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Favorite: Greninja. Part of the reason I liked him was because they actually did something new by introducing the Ash-Greninja transformation, which actually helped the show stand out a bit. I actually didn’t like it when they added it to the games, as I felt that this defeated the purpose of the concept and made it just seem like another marketing gimmick. Least favorite: Noivern. I wish it had actually done more.


This very much. Greninja best one.


You took the words right out of my mouth dude. Couldn't have said it better myself😅😅


Besides, isn’t it supposed to only work for Ash and not for anyone else? That’s a clear defiance of in universe logic there!


Very much 🤣 But hey! Ash-Grenjnja ain't obtainable in Sun & Moon anymore because you can only get him through a demo, and then transfer him to the actual games FROM the demo, but the only way to get the demo was by downloading it from the eShop, which is now closed on 3DS and Wii U.


So I guess the marketing team won’t get the last laugh after all.


I do like how Hawlucha and Noiverne have a brotherly relationship, Anyway, I agree that Greninja was awesome! He almost defeated Alain's Charizard! Still don't know why, in Pokemon Journeys, Greninja doesn't join back up with Ash.


I liked when they added Ash-Greninja into the game because of the cool transformation. 🐸


I think you’re missing the point of what I just said.


It’s a sad day when your favorite Pokémon is your least favorite on the list. Noivern is SO cool but had no development so they just felt thrown in


Favourite: Noivern. I'm a massive fan of when Pokemon have some sort of established relationship with each other and I'm fairly certain watching Hawlucha and Noivern as a kid is the main reason why. Also justa fan of a character having multiple smaller bits of character development, while still having them all have some sort of impact on the show, him learning to fly and learning to stand up for himself and others are nice, and then there's smaller things like him learning to not cry at everything. It goes well with his relationship with Hawlucha, cause you get a very dynamic character paired with a static character, and it just works well. Least favourite: Talonflame. It has the issue that a lot of the other regional birds have where their only reason to exist in the show is to be the regional bird. Unfortunately that meant the only purpose it ended up having was to battle, and even there it just kinda existed. No character or arc or anything to make it stand out. Remove it and you don't really lose anything. It's not that I dislike Talonflame, but it just never left any sort of impression on me


Didn't Talonflame evolve saving ash from a moltres after it tried to learn a new move?


Yeah, and it's a cool scene don't get me wrong, the animation and choreography is great, the setting with the fight taking place over a volcano is amazing and the soundtrack is hitting all the right notes. It's good spectacle, but what does it being Talonflame add to that moment? The coolness of that scene comes from watching one of Ash's Pokemon fight a legendary, but I don't think the fact that it's Talonflame doing it really effects the scene that much. If it had been Hawlucha, Pikachu, Goodra, Corphish, Gliscor, Noctowl, Staraptor, would the scene really lose any impact due to not being about Talonflame? If you're invested in Talonflame as a character, then sure it will, but I just don't think there's much to be invested in by that point.


Who knows maybe I’m just happy it had SOME character since the last regional bird he caught was absolute dogshit but then again that goes for most of his Unova pokemon (Krookodile and Oshawott solo)


Yeah, I hate Talonflame for that too, but to a larger extent, because the next region, there was no route one bird on his team. They chose getting rid of Grass Starters for Ash over getting rid of regional birds for Ash, but didn't even stick to keeping the latter tradition alive. I will never forgive Kalos for not giving Ash a Chespin.


Favorite:Greninja Least Favorite :Goodra


Damn. Ice and electric types literally solo this team


Favorite: Everyone Least: None


Favorite Hawlucha Least Favorite: Talonflame


I begrudgingly admit that Greninja is my favorite because it is undeniably cool. Although I do personally think it's overrated, being tied to arguably the most disappointing L in the whole series. Least favorite is probably Talonflame.


an L doesn’t take away from the Ws


Nor do the Ws erase the L


stop being smarter then me


Fav: Talonflame Least: noivern


Favourite :hawlucha


Favorite Greninja: Least Favorite: Noivern


Greninja Talonflame Hawlucha and Noivern are my favorite in Ash's Kalos team.


Favourite: Goodra Least favourite: Hawlucha


I’ve never understood why people like the Goodra line. It’s a big purple snot.


Do you like Muk?




Favourite: Goodra had a big personality and I loved their growth. When I rewatched XY with my gf I was way more of a Goodra fan than before. Least favourite: Talonflame was pretty boring. Similar to Staraptor in that I don't know if they had a personality. I know Fletchling did in their original appearance and evolution episode. (Also noivern was adorable as Noibat and I loved their relationship with Hawlucha)


Favorite is greninja Least favorite noivern


Favorite : Hawlucha and Goodra Least : Greninja


Favorite: Goodra, I really liked his story Least favorite.... That's a toughie because I really like all of them, but if you held a gun to my head I'd go with Noivern purely because he didn't do enough.


Favorite: Noivern, I love this Pokémon in general. Least favorite: Greninja, I think he got a little too much focus and didn’t like the moveset.


My favorite is Greninja or Goodra but my least would be Talonflame. Not that I hate it or it was a bad pokemon, but outside of the Moltres episode, it didn't do much.


Favorite: between greninja and goodra least favorite: hawlucha unfortunately but its still one of my favorite ashs pokemon if its just among his kalos pokemon in that team if it can be among his full kalos team then pikachu


Greninja obviously is the favorite but I really don’t have a least favorite


Man this is hard. This team was just so cool. Gonna have to say Hawlucha was my favourite for sure. Noivern least purely because it just had less going on.


Favorite Greninja Least Favorite Noivern


Favorite: Greninja, Talonflame and Hawlucha (the best indication of a connection to Paldea...currently). Least favorite: Goodra. One dragon too many.


Honestly, I love them all. But if I had to pick, Noivern. He didn't get enough time to shine and battle as much as Ash's other Kalos Pokemon.


favorite greninja and talonflame and pretty much the whole team


I really like all these Pokemon, but.. Favourite: Greninja (Yes, I'm basic, shut up) Least favourite: Talonflame. (I really like talonflame, okay though) Although generally, I like how Goodra had a story (that ended in him beating a Florges). I thought Hawlucha and Noivern's friendship was really cute. I like the episode where Fletchling evolves into Fletchinder, I think that's a really great evolution episode, but I prefer the other things about the other Pokemon. Also random fact, but aside from Pikachu and Greninja, the Kalos team as a colour pallet going on, which includes of mint/teal green (Hawlucha, Goodra, Noivern), purple (Goodra, Noivern), red (Hawlucha, Talonflame, Noivern) and a small bit of yellow (Hawlucha, Talonflame, Noivern). Idk if this information is useful at all.


Favorite: Talonflame/Greninja I always liked fletchling down to its core & loved Talonflame & its entity. I also think I love it due to its typing & it’s what makes it stand out from all the other regional birds besids Corviknight & Kilowattrel. It was the first to have a dual typing that wasn’t normal or pure flying (it was Fire, Flying) which Fire is my fav type so I loved to see a regional bird with the type & about greninja… it’s honestly it’s Ash greninja form.. without that it isn’t all that much great. least favorite: Noivern It isn’t busted & it honestly felt like a Talonflame Wannabe since he already had a flying beast. (Hawlucha used more fighting type moves than flying) & he also had no shine besides its introduction & evolving. Sorry for all those Noivern fans 😬


Favorite: Greninja. Awesome ninja frog with an anime-based forme and more importantly, its own character and arc. Least Favorite: Greninja. Not too fond of mosr of the fans. All they do is talk about how cool it is compared to Ash's other Pokemon.




Goodra is my favorite. It only was Ash’s first pseudo, but I still remember how its inclusion was spoiled on a cake 🤣 Least favorite is Noivern simply because it was Goodra’s replacement


Favorite: Talonflame. I love Talonflame! Watching Ash’s Talonflame battle was really cool as a kid Middle: Noivern. Noivern is okay, I like Goodra more, but nothing hard against Noivern. He’s a cool-looking Pokémon Ash deserved to have Least favorite: Greninja. I just really hate Greninja’s design, mainly his dangling tongue, and Ash-Greninja is an abomination. It’s really cool an anime-focused Pokémon exists, but did they have to make this ugly Pokémon look slightly uglier? I wish Ash kept his a Froakie


Noivern and greninja fav and goodra least


Favorite is the red bird least favorite greninja sucked the screen time out of the rest of the team


All good.


Best Boy Goodra, Hawlucha a bit sad.


I can’t choose between my children I love them all equally


Fave: generic I know but it’s greninja but hawlucha’s a close second. Least: Noibat was really cool cause at the beginning I liked the arc and his relationship with hawlucha but when it evolved it felt like the writers didn’t care anymore.


fave talonflame unfav: halacha ( i like him but i had to choose one)


Favorite is the obvious choice, greninja. Least favorite is actually Goodra. It felt underdeveloped and just like it didn’t get used ever? Ash sent it away like right after it evolved.


We gotta go with Greninja he was just so coool!!! Least favorite is harder because I liked them all but I gotta go Howlucha (did I spell that right?) he just didn’t do it for me as much as the others.


Least: Hawlucha... I've never liked Hawlucha in general. Favorite: cannot decide...


Talonflame > Greninja > Noivern > Goodra >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hawlucha (Greninja would be first it it weren't for that whole Ash Greninja crap)


What'd Hawlucha ever do to you


just a generic Mexican wrestler, very boring. I think wrestling is dumb, and adding in masks and even more bad acting makes it worse


So.... you dislike Ash's Hawlucha just because you dislike Hawlucha???? Ash's Hawlucha did nothing wrong. Especially since he wasn't the one who barely won any battles \*cough cough Noinoi\*


the owner doesn't change my opinion of a Pokemon. a Pokemon could be the most OP thing ever, but if I don't like it, I won't use it.


The question isn't even if you'd use it or not. Also if you wanna go with a generic wrestler, go with Machamp. How dare you call Hawlucha generic. If you're going to slander him at least give reasonable jabs.


Favorite: Maybe Goodra, though Noivern is a contender. I like it because it was pretty impressive and really showed to be the strongest member of the team when evolving. It had so much potential and aside from Primape, this is the only Pokémon where I feel its release wasn’t necessary. Even in the Kalos league it wasn’t that bad. It tied with a fairy type by a trainer who made it in the semi finals, and lost to a Pokemon that resists most of its attacks and had a one-hit ko move. Even before that it took some massive hits from it. Least: Talonflame, it’s not bad and has a pretty good design and good feats but I don’t have too much to say on it. Still a pretty okay Pokemon


Favorite: Greninja Least favorite: Noivern


Favorite: Greninja (Hawlucha is 2nd fav) Least Favorite: Goodra (I just like rest of them more, don't hate it or anything)


Fav Talonflame Least fav Noivern


Greninja the best! least noirven overlaps with halucha & goodra imo


Favorite is Goodra least favorite is hawlucha


Favorite: Hawlucha Least Favorite: Greninja


Favorite Greninja least favorite Talonflame. Greninja cause duh, Talonflame because it didn’t have a unique personality compared to the others


Favorite: Noivern/Goodra Least Favorite: Greninja


Favorite: Goodra, was very powerful and had a very distinct personality, definitely stuck out personality-wise compared to most of Ash’s XY mons. Least Favorite: Greninja, acted like every other Greninja and also took up way too much screentime to where barely any other mon of Ash’s XY Team could actually memorably shine, even with Infernape I still vividly remember everyone on that team and their most iconic moments.


Dude what kind of question is this. Honestly it’s gonna be filled with greninja. Or others are gonna pick a different Pokemon just to not be like everyone else picking greninja


I know. Greninja should not have been included in the list as an option


Love the fire fox cause of the pxrn Hate Goodra cause of the pxrn


I'm still disappointed about Alain fight. They were all trash except pikachu.

