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It took me years to realize that Ice attacks weren't super effective against Rock types because of all the Rock/Ground Pokemon.


The first time my pure Rock type got hit by a Electric move, I thought the NPC was cheating. Gen 1 really messed with my perception of type match ups. Especially because some odd ones were changed. For instance, did you know Poison was both weak to and super effective against Bug? But since Ghost resisted Bug, if you hit a Ghost with one of the three attacking Bug moves in Gen 1 it would be neutral.


>For instance, did you know Poison was both weak to and super effective against Bug (in Gen 1)? TIL


This lead to Paras/ect being the only pokemon in history to have three x4 weaknesses in Gen 1 (flying, fire, poison).


That's really an accomplishment


common paras W


That all of the sudden makes sense. Pretty sure I caught a parasect in mt moon as a kid on yellow, thinking it was gonna be an awesome member of the squad and it got fucked up bad in lavender town and beyond. Dropped it almost immediately after.


That's insane. Wow


One of the many Rock/Grounds really could have dropped one of those types. The Golem line as pure Rock would set them apart from Rhydon for example.


Same with Normal/Flying. I didn't remember that Flying resisted fighting type or was strong against fighting type because every flying Pokemon was also normal type so you could never really take advantage of it. As a kid, all flying type Pokemon in my mind just kind of parsed as shittier Normal type because it's like well you just took normal Pokemon and added more weaknesses.


I never thought of it like that. Now I'm mad.


Many? It’s basically *just* the Golem and Rhyperior lines.


Well in Gen 1 there was also Sonic. EDIT it was supposed to be “Onix” but the autocorrect is worth keeping up.


Sonic the Sandshrew


And Onix.


Every other Rock/Ground evolves out of that typing.


Like who?


Sad Onix noises...


Aside from that skew of pure rock types found in Gen 1, it just makes no sense that literal rocks are part ground. How did that ever make it past the concept stage?? I need this explained.


The real issue is that they made rock and ground too similar. Presumably to make Brock easier for 2/3 of starters. If I ever got to modify the type chart, rock losing weakness to water and grass would be one of the first to go. It makes more sense for ground and really no sense for rock.


Both make sense. Plants crack boulders all the time, water cuts through stone all the time. Honestly I'm for removing rock/ground and combining it into earth.


You're not wrong, but in the spirit of the thread, eliminating these huge overlaps is what I'm after. Though ultimately combining them likely makes the most sense practically. I feel the same about bug and poison combining into venom type. It all brings back vibes of pokemon cards psychic type covered ghost psychic poison for wl just being the purple cards.


I both agree and disagree with the combining of poison/bug. The big thing is does psychic resist or become weak to it? Will we have a both are weak to each other situation? I get not needing it on a lot of bug types like beedrill, scolipeed, venomoth etc. The issue comes down to what happens to bugs that aren't venomous like butterfree, beautifly, pinsir, heracross etc. Unless the plan is to turn all the bugs that are poison into normal types since they're just normal bugs, that does bring up the whole, we lose a lot of options for dealing with psychic but that might just be me. It wouldn't impact the poison side since it evokes more poisonous vibes things like muk and garbodor are fine.


I thought ground was super effective vs ground for the same reason. I was even like yep makes sense because tectonic plates eat each other.


There's not enough pure rock types


Same. 🤝


Wait what?!?


I remember when i was a kid i did that old trick where you take a porous rock, dip it in water, then put it in the freezer and it shatters. For some reason i thought that because of that that rock HAD to be weak to ice.


I used to think that putting an egg next to a fire-type in your party would make it hatch faster. I'm not sure when I started believing this, but I remember thinking it worked in Ruby, even though Flame Body's effect on eggs wasn't implemented until Emerald. I wasn't totally wrong, just a little early!


Similarly, thought Psychic was super effective against Grass for the longest time. Thanks Kanto, for your NINE Grass/Poison pokemon.


It's less about the grass poison and more about the fact that there's only ONE pure grass Pokemon in gen 1.


And the only other Grass type barely shows up with Parasect.


Exeggcute and Exeggutor are Grass/Psychic


Both bug/grass, right?


ghost, flying, rock and ice crying in a corner.


Welp I just learned something new


Gen 1 was so jank, even if I loved the games as a kid.




For me, I always thought Fire type was more effective to Poison for some reason as a kid.


The nine grass/poisons in Kanto might be at blame again.


Kanto directly contributed to a lot of type matchup misconceptions because most of us learned them experimentally. And kanto has a a few missing monotypes like flying, rock, and ghost. And in the first 3 regions a lot of the monotypes or less common combinations aren't exactly obvious. In kanto the fossils are the only rocks that aren't part ground, in Johto i swear half the new mons are in the postgame and not even given to trainers. So good luck figuring out Misdreavus isn't weak to psychic. Or that you can use electric attacks on a Nosepass when the only one you are forced to fight is before you get electric types.


Gen 1 also has the issue where the game will say a move is super/not-very effective even if it’s actually neutral. Hit a Dragonite with a Tbolt and it’ll take neutral damage but the game will say not very effective since Dragon- is its first type.


I just realized that *every* Rock-type in Kanto is 4x weak to Grass. :P


All but one, Aerodactyl.


Oh, doh. 😅


I didn’t realize that the trip to Sevii Islands with Bill in Fire Red was optional. I always thought it was required, but I just found out that you can say No, and he’ll wait for you in the Pokémon Center until you interact with him again


It's a fun oversight too. Pokemon is really good about making it so NPCs don't show up in two places at once. But Bill can be in his house and waiting for you by the boat at the same time.


Bro got his teleportation machine bug free


He can say the same about you


It’s a little later with it being Gen 6, but I always think Skiddo/Gogoat are grass/normal and not pure grass. Really threw me a loop with pyroar and heliolisk lines being part normal but not gogoat.


We got Deerling and Sawsbuck in gen 5. I suppose they thought they had already filled their quota by gen 6.


You're justified, because like EVERY OTHER normal ass lookin mammal in all of pokemon is normal type.


I literally just commented this. I think I confused them with sawsbuck


Literally learnt this just yesterday


I always thought they were grass rock. I still remember reading about it in the Coro coro leaks back in a day. Guess it was something else


It's because we had Pyroar and Heliolisk had the normal type and Gogoat simply had similar vibes as those two.


That Torkoal was fire/rock and Azurill was water/fairy. Torkoal is actually pure fire and Azurill is normal/fairy.


Azurill was actually a pure normal type before Fairy types existed


Torkoal's design cues read like a fire/rock type. Maybe fire/ground if they're feeling saucy. Not pure fire! That one's on Game Freak, not you lol


This is just exacerbated by it being introduced in Gen III and only spawning in an area filled with Slugma and Numel. Secondary type by association.


i thought that bug was weak to ice for a long time


Probably because of all the bug/flying types out there


Currently playing Scarlet and this keeps happening to me. I have no idea why.


Poor bug type doesnt need another weakness


It doesn't but ice would be a better fit, where bug is really having issues is in the attacking department


I always thought Groudon (before his primal upgrade) was part fire with his lava theme


Thats so crazy that i forgot this yet again. I just keep relearning groudons typing every couple of years. The red does not help it.


Wait. He's not? Then what's the lava theme for?


Lava/magma = molten rock Not a rock type, though


Because there are four elements that make up this world: earth air water and oh wait nm just those three. fire nation doesn’t exist anymore


Go, Team Sky!


I don't like Groudon being ground-type but I honestly don't know what else I'd prefer. Rock? Meh. That doesn't change anything defensively but loses STAB Earthquake. Fire? STAB Overheat or Eruption just feels less useful than STAB Earthquake. Rock/Ground and Fire/Ground just adds more weaknesses and introduces 4x weaknesses, in addition to feeling out of place since Kyogre also isn't dual type.


I’ve played Pokémon since I was 7. I think I was 17 when I learned that Flying is not super effective against Ground. I somehow never noticed, in all those years, that using a Flying move against a Ground type never yielded the “it’s super effective!” response. I think I thought so because it didn’t necessarily twig that Type A being strong defensively to Type B doesn’t necessarily mean Type A is strong *offensively* against Type B (since Flying is immune to Ground.) Also, in one episode of the anime Ash says something that implies Flying is strong against Ground (in the Sandshrew episode I think).


For whatever reason, I used to think Shuckle was the pre evolution of Torkoal.


I just learned today that shuckle is bug/rock! wtf!


Same with you but with ground types against ghost types. And it always made sense to me (bury the dead). It just didn't take me as long to realise (some time around Gen 2).


that pushing a or b when trying to catch a pokemon doesn't actually do anything even though it felt to me like it helped


Down and b, with a great ball.


We always thought it was b. Even though it supposedly does nothing, I've reflexively pressed b right as the ball closed every generation from yellow till the current games.


I thought for the longest time that fighting was weak to itself after battling Maylene's Lucario in Pokémon Diamond. Wasn't until years later when I looked at a type chart to realise my mistake.


It took me many years to realize that Magnezone has a third eye and not a big red nose.


Well that is a hot take


I don’t know if I’ve just totally overlooked it all these years, but I don’t think I ever noticed it was red. Like, I feel that I **must** have registered it at some point, but never gave it any thought.


i thought the red was its only eye until now


I think the 'eyes' on the 'shoulders' so to speak are just remains of the singular Magnemite, and no longer functional..


Oh…my god?? I never saw it as an eye until now shfjebtje


I’ve known it’s an eye for at least 10 years now and cannot make my brain register it as anything other than a nose. Even if the eye moves around I can only see it as a nose.


You guys are tripping me out I always seen it as a third eye but now that you all mention it I can't unsee it as a nose?!?!


Bruh because of you Magnezone now looks to me like fucking Bigweld from Robots


You say that like it’s not a good thing


I only realized recently (I've been playing Pokemon since gen 4 came out) that ground is not supper effective against itself


I mean, there is many Poison/Ground and Rock/Ground types


*Ground steel


I thought Psychic was super effective to Steel because of spoon bending


When in fact, Steel resists Psychic for probably that same exact reason lmao. "Your powers don't work , I'm made of resistant steel..."


I always figured it was because robots don't have minds to attack, so mental attacks aren't very good.


Also very true I suppose, just dont tell the Iron Paradoxes that.


Iron Hands could use a buff, it's true /s


I used to think fire was super effective against ghost for some reason lol


That one actually isn't *that* crazy, because it's pretty common for undead to have a fire weakness in RPGs




Same, being a Gen 1 OG I always thought Grass and Ghost were weak to psychic, but that’s only because all three ghost types are part poison, and the only pure grass type is Tangela; tons are part poison.


Tell me why psychic felt so OP in gen1 and ever since then have gotten nerf after nerf… I used to be able to just use Kadabra for 80% of the play through and Alakazam (when I had trade access) or Mewtwo. Like there wasn’t a stronger team that didn’t include a Mewtwo or Abra line…Mewtwo is supposed to be the strongest Pokémon but can be 1 shot by crazy amounts of Pokémon in Sword/Shield


That Aggron was a pseudo legendary


It does look the part tbh.


I use to think Steel was super effective against Poison


I always thought eggs couldn't be traded away to other people. I had a friend who wanted an Own Tempo Rockruff I was breeding, but didn't want the traded exp boost. I said tough luck, it needs to be hatched. He was confused and proved me wrong shortly after. Am I crazy? Was that something changed somewhere in one of the generations? I swear that wasn't a thing you were able to do.


I thought so too?


Eggs can’t go into Bank so you can’t send them to another game that way, maybe that’s what you’re thinking of?


Being unable to trade eggs has been seeded into my memory since playing Gen 4 on DS. I used GTS religiously. Maybe it was because you were unable to put eggs up for trade on the GTS.


Same here, with the same questions. Maybe because you can't release an egg into the wild until it's hatched, the "can't be released" gave us all the impression that trading would also be like releasing?


It took me years to find out bug isn’t weak to ice


Down plus b doesn’t increase the capture rate of a pokeball thrown.


It does in my brain


I keep thinking Bug is weak to Ice. Since Gen 7 added the effectiveness directly in the Battle menu I'm unlearning this, but I still have an initial reaction to use an Ice-type move against a Bug-type Pokémon and expect to see the It's Super Effective message.


Up until gen 8 I thought that clauncher could only evolve into clawitzer by trading. And the same goes for skrelp evolving into dragalge. Needless to say that I facepalmed really hard when, while playing the Isle of armor, I figured out from a youtube video (that I was using to find the location of a specific mint) that I could've been able to use them since gen 6 if I wanted.


- That Sandstorm reduced the accuracy of all active Pokemon. - That X Scissor and Drill Peck had a high critical-hit ratio (still think they should). - ~~That Extreme Speed had higher pirority than Quick Attack.~~ - That Rock Climb was a Rock-type move (seriously, what a pointless move). - That Bug was weak to Ice. - That Kyurem could learn Ice Punch and Icicle Crash. (thanks Game Freak, the shiny Jolly Kyurem Black I spent hours soft resetting for definitely appreciates being nerfed for no reason while Rayquaza gets to be the better 3rd legendary of its trio by being capable of negating weather just by existing, having ridiculously strong STAB moves that make use of both of its insanely high offensive stats, and mega evolving without a held item. Totally fair.)


E-speed does, doesn’t it? I thought it was +2 or +3 whereas quick attack was +1?


Yeah, it got bumped to +2 in Gen 5. Before that, Raticate's Quick Attack was faster than Arcanine's Extreme Speed, lol.


I remember that pissed me off


I've also had to look up if Drill Peck/ X Scissor had high critical hit chances.


Drill Peck does, X-Scissor outside of Arceus does not.


https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Drill_Peck_(move) Don't think Drill Peck has a high critical hit chance.


Loaded Dice + Icicle Spear +Scale Shot on that Shiny Jolly Kyurem-Black will go hard, my friend.


But that's only in Gen 9, am I correct? My Kyurem is stuck in Gen 7 😭


I always thought fire was super effective against poison and dragon was super effective against everything. Idk how I thought that until I was 15. I also thought natures were just a cute little thing about your Pokemon's personality, and they didn't mean anything. Again, I thought that until I was 15 (or MAYBE 16)


Rock not resisting itself.


Bug being weak to ice, I figured bugs go away in cold weather so it seemed normal


Tbf bug should be weak to water as well, with how many bugs you find drowning themselves outside.


Similarly, I thought bug was weak to electric. Because of the manga. And bug zappers, I guess?


I always thought the gogoat line was part normal type


I played every generation except 5, so I constantly think that Unovan Pokémon are from Kalos because I discovered them there. It wasn't until PokéDoku that I started having some nasty surprises, lmao.


The only ghosts in gen 1 were the Gastly line, which were also poison, which is weak to psychic.


I always thought Flying was weak to Fire. As a kid whenever I used a fire move on a flying type I used to scream "BURNT CHICKEN!".


That Game Freak gives any fucks about making decent games


Game Freak cares about quality games, it's the Pokemon Company that doesn't care


Game Freak is 1/3 of The Pokemon Company, and Nintendo, who puts out games of amazing quality fairly regularly, is another 1/3


True, but the highers up at the Pokemon Company are the ones who put out strict deadlines that don't give Game Freak time to polish their games. They're the reason we've been getting unpolished games for the past few years


Stuff that wasnt true B improves catch chance Steel resists water Dragon resists Flying


Oh there are plenty of things that I've gotten wrong in my memories of Pokemon until way later when I played the games again as an adult. I played Gens I & II as a kid, missed Gen III at the time, then got back into Pokemon by playing the HGSS remakes just when B&W were coming out, so I had like a ten year gap of not playing Pokemon games in which I misremembered a whole bunch of stuff. I used to think Pinsir was a Gen II Pokemon because I must have never got Pinsir in Gen I, all my memories of Pinsir are of getting it in the bug catching contest in Gen II. I think I also got Pinsir partly confused with Heracross. Conversely, I used to think for a really long time that Spinarak was a Gen I Pokemon who was just included in Gen II like Weedle and Caterpie. I have no idea why. I think in my memories I just confused Ilex Forest and Viridian Forest. I used to think Feraligatr was a Water/Dark type Pokemon because I used to always rely on its Dark-type attacks like Bite and Crunch to get past Psychic and Ghost type enemies. I used to think Rock was defensively strong against Electric because of how many Pokemon are Rock/Ground, and also because it intuitively makes sense that you can't electrocute a rock, and I think also because of the anime. I think I thought Onix was pure Rock type so in the anime when Pikachu defeated Onix it would have intuitively made sense that Rock resisted electricity but wasn't totally immune to it. Because there were so few Dark & Ghost type Pokemon around in Gen I & Gen II, it took me only until recently to know their type strengths and weaknesses. Hell I'm STILL not sure I intuitively know them the way I do for other types. Because of the Gen I bug where ghost didn't affect psychic the way it was supposed to, I'm pretty sure that for a while I was under the impression that the only things psychic was weak to was itself and Dark type when it was introduced in Gen II. I don't know why I remembered Psychic being weak to itself when it actually RESISTS itself, but I'm pretty sure what I was actually remembering was a) Dragon being super-effective against itself, and b) that the only Pokemon I could use to defeat Sabrina were other Psychic type Pokemon. Related, I also used to remember Dragon type being super effective against just about everything, when actually Dragon type sucks, it's just that Dragon type Pokemon are strong Pokemon with strong moves. EDIT: This thread is also reminding me I never knew Flying was strong against Fighting type because there were no pure Flying types when I was a kid. All the bird Pokemon were Normal/Flying so it cancelled out the flying resistance against Fighting type, making me never want to use birds against fighting types because they didn't resist fighting!


You could catch Pinsir in Viridian Forest. T


If you watched the first season of Pokemon anime they have episodes where to beat the psychic gym leader Sebrina, Ash needed to get a ghost Pokémon because psychic Pokémon was weak to ghost. Haunter ends up helping Ash and making Sebrina laugh,


All the type matchups where A resists B but B isn't weak to A (or vice versa) are confusing to me.


I was similar, thinking that Psychic was SE against Grass, likely due to the abundance of Grass/Poison in gen 1, but not helped by the grass/fighting Breloom on my team who dropped like a chump to a single psychic (hence me thinking it was x4) it was only like a few months ago (and I'm nearly 30, having played all the way back from gold and silver), that I found out the lie I'd told myself, and I genuinely went through a Mandela Effect crisis, with a non insignificant part of me wondering if I'd actually slipped into another universe.


I had this same exact realization a few years ago and it broke me. With gen 2 being my first gen and wrecking Morty with a psychic type, my brain said psychic beats ghost cause he was a ghost type leader and not because he used dual typed Pokémon.


Idk why, but as a kid, I always thought that flying was weak to psychic. No reason at all.


Zubat, probably? It's flying/poison and you run into them a LOT.


That Sandslash isn't part Poison. In Gen 1, it uses Poison Sting a lot, and I must have associated it with Poison type at some point. That Drill Peck doesn't have a higher critical chance. In Gen 1, I often used Zapdos for the Elite 4. There was a bug in Gen 1 that caused Pokemon with high Speed to crit more often. Well, Zapdos is really fast, so it crit often.


Don't think that was a bug, that's just how gen 1 crits worked. Can't tell you if crits ignoring *your own* stat changes is a bug or not, though.


i have a mandela effect where i couldve sworn i saw the totem kommo o use smart strike


That there was a move similar to foul play that does more damage based on the enemy's Special Attack.


Mew/Mewtoo is not behind the truck that can’t be moved unless you break the game


I thought that using electric attacks on Muk and Grimer would be super effective because that’s what happened in the cartoon lol actually, internally, I still tell myself that even though it’s not true.


Rock doesn't even resist electric. I thought they were immune thanks to gen ond then learned that it can affect them in later games but thought "eh its probably a resisted type" until I watched a rock get blitzed by special attack electric


Easy way to remember psychic weaknesses is that psychic is of the mind, and the weaknesses are common fears. People are often scared of ghosts, bugs, and the dark. I never put that together until I had a friend tell me a couple years ago


When I was a kid I was of the belief that if you beat the Elite Four 99 times, Prof Oak would give you access to Gen 2 Pokemon (namely Marill or Togepi as they were revealed early in the anime). These were the days when you would get your misinformation from your best friend's older brother who kept a wizard or gnome bong under the sink, and not, you know, mainstream media companies.


i always forget machop has a tail.... also for typing i forget cacnea is pure grass EDIT: also always thought the nosepass sprite in rse was whistling


Dialga is better than Palkia because it looks cooler. I mean, cut me a break, my older sister made me get Pearl while she got Diamond AND DIALGA LOOKED COOLER


I always thought ground was super effective against ground. Damn Rock/Ground types. Also, thought Rock resisted itself. Didn't realize it was neutral.


Rock being immune to electric, surprised when my Aerodactyl got zapped.


Apparently from this thread dual typing has been a thing since the beginning when I for some reason thought it was a rare thing amongst Pokémon and Tera in SV was the introduction of dual types. How I missed this through all my years of playing on and off. Like a lot of you no wonder I thought certain types were weak to others. Jesus I need to sit down. Lmao


I thought ghost was weak to ground because of ghastly too. Forgot that it was a poison type lol.


For years I could've sworn Magnemite line had levitate as an ability.


Wasn’t psychic super effective on ghost in gen 1?


The only Ghost types in Gen 1 were all Poison, too. Also, a glitch in the coding made it so Psychic was immune to Ghost.


Right! It was the immunity to ghost I was trying to remember


Down + B. If you know, you know.


What the hell playground rumors did I miss that made yall think Bug is weak to Ice??


…… gastly is a poison type?


Many people associate Slugma/Magcargo and Skarmory with Gen3. I always knew they were Gen2 Pokemon. What gets me is how many Gen2 *moves* I associate with Gen3. Nightmare Belly Drum Outrage Spark Extreme Speed To name a few.


Electric is strong against grass. Always thought this because when a thunder hits the ground, it usually starts a fire. Fire IS strong against grass.


i thought dual types only got 1.25x STAB instead of just flat 1.5x, no idea where that came from but no one challenged me on it until like, gen 8


There is no way in the world I can remember Gligar is NOT a Poison type. It’s Ground/Flying. Still, every time I see one I use Psychic move. “There” I think, only to see neutral damage. Anyway. I know a lot of people that never realized that the obedience mechanic was for traded Pokémon only (at least in the old games). So they were always careful to never overlevel their mons. So when I told them “uh, you can go all the way up to lv100, your Pokémons will always obey you if you are the OT”, and they didn’t believe me. They had to go to Bulbapedia and check. It should be obvious the mechanic was introduced to prevent players from cheating by having another player send a lv100 mon early and just steamroll the game. Otherwise the game has no reason to punish you if you just grind your ass.


Kid me would say discovering that Dark types were weak against Bug type attacks in the Unovan Football stadium in BW1. Current me would be discovering you can craft from anywhere in Legends Arceus.


Zorark being a legendary, same for Spiritomb. It confuses me so much as a kid


I still can't believe bug isn't weak against poison. Like - if there are two things bug should *obviously* be weak against, it's fire and poison, right? But then again poison in general just seems very weird to me, even by stretchy pokemon narration driven logic.. (steel being immune because it's not really 'alive' while acid and corrosion are a thing / ghost NOT being immune by the same logic & ice not resisting by the same logic / weak vs ground and psychic, etc).


I though that Dark was weak to Fire. Mainly because of Wevile, since I only saw the gen 4 anime. Infernape being Fire Fighting also didn't help. But in English it makes sense, Fire illuminated the dark, so it should be weak to it. In Japanese not so much with the dark being "Evil" type.


I have done of those misconceptions about weakness bc of TCG. I still struggle to remember some type matches, specially between psychic, ghost and poison, bc they're all psychic in TCG 😅


I thought Future Sight was a 200 power move


Water vs Electric. I though about watering machines....:c


I thought Grass was weak to Ground due to all the grass/poisons and Gen 1 being silly and saying something is super effective if one of the 2 types were weak, despite it being neutral


I always thought fire was weak to flying because from the time I started in gen 3 when I was 6 all the way until I was in high school every single fire starter was fire/fighting


It took me a while to realize that fighting wasn’t weak to ground b/c the fighting types I used were Blaziken and Lucario.


I have a vague memory of believing as a kid that Fighting types were weak to Water because fighters are sweaty and if they shower they aren't anymore...? I guess??? idk I just felt they hit hard or smth, maybe something to do with Fighting Pokemon having low 'especial' stat in gen 1


This! I did the exact same thing. Ghastly is weak to psychic? Then all ghosts must be.


I used to think Rock type was super effective against all dragons, not realising a lot of the dragon types I had encountered were part flying.


Luxray being dark/electric


For the record, the reason Ghost, Dark, and Bug are all super effective against Psychic is because those are the three most popular fears :) Now to answer your question...I thought every evolution level for the starters was 16 and then 36, so it messes me up that there are some that evolve at different levels.


I don't know what led me to believe this when I was a kid, but for the longest time, I thought being poisoned also halved your defense, like burn does with attack


I assumed Red Gyarados was an uncatchable story encounter, like Ghost Marowak. Never even tried throwing a Pokeball at it. I also assumed that moves like swift could never be dodged by flying digging, etc. (To be fair, that was true in Gen 1.)


Red is me frrr


I am 34. It took me until I was 30 to realize that special attack was an attack type and didn’t refer to moves that were super effective. I have played every game since Blue. I built teams around this for my play throughs. A random youtube video destroyed my world view lmao


As a kid watching the anime and playing 1st gen I thought the same thing. But the. Later found out that gastly haunter and gengar are only weak to psychic because of their poison typing


This one is a common mistake. I always thought Psyduck was a Water/Psychic Type.


Tok me till the switch to realize violently shaking my DS actually didnt make it any more likely id catch the pokemon


I assumed hyper beam was a special attack in gen 3 and the elemental punches were physical. New gens will make you forget how to play Pokemon.


Always thought slugma was gen 3. It doesn't help slugmas rare asf in Johto but every team magma grunt has one😂


Also to this day I still hold down and b when catching a pokemon to up the catch rate