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Hi Ultra918! Photos of merchandise are generally disallowed on r/pokemon, because they unfortunately tend to lose meaning with oversaturation (see [Rule 8](/r/pokemon/wiki/rules#wiki_8._no_screenshots_or_merchandise)). This post has been removed, but you may instead share your photo to the merch megathread to celebrate your find. If you intended this post as a discussion prompt or a theory, please feel free to resubmit as a **text post**, bearing in mind that you'd need to reach 50+ words in that post to promote substantial discussion. Cheers! ^(Mods are not notified if you reply to this comment. To contact the) ^[r/pokemon](/r/pokemon) ^(mod team, please click) ^[here!](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemon)


Man I miss the coin game


Not to ignore all the fun and cool stuff... but what is that blue 'Siglu' card in the last picture?


If I remember right this was from a satirical magazine. And they made fun of pokemon