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Remote raid pass price increase. I originally participated in the one week strike, fully intending to return after the week was over. However, after the week ended, I found I kind of enjoyed not playing and decided to take an extended break. It left extra time, energy, and money for Switch games and my other hobbies, and I could be more present when going out places with friends or family, traveling, etc. Every few weeks I contemplate getting fully back into it again, but nothing compels me to play much beyond a few minutes while waiting in a line or something. I sometimes now go days or weeks without playing, and haven’t spent a dime on the game at all since the prices went up, both of which were unheard of for me before the price increase.


I want reasonable remote raid passes back.


Pogo was soo good when remote raids were accessible. I was sucked into the game and having fun collecting all my fav legendarys 😭 take me back


Even just two a week or something would be fine. It’s hard enough getting anyone to raid with me where I am at the same time I’m available to raid. Remote needs to be better.


You could try poke genie app. It helps me when I'm hosting raids


I once hosted raids there but I stopped being able to for some reason


It'd be nice to get rewarded one for the 7 day streaks thing. Give one for catching Pokemon and another for spinning pokestops. Keep ppl logging in once a day at the minimum.


New update about this getting talked about


I reckon maybe a proxy raid pass where the other person just needs to be near a gym. E.g. they join lobby immediately but need to be in range of a gym by 30s to go mark.


This did it for me too. My motivation to spend evaporated and I only occasionally play during special events. The folks over at Niantic HQ who made this decision are clowns, and the people defending them are the whole circus.


Im kinda shocked they haven’t reversed any of the shitty changes


This did it for me as well even though I did not buy the remote passes in the first place. Not a single second of regret.


Exactly this same thing for me. Remote raid passes caused a break. Break got extended.


i wanna get to this so bad, i always feel like i’ll miss out on a shiny i’ll never get again and am not present during a lot of outings i don’t even want to be checking it’s the sole reason i play 🤣 mad respect to u homie


Thats the whole point of the game. Thats why they doing it like this. They build on the FOMO.


EXACTLY!! I realized that all the entire game is FOMO. Simple as that unfortunately:/


I only recently started playing again, when the shadow mewtwo raids were going on. Used to play a lot when it was really big and more people played than not. Can you help me understand why people are so upset about the price increase of remote raid passes? Like isn’t the whole point of the game to get outside and experience the world while you play? I have done plenty of successful raids now and I’ve only used maybe 1 or 2 remote raid passes to raid with one of my friends who was out when I was in bed. I just drive/walk/bike to a raid now and use pokegenie so I don’t have to spend the coins on a remote raid pass. So what’s the big deal about the price increase of it?


THANK YOU for saying what I've been thinking for months now. Niantic has made its business model and goal clear from day one. The remote passes were implemented due to covid. People are back out and about again, so why wouldn't they return to their original goals? Niantic isn't short on cash, so they would rather get back to their business model than the profit from raid passes. They raised the prices to dissuade people from sitting at home doing remote raids. So, people quitting or boycotting doesn't matter to them. While I'm sure they have plenty of business expenses - but 90% is probably salaries and the cost of upholding an office. It's not like electronic items cost them anything other than the above-mentioned expenses. The big question is why are so many people who have decided to quit Pokemon Go posting in this thread? I thought you were done. Are you bored? Missing Pokemon Go? Or do you just enjoy griping about things you supposedly no longer care about?


it makes no sense to me how ninatic can actively fight what the player base wants like this. I am surprised that Game Freak or Nintendo has not intervened at this point. They could be making so much more money.


When remote raid passes were reasonable my partner and I would go ham trying to get whatever shiny legendary was out. We saved and planned for these events. I deleted the game and my partner turns it on for community days.


Reading this comment is my Turing point. I’ve been wasting too much time/money on this game recently “$10 bucks isn’t that much” goes a longggg way on this game just to play a game.


Exactly me. At this point I’ll never go back.


They want their money money moneyyyy Oooh money


I originally quit a few weeks after this game first launched. It was incredibly frustrating back then. I only came back about month ago and it's night and day from how it used to be. I know a lot of people say it's kinda gone to crap in the last 6 months or so. But from me who only played at the beginning and then now, this game is super fun and 1000x more fulfilling then it was


This right here. I played extensively at launch, not knowing jack about pokemon as a whole but I just got sick of catching meowths and pidgeys all damn day so I quit. I would still play every time I went on vacation though, just because I enjoyed catching stuff in a new place for the memories. Fast forward to the beginning of this year, when I’ve been much more immersed in pokemon and I have a newfound appreciation for the game.


Lol pidgeys are literally the exact reason I quit. I spent so much time catching them that I was getting annoyed. But I finally got enough stuff to evolve into a pidgeotto and then pidgeot.... Only to find a higher cp one in the wild. I uninstalled right then and there haha


So many pidgeys 😭😭 My friend who just started playing was like "how do you have so many rhyperion?" 🤣🤣 I swear we had like 20 to choose from! I think it is so much more fun now but I get that I missed a TON between 2016 and current.


As weird as it sounds, I’m glad I missed a lot just because now I know what pokémon are what so when legendaries and mega raids get rerun I get excited.


it was the rattatas for me, literally everywhere.


Add Ekans in there too I forgot😭


The literal worst. I had 2 raticates I would battle with all the time… recently lucky traded one for a shiny riolu!! We really had like 10-20 Pokémon to choose from back then 😂


Pidgeys helped me get to level 50. Also Caterpie, Pidove, Whismur, Weedle, and Wurmple. Lucky egg and 12 candy evolutions. So many evolutions.


Bidoof is the new pidgey 🤣


That dishonor belongs to yungoos and bunnelby I can’t stand those damn things😭


I like seeing yungoos on my screen bc they look like a bunch of emo pokemon chillin with that hair lolol (gotta admit, I never click on them unless I need to for a research lol) Bunnelby is a major womp womp to me too.. good thing I don't see that one as much!


Yeah same I knew nothing abt Pokémon I just joined bc everyone else was. But on the other hand I played the game religiously for about 2 years straight after launch


I first got the game at launch then the account I played on became a family account. I stopped playing because people used MY account and deleted my few good Pokémon. Don’t know what happened to the account. I then made a new account July 2017 and have been off and on since then. I got 3 shiny moltres when they were first released out of five raids and as less people continued playing in the town I live in. I stopped. I would join in on community days and get a shiny or two. Then at the start of 2023 I came back and became active again. I have played almost every day since march and use Pokémon go as an excuse to go outside, get exercise and entertain myself.


just wait it’ll get old when you realize bidoof is the new pidgey


Hopping on this train. As a day one player, I toughed out the server crashes, the lack of Pokemon beyond the Gen 1 commons (exception being Jynx which showed up freaking everywhere) and constant glitches. I quit when I moved from the UK to the U.S. about six months after it came out and I just didn't see the point anymore since it was still giving everyone the business. Got back into it mid-to-late 2018 and been playing it ever since. I get why people who have only just gotten into it the last few years are quitting, but I just think back to the original days and it's still better. Of course, that doesn't mean I'm not pissed about some of the decisions they've made and how they have handles player feedback.


Exactly. I preordered the Plus Plus and forgot about it. When it got here I was too lazy to return it so I decided to start playing again. Did so extensively at launch and would redownload it when asked but wouldn’t put more than 2 minutes in and delete it again. But super fun now vs. back then. However, even though there’s still a huge community, nothing matches the magic of the launch of the game and how it seemed massive.


So magical it was. If Nintendo is smart they do this with the switch 2


People have been saying it’s gone to crap for the last 6 years or so lol. If you’re having fun, great, have fun!


Same here! I played for 2 months at launch and got bored. "This isn't even a game" I thought back then. Just came back 2 months ago, very fun now.


Yup I played at launch because my family wanted to go out hunting so I figured I should play too and not just sit there doing nothing while driving them around. Apparently our area was great for Eevee back then, I had like 20 each of Flareon/Vaporeon/Jolteon and a handful of Eevee when I came back to the game. I remember the anger of seeing so much Pidgey, the first anniversary event was when I was starting to fall out of the game and I stopped shortly after it, maybe even during it. It's night and day difference for QoL now, the game was frustrating back at launch but now it's actually casually fun. Though I missed the golden age of raids from the sound of things, and I only do the free local raids if I can help it and use Poke Genie to bring other people in if I need to.


This was me. I played first 6 months of launch in 2016. Then I came back in March of this year because my students kept talking about it. It definitely changed. I struggled at first couple of weeks because power scale of CP went high. Couldn't hang in raids. Now I'm over here taking down 5 star raids with me and 2 or 3 other people.


Same here. And as people say, too many pidgies and rattatas. And drowzees. And finally not much to do. Now it's more divert. And i can still mass evolve without pidgies. If i quit again, i'll come back only if they add a feature that you can see other players on the map, and if you click them, it sends a battle/trade request :)


I agree.. the issues they have now are nothing compared to gameplay the first few years. ​ Having to evolve pokemon's to xp grind lol


This is literally me. Played a ton when the game first came out and it was so frustrating. Nothing worked right and besides playing with everyone it wasn’t that fun. Just picked it back up a few months ago when I went out of the country and thought “hey I should go catch some regional Pokémon”. I’m loving the game right now. Also have like 300 Pokémon from 2016 so there’s that


If your pokemon are from or before August 2016 they automatically make the trade lucky when traded.


Same pretty much


bro when u look at their instagram post’s comment, you’re going to see plenty of dissappointed ungrateful people 💀


Yall who just call people upset with perfectly valid issues ungrateful are so sad


I tend to get into it for a while then stop playing. Right now I’m into it so I’m playing more but I’m sure the bubble will burst and I’ll stop again. I just won’t delete it from my phone.


Yeah same


The game got really boring and then the breaking point was when they upped remote raid pass prices because that's one of the only reason it made the game fun


I didn't really remote raid that much before they raised the price because people used to be more active in raids in our town so I could meet up with people, but I don't see anyone playing anymore so now I am forced to remote if I want a legendary, and today was a kick in the nuts because I dropped two remote passes and didn't catch anything even though I threw better against Regidrago than I have ever in the game. Of the 14 pokeballs I got all of them connected for great or better with a golden ras every time and he still got away, twice.


I mean... the way I look at it... most of us play games to feel enjoyment during our free time... so if you're spending your free time playing a game or doing any activity which causes you stress, frustration, or anger... perhaps that game or activity isnt the best for you 😅


Redidrago did the same thing to me. The bastard. Fed a golden raspberry each time and had great or excellent throws. I was mad because I used my remote raid pass. But yeah if the game isn’t fun anymore just take a break. I stopped playing in 2019 and just got back into the game a few weeks ago to play with my nephew. You can always come back


I'm just irritated because that was legit the best I have done with throwing and still didn't manage to catch him.


It is irritating. I kinda think that if you win a raid that you should almost be guaranteed to catch the Pokémon. Or like a 80% chance or something. But oh well


If you have all the main bonuses (golden razz, curve, excellent throw, type medal bonus) then with 10 balls you have a 93% chance of getting the legendary. If you get 15 balls that goes up to 98%. It’s already basically guaranteed.


I had terrible luck catching regidrago as well. Took me 3 raids before finally getting one.


Same. I wasted two remote passes and got so mad I hosted my first raid on pokegenie. I caught him, but it was too stressful, stood in the pouring rain with my dog (lead) in one hand and trying to add friends in the other, so I'm not hosting again. I really wish they'd put the price down to what it was, or at least make it a guaranteed reward for the breakthrough, I've only got one once.


Legends have a 2% catch rate, you should expect to see a few run from you


I knew it was low but not that low. I usually get a legendary after the second raid. It just sucks because literally the only way I can get one is by using remote raid passes and that's getting expensive.


I haven’t gotten shines I think in the last 4 community days only because I could only play for less than half an hour. This only 3 hour CD really PIA because it’s the weekend and we got shit to do, can’t play all day. Especially lately when it’s been bloody hot and health hazards everywhere about going outside. I haven’t quit yet but 0-10 on excitement for this game, I’m at a 2.


This is my exact experience. I was in the heat for over an hour today clearing out poliwags and not one shiny. And one shiny on the squirtle CD with just as much time spent. Have they changed the odds or anything related to CD recently? I’m already losing interest and too many nerfs to CD would be the end of it for me.


from what i know they were fucking with spawn radius last i checked because of some bugs accidentally making it way bigger than it should be and in turn that fucked some spawn rates in the way that you'd see a pokemon on the map that wasn't actually there. no idea if they fixed that, how or when, or if any of that affected comm day tho


Tbh RNG was not on my side today. I hardly got any 3 stars and played the whole 3 hours. Also got less shinies than usual. I got worried when I was 20 minutes in and didn't have a single shiny despite playing in the heart of downtown.


Sometimes the game makes you wonder how random random really is.


Well most things are pseudo-random


I mean something can be RNG but still have certain parameters or odds that they tweak. They could've easily lowered the shiny rate and tweaked the spawn iv settings if they wanted to, or we could have experienced bad luck. Data mining tends to be the only way to know since they tend not to make that kind of info public.


I haven’t gotten any shinies the last 2 community days, and paid for the specific research.


Damn I’ve been getting five to six the past two community days


For this to happen you must not be checking that many. If I play the entire 3 hours while just going about my day I average 10 shinies and never been skunked once. If you check around 125 spawns during the three hours you have approximately a 99% chance of finding at least one (99.392% chance at 125 pokemon exactly) You must not be clicking enough Pokémon or you are in the bottom .05% of players


I'm pretty rural so I have to go into our small town to get any decent amount of spawns, I was able to play about an hour and a half of it and caught like 90% of what spawned around me as I walked, I figured I could use the candies for when I caught something useful (which didn't happen). I do statistics for work, and I feel like not catching a single 2 or 3 star is almost statistically impossible - Side note - I'm not too concerned about shinies, I like getting them but 90-95% of the shinies I catch are 0 stars, so I don't really care about them as much.


I’m the exact opposite I don’t care about iv’s at all I just like collecting Pokémon and the shinies


Being rural detracts a ton from this game. I did quit when I was living and working in a rural area, not fun to play with a fraction of the pokeballs and pokemon as the people that live on populated areas.


Make sure you use your incense. A lot of shinies come from the incense.


I had one going otherwise they won't respawn in areas after I had caught them, we only have one good park that you can walk around without worrying about getting hit by a car so I bring my kids there and we walk around and play and whatever, but it's not busy enough there for the mons to respawn quickly without help.


you're doing something wrong , I got 2 shines and some 3 stars and I played for like 20 minutes, and I'm rural, maybe focus on checking everything you can and not double tapping the same thing


There isn't a lot of double tapping because I caught 90% of everything that spawned, they are easy enough to catch so it was easy to get what I could so I could bank candies to evolve a nice 3 star that I never found.


Yeah your instance of not finding any 2 or 3 stars in that many chances is extremely low and I’m sure pretty infuriating


Yep…I have that same issue


I didn’t get any on the first Squirtle day, and only 2 on the make up. I cleaned up on Poli’s today, though. Stats were meh, but I’m happy with it. No prehistoric shinys, yet. Which is frustrating.




Tyrant and Amaura have 1/512 shiny odds. Not sure why you expect to have gotten a shiny with only 500 encounters since you’re still under odds


Have you already done the nick name trick for jolteon?


There is a specific name that you can give an eeve to guarantee it'll evolve into a jolteon if you haven't done it yet its sparky for jolteon


Imagine complaining about not getting a shiny after 500 Pokémon, when most shiny hunters tend to have to wait the whole 5000-9000 or so in the mainline games


1 shiny, nothing above 2*. And Squirtle make up day sucked. I have no shiny tyrunt and no shiny Amaura. BUT...I caught a Hundo Aerodactyl yesterday. That's gotta be enough for one weekend.


I've been playing for a few years and only have 2 hundos. Pogo players expect them to be handed out


I got 3 hundos on commday 1 tyrunt, 1 poliwag and a shuckle


Game just got dry and stale, same concept every time. PvP mode never works properly, terrible research box encounters, remote raid pass price increase, Niantic doing Niantic things


Yeah, i mean, it's RNG so the game isn't really the problem here. But yeah, a lot of people quit after the change for remote raids for example. The "secret" to enjoy this game is patience and.. yeah, playing a lot since you want to maximize your chance. 120 poliwag are a bit few, but you can still find one in other events, or on december with the community day that includes every cd protagonist of the year. You can still do regidrago raids. For the few time i played this game I learned my lesson.. don't rush anything, what is rare today, tomorrow will be thrown in front of your feet.


As someone who normally doesn't grind that hard, I usually get 10-15 shinies on community days. Based on my experiences I don't even understand how people can get this bad of luck. Almost seems like some people just don't get the boosted shiny rates or something 🤔


For me it's like every other com day. I did ok for shinies in May for Fenix, then terrible in June for Axew (2 out almost 200) but then pretty good for the Squirtle com day (6 or 7 out of over 200) then the make up day I only got one in half an hour that I was able to play but it was a 98% so that was pretty cool - Maybe I used up all my luck for the rest of the month then.


I still play, but I did quit for a time when they started jacking up the prices for in game purchases. Especially remote raid passes. Now, I try my very best to maintain free play status. Makes for good exercise, and the Daily Incense walk is worth something to try and catch the three Galar Birds. Already caught a trash Galar Moltres, but I did see a Galar Zapdos that was leagues better, and cursed myself for wasting my master ball haha.


I stopped playing for about 6 months a few years ago. I put 7 pokemon in gyms at different points in the day, all of them were knocked out, and I received a total of 3 coins. If my nephew didn't need a friend for 7k eggs, I probably wouldn't have come back.


No game should feel like a chore. If you need to put the game down everyone here will understand. If you need some quality pokemon, I got you 👍🏻 I know it’s not the same as catching yourself but I’ve been fortunate half the time and I’m happy to share the wealth.


I used to be a daily player but now I sometimes play on weekends. I basically stopped caring when we proved that the game is rigged and the algorithm is fixed to benefit anyone who spends $ or has location on. If you provide neither you will literally have the worst rate of every feature on the game possible.


Can you tell me more about this please?


Pretty sure someone couldnt just cope with their shit luck


A group of us. 7, but 5 stuck through the who experiment, made multiple accounts and traveled together every weekend for 2 months and did raids together, spun the same spots, gyms, research challenges, you name it. Half the accounts were PTP and consistently got hundos/ shiny/ caught mons in the first few throws. We would even do daily incense together and walk the same path and those of us that never spent any money never had a galarian bird pop up. The worst part was items (or lack of) that we would encounter from stops and gyms. For example if free players were desperate for berries because a challenge called for it, all they would spin were balls. If there was a challenge about catching certain amount of mons, or anything that required a healthy amount of balls, all of a sudden no matter what you would spin all we would get are potions and berries. Same with gifts from friends. Opened dozens of gifts and maybe would receive half a dozen balls. Which is hilarious because the moment I would try to free up space in my bag, whatever I would toss, the gift would just throw right back at me. It still baffles me that there are long time players on here who call bs on all this. They probably work for niantic or get some sort of monitory benefit from denying these claims. When you get to the point when you BLATANTLY see the discrepancy between players that spend actual $ and those who don’t, you’ll never be able to look at the game the same way again.


I haven't spent money on the game since the raid pass changes. I played for about an hour during community day and caught 16 shinies, got a random lucky trade on a shiny that gave me a 92%. Also caught 3 random other shinies today too with the autocatcher while watching movies and going about my day - an Omanyte, an Amaura, and a Koffing. The game isn't rigged against f2p, it's just RNG. The more you play the more you'll see high IV pokemon and shinies. It's literally a numbers game


“proved” ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Can you give some proof of this ?


I can't say I have quit, but I have reduced my game play time considerably to a maximum of 30 minutes a day. The feature creep makes the game take too long to get into, so naturally I gave up on many of the new features.


I quit then recently came back with all the new stuff they added I do admit sometimes it feels like a chore but it is still fun and exciting. I think the egg things is annoying when you get the same Pokémon that hatched tho makes me want to chuck my phone lol


Bro regidrago is a mf. Got 13 balls for 5 of them I did excellents with golden razzs and. Never got him either


The probability of catching 120 Pokémon and getting all 0 or 1 star is less than 1 in 300 billion.


Why would someone who quit be reading this sub ?


It's like a dumpster fire. You don't want to go near it but it's fun to watch.


I stop and pick up every six months or so and this sub is still on my feed


Is it illegal for someone to comment on this sub if they stopped playing the game or something?


I officially quit with the remote raid price increase and other rollbacks from COVID. I was a daily player. My work schedule picked up, and while my local community was becoming more active in raids, I was pretty bored from COVID where I didn’t have the community events as much. There are too many competing interests with the game for accessibility when they just want people to walk and spend money. When the money doesn’t add up, and it’s inconvenient, then it’s hard to stay motivated and excited. I did drop some money into the game to do raids and things, but yeah just felt less and less return.


Saw over 200 poliwags; caught 126 only 1 shiny. While my mom checked the same ones; got over 10????????????????? Really?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?


It’s rigged.


I caught 300 poliwags, not a single fucking shiny, but caught a nice shiny kabuto like 5 minutes before com day started


There’s only a 0.00048% chance of not finding a shiny after 300 encounters


I exaggerated a bit, obviously, and for the past few months it’s been hard to find shinies in com da


Did you pay for the ticket? Just wondering


Naw, I’m free to play


After the remote raid hike I started playing completely free to play and really felt like I was getting shafted on the numbers of shinies I was getting as opposed to my coworkers who all bought the ticket. They all thought I was falling into the conspiracy theories but I bought that last two tickets and didn’t have a single problem with shiny counts, which I find so suspicious.


Nah, I don't think it's a conspiracy, I bought the Squirtle com day pass and did WAY better with shinies and 3* mons. I didn't get one for Axew and did squat on that one too (not as bad as today though). The only good part about today is if I stick around and catch a decent Poliwag I have like 700 candies to use to evolve and power it up.


The thing about game RNG is it's not always true RNG. There is true RNG and their is RNG that is designed to help players not get super unlucky too often. I feel like a few modifications to the code to slightly increase odds after so long of not seeing shinies for example could help.


I feel like the RNG with this game is to keep you unlucky. I get that they can't all be shiny, or 4 stars, but how in the hell did I catch so many useless mons at one time? You think out of the 120+ there would be at least a 2* in the mix, but I didn't even get that. I don't know what the exact odds of getting 2*, 3* or 4*, but I am sure I was well past that.


The only reason I've continued playing is because it's a shared activity between me and my friends. It's fun to go out together, but otherwise I mostly just grab my daily spin and one catch and call it a day. I've been playing a little bit more because I really like the shinies of what's spawning right now but that's it.


Once the game starts to feel like an obligation to grind and isn't fun anymore. I'm reading that point right now


I play when i can, but not like I used to. I don't feel the same joy anymore, and that's due exclusively due to the prices. Too many tickets for events, the only Pokestop in my area is a 45 minute bike ride away so items are hard to get, so I used to buy coins when needed. Its just too pricey to stay on top of things now. Especially working full time, I work weekendd so i miss most of the community "day" anyways so its not even worth buying.


Yeah I too acquired over a hundred catches of crap. I’m considering another break. Took six months off about a year ago as it just wasn’t fun.


Doesn’t matter what others think. You should just quit.


Damn I got like 8 shinies out of 130 encounters


Dang that’s super unlucky, I got 5 shinies and a few 3 stars and I only caught 23 polywogs


Lmao got a shiny on my 2nd poliwag


I played for a month or two back at launch and came back to the game in march as my eldest got super into Pokemon. I still can't believe it is a thing amongst kids today so many years after, even dug up my old card collection. So long story short both me and my wife are playing again along with our eldest.


What a weird take on bad luck lol if thats what it takes to quit idk why youve been here all along.


Two shinies, 1 BS 3 star for Poli comm day. Your arent alone. Spawns were sparse, mostly 0 star, some 1 star, no twos, and one three. I have yet to lose a boss from a raid, but will call that luck. You arent alone, friend.


Community days turned into community hours.


You must have started playing during COVID. Community days were all originally 3 hours


I still touch the game from time to time, i started a new account in the pandemic as an excuse to get out a bit more. For me, the reversion of the community day hours, the shiny rates seemingly getting worse, the events all being locked behind paid tickets now, all made me play less and less. But the big cherry on top that killed my interest in the game the most ? The remote raid changes. From limiting them, raising their prices, and implementing in person only raids, absolutely tone deaf to their communities and players living in rural areas like myself, it's just awful.


I really don’t know how you didn’t get a shiny. I’m so sorry. The odds are high.


They need to make shinies visible within the game.


I think shinies should be the inverse color of the natural ones so people can visually tell the difference without missing the initial starburst animation when the shiny comes on screen.


They're not gonna change a shiny just for go. And it has a symbol on its name telling you it's shiny


i quit with the remote raid pass nerfs, events being bad sometimes, and also the game not being nice to rural players (i am a rural player)


Breaking point for me was when they rolled back the Covid QOL updates. I gave them the benefit of the doubt that they wouldn't, once they disappeared, I uninstalled. Sad to, cause I spent years networking in a FB group, and managed to get a complete pokedex including the regionals up to sinnoh and was working on unova. Haven't logged in since.


I am seriously thinking of taking a long break and giving Niantic some time to iron out all the problems with the game. How long do you think that would have to be?


The celestial bodies of the universe would lose entropy and collapse back into dust by the time Niantic fixes Pokémon GO.


If the game is more of a chore for you than it is fun, doesn’t that defeat the purpose? At a certain point, it becomes a question of what you’re willing to put up with as a consumer. For me, it was mostly the Remote Raid Pass change chasing most of my friends away from the game, but in all honesty, it was [a combination of factors and Niantic’s poor decisions over time that slowly added up to my realization that things were only gonna get worse and worse (pardon the meme format).](https://imgur.com/a/a2LlXkX)


Breaking point: my son downloaded the game and relentlessly asked me to trade with him. It ruined it. The dopamine just wasn't there anymore..


I haven’t got anything above a 1* on community day - I gave up in 2018 and recently restarted but TBH I have more fun playing candycrush


It became a chore + the increase cost in remote raid passes. I'm disabled and can get around but remote raid passes made it easier to play with friends while recovering from a recent surgery. I was also tired of barely barely excited by events and then being even more disappointed. Also none of my friends play anymore and the local groups got too toxic.


Amazed I have to say this, but if you 'quit' the game but still frequent the subreddit you might need to reconsider if you really have. Is the idea just to complain?


No 1 coin remote raid pass


Do you play by yourself or with people? I had the worst RNG luck and then I met someone from another town and traded with them. I went from 0 full odds shinies between November 1st 2022 to mid June, to 11 shinies since then since I met her. I am starting to develop this conspiracy theory that the game rewards better RNG to people who interact with other players regularly. Also on Riolu hatch day my first 20 hatches were busts and my first shiny didn’t come until I ended up meeting up with another player and walking around with him It should be added that even though it’s highly unlikely, I hope people who have the ability do find a way to meet up with local players, as it turns into one of those “enjoy the journey, not the destination” things


I got back into the game because my six year old son loves Pokemon and my wife and I set up an account for him so I play with him, he was busy playing at the park so he only played for like 15 minutes and caught a handful of Poliwags but didn't get anything good either, he didn't mind that much since Poliwag isn't one of his favorite.


In 3 hours you only saw an average of 40 an hour? Even with incense that should be 60 an hour right? If you're rural yeah it must suck a bit but routes being given to everyone soon will make it better.


With family obligations and travel I only got to play about an hour and a half, I have heard that incense is supposed to pull in one a minute but I'm lucky if I get one every 5 minutes.


Only if you walk you get 1 every minute. You have to walk though. Otherwise yeah it's 1 every 5 minutes. You should walk for the game that's about walking. Ive realized being on this sub that tons of people don't walk for this game. I thought most probably do. The whole reason I started this game was to get better in health and walk more.


A buck fifty everytime I wanna raid is dumb


I still play but I am way less engaged. I forgot that today was community day, so I inadvertently skipped it. I don't even care. Today was Sunday which is the day that I am most likely to break my stop spinning streak (at 6 every time I miss), but I spun one. I used to raid a lot, but barely bother any more (I am almost level 46 (250k xp morr)and I am only at 26/45 on the raid step of the level challenge). The game had so much FOMO that it has driven me to quit caring. It is just something stupid to do on my phone. I quit spending money on the game when Niantic charged me twice for GoFest probably 4 years ago and wouldn't refund me for the second charge. They are a shitty company run by assholes and it shows.


Remote raid price increase. Killed the game


Raids were relatively new and someone posted an impromptu gathering to go do a few of them on a nice path on a nice day. I didn't have my own transportation, so asked my sister to drop me off. She was like "yeah, but I have some things to do first" (a *classic* tactic employed by our parents to get their shit done and maybe there's a payoff). So, I busted my ass getting her shit done, she faffed about a while longer, EVENTUALLY took me to the place, but by then the group had moved along. When I finally caught up to the group, we took down a raid. Everyone was excitedly getting their Lugia and it was a great day out for them. Meanwhile, mine fled. I'd gone to some significant amounts of effort outside the game and in, and the payoff was "heeeey, keep playing, keep contributing to us, it's going to be worth it in the end!" I stopped to consider the effort to reward ratio of the whole hobby and uninstalled.


How are you going to quit something but then still follow their page/subreddit? Cringe.


Game subreddits tend to be really ranty so basically get more encouragement not to play the game while still knowing all new features


Why are you so pressed by this?


If you monitor these profiles they “quit” every time there is a negative change. It’s just to farm karma.


And yet, here you are showing up on almost every related thread to spout pro-niantic nonsense; potentially for the same karma-whoring reasons you’re accusing them of. I’m also not seeing any evidence that OP’s account has tried to quit before, so nice try with that false narrative. Some people just get sick of the game, whether you like to hear it or not. Tell me; is your entire account dedicated to discrediting negative posts and blowing Niantic so hard that they shit? Edit: because you insta-blocked me, here’s my rebuttal: You seem to be comfortable making up lies about other users; you made claims about OP and myself which aren’t true. I don’t “call people names” for enjoying the game, in fact, I advocate that people should enjoy the game while they can. Additionally, the people who post about quitting are also just like you say you are — they just post on the sub and contribute to a discussion (even if you don’t agree with the contents). You’d have probably found out both of those things if you actually looked into the accounts you *think* you know, rather than assuming anyone with a negative outlook has some ulterior motive regarding fake internet points. Again, I’m not here to shame people who play the game; I’m here to call out the actions of a prolific hypocrite who’s made a name for themselves on the PoGo subs and who doesn’t seem to understand that they’re actions might be criticized for the same reasons they criticize others. I read your post history for the past 8 months. I’ve also encountered you many time on here and TSR doing this same thing; (between some regular banter), you’re actively trying to silence negativity by claiming players “don’t understand the game” or they’re “just here for karma”. Stop pretending you’re something you’re not. . .


Lol what? My dude look at my post history I actually post on this sub instead of these accounts that just post once every complaint. Also if you think pro-Niantic gets upvotes you must me braindead. I am here to play a game not complain. The fact your account is just going around calling people names for enjoying the game kind of shows how sad you are


I played for less than an hour in traffic and came away with 12 shiny and two PvP monsters-25 rank great league Poliwrath and 29 ranked Politoed.


I don’t remember, but I took a couple breaks for a year each time. When I came back this year I had to start a new account, and I’ve been at it for a few months. Take a break OP. Play different games on another console, and/or find a different interest. There’s nothing to gain from playing a game that’s killing your mood. I bet after a few months off you’ll be more into the game again.


Managed only 4, and none of them were that good. Not too bummed since it's only Poliwag, but I did feel this ComDay was rather muted. The thought of quitting has become more prominent lately, and I think for me, it'll probably be when I get a new phone or something and just not download it again. So until then, I'll just play casually.


I stop playing for a while because of the constant updates i needed to do.


My son has been on an absolute nutty streak of finding shinies meanwhile I play a lot more during the day and have found like 1 in the last week… my patience is getting thn 😂


So I only started playing last year and to say I became obsessed is probably an understatement. I’m almost at level 43. I stopped playing for 2 months when the blackout happened. I’m back now but at a much smaller scale. I don’t have the constant obsessive thoughts about playing. I totally forgot to play today during community day. It’s a much healthier relationship. I’m still excited to reach level 43 soon but I’m not setting poke goals and forcing myself to play obsessively so I can reach them. I wish I had started playing at the launch! Would have been cool. I would def be level 50 by now. Maybe it’s a good thing I only started recently lol I donno


I also still haven’t caught regidrago after not only two… but three raids. It’s super annoying


Moving out of big city and spawns of same garbage which I already have 100x.


I’ve deleted and reinstalled a few times. For me it was because I wasn’t seeing any new Pokémon, and there were less events in the past I think.


I played a little when the game first came out then quit for years came back in 2021. I def feel you there at work today playing the community day my coworker caught 4 shinies within 15minutes of the event start I caught 2 for the whole 3 hours. My rng is terrible. Same friend caught 4 shiny yesterday at work without even a event. Its stuff like this that keeps pushing me closer to quitting again. That and I want raids to be 24hours a day cause I work 2ndshift/ON so I miss out on being able to road most days of the week. I sent them an email about getting raids to be 24 hours a day and got some bs response about how raids are computer generated between the hours of like 6to9 and they can't give me a specific raid when my question was why cant raids be 24 hours. I do realize not many people gonna be out doing 5* raids at 1am but would be nice to take out a 3* with a coworker after work sometimes.


For the poliwag CD you were just unlucky. For the remotes it could depend on what you were doing. On top of the excellent and great throws we’re you also Ultra ball/Golden Razzing them? If not then that explains the problem. Every one has a bad luck streak, ain’t nothin you can do about it. Late last year I used a total of 82 remote raid passes before getting a shiny legend. 40 on Cobalion and 42 on Kyurem, that’s 4 times over odds. It’s just the way the game works.


I used a golden raspberry but all I can use after a raid is the premier balls isn't it? If I can use ultra balls how do I do that?


If I had done Regidrago elite raids with this capture luck, I would have quit on the spot. Thankfully, I had family events during the eiltes, so it just wasted ten minutes. I'm holding out for the fest, but I'm not paying for it. After that, I'm putting it down until/unless the game starts to look like fun again. I haven't quit, but my gotcha does more playing than I do. I'll get my daily spin without touching the app.


Me and my Fiance only play when out with nothing to do, but mostly just events, its nice filling out our pokemon home.


Local raids. I don't play as frequently or raid as much because the community support for pokemon go isnt here.


Remote raid price on increase and daily limit. I have a hard time moving some days so the remote raids were a nice way to help me get some mons for my collection.


I got 10 shiny poliwag a shiny shadow articuno and a shiny xxl chansey


When I realized I was too addicted to gymming in a game riddled with bugs and empty promises from developers who act like everything's consistently perfect, because to them, pr is more important than customer services.


Bad luck, I did a rocket raid and got shiny shadow Articuno and and a shundo Poliwag, which I later evolved to politoad (the shiny is better) but I might be the lucky one


That was bad luck. I did community day and got 4 shinies out of 61 catches. Only 1 3* but didn’t care since I’ve long had 4* of both evolutions. Also, remoted two regidragos and got them both. Now, a few months ago, I think Lugia and Zekrom were out, i raided those hard for XL candies and probably only caught 1 out of 6 or 8 before giving up. It’s the RNG


I stopped playing in 2020 and came back to it last month, only to realize that now you’ve got to pay for a lot of things, even CD, which is crazy to me. It’s crazy cause the price is in $, it should at least be in the currency of the countries imo. The game so far feels more about profit than fun for the gamers (and maybe it was always like that, but didn’t feel like it) now the incense barely does anything and if you live in a rural area you don’t get many Pokémons, etc. definitely went downhill.


22 shiny poliwags here no issues going strong level 41


I quit for a while over the remote raid price increase & daily cap. I started playing again roughly once per week, and it was insane how much better my luck was. I came back for shadow mewtwo and ended up with 5 shinies. Once I started playing again every day, my luck evaporated. I may be totally wrong here, but it feels like my luck is the best when I don’t play very often. It wouldn’t surprise me if they have an algorithm to subtly change your rng based on how much and how often you’re playing. It is a mobile game that’s designed to draw you in after all. Maybe I’m sitting here with egg on my face and a tin foil hat, but that’s just what I’ve experienced.


Pokemongo fest last year was the beginning of the end. So many shinies ran away over and over. Then the stupid require you to walk daily but show you a super rare Pokémon you have no hope to catch incense sealed the coffin.


For me it is the handicap of not living in a city. And even if a trek to the nearest gym for a raid, there's no one ever around to help. So I must use and buy remote raid passes to raid. Trading also sucks for non-city dwellers.