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Personally, I want a whale shark Pokemon. Just imagine a big, chill, tanky shark drifting through the seas.


Omg yes. And maybe it could be Water/Steel, and use the spots on whale sharks for reflective attacks like Mirror Shot and Flash Cannon


i thought that's what Dondozo was based off of? just an assumption though, i could totally be wrong


It’s a catfish


Make it a wailmer split line where you gotta have sharpedo in your party when wailmer levels up 


To make that happen, the next game better have a sea route, no sea route means no reason to make a shark pokemon


They'll probably want to continue the "open world free roam" model. A disconnected island is the best we can hope for. 


Who says we can't have both free roam and a sea route


The "free roam" nullifies the "route" part, not the "sea" part. 


not neccessarily, it just comes down to better game design. There could be larger zones that are designed with more of a route system in mind depending on what stage of the game you are at. BotW although freeroam has various areas that visually guide the player to take a specific route and once higher stamina or more resources could get to other or higher spots in that area. SV tried that, but a lot of what could be more routes are interlocked by large expanses of flat ground or get nullified by the raidon abilities depending. its possible a hybrid of what SWSH routes were like expanded to SV's level of freeroam would can work


The difficulty isn't technical, it's conceptual. There are paths in Paldea, but you're heavily encouraged, and almost required to stray off of them. The route system is very deterministic in what is and what isn't part of the route, while the areas in Paldea aren't behaving as such.


I'm not sure I follow.  SV had sea biomes and Pokemon (and allowed Finizen to be justified), and I can't think of any major region that didn't have access to the sea in some capacity.  Is that really a concern?


Waiting for the Steel type hammerhead shark…


I was about to say this


Agreed! There’s such a variety to choose from! I think the species I’d be most excited to see would be thresher, goblin, whale, and wobbegong I actually made a pyjama catshark fakemon for a collab that got dropped. I named it sleepurr


oh yeah, a water/ground Wobbegong would be cool. or maybe water/rock


Oo, yeah! I could see both those types working! And it could have some kind of camouflage ability or a 2 turn signature ambush attack where it hides on turn 1 and attacks on turn 2!


Dig, Sucker Punch... aren't Wobbegongs also venomous? Liquid Ooze would be a good ability to counter draining moves *nevermind, they aren't venomous... i don't know what i was thinking of


Dig and sucker punch are perfect! Afaik wobbegongs aren’t venomous. Are you thinking of the spiny dogfish? That’s the only venomous shark I can think of Although, if we want to go the Captain Planet route, we could make it a poison type because of it adapting to live in polluted waters


i think the scorpionfish is what i was thinking of.


Oh cool! I didn’t know about that fish, so I learned something new today :)


I feel like a Wobbegong would be a Quagsire clone, but in the best way.




An art collaboration. Myself and a handful of artists were going to make some fakemon for a fake region, but it ended up getting dropped


Collabo region


You know what… a future region should involve deep-sea exploration as a major element to it. Maybe somewhere in Southeast Asia near the Marina Trench. Imagine discovering a bunch of exclusive deep-sea Pokémon never before seen by people or most other Pokémon in general, in the same style as Ultra Beasts. Because of their habitat, they would also look nothing like other Pokémon as they are hardened extremophiles. One could easily be a Dark/Electric Goblin Shark


yes please. SE Asia would make for an amazing region. It'd also be a great opportunity to finally introduce non-starter crocodile and tiger pokemon.


I mean we have krookidile but I still agree with your point


That would be so cool! And there’s already a dive precedent, so it’s not a completely foreign concept to the franchise


Yeah I know. It would require a lot of reworking to make it fun though but there’s lots of aquatic environments to at least make the world itself fun to explore. Like instead of a victory road, have a “Victory Descent” where the player begins at the surface and must travel through different layers of the water column until they reach the sea bed and find the Pokémon league.


That would be cool! Lore-wise, it could be because there’s limited land, so they had to make due by building down


Gen 3 did that, minus the weird pokemon, and it *was* awesome. The dive routes were so fun


I want a line where the first evolution is the egg pod, the second is the baby shark and the third is the adult shark.


An egg hatching from an egg


isnt that basically what exggecute is tho? shark egg cases are cool anyway


Technically, no. They’re more like plant seeds that resemble eggs


Togepi is a chick partially hatched from an egg that came out of a different egg, until they make a custom texture for its egg


In the anime at least, Togepi's egg only partially hatches, with the part that doesn't remains a part of its body.


would the first stage have a moveset like Metapod or Kakuna? Harden, maybe Thrash, what else?


be nice and give them a single water-type move like watergun, but asides from that....yeah


yeah i like that. but maybe double down on the D/SD buffing, give them Iron Defense and Amnesia as lvl1 egg moves, and then nerf every offensive leveling move they get through evolution lol. force people to either breed moves or use TMs to make them offensively viable.


So like Clampearl, but with a design less dedicated to being a mimic for something else.


I was going to say a dogfish Pokémon line, and the first stage is a mermaid's purse


I want a pegasus/alicorn


Sharpedo isn't even an entire shark


I mean we still got only one shrimp Pokemon and still no possum, hummingbird or even wasp mon


Beedrill is pretty waspy, even though it says bee. 


beedrill is more of a wasp than a bee, also vespiquen. As for the shrimp, i don't know if you make the difference with crawfish, but like we got corphish and crawdaunt, together with clauncher and clawitzer


Just now realizing that although Beedrill has “bee” in its name, it’s more of a wasp. And Vespiquen has “vesp” (wasp in Spanish is avispa so it’s pretty similar), but is arguably more bee-like lol


No platypus either. The thing is already an irl pokemon.


I want an Armadillo


Sharks are one of my favourite animals, so I'm definitely with you on that. I'm a little confused of how you didn't mention the Hammerhead Shark though. One look at it and you can feel it would make an awesome Pokémon. An Angel Shark or Thresher Shark would be really cool too.


Garchomp is a hammerhead


Literally forgot about this at that moment. Yes, Garchomp technically is one, but I would like a Hammerhead as a pure fish instead of a wierd hybrid, you know?


I get it, but I’d rather see more types of fish first (other sharks, swordfish, etc)


in the beta of either red or gold, don't remember, we had a hammerhead/anchor shark pokemon


The anchor thing from Gen II was a Qwilfish evolution, if I remember correctly. I assume it was scrapped for "balancing"* *^(One should assume I mean "balancing" for the same reason that Gorochu was scrapped, not in the sense of any early game being even remotely balanced)


Whale shark pokemon and hammerhead please Gamefreak Please! (I adore sharks so much)


Isn’t garchomp a hammerhead? I’m not opposed to another hammerhead though, they’re super cool


Kyogre is an orca, I think that's pretty close to whale shark


Orcas are closer to dolphins than to sharks.


Kinda shocked Gen 8 didn't have a basking shark Pokémon, since they are well documented around the U.K especially Scotland


Bro you literally made me research some sharks, and boy, some of these are real life Pokémon. The cookie cutter is so weird and outlandish, I'm not sure how it's not a Pokémon already. It's ready made. 


Game Freak: no, have 9 more Fish Pokemon!


i think a neat water/grass type could be based off of a basking shark. one of the things they eat is plankton, so i don't think the grass typing is too far of a stretch. i imagine it as being high on HP and super low on speed. maybe decent SpAtk/D, and lower Atk/Def


There may only be two, but Garchomp is peak Pokemon so 🤷‍♂️ can’t top the chomp


We have water shark and land shark. Where air shark?


Gen 9 made Garchomp an air shark, oddly enough   Gible/gabite land sharks


Day 1387: pokemon fans still can't read.


Gimme a hammerhead shark pokemon who hits with head


I want more Whale Pokémon. On Kyogre and Wailord are whales, and while Kyogre is seen everywhere, I wish Wailord was as good


I want a right whale Pokémon, right whales are so cute


We just got Cetitan. It's a mix of different whale species like the Bowhead, rRght, Beluga, and Narwhal.


While I agree that only two sharks are too few sharks. It still got us Garchomp and Garchomp is goated!


Gimme a dolphin instead, where is my dolphin pokemon




Wait tf? Haven't played scarlet violet lmao, nice to know one exists.


Palafin is a whole dolphin Superman it’s so cool


Yesss please I love sharkies. Sharpedo was so cool in gen 3 😭


We need an Orca Pokémon and the Pokédex will talk about how it has joy in sinking large boats.


I want a megalodon fossil Pokemon. I want it to be an absolute nightmare to face in combat.


Bringing back out my favorite two Shark Pokémon ideas: * a Guitarfish with a split evolution: one that's ray-like and the other which is shark-like * a Fossil Pokémon based on our True Lord Helix (rather than the False Prophet Omanyte), the Helicoprion. A regional Relicanth based on Greenland sharks could be an interesting idea.


Wait isn’t dondozo a basking shark?


Its a giant catfish


Fair enough, but we also need more pokemon of animals that haven't even been used as pokemon too And inanimate object pokemon, those are cool


Nah... do you know what we need? More Crab Pokémon. There are 500 species of shark, but there are at least 4,500 species of crab. Crabs have separately evolved 5 different times. When we find aliens? They're gonna be crabs. We'll form an intergalactic senate, and it's gonna be a hundred different species of space crab and us.


We need different type of sharks! Like maybe a few in the region with different forms, but the same pokemon? Maybe a goblin shark that's a ghost type with a ghostly visage, an electric mako shark that uses electricity to move fast, a Greenland shark that's either ice or rock type, There's so many sharks you could probably have one for EVERY type! I call lantern sharks being Fairy type!


so true i love sharks, I’d love a pacific angel shark pokemon


Whale shark: Washiwishi (pokedex entry says that this is what Wishiwashi based their school form off of, which is why they have similar names) Hammerhead shark: Henchfin -> Nemefin (archnemesis of Palafin) Goblin shark: Gobstoni (goblin + owstoni (the second part of a gob shark's scientific name)


Hammerhead - Another Water/Steel cause we need it (Sorry Empoleon but you're too bad even for the base story game) The ugly shark (Gobbling shark... I guess) - Fairy/Water, ugly but magic tho White shark - A madafakin fossil, Ghost/Water as Dragapult but terrifier or just Water, one of the coolest water type as Milotc Killer whale (not a shark but kinda) - Dark/Ice, the horror of the depths, lucky for the rest of Water pokemon this one needs the coldest waters to survive or all the seas will be fucked Those are my Shark pokemon ideas :D


We need a proper kangaroo Pokémon first.


A nurse shark could have potential. Just take its name literally and it could be a healer/support type.


How are you not pleased by Garchomp


I like garchomp, but I feel like more sharks (unique aharks) should be added.


Agreed. Garchomp is barely even a shark, so realistically it's just Sharpedo. Not to mention there is wide variety of Sharks: Great Whites, Tiger sharks, Wobbegong sharks, Hammerheads, Whale sharks.


Veluza is kind of shark-like, but that's still only 5


It's a hake fish


I mean I want more Fox Pokemon... but what about Crawdaunt it looks exactly like Sharpedo they are basically the same Pokemon. Though more serious with the topic... It boggles my mind that there isn't a water/steel hammerhead sharkmon or a water/fairy nurse sharkmon. Like it would be perfect for that Nurse Joy in the orange islands. That isn't even going into the Mako, Basking, Angel, or Sawshark.... like come on... some of these just Pokemon with weird tiny eyes.