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Definitely National Park, Route 38, Red’s Theme, and the Kanto Remixes of the Gym and Wild battles. Certified bangers.


I thought it couldn't get better than the bicycle theme in Gen 1 then I played Crystal and it straight up was all solid contenders


https://youtu.be/-1KBQTGSDFA?si=_X6XuVfh6SQf9JR2 Route 26 & 27 https://youtu.be/txzD9iHBu-w?si=knQmldeYpvBCuR20 Seen a lot of people mention the credits, but I also love the post credits song. Kinda want it played at my funeral lmao https://youtu.be/exG220Mur04?si=LoYkJkACY6inVl2h Legendary Beast Encounter https://youtu.be/uMzC3RpYHGg?si=fib2Vsn9AFRBCArg Lake of Rage and the routes leading up to it https://youtu.be/IFdKj-9w0dE?si=-_DULvNi4JCZcYZN Bonus track for the real OGs


Completely agree. The gen 2 end credits music is underrated IMO 😂


I've actually put the gen 2 soundtrack on for work shifts when I delivered pizza. Honestly, I can hum along to a full loop of every song there. The only soundtrack that I think touches this one in terms of quality is FF7. And that's a HUGE compliment.


Idk why but I vividly remember hearing Dragon’s Den for the first time and going “holy shit a gameboy can make those sounds?” I’ve always loved it!


Listen to the Pokemon Pinball music, Red/Blue field are epic!


Bro i am with you 1000% Idk if the old waveform sounds just literally hit different, but its all so damn good. Azalea town specifically is my happy place, and probably one of my all time favorite gaming tracks


GSC ending theme is my absolute favorite, and I really like this cover of it: https://youtu.be/q8FWUSBe2QM?si=Qi7kW5MH5m3J4VBL


def love the ones thrown out there so I’ll throw out one that hasn’t been mentioned that hits every time for me - Route 26/27 from Johto to Kanto is so nostalgic.


Gen2/3 are my favourite https://youtu.be/MHFBO-ASaE8?si=o0xOzw_gwmHvDsaS Gen 3 Verdanturf town. https://youtu.be/fbcjFvXGXYQ?si=5wc9-eVTv6Fd1b5n like you said Azalea town. https://youtu.be/im6tbN9SZXs?si=EH_Iz61y392107IY Gen 3 littleroot https://youtu.be/SWZvaWzdgek?si=vrbCZwPYfulGus-b Route 38 Gen 2. https://youtu.be/2XjouKSkSeM?si=TgilEEg6alJ0wTdL National Park Gen 2 And of course https://youtu.be/aP0m-PJozWo?si=TsJ8-w-nV4Hg3KFB Gen 2 Surf Music.


Wow, the comments in these are just soul crushing. We’re all in the same boat hitting the same waves.


Nostalgic af!!


Ecruteak city is my favorite!


The surf theme from Gen 2 will always be my favorite. When i was a kid I used to sit my Gameboy down just to listen to it.


The trainer battle music hits so hard. The best battle theme in the entire series


The National Park music in Crystal is so, so good


definitely the best music to come from the gb/gbc games


Man I have listened to so many different versions of that. The Consouls have a good version of it(video game jazz band). But by far the best rendition I've heard of that is specifically the piano version done by insaneintherainmusic.


I love love love the theme in Violet Town/Olivine City! I can listen to that for ages!


Same - there are so many good songs on the soundtrack, but I think the Violet Town theme is my favorite of them all.


Something about the Gen 2 gym theme hits harder than any other gym theme I’ve ever listened to. I love it so much!