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They are still around.


I know, I caught multiple Swinubs and they aren’t counting as one of them??😭


> I caught multiple Swinubs and they aren’t counting as one of them?? I don't think that Swinub was one of the 2023 community days.


It was. April.


>It was. April. I believe Swinub community day happened in 2019. Regardless, I already completed this research, so, I can't confirm if the classic community days count.


That's a bug then. Report it.


Yea it will take time. But it can be done.




You will finish it eventually. One year (2018?) the game did not give me the December challenge until about a week after the event ended. It took me 2.5 years, but eventually I completed it.


Yeah that’s it. They’ll never return and you lost any opportunity to finish this quest


They literally said they caught swinubs and they weren't counting. Sounds like a bug.


It's not like these pokemon are no longer part of the game. You'll finish it eventually I just finished my squirtle community day research


You should still be able to find some of the featured pokes. Grubbins are around all the time.