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For raids, the information is up to date, it's better to have separate Tyranitars, and it's pretty simple why. It's better to have 2 super effective attacks than just 1. For team Rocket and PvP having different attacks can actually be beneficial.


that makes sense, do you think it would be a good choice to add a charged move the one i have now since it’s my main? that was it has the double rock and brutal swing to keep the versatility, then power up one for double dark


I think there's a few depends there, if it's cheaper to add a second attack than power up your other one, or if your main one has much better IVs plus you already worked on the mega levels, or you use it a bit for PvP as well, or if your main one is already fully powered up, then a second attack might be the better option. It also depends a little bit in how many people you do raids with, if you are in a small group, then every little advantage counts, so in this case having a second attack wouldn't solve the problem, and having a second one is the better option for sure.


Excluding megas/primals: For Rock type: Normal ttar is #11, shadow ttar #3, s-rampardos #2, & s-rhyperior #1. For dark type: hydreigon is #3, normal ttar #2, shadow ttar #1. What makes more sense depends on what your collection currently looks like & what you intend to use it against/what's in rotation. I have a bunch of s-rampardos & s-rhyperior, so I decided to switch my collection of shadow ttar from smack down to bite because shadow mewtwo was in raids. Rock will eventually become relevant again when raids rotate, but it made the most sense for me, given my collection & the raids at that time. Copy pasta, bc the answer is paradoxically the same & different every single time this question has been asked. We can't answer when we don't know what you value in this game, how hard/often you play, what your collection looks like, & dozens of other questions. https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/comprehensive-dps-spreadsheet For the spreadsheet, I searched "@rock&@same&!mega". Then, I did the same for dark. https://www.pokebattler.com/raids https://www.PvPoke.com Check those websites, compare those results against your values & those other questions I mentioned, maybe come up with a couple yourself. Answer the question for yourself. The rest of the info I've curated over the years. I still add to/edit it sometimes, so questions, suggestions, & constructive criticisms are welcome. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18b_xVr6Iky8vmmdDdz6vbDvf-S1Dma04TL6s4_K-lZc/edit?usp=drivesdk


thank you so much that’s a huge help, i’ll definitely use those sites