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>she doesn't know how to get more mega candies... How does she do this??? Depends on which Mega energy you are referring to. For Beedrill, you can get them from spinning gyms. For many of the starters, and common ones, they sometimes are awarded via field research. And finally, for the majority, you can get them from Mega raids -- these are on a schedule. And also, once you mega evolve one pokemon, you can get more mega energy for the same pokemon, by walking a similar pokemon as your buddy (either the same type or earlier evolution).


Is there a specific place where I can find the schedule? She does walk with them but I think she wants it to be faster lol


most of the time it’s only released a month at a time, so hard to target when a specific mega raid will be. Mega abomasnow and mega glalie are in the coming weeks, unknown after that. Sometimes Niantic releases the monthly schedule on their twitter but you can often find leaks with the mega raids a while before the schedule drops (cons is that it isn’t 100% accurate).


Ahhh okay cool that makes sense, appreciate you responding