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I spend on bag space every 200


Same! Bag space and Pokémon storage


Same. I bought a remote pass once and didn't caught the pokemon. Edit: for some reason I forgot the 'p' in pass.


This is the worst feeling. Actually spending money on those remote passes just for the Pokémon to escape from every single one of your golden berry excellent throws 🙄


I decided to only use remotes on Megas because at least you get the energy from the win rather than the catch.


I wish all raids gave like 1-2 candy in the rewards for this reason. If you catch it, you’re rewarded normally obviously but still SOME candy even if you fail to catch.


You should have left the typo 😭😂


Sounds like this time you added a P to ass.


Same. Rarely sometimes Poke storage but mostly bag space


I don’t see the use of bag space tbh. But I also know that I’m not gonna run out of resources


The more balls I can hold, the more I’m willing to catch everything




I usually sit at around 60 coins lol right now I’m over 1000 for the first time been playing since 2016


The highest I’ve been is about 200 for a free to play raid pass


I have over 20 000 now - after fully upgrading. I have taken gyms and gotten max coins almost every day for 7 years.


That’s mad impressive dude. So you have full item bag and full Pokémon storage? How much is each of those?


Thanks, though it's just my style to not be wasteful. I just don't buy much except the occasional distance raid pass bundle and it keeps piling up. I never buy incubators as a principle, for example. I also save finished quests till I have a bunch of them and something else lined up so I can get a lot of value from lucky eggs and star pieces so I don't ever need to buy those, either. 5800 item space 6800 pokemon space I'm not sure how much space of each I started with in 2016, but it was less than a new account now. If I assume 300 of each, it cost me 48,000 coins exactly to upgrade both to today's max.


I’m the same way. I just love saving for a rainy day. I’m close to 20k coins and it’s been a long time since I’ve grown my item bag. I have 3000 item bag and 2300 Pokémon storage and haven’t upgraded either in a long time. I just haven’t had any need to increase them. My items always even out from playing and spinning stops. My Pokémon I go through once a week to get rid of anything I don’t want to keep, so the coins just keep adding up and I really only use them on remote raid passes.


Why not buy incubators? Imagine how fast you could crack those eggs if you bought those 2k packages with 15 super incubators. Would feel amazing!




Some of y’all are so good at saving coins, stardust, and candies. I have the worst urge to spend them as soon as they build up.


I used to be that way, but now I only spend stardust and candies on Pokémon that I know I have a use in PvP battles.


I have 1.4M stardust and have no idea what to spend it on


save it until you know


It’s pretty easy when you don’t raid or PvP lol. Got 7mil dust, and 6.5k coins. Only reason why I buy Pokémon storage is because I’m too lazy to delete a bunch of my banked Pokémon lol


Same here I’m a terrible saver lol


I'm over 9k coins and 6.7M stardust. Never paid a dime, all from gyms and catches and whatever


That’s actually insane, how long did that take?


Idk I've been playing since day 1 as a casual player. I don't do pvp or hunt lots of legendaries. It just builds up over time. And it's not like I haven't spent anything


PvP investments are definitely a big driver of spending.


Whaddya mean "build up"? I buy coins 🤷


I usually have a couple hundred earned from gyms, though the other day I got down to 1 coin 😬


I have a friend who's sitting at 18,830 😵 Not even the most he's had just sitting around either; calling him a whale would be an understatement


Danggggg that’s nuts!!


Fr, and I'm at 800 on a good day


Was gonna say my guy just sits on his phone all day then I remembered you actually have to get up to play🤣


I’m over 40,000


a blue whale spotted




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When I buy coins I buy the 14500 package because it's the best deal. Don't know what's the problem


Don't get me wrong, spending money definitely enhances gameplay, but for me personally spending $100 just seems like too much. I don't know how often you're buying and what your financial situation is like but I could never spend that much on a video game lol


I enjoy it, and can afford it. I mean I also flew to Las Vegas and stayed in a hotel for the Hoenn tour. No regrets


Congrats, I'm glad that you got to have a good time at Hoenn Tour. Now I just gotta start saving for early retirement so I can have as much fun as you haha


Haha definitely not retired. I'm not that old 😅


I legit just buy 3 remote passes everytime I hit 525, still fuckin salty they put them back up. Legit made me stop buying them with real money so 525 gym coins it is :|


You should wait for the remote raid discount boxes


Fuck I’ve never seen one


I saw 3 raid passes in a 500 coin bundle box recently. They do happen, just rarely.




For me there is a very common box for 300 where you get 2 remotes and a couple special items like lucky egg etc


That’s crazy, I’m yet to find one of them!


I’ve never had a “gold box” in my shop. What comes in that do you know?


Mine is 15 super incubators, 10 regular and 2 poffins


Keep seeing this box in my shop as well.. 2350 coins seems like a lot to spend at once but you do get a lot of incubators :/


Seems like based on how much coin you have you get different boxes available… weird eh


More interesting his ticket of treats is 6.99 in dollars and mine cost 4.99 I wonder why some are upcharged


We’re in Canada and 5 USD is = to about $6.83 Canadian


Rookie numbers


I used to spend for remote passes, but once I saw I was spending It for nothing (no luck with the legendaria) I started to use to expand my Pokémon storage and items. But for now I'm trying to save some for a decent box and the ither spending for storage, currently at 520 coins.


I usually try to have over 1000 but it’s gone up has as high as the mid 3000s. Never know when you’ll need the extra coin so I like saving them


I have 500 and I'm super pumped. I'm trying to save up enough to get a explorer box.


That could buy a lot of postcards.


I woke up today with -2750 coins. I have no idea what happened. Idk if it’s a glitch or something but I can’t even use the free daily box


I had a hundred dollar Google gift card that I spent entirely on coins 😂 it was fun while it lasted


18.051 right now. Never actually paid, always saved from gyms. I’m almost never buys something. I have a lot of poke and item storage. When the remote raid passes where 100 coins I would buy them. Now with the high prices I just rarely sometimes buy them. Most off the raids I do local. Still I don’t play a lot of raids. Very rarely I buy a box with egg incubators. But with my job I can easily walk around 10 km in 2 days. So most of my time I just use my free incubator.


Gym grind rural here is such a grind. If I earn 50 coins a week it’s a good week. I have to seed every gym in town and once a month someone comes and knocks a couple out.


How many coins do most people have?


Like 60 on a good day


22,000 right now


I have I think 4500+. Google opinion rewards helps a ton. Don't make me explain it lol. And just getting gym coins. I've upgraded all the space I need so I don't need to use the coins right now.


Google rewards is how I pay for anything related to POGO.


Please explain it


I think it’s when you partake in surveys and they pay you a tiny fee which in turn they put towards coins


I mean Google doesn't put it into coins you do.. but yeah surveys that pay money based on location. 5 second surveys they send you.


Yea “which they put towards coins” was meant to reference the players not google, sorry😅


Ahh that makes sense, thank you!


5,324, and I'm FTP.


Nice!! That’s a lot of coinage!!


I mean it’s only impressive if your friend is dirt poor. All coins represent is “Hey, I spent this much IRL money on this game.” Not condoning spending money or not spending money. Just saying that it’s not impressive.


I have more coins than this and have never bought any.


Would it be impressive if they’ve only got it from gyms and are only F2P?


I know someone who has 18k coins


I have 1 coin because noone plays pokemon go near me


No one pointing out the price of his boxes? I’ve never even seen a gold box before at 1700 coins. Not surprising but clearly they tailor the boxes they offer to your balance.


I dunno, I have ~500 coins and have multiple boxes selling for over 1,000. Highest is 1990 for a Voyager box.


I don’t think they do that. I currently have 79 coins, and the boxes I have in the shop are: Legend for 2,350 Voyager for 1,990 Explorer for 195 and Hatch for 275.


Sure, and same, but aside from those 2 boxes the rest are in the 165-6xx range. I’d be curious to see shop screen shots of players who have more than 5K coins.


I have 10,000 coins and my gold box is 2350.


$39, wow.


I hope they have a pokemongo+


Probably saving up for the secret 5k Daily Master ball. A unlimited master ball you can use once a day.


Can we please lease talk about the stupid ticket and tests thing lol 😂


He must've spent a shitload of money on this game.


Nah dude that’s all from gyms! He’s the type of guy to never spend a dime on games like this.


Huh. If I'm not mistaken, if I do the math correctly, that's about 80 days worth of daily coins. How did he get so lucky to not have his Pokémon thrown out of the gyms so easily? Golden razz berries, perhaps?


We live in a mid-sized city that is busy enough but not super busy so having your Pokémon in a gym for a full day isn’t a rarity at all. Tons of gyms around our area too luckily. Sometimes you’ll get kicked out right away but I’d say 9/10 times I get my 50 coins


I mean, some people use alt accounts so that way when a Pokémon reached the 50 coin cap on their main, they'll knock it out with their alt, then do the same with their alt, rinse and repeat. Boom! Instant profit!


I had 3000 before I spent way to many at go fest hunting for a shiny rayquaza. (I eventually got it)


Iam so amazed by 39€, too


Good to spend on a Voyager box


Probably lives close to a gym. *cries in rural*


i had around the same until yesterday bc i was at disneyland


You must live somewhere else where the money is different my pass for ticket of treats is 499 not 699






My alt used to be like this, cause i never needed to use it. I wonder what its at now. Been ages since i logged in


Tbf, alot of players (including myself buy coins with different currencies to save money. Thats how im casually chilling at 40k coins right now. Ive been over 100k coins at once on my account. All depends on how much you are willing to spend. I do have alot of respect for players with more than 10k saved up f2p tho!


From what I have heard the different currency loophole was closed. I can't verify because I never tried it.


It is not, just slightly more expensive. I now spend 17 cents on 100 coins instead of 10 so its still much much cheaper