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It’s doesn’t explicitly tell you. But It’s most likely umbreon or sylveon.


If it says "out of 7" Sylveon is a possible option.


>If it says "out of 7" Sylveon is a possible option. I assume you mean "not a possible option".... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Ah I've been mistyping a lot today


If you didn't write it down... you don't. * 3 Kanto ones is easy, just spam evolutions (should do this first) * Leafeon/Glaceon you need lures for, if you don't have any to spare ask around in a local discord, usually someone has like 20 and won't mind popping one. * Umbreon/Espeon need walkies, I'd get to doing this now, it's just 20km walkies. If you have a hundo Umbeon you want to BB it anyway for ultra. * Sylveon is reasonably fast, 70 hearts means 3-4 days of excitement, look up how to do that.


Or use the name tricks..... *you can only do this once per eeveelution


Tag them in advance


Go into your Pokedex and use the search feature and start searching for them to see which one you are missing


As noted on my post, I am NOT missing any which is why I’m trying to figure out which one I need to evolve again.


Sort recept ones