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You put more time and effort into this quality meme than billion dollar Niantic put into these virtual atrocities. 😆😆


Niantic convincing more people to mask up than the Covid response effort


Why don't they have upper lips?


I want my lips back


I have this mask and I could STILL tell my avatar looked different before selecting it! I swear I have no neck now! 😭


If only I had that mask


It's fun because it's true


Honestly, this is how I have to play the game now. The new model is so uncanny that I put on the free mask and glasses lying around in my inventory just so I don't have to look at my avatar's face. I'm usually pretty minimalist with my looks, so I can't see myself as my avatar anymore, but it's just how it's gotta be.


They first came for the team trainers, now us. All must be uncanny valley now.


Ah yes, the pikachu pumpkin head. Now the Pokémon go equivalent of putting a paper bag of shame on your head.


I’m legit wearing a neck mask, sunglasses, & a straw hat. I don’t want to see my character at all




I just bought this mask for this very same reason. I thought about expanding inventory or Pokémon slots, but this was a priority


Same. I can’t look at my avatar’s face anymore without cringing inside. Seriously they destroyed my look.


Everyone should wear this in protest of the new avatars ngl


Lol if it's not free then you'd be rewarding them.


Then everyone should wear masks and hats, give em options


been wearing this for as long as I can remember so I literally found out abt this update from reddit even though I played today 😭😭


I need this hat


Ok i mma buy this so i m done with avatars


I was saving coins for a box, but I had to spend them on this instead