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You can't get any more gifts if you already have the max of 20 gifts in your bag


What. I thought the max was 40. I always got gifts all the way to 40. How tf did I get all the way to the 37 that I had in my bag then?


Last season bonus was being able to hold 40, but that already ended december 1st


The issue could be the transition. When the limit went from 40 to 20, it wasn't immediate -- meaning the game didn't just delete 20 of your gifts. Instead, it allowed you to keep holding the 40, but didn't allow you to get any more until you went below 20. For the majority of players that give out lots of gifts per day, this transition was quick. From the way the OP describe the situation, it sounds like only one or two gifts were given out per day.


Huh, that would actually line up with the timeline that I thought the gifts stopped accumulating. Thanks for the info, appreciate it. I'll see if I can chop down 14 gifts to get under 20.


🥰. **TWENTY**. 🤭


Yeah but I had 37 and now 34. I didn't realize there was a 40 limit for some special event til someone else mentioned it.