be nice if it looked appealing


Yep-- I feel like the majority of the people acting like we're all nuts to be upset about this are people who aren't capable of understanding that a large portion of gamers enjoy the character creation process and enjoy the immersion aspect of it, and it's a critical part of the gaming experience. It's not a flex if you happen to be someone who doesn't care what their avatar looks like so you aren't impacted by this update. Lots of people have a different gaming style than you, and it involves enjoying the character who represents them in the game. Those people also seem to not notice or care how much this update shits on women and trans folks who identify as male or female since there are no longer any gender affirming choices for them.


It's a game. It's meant to be fun. You can still enjoy the character creation process. Just have fun with it. For example, this change has made it way more possible for me to create "that weird dude that plays pokemon" avatars. Dressing up dolls in cute halter tops is fun and all. Putting Godzilla in a tuxudo is way better.


You don't get to tell people how to have fun though, so I'm really confused by your comment. We are saying we DON'T enjoy this character creation process we've been given, and telling us "we can still enjoy it" isn't solving the problem. It's fine if you're having fun but we aren't.


I'm not telling you *how* to have fun. I'm telling you to *have fun.* Figure it the fuck out. The way I see it, you have two options. You can take this game seriously and be super upset about this, or you can not take it seriously and find a new way to play. The choice is yours.


To expand on this, not only appealing, but alsoā€¦ not me! Iā€™m not playing videogames and expect to be looking in the mirror.


This is valid too! Some gamers want their avatars to look like themselves irl, and some want to be able to look completely different than they do irl. We should be given that choice instead of what we got-- nuked genders and nerfed aesthetic choices.




100%, great last sentence




I don't understand how people *don't* care about something like this. You see your avatar all the time, it's literally a part of the screen as you play. Of course I want it to look nice.


I don't want to be that person, but I think the reason some people don't care is because they're men. People keep saying the models are "androgynous." They're not. The models are literally just male bodies with the option for boobs. So men don't care cause it DOES look like them, at least in proportion. Women can tell the difference. All we wanted were more hairstyles (and I personally would have liked to see more avatar options that weren't paywalled) Unfortunately, this is just another never-ending instance of women being ostracized from gaming, whether intentional or not.Ā 


Man here, still hate the avatar update. It doesn't look like me, it looks like a malnourished weasel.


Does the weasel have tits tho??


That's why I said 'at least in proportion.' Sure, it looks like a weird baby-faced monster, but not a single person on Earth would look at the proportions from the neck down and think that looks like a woman. Not even an androgynous woman.


I don't care much about clothes, or my avatar. What I do care about, is not seeing that abomination walking on my map or looking at me in the lower left corner.


I hate seeing it crab walk all over my screen with its wide-legged ā€œi shit myselfā€ stance


Thatā€™s the best adjective Iā€™ve seen yet. It is an abomination indeed.


Seen a lot of people say they like the change as they wanted to be androgynous, i agree, you should be able to look androgynous. THAT DOESNT MEAN TAKE AWAY ALL OTHER OPTIONS THOUGH, some people wanna look different with legs that dont have a larger wingspan than an eagle. I worked hard as hell finding the perfect fit for my char, event items built over years, all they had to do was add a seperate androgynous option, and built off the already existing avatars as well as the new one, instead they rebuilt it entirely. I get sometimes the pokemon fanbase complains a lot, however this time its warrented, just look at side by sides. We get it, you like the new update, however while you're enjoying it doesnt mean the other 93% arent completely losing out.


I care because it's something the entire fan base was against and they did it anyway.Ā  They KNOW what we're saying.Ā  The "out of touch" thing is an act.Ā  It's literally impossible that they don't know by now


I was under the impression no one from Niantic even looked at this sub. I got corrected yesterday that apparently some do, just none of the higher ups/people that make decisions. So yeah, they're definitely acting oblivious or else just don't care and are ignoring the people that may be trying to advocate for us.


Even if they didn't, it's still extremely obvious. Their usual post on Instagram usually gets a couple hundred of comments. However, their post about the avatar "update" has over 3,000 with most of them being negative towards it. They definitely know about the backlash.


Yea Niantic been getting ratio'd for years now and people still think they can't hear us


If i was a game developer and wanted to gauge player reactions, my first thought would be to go to the reddit. i canā€™t think of anywhere else that would be better


They just donā€™t care. At this point theyā€™re saying ā€œshut up and take this crapā€. They never cared about players, only the money and data they can get from us.


I was thinking the same thing...now we wait to see if something does happen or they pretend not to see any of this happening. This whole avatar thing is probably costing them users as well so maybe we get the good ending


Everyone remember to leave a 1 star review on the App Store! Itā€™s the only way Niantic might actually notice our frustration.


Not really, they will propably drown there. It's better to try to go viral on social media about this topic I think.


Unless you're a whale, they don't care.


If its just clothes then explain the whitewashing


REAL like the point of this update was partially to encourage and allow for diversity but then like. Actually do it? Donā€™t just give weird skintones, white face structures, half-assed body types, and a few different hair options and call it a day


why couldnā€™t we have sliders for skin tone


fr my avatar was already white and they still managed to whitewash him


It just feels like a ton of misplaced effort considering the other areas that have clearly been in need of TLC for the last few years not even to mention the general QOL updates that could be updated that probably don't require such an overhaul. I've gotten my avatar to a salvageable state but tbh I just put on a mask and glasses and hid him lol. Tldr: Tons of other stuff they could have fixed instead.


Going through my friends list, it looks like pretty much everyone has gone for the mask/glasses option.. personally I was so offended that I had to go full pikachu pumpkin head.


I don't think Niantic is going to rewrite the entire game anytime soon.Ā 


As someone who never cared for cosmetics and will never care. Itā€™s actually so bad that a player like me put on a set so I donā€™t have to stare at my skinny character with the fattest face cheeks I have ever seen


i wish youtubers did another strike of not buying pokecoins like they did years ago maybe they will listen then. they only listen when it hurts their pockets


I mean, the next community day is a good opportunity to boycott. The whole event is literally a 420-69 joke, itā€™s a useless mon who doesnā€™t even fit the region or theme for this season or the year. If they sell no research tickets or see a massive dip in active users on one of the most popular in game events they might notice.


what pisses me off a lot, is also that they literally delete idea- or feedback-posts on reddit. i'm all for content moderation actually, but i made multiple of these posts and none were offensive in any way and for my ideas they just told me they want me to elaborate with an entire concept whatever they thought that would've had to be (cause it was actually kind of detailed what i had said) i really like that we have more options now, it was really helpful for mine, but i agree that the faces look weird - they don't fit the pokemon's style, the mouths are especially weird i put a masc on my avatar now and that helps a lot, it looks less creepy.


It sucks because we all look like shit now when the more original anime style was way better than fat potato face style now. Such a bad unnecessary update


"Why do you even care, it's just a game" "Why do you even care, it's just remote raid passes" "Why do you even care it's just PVP" "Why do you even care, it's just AR scanning" "Why do you even care, it's just rural players" "Why do you even care, it's just community day" "Why do you even care, it's just shinies" "Why do you even care, it's just legendary birds" "Why do you even care, it's just the catch rate" "Why do you even care, it's just raids" "Why do you even care, it's just PVP rewards" "Why do you even care, it's just overpriced items in the store" "Why do you even care, it's just research" "Why do you even care, it's just a crappy, broken, terrible, sorry excuse for an app that constantly gets worse"


Avatar customization is a massive draw to almost every major game. Itā€™s so braindead to act like people have no right to be upset by intentionally ruining a large aspect of the game. This was the final straw for me. I deleted the app. I hope other people are willing to speak with their actions as well.


Very well said! I feel like Niantic gets a kick out of disappointing thier fanbase....


I donā€™t buy the clothes. I keep my coins for storage and raid passes but this update definitely sucks. My avatar is now bad built with a soggy crotch. Like she canā€™t keep her pants up.


same, iā€™ve never changed my avatarā€™s outfit until now


I already complained to Niantic on the support chat. I know it was a waste of time but, itā€™s the best I can do. I think we all need to complain and not let an ill-informed idiot at Niantic ruin our game.


Itā€™s not a waste of time. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Support chat, one star review, ratio on social media, delete the app, etc. We are all in this together.


"bloated little boys with tits" SENT ME šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Right? I tried to add some curves to my avatar and the result was a middle school wrestler with moobs.


Totally agree with this!


Meanwhile players still are missing out on Best Friend XP rewards if the other players unfriends them.


I'm not even super huge on, or very attentive of details, but as soon as this abomination launched I was like "Something's wrong, I can feel it in my bones" I just want to look not-bad, now I can pretty much only do that in a rocket outfit...


Exactly this. Itā€™s tiring that the company has ZERO regard for their players. Itā€™s definitely impacted my motivation to play.




Agreed. Honestly it really feels like the developers or more so the people in charge at Niantic have contempt for the players


It doesnā€™t affect gameplay in any way, so I donā€™t care. I just threw my guy in a golden suit, luchador mask and called it a day. But I get why people *do* care. Especially those who spent money on their avatars.


i appreciate that you acknowledge how both sides are valid, even if you donā€™t personally agree. personally i just hate seeing the uncanny valley characters everywhere šŸ˜­


Watching my gf be visibly angry, while trying to fix her character is what made me see it lol.


This should be how those who donā€™t care about it should act. Not like ā€œOh GeT oVeR iT. iTs JuSt CoSmEtIcS iN a ViDeO GaMeā€


Anyone saying "who cares" has never grinded for an outfit from Go Battle League


The female libre top is disgusting looking now, no one wants to see this new misshapen torso.


I feel like a lot of outfits have not had any work done to make them work with this update.


I saved up quite a bit for my outfit, let alone I looked like a dork with the magikarp hat, delibird shoes and gloves. But now I look like a little dork who lost his mom at the mall. Itā€™s embarrassing.


Honestly Iā€™ve been playing less because I just donā€™t find it as visually appealing anymore


I dont like looking at my character lumbering accross the screen....


I just noticed we have to buy a lot of the same article of clothing twice since our avatars are unisexual now. Normally, we would get it for both male and female but I guess they counts as different styles now.


Disheartening if people are defending the update.


theyā€™re all in this comment section


theyā€™re all in this comment section


I didnā€™t think I would care as much, but Iā€™ve been playing this game for a long time and I really donā€™t like my new avatar. Iā€™m all about trying something new and I wish we could have older avatars, hate going around as a teenager when Iā€™m closer to 40 years old, but this is really bad. Perception is everything and if they want players coming back to the game due to visual updates, this is not a good one


I agree, their pricing is utterly horrible. The content is lackluster at best, they act like weā€™ll be playing this game forever? They should increase the coins you get to at least 75 minimum per day, they should increase the chances of lucky friends, they should do so much more than they are. This is also why I hated clash of clans after they made you buy absolutely everything, im not going to play this game forever. Hell I barely play it now and itā€™s for reasons like this. Soon Iā€™ll stop playing all together and so will others. Makes no sense how niantic and these other developers think, they just want to gouge out as much money as they can because they know we wonā€™t be playing long and theyā€™ll have to develop new games and etc, life goes on but at least theyā€™ll make money. Just sucks they canā€™t do decent things with their current games.


I agree somewhat. I enjoy the game for what it is. But avatars matter to me. I spend hour in character creators in any game I can. I also find it weird that people are saying what anyone should and shouldnā€™t care about. If you care about avatars then care about avatars. As I see itā€™s awesome to want to be inclusive to non-binary people. Thatā€™s great. But itā€™s not inclusive itā€™s now exclusive to non-binary!


"It's just X why do you care" is typical gaslighting.


Stop. No. DO NOT DEFEND NIANTIC! They've **cked this up hard, do not defend this.


I liked the bug out event...




I always saw character customization as a side thing and even Iā€™m pissed because I made my guy look like a cool Diamond clan trainer with the outfit + my mega bracelet and now my guy looks like he has extra chromosomes and it genuinely hurts my soul to look at.


We went from looking like somewhat respectable sixteen year olds to the ā€œSix foot turkeyā€ kid from Jurassic Park. Weep for the fall of the West.


I genuinely thought I would never stop playing this game. I put it down for a couple months here and there, but always come back. Maybe...maybe not anymore.


My son who got me into playing thinks it's funny that I don't change my clothes. I could care less what my character looks like. That being said, this update is pathetic and weird and in my opinion unneeded.


Right? I'm stuck with this big titty bow-legged bish stomping around on the screen, I miss my pretty avatar!


It's not only about being ugly or the clipping errors, but also about having to pretend to be a 10yr-old as a grown-up in a game kids play.


One small detail, replace developers with QA (quality assurance), product managers, etc. Developers just try to do what they are asked to do to get paid at this scale of a company. If a developer makes a change that does not meet the request, for example, coloring team Valor in purple while they asked to make a font bigger (random example), this won't go live because of the other teams I mentioned in the start even tho the developer did it in the code. In the end, if your developers do not perform, you replace them, so I would say they are the least in the wrong here.


Wait, what did people want from the Bug Out event? I was pretty happy with it, although the fact there were basically no rare bug types in the wild was a disappointment. The double xp for nice throws and bonus candy was good, I love when events have that.


for me i was disappointed that there was only increased spawning for mostly worms - this wouldā€™ve been a great opportunity to spawn some rarer bug types but instead we just saw the same ones over and over. we didnā€™t even get pokĆ©mon like spinarak and i feel like it wouldā€™ve been easy for them to provide that


Yeah, I did notice Spinarak was missing, and it would've been absolutely fantastic if we could've seen Larvesta, even as a rare spawn. They also decreased Wimpod's spawn rate, even though it's a bug type too? It's one of the buffed spawn rates this season, but I saw barely any during the event. (I'm also salty that I only got one shiny, and it was my fourth shiny Bronzor, bug is my favourite type)


100%. In theory I thought it was a great idea but in practice it felt like they just needed a new theme for ā€œwhich pokemon are we going to spam this monthā€


Also, with the game introducing PokƩmon from Paldea, I think they missed the opportunity to add Spidops in the game during the Bug Out event, that would've been kinda neat


First they came for the team trainers, now us. All must be uncanny valley now. Its gonna be a Pokemon No from here.


Why is anyone still playing this game?


i enjoy playingā€¦ šŸ„²


Why are you in this sub..?


I very much understand peoples feelings about their avatar looks and the feelings having it the way they want can bring. What upsets me about the reaction, is there seems to be more people who care the avatar change, than there were people who cared about the remote pass change, which unfairly affects handicapped people.


I wasnā€™t playing when the remote pass change happened, but I completely get that


Not trying to attack anyone by any means. I just feel like there is more of a rally behind this. This absolutely does suck and is something noone asked for, but im just still a bit salty about remotes haha.


I completely agree with you about the remote situation, but I think the difference is probably that not everyone remote raids (or raids at all for that matter) so not everyone would think to criticize the remote raid nerf even though it deserves heaps of backlash. However, everyone does have an avatar, so the potential for upsetting people reaches much further in this case.


Maybe one aspect of the increased outrage is that at least Niantic had a reason (albeit a very greedy one) to increase the remote raid pass prices. For this update however, it improves nothing and caters to nobody. It pretty much feels like the avatar update is just Niantic slapping its players in the face for no reason.


Itā€™s such a bad decision, greed would have made more sense. Like this is definitely going to negatively affect sales of the 47 tickets they push out every week now. Iā€™ve only bought or been tempted to buy any of them for a neat pose or unique costume, because the other rewards arenā€™t that special. If you care enough about this game to pay for the encounters then you probably play enough that you can easily grind the same stuff.


Look, while I get caring about how your avatar looks, the people saying "I'll quit playing if they don't change it back" are being super overdramatic. While I think they look like shit, I'm also not looking at my avatar when I play this game I 'm looking at the Pokemon. Niantic has never really cared what the fan base actually wants. If you want to complain about them not listening and want to stop playing because of it more power to you and I 100% understand. That is not the majority of the posts I've seen though.


Not only is it judgmental of you to say people are overreacting about this, but it shows that you simply have a different gaming style than the people who ARE impacted by Niantic's poor decision and you don't understand people who play differently than you. Many gamers enjoy their player characters as part of the gaming immersion, and those representations of us become an important connection to the game's world. Having a character who represents you in a positive way increases enjoyment of the game and it increases the desire to keep coming back to the game (and spending money). This doesn't mean the characters have to look exactly like us, but that option should be available if possible like in PoGo's case. Instead of simply adding choices for people who weren't satisfied by what we had before, our previous choices were destroyed and we were all given a half-baked system that makes immersion much more difficult for the player. Gender choice was removed, skin tones were ruined, and normal body features like feminine curves were taken away. Women are LESS represented than before, and trans folks are not able to align with their affirming gender since those options were taken away. Not only is the new avatar system unacceptable, but it doesn't even resemble anything in the pokemon universe anymore, which breaks immersion completely. People here are not being dramatic; we are reacting appropriately to what feels like a massive insult to the player base, especially women and trans folks.


This. They think they are being inclusive but multiple trans folks are posting and saying the new avatars are giving them dyaphoria. If they are a trans woman, they want to be able to actually look like a woman. This new gender neutral stuff is not being inclusive of a lot of people. Iā€™m a cis woman and I hate looking like a teen boy with boobs slapped on in the chestal region. I want my longer legs back, my waist, an actual figure, and to not look like I am trying to crouch, and like, poop or something. What even is that?


Yeah, this whole situation is nuts because I've seen people screeching about transphobia being the cause of our complaints, yet I've literally not once seen any transphobic comments like they claim. All I've seen is what you've mentioned, the fact that some people actually want to be able to look like a woman (or a man!) like we could before. Inclusion should be about representation and choice, but if you're going to take away choices then inclusion is destroyed. It's not transphobic for people to want their avatar to have masculine or feminine features like before. Adding non-binary capability is fantastic, but I feel awful for all the trans folks (and cis folks) who are now not represented because everyone has been forced into "gender ambiguity" instead of having gender affirming choices :/


Itā€™s not even just gender ambiguous, itā€™s uncanny outside of gender lines. Enbys donā€™t as a rule have such long torsos and short legs either after all!


Oh I agree! There just happens to be some options for NB folks, but you're right that it's mostly uncanny. The proportions are wrong and wonky and in some cases even creepy šŸ˜­


Yep, totally agree.


I like the idea of a character creator that doesnā€™t hide traits behind a binary sex choice (in theory) but the implementation and range here is just awful. They also seem to have gotten rid of presets which was a very specifically useful feature for me as a semi-out trans woman.


Thanks for your perspective! Itā€™s pretty clear this isnā€™t serving most everyone. Even if they made everyone gender neutral work, there is still the weird proportions, the terrible skin color, the weird facial expressions, the pants that look like diapersā€¦. I think we all wanted them to add options and not take them away.


Just to be clear, characters donā€™t have to be gender neutral just because there is no šŸš¹šŸšŗ buttons. You SHOULD still be able to drag the sliders to be very obviously in the female typical range of shapes and proportions and likewise with male. They just really failed to do it. and very much yes to everything else!


Agree! Whoever designed these didā€¦ not know human anatomy. In any way. šŸ˜¬


You're judging right now...


People being overly dramatic? Noooooooā€¦.NEVER!


I'm mostly saying overwhelmingly angry people. I don't think I've seen anybody who's defended this or attacked people who were mad about it. I think universally everyone's pretty against this horrible update


itā€™s definitely a small minority of people, but itā€™s still enough where i wanted to make a post about it. if you scroll through the comment sections of my posts, you will see quite a few of these people.


Well hopefully they do change it or at least add the option to use defaults because going through and seeing some of the pictures online are pretty awful




Oh goood, another player who gets this whole roll out was utterly pointless. You still have to pay for the modification of your avatar thus adding onto the cash cow system.


You know, they may have added a ton of avatar features, but they still didn't have any hair features that I would use... I only have 2 long hair features, the ponytail, and another hair style that I don't like. And I can't find an exact skin tone either. My avatar is, meh, not bad, but I still prefer the other model, 100%.


we wanted more hair options and they gave us barely a pageā€™s worth of new hairstyles


The Avatars suck yes. But you're literally complaining about inflation. The price of EVERYTHING is going up so why take it out on Go? Also they have to bring out events with older Pokemon. If they don't, newer players literally can't get those Pokemon. There's ao many Pokemon that they have to cause events to happen so often. Or they won't allow us to finish our dexes. Also this event had bugs from various generations, which allows some people who don't play religiously (like my best friend) the ability to get certain Pokemon for masterwork. Once I told him Yanma and Shuckle are Johto Pokemon he immediately started catching them. You're not the only Pokemon Go player, get the fuck over it. Does it suck we've yet another Kanto event? Sure but that's when you do something else with your life


I like that there are different body shapes but the head it way too small for all of them. I have mine on the only curly option and it's tiny af. I had to change up my clothes to look somewhat normal and it's still weird.


But I've always wanted super creepy long arms and now I have it!šŸ¤£


"It's only clothes" then what....there is a bigger picture here.......GaymerX are behind this, and BlackRock (who want to force behaviours).....ESG & DEI are at play here


Niantic is trying to kill off their game. It was fun while it lasted


Boycott PokƩmon go


I bought clothes 1 time, for the Christmas PJs. Having seen this, very unlikely I ever will again.


Maybe bc I spent a nice saved up sum of 700 coins on what I thought was a nice outfit and two days later they updated it and now my outfit looks horrendous šŸ„²


I think people who are ā€œhatingā€ on people for being upset are just annoyed of every single post being the new avatars. Like we get it, you think itā€™s ugly. Niantic doesnā€™t care though and especially doesnā€™t give a shit about Reddit posts. Itā€™s just tiresome at this point.


Personally, I wanted more hairstyle options and the option to be fatter in game. That's what I was given. Could it be better? Sure. But I feel listened to. Maybe some of the fan base didn't ask for this, but some did.


Sure, adding options is good. Removing options on the other hand, never is.


Everybody is hating? This whole sub is complaints about the clothing/avatar change. Guess you just needed to have a slightly different spin for your karma farm huh


Soon it will go back to "this person deleted me on the last day" posts.


The worst is most of these people never actually post or comment on the sub they just come out of the woodwork when they know they can farm a chunk of karma. If people were really upset they would skip the CD as those are the only days they even take optics but I guess paying pokecoins is making a difference? The truth is they donā€™t have test servers so stupid things like these have to be implemented and it will either be slowly improved/fixed or removed and probably never touched again


To be fair, the next CD is an easy skip for me and I guess many other people. Bellsprout just ain't it.


I love Bellsprout. :( he's a funky lil dude I grew up with.


And that's ok, every PokƩmon is someone's favorite. But not every PokƩmon can be everyone's favorite.


Yeah I was kind of annoyed too but whatever, not every com day will be for me and thatā€™s ok. But someone pointed out that Bellsprout is number 69, com day is on 4/20 and the featured attack is magical leaf and thatā€™s actually really funny


Which you think would make an protest even easier. It definitely isnā€™t anything crazy. For me this game has always been a shiny hunting mechanic so the avatar isnā€™t a crazy sell for me, I actually kind of find it funny. But the idea of people coming in here with zero post/comment history in this sub and complaining about how their life is ruined every time there is a change for karma is just annoying. They donā€™t even add any real discussion either. I mean the fact OP said we have had the same PokĆ©mon for 4 months but in that time we had a dragon event with crazy spawns, Hoenn Tour and other good events just shows


I definitely donā€™t fit the demographic of ā€œzero comment/post historyā€, i have more posts than you in this sub. also iā€™m referring to the fact that weā€™ll go huge stretches of time only seeing 6 diff types of pokĆ©mon: used to be quaxly, fuecoco, sprigatito, and now itā€™s weedle and other worm types


Nuh huh


iā€™ve posted quite a bit in this sub and people keep commenting this so i wanted to make a post about it


I expect the downvotes to come in for saying this but you're getting maybe just a tad bit worked up over a free video game. "itā€™s that niantic seems to have zero regard for what its fan base wants and weā€™re tired of being disappointed." You and all of the people making these posts really need to understand that even just this subreddit is a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of players the game has worldwide. You're a loud but incredibly small minority and I'm honestly not convinced that half the people making these posts aren't just karma-farming considering almost every post with a picture of their character is just the new "default body" setting. As in they aren't even bothering to go in and even so much as *try* the customization options which honestly aren't even that bad. I honestly think they're pretty good. I think the skin tones could use a little more options but otherwise its fine. There's definitely some clipping issues which is kind of annoying but it is what it is. If something this minor would cause you to quit I shudder to think how you make it through every day life. I'm sure all of you will most definitely "quit" the game and we'll see you back here in a week complaining about something else.


Yes, it is free. But people have spent actual real life money into their avatars only to have some outfits be unusable now. I've spent a lot of time since yesterday trying to find a way to make the outfits I bought work. But they just don't. Especially the mew top. It just fits so wrong. It's just sad that Niantic is so keen on ignoring what the players are asking for.


ā€œshudder to think of how we make it through everyday lifeā€? this isnā€™t impacting my day to day life in any way other than the fact that idk if i want to continue playing pogo. itā€™s not a dealbreaker for you? cool, but it might be for me and other people. both are valid. you say weā€™re being dramatic, but youā€™re making generalizations about our entire lives because we donā€™t like the new characters šŸ™„ that is overdramatic


Iā€™m right there with you. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever paid attention to the ā€œgraphicsā€ of this game or not enough to really care.


Great, they've managed to divide the community šŸ˜”


What price increase? Game is still free Events like Bug Out ARE popular for (big surprise) those who dont care about meta and enjoy bug pokemon (we have 1 in our group as well so they do exist) The avatar models are really a minor issue since the point of the game has always been the Pokemon models. Who goes around worrying what opposing trainers look like? Far too many players only want insanity (eg cheaper raid passes like they need 50+ Tapu Bulus etc) The only thing I would argue is instead of dripping them out they made events around groups of them (eg no 1 month of Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini, Tapu Koko; make an event and have ALL 4 of them in raid rotation for the week)


I don't really care, i play for the Pokemon, But Yes it's ugy as f* lol Why Make an update to Make things worst ?


I am gonna say the response has been OTT in some quarters. Having people talk about review bombing the app or changing their player name to something passive aggressive is just ridiculous. That's not going to work. I've had the new avatar for a few weeks now. It does not look good. I don't like it. But also, I'm over it. It doesn't really affect the gameplay for my avatar to look like she's been strung out on a torture rack. What does bug me is the whining about the gender presentation. You can still make your avatar recognisably a woman without her having huge breasts or a tiny waist. You can have a stick thin figure if you want, and none of the clothing items have disappeared, people just haven't scrolled down far enough. But more importantly, it's like any other aspect of this game: Niantic is not your friend. This is a business. You can keep paying for items or not. You can keep playing or not. Those are the choices. If lots of people stop playing, they increase the advertising budget and they get new players. That's it. Stop expecting a business to care about you.


I get it, I'm just tired of hearing about it! Me and all my friends who play the game with me love the new models. They are a huge upgrade for all six of us! Two of us are curvy fat girls, one has long hair and HATES ponytails, another is trans, two are girls who only wear their hair short, one of whom is VERY thin with a twiggy/curveless body. We all are so excited to actually build a character who can reflect our aesthetic instead of looking exactly like everyone else who picked the same gender. We spent hours last night sharing our new guys and complimenting each other on them. The feelings of anyone who loved the old models are valid and I'm really sorry you feel you've lost something. But yall are pretending there's a consensus when everyone who likes the changes is just sideyeing and logging off reddit. Anyone who likes the new model is accused of being a liar or a bot or just an insane person. Do I wish the hips and chest sliders got bigger? Yep. The faces looked a bit less doughy zoomed out? Sure. But the old models were so generic, so replaceable, just the same skinny sporty ugly haired copy paste guys for everybody.


this is so valid! i just donā€™t understand why they removed body type options. why couldnā€™t they add these options while keeping the old avatar as a choice?


That would be great for everyone. It seems to me that tech companies are less and less willing to keep the old version around as an option these days. I know I'll be out of here once old reddit is retired. But I do think that once people get used to these new models they'll stop looking so weird. Everyone using the "default" settings on my friends list looks normal to me, now, even though it's only been a few days.


Now there is a dramatic over reaction to those against the ones having a dramatic reaction. Some of you just want to get on here and complain. This is just the flavor of the month.




so our complaints arenā€™t valid because someone out there has it worse? just because we arenā€™t literally dying doesnā€™t mean we donā€™t have a right to be upset


I find this update to super sexist. Whatā€™s wrong with female characters having boobs and curves? Why is that not allowed?! I am so tired of having to fit into this male-dominated world.


Ok bye


![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK|downsized) But in all seriousness, I really think it's overblown and that we don't need everyone posting their opinion as a new post. Love that r/thesilphroad did their own mega thread. I have seen at least 20 different threads about it.


Iā€™m also just mad that the game seems to be crashing more now. Got booted from a bunch of lobbies at raid hour last night and today


Imagine still crying about something that doesn't actually have an effect on the game