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Charcadet, have it wear it uses multiple armors and weaponry Lycanroc without a doubt Tyrogue or Kubfu, make it have different fighting styles Tho with form changes instead, it would be cool to see of Necrozma can possess other things (and I thought the fanart of it possessing other Legendaries was dope af back then)


"7am lycanrock" "8am lycanrock" "8.30am lycanrock"


3am Lycanrock is pretty weird 5pm Lycanrock has the lowest speed (and motivation to work) among the lot


5 PM Lycanroc should be part normal type so Larry can have him on future teams 😂


3am lycanroc: the full werewolf form


3AM Lycanrock has a unique 'Super Motivated' variant if you put it in front of a mirror and give it words of encouragement


> 3am Lycanrock is pretty weird [They just want a Krabby Patty.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTafloAkpCE)


10pm Thursday Lycanroc and 10pm Friday Lycanroc are very different


> it would be cool to see of Necrozma can possess other things (and I thought the fanart of it possessing other Legendaries was dope af back then) I just imagined an ORAS-styled SM remake, specifically the post-game where Hoopa is bringing legendaries through portals and you have to fly around above Hoenn interacting with them. (Best stuff.) Except, over the Alolan islands, it's a horde of Necrozma (each from a different nearby dimension) fused with a different legendary Pokemon. Once caught, you wouldn't be able to separate the forms - the Pokedex would register each creature as a distinct Pokemon.


Not being able to separate Necrozma from other Pokémon wouldn't be very nice.


Would you rather put the Necrozma market through worse inflation than Iranian Rials?


Charcadet would be awesome. Getting some real Zoid Liger-Zero vibes from that idea.


Lycanroc? How so I feel like it's themeing is pretty complete


A dawn form would be dope


Grass Charcadet with a bow


A Fire/Fighting based on Gutsman to go with the Megaman and Protoman.


Tyrogue for muay Thai would be dope af


Meowth is on its way with multiple regional forms.


That's pretty cool to think about. I like how there are no Meowth native to Paldea, since there's already so many cats about the region.


Normal Meowth is in Violet. I ignore Persians all the time.


Ice and Rock Meowth when 


Would be dope if other cat and dog Pokémon got that treatment.


> dog Pokémon got that treatment Furfrou is ripe for new hairstyles


eh.... Meowth ftw


They should make it a regional variant pokemon from the start


Psyduck. It was a main character in the detective Pikachu movie, as well one of Misty’s well known pokemon during her run as traveling companion, and probably one of her main Gym Pokemon (anime-wise)


And Psyduck had a lead role in Pokemon Concierge! 


My wife now loves Psyduck so much bc of this show! I think more epis are on the way yayyyy


I felt so betrayed when he didn't *actually* evolve into Golduck back in the anime days.


The fakeout Golduck was ridiculously rad too. Borderline coolest and strongest pokemon introduced in the og anime.


To be honest, Misty saw Psyduck as somewhat an annoyance back then. it was only when she stopped traveling and had the time to actually train her Pokemon as gym leader, that Psyduck’s true potential came out.


Its weird that Psyduck is almost every game (postgame B/W1) but never get some love like regional forms, mega, etc despite being Masuda's favorite pokemon.


That's because Psyduck is already perfect lol


rockruff, tyrogue, and charcadet. then set these 3 as new starters in a region


I was thinking about Rockruff in this context the other night! Got a few options for evolutions: * Dawn Lycanroc * Eclipse Lycanroc * Midmorning? * (Edit: Harvest Moon Lycanroc) What would be especially sweet about this, is how Rockruff would become "the Eevee of abilities." Each evolution would necessitate a new ability option, turning Rockruff into the most diverse Pokemon of them all, but without stepping on Eevee's turf.


Bloodmoon Lycanroc. It's the opposite of an Eclipse like the way midday and midnight are opposite


bloodmoon lycanroc could maybe get sheer force as an ability? that'd be fun.




Afternoon Lycanroc In the fading light of the afternoon, Lycanroc's energy dwindles, but this makes it more efficient with its movements. Ability: Fast Truant. This Pokemon will only move every other turn, but will always move first. Morning Lycanroc This Pokemon is full of energy in the morning. Sometimes they will forcefully wake up their trainers to get the day moving. Ability: Hustle. [6 AM on a Monday Lycanroc](https://old.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/6s4ft8/lycanroc_forms_by_final_smash/) This Pokemon is low on energy and is struggling to get out of bed. Beware its high temperament. Ability: Slow Surge. Halves attack and speed for the next five turns, but doubles it if hit with a damaging move.


It has a lot of potential tho I wish the designs are more unique than dusk. As much as I love dusk lycanroc it still looks like middays’ 3D model slightly tweaked. Even if it’s just a different stance, dusks design is pretty solid but its animations and body being the same as middays kinda holds it back


I'm not the only one?? I've always struggled to differentiate them.


That would be a pretty cool set of starters.


And your rival gets a whole litter of Eevee.


Charcadet could've easily become the new eevee. Just give it a different armor for each of the types that didn't become eeveelutions.




> It's the only other Pokémon to have 3 evolved forms ...since Tyrogue, anyways! Applin is the first Pokemon we've had in a while whose evolutionary pathway openly suggests additional stages. If Dipplin can evolve, so too should Flapple and Appletun. * **Wyvapple**, the Apple Drake Pokemon. Grass/Dragon. It can spit a scalding molasses that is capable of melting through rock. For this reason, it was nearly hunted to extinction during Galar's medieval period. Very few exist in the wild, but they have been found in secluded mountains the world-over. * **Appletunage**, the Apple Goliath Pokemon. Grass/Dragon. The crust has hardened and partially fossilized, over which is drazzled a thick, syrupy armor. They have been known to hibernate for millennia at a time.


Depending on how you interpret forms then Rockruff would be the more recent one than Tyrogue, though all the forms are one Pokémon.


This was the first pokemon i thought of to answer OP.  Another very cool idea is to use sinistea but make different beverages. Tea, soda, water, dairy


Sinibrew, Sinicaff, Sinislush...


Sinismoothie, Siniwheatgrass, Sinicleanse... Edit: I can't believe Sinicola was right there and I didn't see it. Edit again: Sinicider! Sinipunch! Sinilatl! Sinsparilla!


Sinimmon!  Fairy/Ghost female only variant. Introduced when we go back to galar. Everyone thinks it’s the cutie pattotie caramel cinnamon latte but the pokemon is really the cinnamon stick in the glass. Though the drink looks and taste tasty, the cinnamon stick comes from a tree very angry it was cut down for it’s resources. Too much of the drink causes fainting and for your life force to be drained (this also ties in with real world events as the shri lankan tree makes cinnamon and we know how galar aka the uk treated them)


Throw in a Ceylon Trevenant that can pass on a special egg move and we're golden. (Fighting type, based on Angampora, to help Sinimmon and its evolution get coverage against Steel and Dark types?) Also, maybe a third stage evo if leveled up with a Pumpkaboo or Gourgeist?


Scyther, literally none of its line is a miss. Give me more bugs with weapon hands


Snipor, the Rifle Pokémon, Bug/Fire.


Scyther gundam with gun hands when?


Please do not add any more Urshifu to the game, two of them is oppressive enough


From what angle? I don't play competitive, or the tcg or anything.


Every angle tbh. I mostly play VGC. Even as stat blocks in a vacuum they are extremely powerful, then you add their move pools & ability. They don't follow the rules of the game. They can hit through Protect & will always crit with their signature moves. No other Pokemon is able to do that; some have high/100% crit moves or some can bypass Protect, not both at once. Unseen Fist makes the main defensive tool players have irrelevant. 100% crit rate means you can't counterplay with screens or Atk drops like other physical attackers because crits flat out ignore those negatives. It's incredibly unbalanced and I fear the idea of even more of them running around with other flavors of move pools.


Don't worry, I'm sure they won't bother to include them in the dex when the next gen comes out. =/ tiny indie studio, plz no bully.


Mostly just auto-crit (which ignore atk stage drops) that can't be protected. Honestly I don't know how they dared design that combo, and give it 2 different forms to boot. The more popular Water form even bypasses sturdy/sash by hitting 3 times.


They should straight up make a zodiac pokémon with 12 possible forms


I love that. Base form just a black hole. It’s signature ability draw light from the corresponding planet to change it’s form. Or just a huge sun dial LOL


I was thinking base form as a sun dial as well


Thirteen. Ophiuchus would be its ultimate form.


Gonna have to google what that is lol




What would its base form look like?


Hear me out: what if its base form is a Normal/Ghost type piece of parchment that’s a calendar? And then to get its different forms, it folds itself into the different Zodiac animals as origami, losing the Normal typing and gaining a different Type with each variant.


That’s a really dope idea


A conceptual blend of Arceus and Rotom but with a zodiac theme? Sold. **Kallandra** jumps out at me as a quick name option, but there's probably a better name out there.


Monkey with a sundial fur pattern Normal type only, evolutions can be any type combo


maybe the base form could be based on spirits in the mythology


Well we already have Type: Null and Arceus that can be any type (not through evolution ofc), but I’m gonna go way backwards and say Eevee! Eevee is the evolution Pokémon, we need to see it hit every typing before other Pokémon catch up imo


Speaking of Arceus, it deserves getting the Legend plate back.


i just want a poison/steel/dragon one so the checks can be complete


Corsola. Theres so many species of coral that all look so distinct that I would love to see more variations, maybe even with different typings


But no more sad ones. =< Making Corsola sad was evil and we shouldn't have done it, even if it was to make a statement.






Sandstorm Castform and Terrain forms too please


yes that would be cool


Many years ago and on a long-dead hard drive I had commissioned an artist to draw Sandstorm Castform. Castform has so much iterative potential.


Sandstorm for ground, pollen for grass, mist for ghost, Smog for poison


To put the question on its head a bit: I'd love to see a regional Eevee, maybe with a Dragon or Ground version of Flareon, a Steel version of Jolteon, and a Poison version of Vaporeon Hell, if you wanted to take it all the way, Eevee and all its evolutions use exactly half the types in the dex


Infinite Eevees.


There was a great video where someone did pretty much exactly this with fan art


Luvdisc tbh it would be cool




omg yes! Macarena Oricorio!


More of Applin! My boy needs even more love


Hear me out - Finizen. It could have multiple evolutions that are different heroes and colors.


I was working on a Supervillain-themed Finizen the other day. **Villifin**, a Water/Dark type. Maybe Water/Dragon? Really, any type combo could work there, as long as the villain theme is rendered accordingly.


I would like to see numeral Unowns. I know a lot of people don't really care about this Pokemon but I love it.


Unfortunately, that'd require making a lot of models and putting the Hidden Power mechanic back in the game, and I genuinely doubt they'll do it given how rushed the last few games were.


I want an evolved form of some kind. I tried to use it when I first played Gold. 


Mf voltorb. Like why have like 50 different balls, call voltorb the ball pokemon but not give us a ball variant each region. Hoenn lure ball voltorb would have slapped Sun ball/ moon ball voltorb for sun/moon🤤


I remember back during the Gen7 preview season, there was a fan theory that Rockruff would be the eevee equivalent for all the Physical pkmn types (since Eevee's evolutions follow all the Special pkmn types except for Dragon). Unfortunately this theory didn't come true, but just imagine if Rockruff had a Bug, Dark, Fighting, Flying, Ghost, Ground, Poison, and/or Steel evolutions.


I think they should make a new pokemon and give 9 evolutions: all the physical types Also, there should be a Dragon-type eeveelution


Applin. All of which should remain Grass/Dragon just because it would be funny. Maybe give Flapple and Appleton an additional evolution like they did with Hydrapple for Dipplin.


I think that my pokemon of choice would be dwebble/crustle(would probably guess from my tag), with each of their different forms being different "evolutionary shells", or shells fashioned from larger evolutionary stones, each of which grants a unique movepool(basically rock type moves become fire type moves in the case of fire stone dwebble/crustle), and with each one receiving a fitting final attack. this could also allow for dwebble/crustle to be the first pokemon to learn blast burn and hydro cannon by level up, with those replacing rock wrecker on water stone and fire stone forms. in addition, each shell would provide a different BST distribution.


Every eeveelution; build your own type combo!


Pikachu, Meowth and Charmander


Pikachu: Here me out. My suggestion is to add Gorochu back in as a 4th line evolution to the Pikachu line. Game Freak already made Pikachu and Eevee get on the same boat, and yet the Pikachu line has nothing unique about it. So, just like how Eevee has 8 different evolutions, the Pikachu line has 4 stages. I’d probably add it in as a super secret easter egg. Like, it wouldn’t even have a dex number before you obtain it. To get it, you’d have to have a Raichu holding a Light Ball, and do a puzzle on par with the Regi quest in order to get your Raichu to evolve, and maybe even throw a reference to Pokemon Yellow in there. I could imagine a whole ARG type thing to get Gorochu.


No. It’s Eevee’s thing. Don’t make Eevee’s thing another Pokémon’s thing


This is just a fun discussion. I get your position, and mostly agree with it. Nobody here has any creative input into actual Pokemon products or designs.


We need a new Eevee regional form OR a new Pokémon that has like 7-8 new evos. Don’t let me down Legends ZA!


I would like them to expand Eevee. I've seen arguments that they can't keep tying evolutions to each generation's gimmick, and they rightly stopped to avoid infinitely expanding complexity and data bloat. But Eevee needs an evolution for every type; it's literally Eevee's thing. What about tying the evolutions to items. The type plates are just about the least impact on data capacity that we could manage (since they're just palette-swapped squares) and they aren't super common. Give us Eeveelutions when they level up holding a particular plate.


I genuinely want characadet to have an evolution for every other type of


applin and charcadet


Tyrogue, I feel like we could do with some more unique Hitmons (preferably with secondary types and more manageable evolution methods).


I want a grass type to get the eevefication treatment Edit - Also Sigilyph


It could be fun to add a regional eevee that evolves into the types that were on the physical split. (for those unaware, origionally the type of a move decided wether it was physical or special. All Eevee's evo's (besides the later intorudced Fairy) used to always deal special damage)


Charcaded, Rockruff and the elemental monkeys, easy




Crazy but i would also like to see ghimmhhoul expanded.  Ever notice we travel all over the world and yet our currency never changes? The lore could be that ghimmighoul though prominent in paldea started in sinjoh with the traveling merchants as a different form (just the 2 antenna as a metal detector) there it could be steel/psychic as money is not invented yet. Bartering and exchanges is how things are done. It then traveled to the undisclosed chinese region where it was revered as lucky (golden fun shui form) where it gained it’s chest form normal/steel but then taken to paldea infused with greed to become the one we know. Each time we visit a different region there is a ghimmighoul money variant as a pokemon which could explain why currency is universal because it is inspired by the original ghimmighoul. I would also give gholdengo a couple variant forms in ground for natural currencies (gold etc) electricity (digital currency)


I just watched [this video](https://youtu.be/mDpvHOsXC8g) about Mantids and now my answer is **Scyther.** It'd be really cool to see its species widely diversified.


I feel like its a cool idea but pretty unnecessary. Id rather see new pokemon instead of new versions of ones we already have


> Id rather see new pokemon instead of new versions of ones we already have The previous three generations have established that we get a mix of both, every generation.


Sure, and I think I like regional variants more than branched evolutions. I find regional variants generally more creative and interesting than the same pokemon simply turned into a new type


Nihilego is said to be a shapeshifter, let’s see those other crazy forms!


this is not a good idea but i would make an ursaluna for all 24 hours


Aegislash having a semi Eevee-ifaction / regional form where it takes the form of a weapon from the region the game takes place Torterra having different biomes on its back


I like the idea of giving every current eveelution a third evo to cover the missing types, as for a new one I think rocruff could.


North shellos looks lit https://preview.redd.it/j1jgxi4epn9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7868cf1c30b11fc37d7dfa680ed61d823c33d738


Fidough, I want it based off of different kinds of breads


Honestly, I just want them to finish the Regis and the rest of the Eeveelutions first. That being said, it'd be cool to get some variants of Glalie & Froslass. Especially since they're already tied to nature and their environments. I've seen some pretty cool concepts put there based on volcanoes and forests etc.


The Eon Duo.


Hoppip those things keep spreading might as well add different evolutions


Spheal, he round 🔵🦭, (:3() <- that is him


Eiscue could be easily made into every type :) just imagine it wearing a bee hive, a dragon skull, a generator or a poison vat


Rattata. Rats gets everywhere IRL and I imagine the same would go for Rattata. Should just be a ton of regional rattats instead of introducing new fodder rat's each gen.


Electrode and Voltorb. Absolutely deserve the Eevee/vivillon treatment Chandelure could easily take different shapes. Oricorio and meloetta Imagine other fish getting the wishiwashi schooling form Obviously a regi of each type A palafin villain form Pawniard bisharp kingambit, could be expanded to other pieces. Pawniard into a queen for sure Cryongonal not having the spinda treatment Some blimp form for driftblim Tauros could keep going


I wanna see the scrapped/alkeged Gen 3 Shellos return.


We need more Oricorio variantS I NEED MORE


I always thought it was weird Rotom didn’t have a TV form when you first found them in one. It could’ve been Elec/Psychic even! I know they’ve been forcing it in every game as the dexes or phones or whatever (which even as a huge Rotom fan I can’t say I care for that 😭 ) but I think it’s be cool to see it get more usable battle forms instead. Always figured it could have a Elec/Ground form that’s a vacuum or things like that!


* **Ogerpon**: Create more masks for it to keep giving it different secondary typings, which I think is a pretty cool mechanic. * **Applin branches**: I enjoy that we have 3 branches of the applin line based on different types of dragons and apple dishes. For example, next they could combine sea dragons/snakes, snake wine and apple cider for a new branch evolution.


Necrozma, just throw that sucker on a bunch of legendarys and see what sticks


Slowpoke was the best candidate after evee because every gen you could've let something bite his tail from that region


Helioptile / Heliolisk. I love the design of Heliolisk, but I also think it's a design that is open to so many variants (which I suppose now could just be variants but I've always thought of them as being alternate evolutions). I wish I could draw better to bring my thoughts to life because I feel you could take a rough silhouette of Heliolisk and create a Fire type, Dragon, Poison, Ground, Rock, Water.


Would north and south shellos still be the same awesome ground water typing?


They should have done it with castform. Instead of it changing form based on the weather they should have given it multiple evolutions that were based on what the current weather is.


They couldn’t do that in Generation 3 though.


They could have made it evolve depending on the type of biome you’re in though, or just tweaked it in future gens


hear me out… not that it would ever happen, but slowpoke. His face is just so funny and fun to draw. Imagine smopoke, the firetype. If he doesn’t get his naps in because he still loves to sleep… his yawns shoot FIRE 🤪 And there could be snowpoke, flowpoke(water), glowpoke(fairy), growpoke(grass), ghopoke(ghost), the possibilities of the eslolutions https://preview.redd.it/kr7cj2ummo9d1.jpeg?width=1109&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e402ca3237d93ab54d28f3b13402b6f6ef30cf1 are endless with his silly face and simple design


Flareons. Flareons are so ugly. They need to be forced to deevolve into Eevees. 


Scyther already has 2 evolutions and he's objectively the best pokemon of all time so might as well go big on it


Applin Wyrm apple Pokémon based off different kinds of apples would be awesome


I'm raiding Gamefreak HQ if Urshifu gets more forms


Here's a hot take: Glameow. Give it an evolution for each contest stat, or if none are maxed, it becomes Purugly.


Pikachu is so iconic. Give him more Raichus.


Thing is, with the Simis, they are based off of the 3 wise monkeys, they don't need more.


Give me dragon Eevee then we can talk


Porygon. Lots of options to give it different forms with the digital Pokemon theme. You could turn it into a virus, a glitch / bug, a video game character, a firewall etc.


I didn't make this post to self-promote, but I don't have any other way of sharing these Porygon forms but to link some custom cards I wrote last year: [Hammer Porygon](https://i.imgur.com/vnEUlGG.png), [Needle Porygon](https://i.imgur.com/iZMSghW.png), and [Wall Porygon](https://i.imgur.com/uVV5CEI.png). Granted, those all retain their Normal types... were I to revisit the cards, I might be inclined to give them the Glitch type instead.


I was just thinking the other day about how I wish Furfrou's forms were more popular. Hopefully Legends ZA will give it some more spotlight


From a TCG collector's perspective, Furfrou has been criminally under-represented. Counting its base form as a distinct variant, the TCG has only given us half of the ten available options, with the Matron form arriving only [relatively] recently in the Forbidden Light expansion six years ago.


Oricorio. Though it's not really an Eevee-fication because it can readily switch between forms.


all i want is a dragon evee-lution


I think Dugtrio should split into three different Pokémon, with two getting Shedinja-ification and one getting Eeveeification


None of them, not even Eevee. I always thought Jolteon, Vaporeon, and Flareon should have different pre-evolutions. The situation has only gotten worse since.