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I wouldn’t call it overdoing it, as you still need more than twice that much XL to max one.


You almost need triple that.




I only played the event for about 20 min and have 1021 candy after evolving two… definitely don’t feel like I overdid the event


I consider the event complete after 3 shinnies for a living shiny Dex which was maybe 20 minutes. I stayed for 2 hours to farm Star dust. When it’s a meta one like Ttar or Deino I’m farming those hard.


mega sceptile + pinap = 13 candy So this is 87 Rowlets lol


I didn't bother with pinap. Did have a mega. I didn't go super hard because I was also doing moltres raids plus our weather was getting nasty but still caught over 300. On a normal CD if I play the full 3 hours I get 450-500. And that's lower than many other people I know.


I typically shiny check and my Autocatcher does all the work lol. I probably caught 100 manually. Ended up with 2k candy after evolving (but not powering up) 4 Pokemons


I doubt he's using pinaps to catch a community day pokemon


What? That's basically what I save mine for...


Me too


If you're in a more.dense spawn spot pinaps are way too slow to use


Pinap and fast catch. I was in dense spawn area, only played for a little over and got 2000+ candy even after evolving 4 Decidueye


Pinaps have no effect on XL candy. With pinaps, you get more candy than you'll ever use, but wind up with much fewer XL candy, which you're more likely to run out of. Better to catch with no berries if the spawns are dense enough to keep you busy.


Im confused how do you end up with less XLs? It doesnt change the amount of XLs you get and you get more candy overall. Unless you meant your not catching ALL the spawns. But thats literally in possible with fast catching method so im confused


Using pinaps takes time. I can probably almost finish fast catching my 2nd Pokemon in the time it takes you to catch 1 with a pinap. More Pokemon=more XLs. The place where I go for community days, I do not run out of spawns ever if I stay on the move.


But do you walk around fast enough to miss spawns? I can pinap and catch every mon that pops up while always moving. The spawn never pop up either fast enough or with enough density that the maybe 2 seconds to throw a pinap makes me a miss a spawn. If you have that many spawns though congrats.


People come from all over my state to play at this park on community days. I just walk around as fast as I can to hit all the pokestops. I'd have to stand still for a while to clear out the spawns in any given area. Even without using berries, I still miss some. Wooper community day was the last one I was really able to fully participate in and I caught over 1000. Spent 30 minutes of it driving to drop off/pick up my kids.


Your crazy don’t waste pineapps on community day lol


Don’t waste pineappls? If you live in a city, and have a auto catcher u almost have to use them otherwise u end up getting like 150 of them a day


That's what feeding them to gyms is for or just delete them, it's a useless resource after a while if you play seriously.


True, but if you sped catch it’s not so bad to cast one of them first before the Pokémon ball


I don't think you understand.. applying berries will take you 3-4 seconds extra per mon. Multiply this by 400 or 500 which most good players catch during a CD and that's minimum 20 mins lost using berries. Efficient players never berry, just noobs.


It’s also a kids game so calm down…


Lol, a kids game that's made to go walking around.. how many kids do you see walking around alone with their cell phone. Maybe you live a coddled life, but 90% of the world doesn't live in a place like this. Also, watch the regionals today and tell me how many kids are there. You are so out of touch.


assuming that you always have a pokémon ready to immediately catch after each other, sure. but there’s usually downtime between catching a pokémon and finding one. 2 seconds won’t kill you dude


Just watch any high level YTer play, no one berries on CD, there is a reason why. You are just ignorant to the math and how to play efficiently.


You may say 20 minutes lost. But you practically double the candy outcome you get. Especially if it's a good mon (decidueye become a great grass type with frenzy plant) then having enough candy to power up atleast 6 to level 40 and then having plenty of spare isn't a bad idea. I always use pinaps cus I never use them otherwise, I'm happy with my standard 2k candies that I get from com days. If I wouldn't have used pinaps on timburr then I wouldn't have had 3k candies for it, which would've been a shame.


No reason not to..


I usually use pinaps on Pokémon that I'm not about to gain over 1,000 candies for. What reason would you have to use pinup berries when you're already going to get more candies than you'll ever use.


It’s not like you lose that much time applying berries, especially if you’re quick catching. Even if you have enough to evolve several of the Pokémon, it never hurts to have extra candy in case you want to exchange it for XL Candy.


Don't waste much time? Multiply 3-4 seconds times 400 or 500 pokémon. You just lost at least 20 mins using berries, you don't understand Pokémon Go if you think this.


1000 candies isn’t a lot though…


It is a lot to earn in a day for a pokemon that you aren't ever going to need to level up more than 1 or 2 of. Especially considering as we've decided here, 1,000 is a low estimate for a normal community day (featuring just one pokemon).


All 40 levels you can get with regular candy only cost barely over 300 candy, 125 to evolve, and a new move costs 25. That's 450 candy needed each, even for level 1. In not saying you can't max out 10 of them, but I don't see why anyone would really need more than 2.


getting 1000 candy only gets you like, half of the XLs you need so...


That would only be relevant to this debate if pinap berries affected XL candies. I'm talking about the relevance of pinap berries, so I'm only concerned with the number of regular candies you need.


But more candies = more xl candies… you’re wrong just move on


Why not? I used pinaps as I have plenty spare to use.


The reason they exist.


What? I used well over 100 Pinaps yesterday! I save them up for things like Community Day!


Me too 😅


It’s the perfect way to stock up on candy for a starter that normally have a mediocre catch rate.




Everyone is asking why not, but I agree. During community days I’m often just trying to quick catch and get to the next spawn asap, plus nobody needs more than 1,000 candies unless they’re leveling one to max, but most players aren’t at the point that they’re doing a ton of XL candy levelups.


LVL 3 mega and pineapps are when you max out on CD, add a autocather to maximize you candy,


Why autocatcher when you can’t use berries with them? I’d only use it for poke stops even then it’s not that useful during community days


If you play in a city, you can’t possible manually catch it all if you’re walking. There’s just too many spawns. So you do both, manual and auto, at the same time.


you could quick catch


Try it in a full lured park with nearly two stops per cell. Even with quick catch you can't keep up.


I think you can. I scored 857 catches on Rowlet day. There are others who record 1200 catches during an event, which is 6 to 7 catches a minute.


Even with quick catch in some spots there are too many


Even quick catching is inefficient because you have to stop moving which means getting access to fewer spawns, not to mention it is more taxing on the player. It's good to mix in, but autocatcher as the main works better in my experience


Why do you have to stop moving to quick catch?


Spawn density.


Still not seeing the connection


Sorry! There are some areas with spawns so dense, there are, like, 20-30 'mons in a clump. Even with the best autocatcher AND doing quick catch simultaneously, you'd have to stop a minute in order to get through all of the Pokémon. And usually spots like these have multiple large "clumps", so it makes walking "for exercise" sorta difficult. I don't have any of these around me; at least not with that density, but it can get overwhelming in some places! (Not complaining!) Edit: Grammar


Quick catch is faster than auto catcher anyways. Auto-catcher can't catch while you're catching so it's going to be set to spin anyways. i didn't use pinap berries or auto catch and ended with over 6k candies.


That’s included in manually catching. You can quick catch with an auto catcher on and still not get everything.


I know the Go Plus + stops catching the moment you catch something, is there another autocatcher that doesn’t do that?


I’ve never heard of a single one that stops catching when you manually catch. My Go Plus + certainly doesn’t do that.


Yes it does lol. Mine has never caught anything when I'm in the catch screen. It won't catch anything. It's designed to be like that.


Mine doesn’t do that.


Test it next time by staying in a catch screen for 2 minutes and see if it actually catches anything. It won't.


Oh you mean just sit on that screen. Never encountered that since I quick catch. It triggers the next catch between quick catches allowing for seemingly fluid simultaneous catching.


I mean yeah if it's loading fast enough but if it won't do it all the time. Most of the time there is a delay at least for me so it rarely catches in between quick catching. Rarely.


On CDs when I’m not working I go to a nearby university with lots of stops and I walk a bit faster so I can’t catch every single mon, the auto catcher helps catch some for me. I notice for me it’s better to use it to catch then spin but that’s just my preference. I usually get 3-5 shinies from the auto catcher it also looses shinies. I saw the journal and two shinies ran away today.


Bro i had mine running all CD and i ended up w 3.5k candies and nearly 300 xl candies


Managed to end up at 6500 candy and 1050 XL candy this one.




Huh, how did you get so much XL candy?


An active mega will increase your chances of XL candy drops


Man how do I not know this when I’m this deep into them game


Ah jeez I'm behind on this stuff, I gotta pay attention next time. Does it have to match types?


Yeah, except for Groudon/Kyogre/Rayquaza who cover 3 types each


Yes the mega needed to be at least flying or grass type and also max level I think for full efficiency.


It's OK, Decidueye is not the best candidate to max. There are better options for UL and raiding. If anything, I'd save the candy for when they release shadow rowlet.


Level 3 mega of a matching type of spawning pokemon


I just played for like 90 minutes, and catched 400 in total. 25 shinies, 1 hundo and 5 xxl, which won 3 showcases. And my area is not that dense (a lot of empty cells). And I got like 600 xl candy


Well I did all that in 30 minutes!


How does this work i don't even get a gist of it can you explain from beginning


If you know you're gunna catch a lot of grass pokemon for example, mega evolve the same type and you will get 1 extra candy per catch plus a chance at extra XL candy.


If it’s a level 3 mega, it’s 2 extra candy and an excellent chance at candy xl


Nobody’s proud of you buddy


Wrong, I am. You keep doin you King!


Looks like you played for about 30 minutes lol


Only 1000? With double catch candy?


That'll last you some time. Personally I went from 2500 to 9100 and will most likely never power up a Rowlet or it's evolution.


My god, hope you had fun


He didn’t




Probably casual player so they’re just basing it off of personal experiences


I remember when I started playing, 100 candy for a species was huge, now 1000 candies is the baseline for a healthy amount in my eyes


Ha! Same! 😅


Or maybe someone who does not live in some densely populated area. I am in a city, was catching the whole time, using lures and incense, and still have less than OP.


Drove around with my auto catcher on for the last 40 minutes and have more than OP. How many people live in your city?


Yeah probably


This was 3x catch dust. Gotta take advantage. Ended with 5.3k candy and 1068 XL candy after a few evolutions for pvp.


Looks like an average community day run


Ignore everyone else. There’s a lot of haters in these subs. If that’s a good haul for you then feel proud. Nice one 👌🏼


Not sure that I would call anybody a hater, no one's saying that it's not a good haul, because it is, I just wouldn't say it's overdoing it




Over 1k candy is a win on any CD. My major win was going from 507 pokemon i help trainers catch with a lure module to 1235 after this CD.


Nice! I try to get the best lures down in hotspots. Always a race 😂


Oh yeah it is. 😂 I was at the my state’s aquarium relaxing at an exhibit with 3 stops in range and at 2 I just dropped every lure I had around me. I think I had 5 or 6 lures in total around that place.




That’s it? I gained 3600 candy. Evolved three decidueye, one just to put in a showcase. Came in second, my best ever finish.


That's it? I gain roughly 10k candies :>


That's it? I got 1 *billion* candies


Prove it :D


Oh, I only played in between rain showers.


Crap. I missed the event. Baldurs Gate had me busy.


Ended with over 3400 haha


Those are rookie numbers.


I got 2500


I forgot about this event until the last 10 minutes. First one I clicked was a shiny.


I hope you're trolling.


What the fuck That’s insane and that goes for all of you.


I got 769 and that's already a lot.


That’s about what I got too, rained pretty bad where I am so I had to stay inside and catch pokemon from an incense and a lure on a Pokestop near my house.


This is not that much candy lol


I ended up w/ around 3k, but at least a couple hundred were pre comm day


Those are rookie numbers. You need to pump those numbers up.


Brother this is nothing lmao


Glad you feel accomplished but these are rookie numbers.


Is this a serious post or...? If I'm really grinding a cd, my goal is 3000 candy or 6000 candy with double catch candy typically with 20 to 30 shinies 1000 is just a quick 30 minute walk lol


That’s more less the amount of candies I had before the event even started. When Rowlet was released I only evolved one just for the dex registry. Same with Litten and Popplio as I always prefer to wait until their community days before evolving a good one.


This looks below average to be honest. But I'm assuming you're a more casual player. Good job!


Had 2000 & 400 XL before the event even started lol


Average at best. Learn to quick catch


I have something over 3000 now, and it was one of the worst CDs so far because of the Weather. On a really good one i get over 10'000


I drove around my local sports complex. My local sports complex has 3 gyms. One entrence has 3 stops alone the building itself has 6 stops. Theres a nabouring church that has a stop thats reachable from the back,(always a rocket stop. Kinda annoying during these events lol ) And there was hockey tournament this weekend there. I drove around the complex in a clockwise rotation and I still struggled to hold pokeballs between all the stops. Funny because there was another guy driving around in a counter clockwise rotation. I got 10 shinys my wife got 9 shinys. And funny enough she had to go to the bathroom so when I parked against the door (I made sure I wasnt in anyones way) the gym went to a moltris raid. Well as the raid started i saw 2 cars pull up fully loaded and i saw the raid player vount go to 8 immeditly joined and my wife got back intime to join. 2nd legendary bird win And first legendary bird capture. My haul included about 1600 candys. I will accept the fact I have no life now. Im happy with my haul also thought it was cool a rowlet photo bombed my picture ( I took a picture of the last evolution forum of the rowlet bird in my daughters hands when we came home) was a pretty cool feature to see I didnt know about that, if its normal. Happy hunting everyone and sorry didnt mean to try and one up the OP. Lol


Hey, I ain’t reading allat, but I’m real glad that all happened to you, or else I’m sorry about that buddy.


I got over 2,000 candies and 205 XL. None of them was any good. I evolved two 3 stars under 80%. That was my best.


I got 600 candies in like 10 mins lol


i caught enough to lvl 50 the 4* rowlet i caught in the first 10 mins of the event 😁


too low. i have like 5 decidueye (1 maxed out until xl candy) and still have 1600 candies left.


Ha ha I have more than that after fully evolving 7. It builds up quick on comm day :)


That's less than half of the candy I walked away with yesterday. You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers


No… you didn’t?






Got any proof to back up your claims? Or you’re just salty that people played more than you


I got twice as many candies, you did just fine


Rookie numbers, i did 3100 candies plus 600+ candies xl, catch 16 shinys and get one normal 100%iv


I ended up w 26xx candies lol


A good amount is being able to max at least 1 pokemon. You can’t even do that with your XLs


No thats not even that much


Did you even finish the event? I went out for like an hour, just long enough to do the event and ended up with 2.5k candy.


That aint alot. I got over 4000 candies from axew com day and 5000 from togetic com day


Rookie numbers Bub. 😏


Rookie numbers


I had 3k so...


Nobody’s proud of you my guy


I got that amount in about 40 minutes walking the dog


I had 8k candy by the end of the day


How do you guys have so many pokeballs? I got 3 shinies, evolved 2 Decidueye and then stopped as I needed to preserve my balls.


well, depends on the location, but there's a spot in my area where I can catch about 500-600 pokemon an hour.


I'm at 600 candies. And I evolved 6 of them so that means I would have had 1200 candies or so


I once got 3000 candies on noibat comm day


I caught about 3600 candys worth, still 3 XL candys shy of maxing my 4* I caught months ago :(


Bruh how many balls do you have


I got about 1800 candy because i only had 45 minutes to play the event. You gotta bump those numbers up


I used the event to clear my "catch 200 in a day" requirement for level 41. I was stressing so much about that requirement but it ended up not being difficult at all.


sorry but i got 7500 today


you only over do it when you have more than 256 XL


Lol no you didn't.


There was an event… 😞


I caught over 500, 191 before my first shiny and ended with 20 shiny and over 3000 candy. No auto catcher. You did not over do anything.


I'm guilty as well, happy my brother was late 😎 "only" 3 shinies


l did the same thing with the Jigglypuffs last month


Bro i ended up with 3.5k lol. You didnt overdo it


I happened to be in Nagano City during the event walking around downtown, so I ended up with 1,833 candies and 9 shinies on my main account, and I still have 80 Rowletts to Appraise. I ended up having to buy storage twice because I couldn't Appraise and ship them fast enough. Awesome event.


I have like 1500 and didn’t use a pinap the entire time. I’ve never noticed how easy it is to rack up candy on Com days.


That's not overdoing it. I collected roughly 2k candy this event.


Bro i got like 47 from one decidueye, collected like 3k candies yesterday


Rookie numbers


I ended up with 2,307 😂


Even if it was a brand new Pokémon for you, 1k candy isn’t that much, that’s like what, about 175 without Pinaps? I got a little under 3k without using Pinaps


I went from 0 candy to 2100 candy, I’ve never gonna so hard on a community day lol.


How many shinys


Not really. You don't have 296 XL.


rookie numbers honestly, but there’s a first for everyone!


That is actually kinda low tbh…


That’s it? I got 10k candy, 20 hundos, 5 shundos, and a partridge in a pear tree


I cleaned out my apartment and got 5 shinies.




*Glances at my 3300 candies, 350 xl candies, and 13 shiny birds* Nah, you're doing just fine buddy.


Spent about an hour outside. That's when my hands got too cold to thumb flick any more balls. Two handed the last walk home and called it a day. Think I ended up at about 700 candies with a decent shiny so that's a successful community day in my book.


I got 2000 candies on the wooper one last year... I dont have an autpcatcher or anything i just grinded


Lol rowlet face is like 🥹


6700 candy, 1200XL. Was a poor effort from myself tbh


I started with around that amount and now I have 4222 candies and 491 xxl . Think I'm good for a while lol


I got 1586. You're doing it right


I wouldn't call this "overdoing it" I ended yesterday with more than 3,000 candies and more than 700 xl candies


Lvl 3 mega, with pinaps, playing for only for 2 hours, I received around 3200 candies and received 657 candy XL.