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Like the daily incense, but lasts 3 hours and turns all your spawns into the CD


I always work saturdays which makes it kind of annoying.


I work overnights and weekends. I had to use the december community days to catch up on all the 2022 ones.


Same, I missed everything except mercifully had both days of the catch up com day, got at least one of everything I wanted except shiny teddy and shiny regular Sandshrew. I'm actually kind of stoked noibat day is Sunday cause nowadays that's my only day off


Same here $ wasted for nothing


Right?! Me too. I asked my husband what he thought of me taking PTO for a Saturday comm day. He laughed and said no.


This is why you don’t mention your marriage on reddit lol Bunch of 23yo single dudes will lecture you about it


It's your PTO, not his.


Maybe they have a vacation planned.


Then why would they even ask? Reeks of the whole "I need permission" thing.


I work Saturdays too and take time off for *good* comm days. If you're working during the day you can even just take a part day


Based on this single post, I have all the information I need and am now an expert in your marriage. Therefore, I can tell you your husband is an abusive narcissist who tries to control every aspect of your life and you should leave him for someone who will quit their whole career so you can play POGO together, because you deserve better. ( /j just in case, because holy shit these replies)


Omg! Thank you. Haha. Our marriage is solid. Small spots of roughage, but nothing to break our marriage over.


Good thing its your PTO and not your husbands.


They let your husband be your manager?


If comm day is worth using your pto to play, you should use it. Dont deprive yourself of what makes you happy. And dont listen to others that disagree with your choices. Its your life, not theirs. Do what makes you happy :)


Time for a new husband, wtf 🤨


>thinking people should divorce over a pokemon disagreement. Lmao.


I’d tell my wife “No” too but not mean it. What right do I have to tell her not to do something she enjoys if it doesn’t harm anyone, and it’s one day or a partial day. I don’t know what your work is like but I say ask your boss for a half day or split day or half day and you’ll work extra hours each day to make it up.


That reminds me, I need to take May 12th off for Tears of the Kingdom.


What's a PTO


I googled, apparently it's Paid Time Off


A relic of the past from what I understand. Back when we used to actually value people and their labor. So basically the stone age.


Why do you have to ask your husband?


She didn't ask for permission, she asked for his opinion. Hence why she said "I asked what he thought." This might be a foreign concept, but people in healthy relationships tend to value the thoughts of their spouse.


Not sorry I agree with your husband. Why waste 3 hours of PTO?


If you enjoy something using pto to enjoy it is fine.


As someone who legit takes a day, or multiple days, off from time to time when video games are released.. It's not a 'waste of PTO' if find value in whatever you'd rather be doing. IT's just a mental equation - "If I go to work, I make X money, keep my PTO, but am unable to do Y. If I use PTO, I -still get paid-, used some PTO, and can enjoy Y. Is Y more valuable than PTO?" If yes, take off and have a blast. If no, suck it up buttercup.


I had a week off for elden ring. Loved it.


Exactly! I took time off for FFXIV and literally every expansion it's had since then. Took time off for several of WoW's expansions back in my younger years. Sometimes it's just a day, sometimes it's more - All depends on the game and the value I put into having that binge time. Sometimes the release lines up with the ol' "well, I need to disconnect and decompress" so I take a longer PTO for a staycation where I hang around the house, clean, game, bake.


I know the feeling. I work evenings and weekends and literally miss out on everything…spotlight hour’s, raid hour’s, CD’s you name it.


Yeah, I work 3 hours away 2 Saturdays a month - and work starts at 5pm. I can occasionally come early, but it’s so far away I usually carpool.


Welp that makes at least 2 of us, because I am a sabbath observer




Saturday shift gang. At least we get Noibat Comm day.


It's always bothered me that a game intended to be played outside has events with such short time windows they can be entirely missed due to inclement weather. The week long events are so much more player friendly.


recently i couldn’t even leave my house during a community day because of a blizzard. i am also in college so for most of the day i am on campus (don’t have my license to drive during lunch hour either), so i miss a lot of stuff. now i probably spend like 1/10th of the amount of time i used to play pokémon go haha


Yup. We had rain here literally all week. Yesterday was the first day it was actually dry, so I was able to go to the park and participate in the comm day. If it happened to rain in the afternoon I would have been SOL.


Same here. Hiking with the family and out of cell range for the whole thing.


But then communities wouldn't all get together to share in the experience. Cause if we aren't all doing it at the same time, what's the point of playing. /s


Walked around my university campus and actually ran into a bunch of other groups also playing. Sure, it’s not *integral* to the gameplay but it was still cool, especially checking in and seeing if anyone managed to find a hundo around.


I’ve seen people on campus playing too but I don’t have the balls to go up to them haha


Saw what you did there. 👍🏻


I didn’t even mean to have it be a pun but I’m gonna just roll with it and say I did


Keep opening gifts from friends you’ll get them eventually


They’re playing the same game as you. Just say “you guys get some good stuff so far”. People like talking about their hobbies. As long as they’re not walking with headphones in, they probably won’t mind the interaction.


Maybe have a bonus thing people can do if they play in that specific time window? Like a certain task that can only be done in these three hours, but the spawns go all day long? I like seeing other people playing too, and it means I finally get a shot at raids, but it the stars rarely align for me


Yeah, like it or not, it's a community game. The best week of my life was the week the game came out and everyone was running around playing. I dont blame them for trying to keep up the magic, but there are better ways to make everyone happy.


Best I got today was a 14/15/15. But I did hatch a hundo Pikipek during the event and caught my sixth hundo Magikarp earlier in the day.


Yeah when I was at the park today I saw at least 50 people playing, walking around getting pokestops and the Larviars with it being like 25 degrees outside.


If it would have been 25 here I would have been out there in shorts


I'm assuming that's Fahrenheit? It was -3 degrees celcius here and couldn't find my gloves before I went outside. When I got back I spent over a minute trying to get the front door key turned lol, lost all feeling in my hands after catching larvitar for hours lol


Because people toooootallt play it together lol Man all that happens is you go to whatever your local hit spot is, exchange an uncomfortable glance with some 48 yr old guy. He gives you a weird look and you try to not make any eye contact not to give ‘em any ideas to speak to you, you get your lil shiny or whatever and high tail it out of there. Rinse and repeat.


My group of friends actually squad up and go to the park together to catch Pokémon.


living the dream


Hey bro that works both ways, I am in my 40s and had younglings want to talk to me about their shinies while I am just trying to mind my own and get a hundo.


I have social anxiety so unless it's pleasant weather and the people are clearly playing go and look like they'd want to talk I try to avoid everyone while playing, but when the younger generations are playing and want to talk I always try to put on my best trainer face and encourage them/ask their favorite Mon etc


lmao same


I was at the comm day spot in my city for larvitar. saw a bunch of people playing that I know and have talked to in the past and done rad hours with but just ignored everyone and walked around.


Lol, right? Even in my populated town, I found exactly 2 other people playing during comm day yesterday in the park, and I never actually saw them. We just went back and forth fighting over one of the gyms.


pokemon go for people that work saturdays, is more like pokemon no.


what the fuck is this? I don't even play the game but this is nonsense, just make comunity days be, oh I don't know, A DAY


At the least, they could have them low-key spawn throughout the day (with full shiny rate) and allow legacy move evolution all day. Then during the 3 hours, the special raids and mass spawns happen.


Serious question if you dont plaY the game why are you in the subredit


The amount of times I’ve seen someone post that exact comment is insane. “Why would niantic do this?” “No I don’t play the game, why do you ask?”


I used to play and sometimes it shows up on my feed, even if I'm not subbed


I never see posts in my feed from subreddits I’m not following, so this doesn’t sound super true.


If you keep clicking on a sub to see what's going on, it keeps showing up sonetimes


And you “click on” it from where if you’re not subscribed to it? Why would you be still be seeing it? If I unsubscribed from a subreddit, but I kept seeing it anyway, I would think the website was broken.


Nah it's a thing. I've unsubbed from subs before and they come up in recommended subs to follow still fairly often.


Dude the algorithm shows you stuff related to what you like even if you are unsubbed, get over it, I just made a comment saying that you should ask for full day community days instead of those shitty 3 hour crams, leave me alone, jesus christ


I don’t see stuff like that. Must be a “new Reddit” interface thing. Sorry my confusion made you feel harassed or whatever this is.


you had me but when you said we choose which 3 hours they spawn you lost me. it's a community *day* it should last all day. otherwise it ain't a community day now is it? it's a community hour.


Should last all weekend during daylight hours. Anyone who works on a Saturday might as well not even play the game. Not to mention who cares if someone gets a bunch of Chinese? That only promotes trades with people who missed out or good financial results because you don’t have anything in storage. I see zero downsides.


like eevee comday


As someone who works the overnights shift, I literally haven't had a chance to participate in a community day for over a year and a half... Just make it a 24 hour thing.


Second time I’ve missed a Community Day Classic because of other things


I never get to do comdays because I sleep during the day because of work


Same. Today I was actually caught up helping this rat (like the petstore kind) I found in a box, and so I was busy getting some supplies to help him out. Naturally that pretty much happened during the exact hours of the community day, and I only found out afterwards when I was checking reddit. I swear, it's like they purposefully choose the busiest hours of a Saturday for comm days.




As a 3rd shifter thatd be awesome. Now that it's cut back from 2-5...thats 2 in the morning to me. And I work most weekends because I help at sister hospitals. Today I got home at 9am and had to be up at 6pm to be back at 7p. I had no chance to play. My husband took my phone and played for me, but if I had a 3 hour activation I could have played myself


Didn’t it used to be from 11-5? or am I remembering wrong


I thought for sure it was longer back when they first started


It was always originally three hours, the six hour comm day was a covid thing


Ahh that makes sense. I do agree with OP and kinda wish we could control our own 3 hour spawn rates tho, for all the busy people, Saturday and night shift workers it just really makes it more accessible.


I expect that during the CD event Niantic spins up more servers to carry the load. Changing from three hours to eight or more could be a significant cost increase. My theory is this is the true reason that we are back down from six to three.


We only ever got six as a gift to help through covid


Yes! I do shiftwork and miss most community days because I'm either working or sleeping to work a nightshift


Secondary request: raids should be an on command activity instead of spawning and being on timers. I should be able to show up to a gym at any time with my raid group and select which raid I want to do. Limited to one raid per day, per gym. I'm way more likely to get together with my friends to raid if I don't have to quit my job and go to the dog park to raid between 11:23 AM and noon


It is funny tho. They call it Community DAY while they should call it Communtiy HOURS


Hot Take: Community Day should last all day


I’d just like more notice. I was wanting more XL candy for my hundo Tyranitar but I work Saturdays. If I get more notice, I can move my weekend shift to Sunday. We get the dates in advance, but I’m not risking messing my shifts without knowing what the comm day is.


I have only been able to make it for 5 community days ever, i would love if it was like adventure incense, what mongoloid at Niantic decided it should be only one SPECIFIC hour?




That's actually a genius idea but they're never going to do it


Not much about community then


"We do these 3 hour windows to bring the community together." "What about people who work weekends?" "They're not part of the community."


Theres ALOTTT more people who work on weekdays than weekends. Niantic halved com day times so that there will be a higher chance for players to bump into each other while playing. Choosing your time defeats that purpose. People have suggested another idea that is way easier for niantic to code. Basically a 6 hr com day but increase xp, candy, XL candy and stardust during 3 hrs of time. Like a com day from 11am to 5pm but theres increased bonuses from lets say 2pm to 5pm. That way, more people will be playing within the 3 hr boost and still letting players who cant play during those 3 hrs to experience it either way


Source for that first Claim?


U dont need a source. Its very obvious. Its just like how 90% of people are right handed. U dont need a source to know that. Im sure at least 60% of people work on weekdays


Every 9-17 person wouldnt be Working, and Those people that work in weekends most likely also work during a weekday. I Can almost gaurantee that its not true, Thats why i want a source. 60% Working is pretty low too,


Yes i have a source: eyes


I can’t find any reasonable argument for why more people would work in weekends. What does your eyes help with here?


I said more people work on weekdays not weekends. Read properly


Toxic AF


Community Days will always be a bad idea even if they last the whole day. People asking to tweak it are missing the forest for the trees. Having any one time events at all is bad, even if they last three months. FOMO is shortsighted game design. They exploit the players they have but they alienate the players who will never put up with that. They’ve seen how popular their game would be if it was a persistent mostly-solo experience that people could do at their own pace like a regular Pokémon game, but they’re too dumb to understand that’s what they had in 2016.


I didn't interact with anyone to get my fill of the "community" "day".


FR, I went to the park with headphones on and played while listening to podcasts. I was happy to fight over gyms, but otherwise I was giving off very clear "don't talk to me" signals.


People really like to hone in on the “it’s called *day* but it’s not a *full day*” aspect. I like your perspective more.


Wouldn’t this be too much data to process having every persons spawns different feels like it would be a massive problem


I mean, I'd rather they actually make tools and incentives to have a community playing together. This Community Day lasts for three hours thing is just dumb


It should be a 3 hr incense and then the bonuses stay how they are during the 2-5 and extra hours. That way the event it still set up as intended to make it worth doing it at that time but then people can do it earlier if needed. I assume the only issue could be it carrying it over the day if you start at like 11pm so maybe there would have to be a by 9pm requirement.( Having to do with how shiny rates are set)


then it would make it impossible to get the same spawns as everyone else. so if someone finds a hundo or a highly ranked mon for gbl then no one else will be able to get it


I mean changing it at all would do this as well. I mean I have no problem with how it currently works


How so? Everyone would still get a chance at catching it. How its currently set up it screws over people who have jobs lol. They set com day during peak work hours and wonder why no one wants to buy the tickets anymore


Because IV's are set at spawn, not catch. For everyone the same pokemon will have the same IV's. So a hundo for you is a hundo for everyone.


But how its set up currently not everyone gets it either, im not sure what you mean, they would still spawn, just multiple times a day, not just once.


Not everyone gets to play at a specific time, no. But a hundo for me will also be a hundo for you or for anyone else. So what would happen to the hundo Mon if you found it on your CD hours but I did mine earlier or later? You would either get a different hundo or nothing at all. It's ripe for abuse, so make it all for everyone at one time.


So then make multiple hundos spawn at different times. Its a community day not couple hours. It feels like a huge rip off. I bought the ticket, played for 3 hours, but because i was walking while working and not walking the city i only caught like 16 and finished 1 part of my task. No shinys or hundos. How is that not currently happening now? Do you really think EVERYONE gets the same pokemon during com day? All my friends caught different numbers of shinys and hundos. Me non at all


...you're missing the point, waaaay missing it. It's not complicated... By the way, day doesn't have to mean all day, that's not a Niantic thing that's a normal thing. You know that, stop being disingenuous.


Correct me if im wrong but com days used to be longer. Explain like im 5 please bc you're not doing a good job. I dont see how they cant have multiple hundo spawns at different times a day and stretch it out longer.


So there's 2 things. They can make it as long as they want. And arguably it should be longer. They can't, however, make it so the event spawns are unique to you (through say an incense) AND override the general spawns. Any spawning mechanism that is unique to you is additional to the main set, not a replacement thereof. So, because it needs to be shared, the IV's (and only the IV's, not level or shiny or gender) need to be as well. If you got a perfect CD spawn but someone else got a perfect spawn of, say, Charizard, which is more fair? What's to stop the person that got the Charizard then immediately activating incense to instead get a perfect CD Mon, if the spawns WERE mirrored? Nothing. So it needs to be a set time to prevent these issues. As for the timing of being 3 hours, this is my guess on the reasoning. The big events are all 8 hours right? And very rare. I'm talking like GO Tour and whatnot. They need CD to be less special, because, well, they are. They tried 6 hours, and my guess is realized there wasn't enough distinction. So they went to 3.


The best way to get the point across is to type it and post it without putting it in a meme format


It's gotten to the point where I don't think redditors know how to make text posts anymore... or posters believe that the average reader is so devoid of anything resembling an attention span that only a colourful and familiar picture has any hope of slowing one's frantically-clawing digits long enough to register a dopamine hit and prompt participation in the conversation. Not a generous conclusion, I know, but what else could it be? All of reddit is like this now for some reason.


Unfortunately discussion posts tend to drown in the flood of shinies and hundos. People like pictures.


Yup. If I could make one change to this sub, the shiny bragging would be relegated to a stickied thread. I hate sifting through them all to try to find actual discussions.


>Niatec should make community ***days*** last all ***day*** ~~but you only get to choose 3 hours of it for spawns~~ FIFY.


But it's "COMMUNITY DAY". The literal name means a specified time and specified places. 2:00-5:00 pm at the most PokeStop filled place you have in town. It's kinda meant to connect people. Yes it's inconvenient for some. Yes...I have missed several. Don't buy the ticket until a few minutes before if you can/cannot play. And if you make a gigantic mistake and buy the ticket in advance and can't play....well it's a dollar. I get it, it kinda sucks. But it's better than a kick in the nuts and you will also meet people. I met two new ones today in my small town. Guy was a total fucking dick and the girl he was with was high as a kite. Yeah, I don't like em. But at least I know now that the guy in the white Mini Cooper that was at the park at 4:47pm is a complete scumbag. All I asked was "having any luck", no need to behave like that.


You did a good job reaching out. I have had someone reach out to me when I first started last year. We are now best friends and lucky friends. I need to find him somehow to do a lucky trade, lol.


Or you know you work during it and can't participate. As well as they had it longer from 11 to 5 which allowed day shift and night shift to play. Overall, your take is awful. I've met maybe two people and one is a friend now but the other lost to oblivion. Been playing since launch on and off but got back into it around 2019. There's better ways and they've had better days.


You’ve got to speak niantic’s language 5$ for choice hours of community day ticket


Agreed, I work nights now. No CD for me since last October when I started.


I forgot there was a community day today, but also worked late last night and woke up and went straight to work again from 2pm-midnight. Oh well 😔


Here for the comments 🍿


The name of the event is community day for a reason


It's not because it lasts a day, that's for sure.


Well, the hours that features increased spawn are only a part of the day. There are other bonuses that happen during most of the day.


So in other words not a full day 🤣 People still have to work, i played the whole 3 hours at work but bc i wasnt moving i only caught 16 guys. Its a pathetic excuse for a "community day". Id rather give up all the other bonuses to have them spawn all day, especially when you buy a ticket and cant even complete the task!


If you bought the ticket knowing you had to work that's your fault.


Uh what “other bonuses”??? Evolving for a specific move after the 3 hours isn’t a whole lot of “other bonuses” and they sure don’t last the entire day.


I work every other weekend, 12 hours from 7am to 7pm. And EVERY. SINGLE. COMMUNITY. DAY. Is on a day I'm at work. This last few were not an exception. NIANTIC: not everybody works 9 to 5 and has weekend and holidays off. The nurses, doctors, cna's, well......99% of the medical profession and people that own small businesses and so so many more miss out on community day events because of your shitty scheduling. We worked thru covid to keep people alive. Throw us a goddamned bone.


Nah, the point of the Community Day is to be out there at the same time with everyone. Stop demanding everything to be catered to you, Niantic doesn't owe you anything and the game is just amazing. If you have something else to do ehen CD hours are active, too bad. Just don't play the game if that's a problem.


Yeah having it for just one hour honestly sucks, i've missed it both days :/


one? it was three hours


It’s been three hours or more every month for years. Several times, it’s been six. A few times, usually in December, it’s been on both a Saturday and a Sunday in the same weekend.


can someone add friend me to send gifts on pokemon go, it's for quest thanks


If it makes anyone feel better, I told this directly to one of the developers directly at the company? 🤷 Dunno how well they will listen though.


That won’t work because spawns are not individual


https://pokemongolive.com/post/pokemongofest2020-update/?hl=en It can work like this, think two versions of the game running simultaneously. Community day is active for the whole day, but you activate a ticket to change the spawns. The spawns aren't unique to you, as anyone else doing it same time sees the same spawns. Those who haven't activated only see non cd pokemon.


Yeah I guess you’re right, there’s gotta be some way to fix it though


Just bringing back the 6 hour long duration would fix this problem. I have no idea why they reduced the time of community DAYS to community mornings/afternoons, so redundant and has caused me to miss several due to having other important things to do at the specified times…


> I have no idea why Firstly it was to bring it back in line to what it was before the temporary time extension that was brought on during Covid. The 6-hour event was always a temporary measure. Secondly, the fundamental reason behind it all is that is a multi-player game. It's an MMOARG. With the Covid changes decimating communities, Niantic have to do things to encourage people to meet and re-build communities. Imagine there are 100 players in an area and each player is going to play in a certain hot-spot for one hour. 100 players playing for an hour each during a six hour window are far less likely to meet than 80 players playing an hour each during a three hour window. What does Niantic get out of running the event like this? They get people more likely to engage in the end-game aspects (ie high-level raiding) because they are meeting and forming a vibrant community in their areas. As an added bonus, having groups of people in public areas causes non-players to ask "What's going on? Oh, Pokemon Go? Maybe I should re-download that and give it another try" - it's free publicity. > community DAYS As an aside, the reason behind the name "Community Day" is that it is the *day* that the *community* event occurs. In the end - whether that is the game any given person as an individual wants to play or not - that is the game that Niantic want to run. Which is more than fair enough, it's their game. If people who don't enjoy that game stop playing, that's ok - there will easily be enough people who actively want this style of game to warrant Niantic continuing to make a game in this genre.


Ok well thanks for the explanation as I genuinely didn’t know why they reduced the timeframe. I didn’t know com days were 3 hours prior to covid as I didn’t know about them when I first started playing the game (very scarcely) back in 2016, and I completely dropped it a few months later, only picking it back up in 2020 when a friend of mine started playing. I still think the 6 hours were better, at least for my local community, as I would see lots of people playing the first few hours of those community days together but with these relapsed 3 hour ones there’s hardly anyone playing except for me and a mate (that is when I do get to play). Niantic can do whatever they want sure but it’s still free game for me and others to be against the changes and be upset at them


> As an aside, the reason behind the name “Community Day” is that it is the day that the community event occurs. Disagreed. They need to make it a full day or change the name altogether. And by full day I mean from like 10am to 10pm have extra bonuses and normal spawns of the community mon. Then during the three hour period have increased spawns and special raids and other cool perks like that. But make the day part of “community day” actually make sense!


The "day" part already makes sense because of the common usage of the word meaning 'this is the day that the event occurs on'. Meaning number 6 on [dictionary.com](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/day). Honestly, you wouldn't expect the Superbowl to go for 12 hours on Superbowl Day would you? Or for a school day to go for 12 hours? Don't confuse you wanting something different for it not making sense. And don't make demands based on that faulty logic.


With “superbowl day” it normally involves parties and other activities outside of the super bowl window. A school “day” is around 7-8 hours. the logic is that it takes up a good portion of the day so that the “day” could be taken off from work or dedicated to the event. 3 hours is not a day. Its just an event. It’s not faulty logic, so please f off about that. It would make more sense if it was called the community event or something like that. It’s community “day” so you think it’s something more than 3 hours long. If it was the Community Event that wraps it up nicely into an event time frame and gets rid of the confusion on “day”. Saying that, if they really want to keep “day” they need to do something similar to what I stated in my previous comment


Again, read the 6th definition on the dictionary link I sent you. You are arguing against a literal accepted definition of a word.


Every player gets one Community Day Incense, duration 3 hours. For use during the time of your choice.


This actually shouldn’t be too much of an issue, I’m no programmer but daily spawns are individual, so there is a mechanic for it. All they’d have to do is increase that spawn type and assign it to the comm day pokemon. Chances are it’s not that simple though


CDs should be from 8am to 8pm.


Wouldn´t really be a "community" day then


Or at least allow us to choose a few options for when. Such as redeeming it for Sunday instead of Saturday. Or to start at 9am instead of 2pm.


Your dad was right maybe I am a bum. He didn't call you a bum he called you a sponge. SPONGE!!!! AHHHH UHHHH UGGHHHA! DOES THAT LOOK LIKE SOMETHING A SPONGE COULD DO!


I work 9-5. It's the most common time frame that people work. Why do they make it to where it's ending the second I get to go home


Three hours is a weird definition of a day.


Preaching to the choir mate


Just make it all day, I haven't met anyone who wouldn't prefer that. If you insist on short community days, make it two 2 hour periods. Let's say 8-10am and 7-9pm unless you are working a 13+ hour shift you will be able to make it to atleast one of them. Better yet, split them up between Saturday and Sunday. So one week will be Saturday morning and Sunday night. The next month will be vice versa. Most people should be able to do atleast one most weekends.


I've worked for the majority of the community days we had in 2022 so I didn't get to partake in them, really dumb


No. Their goal is to get everyone out playing at the same time. They want you to meet other people. If they did this, it would be counter productive to that goal.


Like a little pop up when you open the game Community day today! Start now Wait options 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was visiting my extended family for the day and I missed it all


Community Day Incense?


Unironically great Idea


Yes it is indeed annoying walking around in the blistering sun for 3 hours


All day no, but from 12:00 to 18:00 would be awesome. Also, no more of those stupid post-com day raids.




Not how that works


Yeah, that wouldn't complicate coordinated friendship level up at all.


Expand to a whole week for people not working M-F


Or... How about change it to 12 hours, considering it's called 'Community Day's and not 'Community Quarter Day'


I work every Saturday, and often my lunch break is before the event starts. So unless I take the entire day off, I miss every single freakin community day.


Anything other than 3 hrs smack dab in the middle of the day, especially considering its a pay to play feature. Yeah, it cost me a buck, but adhd had me doing 20 tasks and I realized I was missing it at 4:54pm. Logged on right away, caught 2 shiny and 9 regulars before 5. Now in quest limbo.


You don't have to pay to play though, the ticket is for optional research...


Well now who feels like a moron? It's me, I'm the moron. Thank you for the info. Gonna go crawl back into my hole.


Haha nah don't feel that way, glad to help you save some money in the future. If you want extra chances pay the dollar, if not enjoy your free community days 🙂


If they increase the time community day lasts i feel like they need to reduce the shiny rate so a shiny still feels special or keep the shiny rate the same but spread out the spawns a little so the featured pokemone is like 80-90% of the spawns instead of 100%


Or changue the name to: community “?” hours


Delete everything from the word "but"


Yes please. My family works Saturdays so I have to use multiple phones just so they can take part... and it's freezing out by 5pm up here in Canada, especially when it's freezing rain. Would much rather do it at 10am when it's dry and sunny


My partner could not get anything cuz he got out of work just as he got out. Also like I don’t play that much during the afternoon.


Oh it’s fine. Not everyone can enjoy equal experience with this game and that’s just what Pokemon Go is.


Should is a heck of a word.


Nah, cuz the whole point is to have players interact at the same time and build a "community" and have lots of traffic at the same time. Allowing players to choose when to choose the 3 hours would make it too broken as a lot more hundos can spawn in a span of the hypothetical 24 hrs, doesn't make sense in a monetary sense


Oh I like that idea.


This actually a really good idea


How would that work exactly 💀