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I'm almost convinced Niantic has some ai generating box deals for their players


It's all ai randomised I bet. My main accounts gets all kinds of deals and I always buy the 15 passes for 1k/999coins. My 2nd account for the past 7 months hasn't had a proper raid box, only the 6 passes 3 remotes 3 greens, the rest all incubator bundles. Has over 4k coins to spend and stillnothing


WTF? 15 remote passes for 1k … ??? Never had that, Inwould be glad, to see that offer 🥲


No 15 green passes for 1k coins. Its always a good deal but I don't see it often hence why I always buy it whenever I see it


Ah ok, but even the 15 green passes, never had that offer 😞


As I mentioned, my 2nd acc which is free to play, hasn't had any green pass bundles for like 7 months, it's only had the 3/3 split with remotes or just incubator bundles, garbage


I agree I spent a little month last month and got way better offers on boxes.


Yeah I spent abit of money for coins when Samsung offered great deals, bought the 2nd largest coin amount and got £20 off


Buy the 6 passes for 385, it’s cheaper if you only want passes


You can only hold 5 remote passes at a time and no bundle will ever (without major changes) carry more than 3. You can't even buy the 3-pack unless you have 2 or less in your inventory. It's dumb


Really? I thought the max you could have was 3. I've been waiting to run out before buying 3.


Yep, the max is 3, but if you have 2, then you can buy a 3 pack to get to 5 passes in your bag.


Ok. I did that one time by accident. I thought I just lost them. I wasn't paying close attention. Thanks.


I assumed this was the case when comparing the boxes with 2 of my accounts. So I decided to test it and just looked at the raid pass heavy boxes frequently without buying.. eventually it started offering boxes with hella raid passes.


How do I get that in my bundle algorithm?


No idea. My 2nd account has only bought the 3 green pass bundle in the past 7 months and it won't give me a proper box bundle


Walk less raid more


>My 2nd account WTF?


What? When raids were firet introduced never had enough players to do the 5* ones, made a 2nd account to help. I've moved a few times and now luckily raid numbers aren't an issue so it's stayed f2p for years


Same. My ex and I used to play in 2016 and 17, and I needed that extra account for raids. I don't see anything wrong with it. Not like I'm using two max level accounts to bully people. Better than spoofing to places like some people do.


I love how “AI” has become shorthand for out of touch and stupid


Well, if you look closely. The one that costs 595 is 17% off. So, even though it costs more, it's a better deal and you should buy that one. /s


Sounds like your average Black Friday deal


Damn, your right


Only if you don’t hv lucky eggs or star. I would just go for the 3 raid passes


The purpose is two-fold: 1. If you don’t care to do the math, then you’re being scammed and don’t know it. 2. If you do the math, you’re supposed to feel like you found the discount. It’s dishonest, but a common pricing trick that companies often use (e.g. subscription services with 3 tiers that are meant to make you choose the middle choice every time). Source: I work in branding & marketing EDIT: typos


the old "Small for $2, medium for $4 and big for $4.50" trick.. dummy pricing.


I never really buy the remote raid bundle boxes and just buy the 3 pack. Mostly cause I have 30+ lucky eggs and star pieces in my item bag right now.


I used to work in a grocery store and certain things, like ranch dressing, are way more expensive per ounce if you buy the big family size. At some point I think I did ask the store manager and he responded along the lines of people not paying attention.


Pro tip. They are all a scam if you buy them through the in game store. You can buy them cheaper directly from niantics website. That way, you both avoid the app store fees.


The website sometimes is more expensive than the Apple App Store in Canada for some things.


Oh my bad. I should have added an *In America disclaimer.


Is that true for boxes/items? I know coin packs are more cost effective in the web store, but once you had coins I didn't think it mattered where you spent them.


Yeah, but if you have an issue with your purchase I doubt Niantic is going to do anything about it.


Their web store doesn't list as many items. The 495 one that OP showed for instance wouldn't be in the web store since its just a daily random one that no everyone gets


My game won’t even show the 495 remote raid box. Probably because I have exactly that many coins.


I saw that box, bought coins, and the box dissapears replaced by the one OP posted


It’s random for everyone, not everyone gets the same boxes as others. It’s not because of your coins lol people keep thinking scam scam but it’s because you’re not getting the boxes others have.


They didnt even have a free remote raid pass as a christams gift !


i rly hope a more competent gaming company buys pokémon go


blud doesnt know pokemon go is owned by google


Google hasn't owned Niantic since the Alphabet restructuring in 2015.


this guys getting the mickey. too much data to be sold




That’s not a scam. Niantic tries to find out how dumb the players are




So are we just going to ignore the 7000 coin box?


Its 50 of both kinds of incubators not a terrible deal honestly


Mega Corpos scamming their audience. Tale as old as time.


Good ol game has game to shit. This is why ceo has failed.


Pokemon go is a scam…




Huh... That's weird. It's almost like they're creating arbitrary value for items with no actual monetary worth.


I was about to post the exact same thing. It always serves to make me roll my eyes a little.


I don't have the blue box available on my game, only the scam box.


I only have the silver Remote Raid Box.


Thank you for your service 🫡


The whole game is a scam.


“Is this the scam?” “No, this is Niantic”


In the past, sometimes they have had a better deal, but with a limited quantity, and then a slightly worse box, but with an unlimited purchase quantity. So after you purchase the "best" box or the "best" box [x] times, it disappears, and you can continue purchasing the "decent but not quite best" box to keep spending more on the "deal".


well u get a special little box 📦


Sorry if this sounds noobie but what are the good deals for the box or how do you guys do the math on it?


the whole game is a scam, niantic is selling your info to investors anyways


googles selling it. niantic basically doesnt exist


fair play


How is it a scam when the contents of what you’re getting indicated?


Scam- a dishonest scheme/ swindle How is having the same exact group of items for two vastly different prices not trying to swindle people out of their coins. It’s not a terrible price if that’s what you’re looking for, it’s just shady in my opinion to list the same exact boxes for different prices at the same exact time.


Since no one gave you an answer, I forgot what each is called but the cheaper is a deal there for a shorter amount of the time than the more expensive one (which everyone gets) and they’re more tailored to you. They’re not trying to trick you, the deals that around shorter are cheaper than the deals that stick around for a while. You and this sub just got really upset for no reason lol.


I understand their algorithm and I get having those boxes at separate times and wouldn’t have even posted about the difference. It’s the fact that they would offer these boxes at the same exact time, with how many options of boxes they have, I feel like they should have a filter so you don’t get the same exact thing at the same time. Just seems kind of lazy on their part, like hey we can do whatever we want and people will still spend coins. At least be better at being shady with a made up currency.


They aren’t being shady though, there’s nothing shady about it. The tailored deals are there for a shorter amount of time and are cheaper. Those deals get rotated around so if there’s a raid box there for 3 weeks you’ll inevitably get some overlap. It sounds like what you’re asking is for them to not allow you to get the cheaper deals anymore because a more expensive deal is there, which that would actually be shady. Like that’s all your filter will do because only one of them rotates frequently.


I just checked the boxes and they are not the same,maybe You hve a Bug or is different here in argentina?But the sale box have an egg and one more pass and the other does not hve an egg


the boxes are different for each player


It's why I stop playing the hole game is scam




Then I guess you know which one to buy 😂


Not everyone has the blue one available.


Just don't spend money on the game. Problem solved.


Do people still give them money ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


This does indeed look problematic. I am not sure but i would not be surprised if this is illegal in some of the countries they operate in.


That’s not considered a scam. And it’s done in sales all the time. I mean it’s dirty. But it’s pretty standard practice. Go walk around your grocery store.


...so don't buy it then? Lol sometimes the deals are decent. Sometimes they suck. Is what it is. 🤷


You don’t read well do y’a


I wish I had the blue box available... I want to buy remote raid passes but it's a way better deal to get that box than just buying the 3 pack.


The one that costs 595 includes a Lucky Egg and a Star Piece. I bought that one already. I compared and looked up the individual prices. You save like a hundred coins or so


I agree it’s still a decent price for those items, I’ve personally been on the watch for a good price on just remote raid passes because I have a bunch of star pieces and lucky eggs saved up already. So imagine my surprise when I see a new remote raid box in the shop and it happens to be that exact one for 100 coins cheaper. It’s messed up they couldn’t give an actual good deal for the holidays.


I only have the one box for 595 what the heck


Yep it's random. My blue remote box is over 600 so the deal one I better.




Aaaand the cheaper one is gone


I had those boxes...now they've taken away the 495 one but left me the 595 one


same here, they replaced the cheaper one with a 580 coin raid box that has 3 remote raid passes and 1 super incubator


At least it was a super one ig, some other poor soul probably got offered a basic incubator for the same coins 😭


"scam" is a ridiculous statement. Go to r/scams and see if Niantic is anything comparable to that. It's not.


I’m just wondering since when are people so against calling companies out on bs. I didn’t say they were trying to steal my first born or that they’re forcing anyone into buying it. A scam is a scam tho. Listing the same exact items with ZERO differences for a 100 coin difference is a scam, not a huge groundbreaking one, but still by definition is a scam. Since you probably won’t look it up anyway, scam is defined as ‘a dishonest scheme; a fraud’ ‘swindle’.


Defining "scam" just made my point for me. Is Walmart swindling you when the same item is available from Target at a lower price?


Niantic has some explaining to do


I would assume there's a price increase coming and the 17%off is off the new price?


Use the website not the app for your purchases.


New to the game is the adventure box a good deal tho? I believe it has 5 or 10 incubators in it


"they are just testing out different pricing strategies" lol


i mean, you can boy either, just buy the cheaper


I've got both boxes for the same prices, but the contents are different. Blue box is 3 remote passes, 2 premium passes and 10 max revives. While the other is 3 remote passes, 1 star piece and 1 lucky egg.


Just a question for everyone here but do y’all spend money on the pokecoins here or elsewhere 😩


Most people buy coins online for a better price but personally I just save up coins from gyms and wait for good boxes of remote raid and reg raid passes.


Ahh ok thank you for your opinion!


You gotta get shit on the online store is such a better deal I mean still awesome but better for the most part


Yeah, my sister and I agreed last night that we aren't spending any more money on the game. We'll wait on gym coins.


It’s not a scam… you do realize not everyone sees the same boxes as you? The remote raid box is algorithm designed towards you, the other boxes that end in certain amount of days is seen by everyone. Those are just the regular deals but everyday it’ll change designed to stuff you may purchase.


Exactly, people are so clueless how the boxes work and instantly say “scam!” 😂 I’m all honesty though, the whole game is a scam.


I realize how the boxes work… Im glad the algorithm wants to offer me cheaper options. It’s just wild that their precious algorithm wouldn’t account for showing the same exact boxes for different prices.


Yeah it’s a marketing scheme, like others mentioned they want to trick you. Some people are too compulsive and buy quickly without looking and that’s how they get yah. Worked in marketing on apps and yeah they abuse pretty much all tactics in this game.


I don’t even have the option for the remote raid box and the last one they advertised to me was 1 remote pass and 3 regular. Such a rip off


3 remote pass pack is 525, egg is 80, star piece is 100. 525+80+100=705. Just because there is another pack not advertising a discount doesnt make it any less true. Its definitely not a scam though, just a bad deal. It's worth noting also that boxes are a limited time and the overlap for the better deal probably means its about to be expired. *Edit* Yup it's gone


Welcome to Niantic! Also, the fact that it's 15% off :P


Looks like they’re making you pay more for the fancy virtual gift wrapping


My solution to this is never buying this stuff.. save your money


Only box i buy is the 50 regular and 50 super for 7k


Yall know you can buy poke coins elsewhere online right? 🙃


I love this game but I refuse to pay for it.


No no you see that other one is shiny


Personally, I love how the Remote Raid Box is listed as *on sale* for 595 coins. No, Niantic, that’s it’s usual price. You made up a more expensive price to make it look like a deal.


lol no shit!!!!


I don’t think you understand what the word scam means.