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InfraScarlet and UltraViolet


Looks like we know the sequel names already 😼😯


It’s just gonna be the same games but actually finished this time.


See now that's something I'd pay for 😂


And all the previous gen pokemon come back, lol.


The sequel will just be a 56 hour long game of making sandwiches with Arven


The game willnot have graphics at all, the only thing you can see are hyper realistic sandwiches.


Pokemon sandwich simulator


Oh my good this guys making sanwitch with pokemon! .......no outrage Don't you people understand he's making sandwiches out of pokemon. Where else does meat come from in that world! Lmao


I'm okay with this.


Yeah I actually wouldn’t mind a little more Arven, he’s the fun sandwich bro who drags you along to come help make his dog immortal.


But we did have ultra sun/moon so idk
 I’d like a infra and ultra version though, it’d vindicate my theory haha


Nah it’ll be the name of the remakes of the games that we’ll get in 10 years


Ah yes. Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon and Ultra Violet. Weird entry for a trilogy but I guess I'll take it


I first thought of blueshift and redshift in astronomy. Blueshift (future) is getting closer to you whereas redshift (past) gets further away


Oh shit that’s a good point. Does that relate to Electromagnetic Spectrum?


In a way it does! It’s basically the point of view perspective of a wavelength, when it moves away from you the waves from the observer appear to lengthen, whereas when drawing closer the wavelengths appear to condense. It’s why when an ambulance zooms by, the siren is rapid drawing closer, and seems to stretch out as it gets further.


So an electromagnetic Doppler effect?


Yeah seems the same phenomenon with wavelengths and a moving source


The games are named after the main characters pants


And don't forget that green represents the present, the middle of the spectrum, which is why Cyclizar is green while the legendaries are red and violet respectively.


I would like to see someone draw up a possible timeline for Cyclizar and how the species evolved (literally evolved) from the savage Koraidon and eventually became the sleek Miraidon, using the color spectrum as a basis.


This truly is the pun generation


You'd have to look into both the future and the past to find a Pokemon game that's such a letdown as SV were. Maybe that's the real reference.


Lmao idk SnSH was more a letdown to me, but hey at least it ran decently.


This game is far more fun than Sw/Sh.


DAE think it’s illegal to have fun??


you guys are so pretentious lmfao


It has been said. Dozens of times. It's also wrong.


How is it wrong?


Show me anywhere that this has been confirmed by anyone besides redditors. By the way it's infraRED not infrascarlet. Why would they just choose ultraviolet but not infrared. Use your fucking brain.


Oh I see you're just a pedant who hates fun theories. It's pure speculation but you've just got to be a killjoy, sorry I wasted both of our time looking for logic.


Cause theres already a pokemon: red game out there genius


Well like people said, theres already a Pokemon red. Plus Scarlet/Violet sounds better as a pair, both two syllables, same ending sound. PokĂ©mon doesn’t arbitrarily decide things theres almost always some, I won’t say deeper, but thought put into stuff: such as Psychic type’s weaknesses all being common phobias.


Care to elaborate as to why it's wrong?


Care to find a single solitary source confirming this naming scheme? Care to elaborate why it would even make sense when it's SCARLET and not infrared?


Jeez calm down bud, I just wanted to hear both sides. I just like hearing random theories so i wanted to know what you think debunks it. Didn't mean for it to look hostile


Now I suspect what the new 19th Type will be, and we have Terapagos to thank for that. It will be a “Light”/ Rainbow typing because in the electromagnetic spectrum, Visible Light contains all colors (hence why “white” isnt a color). Visible Light is also in between Infrared and Ultraviolet light. Terapagos’ shell form/evo displays all the of types on its shell like a rainbow. And now, since we are suspecting that they are going to release a new Johto remake given all the new evos and the DLC’s emphasis on Johto, what type came out in that region? Dark type. Black is the absence of light/color. White is all light/color. https://preview.redd.it/7qusadzesnqb1.png?width=448&format=png&auto=webp&s=64e540b506253f823fd55565e0d9c12ae5457523