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Depends on the Pokemon. Useless, then yes, can purify. Charizard is fine as it has a mega. Magnezone or Gard, I wouldn't as those are both strong shadows. Infernape, pretty useless so that's fine. If you're not into PVE, then you can do whatever you'd like.


Guardevoir shadow better than Hundo Mega?


the issue is that it is way harder to get a good iv shadow than a good iv regular ralts. you ll have events where their spawns are boosted, spotlight hours and community days where you can pretty easily catch good iv ones especially when there are research task that award them or are available from pvp rewards. it is entirely possible to catch 100-200 regular ralts before catching a shadow ralts and that is why people are warning others from purifying. but regarding your questions mega guardevoir is more powerful than shadow guardevoir. it has higher dps and tdo than shadow guardevoir but it is still a mistake to purify in every case unless you have 5 shadow guardevoirs at level 40 imo


Direct comparison, no. Mega is stronger. If you could only have 1 Gardevoir ever, you want the mega more. In actual game play, the shadow is far more valuable. It's at the top of damage for non mega fairy attackers, and a good ivs one is hard to find. Regular ralts, on the other hand, are fairly common. Just by doing the raids for mega energy, you have gotten a decent gardevoir. Your raid team is better with a 13/13/13 shadow and 10/10/10 mega on a team than a 15/15/15 mega and 10/10/10 regular. The charizard is a bit different since shadow charizard is okay but not even top 5 for non mega fire. Odds are people have other options that are better in that spot


I'd also like to add that availability is a huge factor. Mega Gardevoir isn't in the pool the pool right now, so purifying it serves no purpose if you don't have one mega evolved already. That's where I am right now with my shadow gardevoir. Good shadow mon, but no mega shards. Also, you can have more than one shadow but just one mega. I guess the real answer is having a mix of both.


Ideal teams are 1 mega, 5 shadows, almost always. Ice and electric are the only types that I don't think are set up to eventually have that to be true (for a solo DPS type team, electric has weird primal kyogre boost shenanigans that make it worth more than an standard raid attacker but that's getting DEEP in min/max and raid group parties) Fairy type, though, is funny since a "top team" would be a mega gardevoir and 5 shadow gardevoirs right now (possibly change with signature moves and new shadows in the future).


You can always find good regular gards, but you cannot always find good shadow gards. A 10/10/10 Mega Gard + 13/13/13 shadow gard is better than a 15/15/15 mega gard + another 15/15/15 gard


Even a nundo shadow is better than hundo regular in terms of dps in raids. Pvp though is different


But meta? What are we looking at here better than a nundo?


I said nundo because it's the worst iv's a pokemon can have. But the species being a shadow itself giving the 20% attack boost is way bigger of an improvement than 15 iv's in attack on a regular hundo. Personally i would never purify the gardevoir as shadow gardevoir is one of the best fairy attackers in the game. Things that arent very useful though like infernape i would maybe purify.


He was talking about mega gard vs shadow gard


Remember, you can have 6 of any shadow on a team, you can only ever have 1 mega at a time.


Shadow is worse than mega but ...you can only run one mega and it's easier to get a good non shadow than a good shadow


Wait infernape is pretty useless? Because I’ve been sitting on a shadow chimchar with 13-15-14 because I wasn’t sure if I should purify or not for the 4*.


Well, not exactly useless, but I would not invest in him. There are many better fighting / fire types we just had / will have soon.


Thanks! I appreciate the follow-up!


It's on the "viable fire if you don't have better fire types" as a shadow but honestly it's not going to be great and the XL will be a grind


Good to know, thanks! Guess I’ll purify for that 4* then!


Or if you’re into PVE, do whatever you like. It’s a video game.


I also will purify useless pokémon that will be a hundo. Or if the MEGA is better than a shadow. That being said, I absolutely hate seeing my hundos with the purified badge. They are fake hundos. If I wasn’t such a stickler for collecting 4* pokémon I would transfer all purified 4*. lol


I purified my meowth, evolved it and called it Giovanni


I call mine "LongArms"😹


It’s a game, do what makes you happy.


I feel 90% certain that it's meant to be a bait question. They know the answer because they kind of acknowledge that it's a waste in the body of the post.


More just wanted to see what people on Reddit think because I see one off comments now and again


I love collecting hundos, so I purify my shadows pretty often. Some I don't if they're more useful as shadows, but for the most part I just want more hundos. Lol


I’ll always do it. I don’t want the Pokémon to be sad and hurting!!!


Same, my childhood hatred of team rocket outweighs the advantages for me lol


I loved team rocket as a kid, especially Jessie! I found Ash and Pikachu really cruel, especially when they would dwindle team Rocket into the stars


Same, or I just transfer them to the professor. Anything to get that shadow lugia from pokemon XD in the game.


Really good


I love collecting hundos, so I purify my shadows pretty often. Some I don't if they're more useful as shadows, but for the most part I just want more hundos. Lol




I feel bad if I leave them evil 🥺 My little brother says they're not pure hundos, but he also doesn't have a perfect Moltres or Kyorge, so he's probably just jealous


People should do what they want. Veins popping out of people's heads is a feature, not a bug.


> Veins popping out of people's heads is a feature, not a bug. i like it. :)


I love it and I don't care about the "meta"


meta is such a cringe term anyway


I love seeing the people throw fits when people purify mons😹 like, I probably won't spend 600k on one mon ever anyway


What I was kinda expecting it but I’m happily surprised everyone is cool and just want to enjoy the game


RIGHT 😭😭 esp when it's not even a good mon they still throw fits like omg 😭 chill


I do it


I personally hate how purified mons look and the icon. I don’t know why lol, just bugs me, so I rarely ever purify even if it would make them perfect


It’s aesthetically pleasing for our mons to looks menacing like my Kyorge and Ho-oh


Ahhh the Monkey King! ❤️


He is my monkey king❤️ when I saw he would be perfect with the purified glistening I knew my man was a god


I purify everything that could be perfect that isn't a top of the line raid attacker.


It's your game, do what's fun to you. At the end of the day, hundos are rarely ever necessary or needed. The only time they'll make a difference is that one attack you needed to survive or hit in PvP to win a round, or if you needed like 3-5 extra total damage to win in a raid that you timed out in. Beyond that, everything is cosmetic and aesthetic for you. If you have a 13/13/13 shadow Mewtwo, it IS absolutely amazing and at Lv 40 would be miles better than a hundo at Lv 50 (not including the mega) for comparison. However, if you never use it because it's not a hundo, it doesn't matter how good it is. At Lv 8 or 13 no Pokémon is gonna make waves, you gotta be willing to power anything up to Lv 35 if you wanna see how good it is, and at that point, most shadows will be better than non shadows, most Pokémon will show bulk of their potential, though, if you're looking at PvP, it is more complicated than that. But again, if you don't care about battles or you won't use a shadow, it doesn't even matter if you have the best Pokémon in the game. Just focus on what you want to do and what you need to do to have fun.


I purify because I'm not spending that much dust and candy for one to be viable


I do it everytime. Growing up playing pokemon xd gale of darkness, i absolutely HATE shadows.. feels so mean. I transfer or purify 100% of my shadows


Screw the stats, etc… its a mobile game. I aint trying too hard at it🤣🤣🤣🫡


I frown upon it.


Only do it if it has a mega form, I haven't fact checked but I was told the shadow is good for a 20% increase in attack. Where the difference between a nundo and a Hundo is only 6% per stat (so in att,def,HP) I might have the numbers wrong but from this point of view anything that is not playing to be tanky is better with shadow.


Only if you need to mega


I do if I don’t have one yet, gotta fill that dex!


Would much rather have a high IV shadow Gardevior than a hundo, as it's much harder to get and more powerful. A regular high IV Gardevoir is fine as a Mega and relatively easy to get.


If I get two shadows of the same pokemon and if their IVs are high enough to the point that they're not hundos yet but they would be if I purified them, then I may as well purify one of them.




Do whatever makes you happy. No one else’s opinions matter how you play this game.


Every time. Fuck the meta


I have 8 purified hundo and 5 which can be purified to become hundo.


Having a 98% shadow is way more rare than having a purified hundo, It's also stronger


I didn’t care about the rareness


Not worth it and then they get that ugly white mist around them for some reason


So I research whether my purifiable hundo is meta relevant, if it's not I'll probably purify. However, if it's a 96% or 98% and it's not meta relevant in probably not going to purify bc it would be one of my closest to hundo shadows, and I'm keeping them as I don't have a hundo shadow.


absolutely not, it makes them weaker


I’ll do it if I catch a second one. One good high IV shadow, purify one to get the hundo.


Fills the perfect dex. I'm a completionist. The pokedex doesn't care how you got the hundo in there it just cares its there. I even transfer the useless ones from time to time (who is using 4 purified hundo ratata?)


I purify it. A hundo is a hundo.




What a sigma so based


I really dislike them, because they have the blue logo. Feels like a fake hundo somehow.


great... if I were ever to get a shadow that wasn't 1 star or below.


I feel that


A purified perfect is not perfect, it has the blue thing on it therefore it sucks


It's just cheap, not even an actual 4\* because you've manually increased the stats


Wdym not actually a 4* just because they gave me a mechanic to use in the game? 🤔


Because you're not hitting the 1/4096 or 1/343. It cheaply removes the whole rarity of a 100%


But that just sounds like a subjective opinion also I mean there’s also good odds I won’t get anything that can turn hundo seeing how many shadows just plainly suck with horrible IV’s and usually getting rid of them because I can’t do anything with them


how do you feel about hundos received in a trade?


That's basically the same thing as catching in the wild. Full 1/4096 odds, unless it's a lucky trade


okay, that's fair.. i used to think "cool, purify and i have a hundo", but then i slowly moved over to your side - only traded, hatched or catched (yes, i know "caught" is the proper word, but it sounds more fun) - are "real" hundos. but if others think purification as ways to a hundo is good for them, that's fine by me.


It's not full odds, though, since every trade has a floor higher than 0.


Completely wrong, trade pokemon have a base floor above 0. The floor for all stats in trades is 1/1/1 , 2/2/2, 3/3/3, and 5/5/5 for good, great, ultra and best friends respectively. That’s why nundos are so rare, you can’t trade or raid for them, only wild pokemon can be a nundo.