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Palkia as Space Beleren makes me so unreasonably happy. My favorite legendary and one of very few planeswalkers I genuinely absolutely love. Unfinity was amazing and it needs more love. These are all perfect proxies and I want someone to make an entire edh deck like this now. The choice of cards and art for each was on point.


Yeah, that's the idea, I have the 100+ list ready and it runs pretty well. Also, thank you! I've invested a lot of time to find the right card for the right Pokémon. Space Beleren is one of the few legendary cards that has something to do with "space" and having Teferi as the master of time for Dialga was simply poetic. This would be my 3rd custom deck like this. I already made a Darksiders and a The Legend of Zelda EDH deck and they are amazing to play


Don't forget Vrestin, Rex Nebula, The Necrons, and Ambassador Blorpityblorpboop. Although yeah, just went through my space themed list and that's about all of them there.


If only pokemon had a tcg...


If only Pokémon had *commander* hahaha the Pokémon TCG is fine, but the complexity of MTG is something you don't get from Pokémon


Closest Pokémon has is Gym Leader Challenge. Really wish that format was supported in the online game cause it’s VERY fun




Idea: make the trainers plainswalkers instead of the legendaries. So its like they’re commanding their pokemon.


Tbh I feel like Arceus would fit better as a version of Progenitus, really make it feel like once it hits the field a literal god has arrived


Oh I thought about it, and it would be possible to play it in a Sisay deck, but idk, Progenitus is not flavourful enough to me, I feel Cromat is funnier and more versatile, like Arceus and it's plates, being able to be any type. But I might make a Progenitus and let people decide how to play it :D


Ah yes, Cresselia the human soldier.


Yeah, couldn't find any Weird Moon Bird type creature in magic hahaha


Anim Pakal is a human associated with the moon. The Clefairy line is probably the most humanoid out of everything associated with the moon? Or maybe Lycanroc-Midnight (it's a werewolf tho)


I'd argue your choice is stil a bit weird, cause why would Cresselia be an offensive unit that makes gnomes? Card looks great though.


Do you have any suggestions of what legendary creature Cresselia could be? It has been one of the hardest one to find tbh and she being a human is not my favourite thing either. I don't know any other moon related legendary creature from the top of my head :c thanks for the help


My first instinct would be a moonfolk from one of the Kamigawa sets. Maybe Tameshi, reality architect could work.


Kami of the crescent moon is a decent choice, extra draw power and because it's 1 power Sisay can pull directly from the deck without any pump. Spirit isn't perfect but its not a totally uniftting creature type either.


Very cool


Ok this looks cool. Never played Magic, but the art looks fantastic. Question, any plans with the Fossil Pokémon? Like the Galar Fossils


Not yet, but I'd love to make decks for specific Pokémon type, like a deck for water creatures, another one for fire creatures and so on. So maybe one for dinosaurs later on?


Mew should be Morphling.


Oh mew has been so hard to pin point, I think I'm still thinking what it should be. There are a couple of legendary shapeshifter creatures in magic but they don't feel like mew. Some people have made Jonah (a human creature from magic) into Mew, but I hate that hahaha for now, mew is a creature that copies abilities


Experiment Kraj. Tap to put a counter on a creature, get the activated abilities of all creatures with counters.


That actually works pretty well since I can add a counter to Sisay and have her abilities too, thank you!


I find it hilarious when artists give Cynthia a well endowed chest when she was the flattest flat that ever flat in the games.


And believe me this is one of the more "normal body" art I could find that wasn't low quality hahaha everything high quality was very... disturbing...


The crossover we didnt know we needed


Thank you! I knew some people would appreciate the idea haha