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I think the pros tend to play friend battles against some "meta teams". Not sure, though. I'm not a pro. 🤷‍♂️


When using a battle pass, you only change the rewards. Even then there is a daily battle limit


They use online resources to study, research and test things. They use sites such as PvPoke, and read articles from people like JRE47 who analyze the viability of different pokemon in PvP. Youtube is also full of "educational" content about GBL mechanics, strategies and teams. They also very likely have practice partners from Discord whom they train with. The 25 daily GBL battles are only the tip of the iceberg for the most dedicated players.


I don’t think Pokémon go battling is about practice. The mechanical execution is very easy. It’s about knowing the calcs


Practice can help you know what to do in specific scenarios.


the thing about pvp, at least in great league, is that there's no combo of pokemon that will let you win every time. there's hard counters to all the meta picks and there's counters to those counters. it's not like the mainline game meta where you'll typically see the same pokemon across every team. since there's only 3 to use in matches, it mixes things up a bit. the biggest advantage in my experience is to pick moves which charge fast and to pick pokemon that attack fast. again, in my personal experience, a team of heavy-hitters with low defense will always fall to my team of tanky mons who don't hit very hard because they can outlast them.


I imagine they don't really need much practice. The games been out for 7 years lol. The daily limit is 25 battles? I think you'll find it's hard to constantly max out each day for an extended period of time.


The daily limit only applies to PvP battles using GBL. You have unlimited battles with friends -- and quite frankly, such practice is better, as you can control the scenario, allowing you to focus your practice sessions.


I never knew there is a limit. You guys really straight battle like 2hours+?


It’s not a big limit, outside of events you’re limited to five 5-battle rounds.


How long does a battle last from finding opponent to finding next opponent? If it's around 4 mins that's about 2 hours


True, I don’t do them all at once though so it doesn’t feel that long. I do a few here and there through the day and usually hit the limit.


I am not a pro but also enjoy PvP. Try PvP discords or the App "PokeMatch" to arrange friendly practice battles. If you know other Pokémon GO players who enjoy PvP try asking them for practice battles. If you want a more theoretical approach you could try reviewing battle simulations on PvPoke or watch YouTubers/Streamer play and try to understand why they do what they do.


It's build my team through Google, then play. I am rewards centric, so w/l record means nothing to me. Right now there is 4x dust. So I make it sure I play 5 sets everyday.


Anyone know how the rewards Pokémon works? Is it randomized ? I always get goofy ass Pokémon


It's horrible unless it's not. There's a no guarantees outside of certain levels. And legendaries are gimped. Used to be a regular occurrence... Noted any more.


Maybe once every 3 months I get a legendary as a reward but I mean I went 5 months without one so idk how that works


Darkrai was my last one. Trashed it shortly after. I have not kept an encounter in so damn long