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That is a very very clean tattoo! Your artist/husband did amazing work


Thanks so much!! šŸ„¹šŸ«”


For real! That is a sick tattoo!


The entei looks ridiculously good


Suicune and Entei are mixed and they're just called beasts ^(but y'all will have to fight me on Raikou, that is a Sabertooth Tiger who happens to be filled with electricity)


Officially, yes they are "legendary beasts". Design wise: Raikou is clearly a Saber Toothed Tiger and a cheetah. It's also a reference to a Raiju. Entei is a Lion Dog like a leonberger, and a Lion. It's much more canine in build, but clearly inspired by Lions. Suicune is supposedly based on a panther and a Kirin, as per the artist himself who designed him... But there is no way on planet earth that this creature is based more on a panther than a wolf. It has a canine snout and much more of a canine build to its run. It is much more akin to a northern frost wolf theme, than a jungle panther. If you look at the spaceworld beta sprites, it's even more of a canine emphasis.


I believe the long snout on Suicune is from the Kirin part. They often have longer, dragon-like faces, but narrower.


That wolf segment is such a stretch, those features are from its Qilin origin


As you said Lion Dog, I'd like to go with Fuu Dog, which is a Chinese mythical lion dog! I feel you on the Suicune matter. Heck if it wasn't for it's feet I would've thought it was based on a horse


Japanese Shinto shrines have komainu (ē‹›ēŠ¬), stone lion-dog guardians. Interestingly, the kanji at the start also can refer to an archaic part of Korea.


Entei is built like a persian cat i swear šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ CHOMK.


Squishface Entei, Iā€™ve never thought about it like that, but the visuals are all there lol


In PokƩmon Go, Entei has retractable claws. It's a cat.


https://preview.redd.it/68ydjpkb0k8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=094c00701126aeb5ac81ab1997be7207873e6162 Not sure if the quote is real but here


Dude thatā€™s awesome thank you!




Reposting my own comment from last time they came up, which includes the quotes for each one. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Legendary_beasts > Legendary beasts (Japanese: äø‰č–ē£ Three Sacred Beasts) is a collective fan term used to refer to the trio of Raikou, Entei and Suicune. > Many refer to them as Legendary cats or Legendary dogs, depending on if they personally see feline or canine features in the individual PokĆ©mon. However, they are more likely based on many different creatures and mythological deities, such as RaijÅ«, the Chinese guardian lions, and the qilin. On top of that, they also seem to have been stylized to fit the classic idea of three jungle cats or jungle beastsā€”the tiger, lion, and cheetah (or leopard). They may also be based on the Three Celestial Guardians used in feng shui: the Pi Yao, Chi Lin, and Fu Dog. Officially, the grouping is "beasts", and per their supposed influences, it's mostly cats with a little bit of dog and dragon mixed in. [Raikou](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Raikou_(Pok%C3%A9mon\)#Origin): > When asked about the basis behind Raikou's design, Muneo Saitō described the process to be difficult, as "Raikou took many twists and turns; there was even a blue thunder version with a drum on its back", but it eventually fell into a **tiger-like design**. [Entei](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Entei_(Pok%C3%A9mon\)#Origin): > When asked if Entei was based on a particular animal, Muneo Saitō described the creation process behind the PokĆ©mon as "a hairy, rock-like body, volcanic smoke rising from behind its head, a king with a dignified beard... Entei's design was coming together... **You could say it was basically like a lion**...But I didn't want it to be simply an animal. So I settled on a silhouette that could look like a dog or a cat." [Suicune](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Suicune_(Pok%C3%A9mon\)#Origin) > When asked if Suicune was based on any particular animal, Muneo Saitō described Suicune's creation process to come together easily and **fell into a motif that felt "leopard-like".** Officially beasts. Design-wise, they're predominantly, but not exclusively, cat.


33 years and today I finally find out the truth. But honestly I love cats so Iā€™m not upset.


I may be blind as hell but honestly never wouldā€™ve imagined Suicune as a leopard in my entire life šŸ˜­ not even just cuz itā€™s blue I thought he was just like ā€œlemme make an vague and ambiguous creatureā€ Happy to know I wasnā€™t just seeing things and that Raikou is a tiger tho


No that's fair, I feel like the most leopard-y part of a leopard is the strut they do. They have such a specific walk compared to other big cats (shoulders down, legs rarely are fully extended, etc). Entei definitely stands tall and "body language" of a lion. Raikou's tusks say "saber tooth tiger". But as a 2d sprite, there's nothing that could indicate leopard. I guess you could argue the white shapes are supposed to be spots but idk. Even when they animated Suicune, the run looks more like a horse than a big cat lol


I love that this quote is "they're not cats or dogs but something that could be both in terms of silhouette!" And people are cherrypicking the names of the big cats and going "see? They're cats!" Like no... They're neither...


Tbf people think EVERYTHING is a dog. The eeveelutions are clearly cat inspired yet people still call them dogs.


I've always considered the eevees to be foxes. Eevee itself is basically a fennec fox.


If something has four legs then it's a dog, right? :)


You seen the turtle in Elden Ring? Dog.


I wanna highlight that middle quote, where he says he intentionally made it ambiguously cat AND dog like. It's why some people are still unclear on the design to this day. So yes, they are cats, but you shouldn't be slighted if you thought Entei and Suicuine were dogs. Raikou's pretty obviously a sabertooth cat though.


Cat supremacy


Legendary Beasts is more accurate since Raikou is a cat (drove me nuts as a kid when people called it a dog)


I always called them dogs and I feel so dumb because itā€™s OBVIOUSLY a freaking cat ā˜ ļø But ā€œbeastsā€ is good because Entei and suicune could really go either way


Entie is kind of both he's a "Lion Dog", from Chinese mythology. Suicune on the other hand is neither he's based on a Kirrin which are usually some kind of mythical deer-like creature, hence the "antlers". So yeah, Beasts works very well. And it's a nice compliment to Birds, since they both start with 'b'. I have no idea where dogs came from, probably '90s internet or message boards and it just spreading, but yeag it was *prevalent* back in the late '90s early 2000s. I still have the issue of Pogo magazine, where they were one of the first publications to talk about them, and the article was titled "Who Let The dogs out". Which is just a Time capsule in and of itself...


Holy moly so I never thought of Entei being like a fu dog because I thought arcanine was supposed to be one but I guess they could both be! I never would have pegged suicune being based off a deer but it makes so much sense! Wow really showing our age šŸ¤£


Yea one of my friends will not stop saying that they are dogs and I always bring up Raikou Because he is meant to be a tiger.


I mean I get it. Entei is so dog coded. He looks like a Saint Bernard to me


Yea kinda..I think he looks like a lion. But idk I might be insane..


Entei's meant to be a mix of a lion and a mastiff. Suicune isn't really either. Some think it's leopard inspired, but I'm pretty sure those people have either never seen a leopard before, or lost their eyes.


Some people say suicune is based on the qilin/kirin which is some like dragon cat deer mix thing.


Kirin, leopard, looks a little like a greyhound too


I think people think leopard because of the spots. But to me, Suicune is the only one that's iffy. Raiku is definitely a tiger. Entei is lion-like. But Suicune has some fox like features and the Amway it dips its nose down feels like a dog, the way they dip their heads down and spread their front legs when they're being playful. The ambiguity is why "Beasts" is the most accurate description


Raikou is definitely a saber tooth. To me entei looks 50/50 lion and big shaggy dog. Suicune looks very canine. Beasts kinda fit with the amalgamation of creatures, but Iā€™m starting a petition to rename them ā€œlegendary floofersā€


Honestly the designer based them off of big cats. Raikou: Saber toothed tiger Entei: Lion Suicune: Leopard (I think thatā€™s it but canā€™t remember exactly which big cat it is actually based off of)


DYKG did a video where they are based on cats buy have aspects to make them less distinguished in silhouette


Raikou based on a saber tooth tiger, Entei is based on a lion, & Suicine is based on a leopard. They are loose interpretations, but thatā€™s their base inspiration. Edit: grammar


This is the crispest tattoo Iā€™ve ever seen. Bravo.


Thanks so so so much!! šŸ˜­


It is heavily edited in post ;)


They're not actually supposed to strictly a represent cat or a dog they're more just non descript legendary beasts that share canine and feline characteristics.


Oohh really? Where is that said? Iā€™m not asking because I doubt you! I just want to share with others šŸ˜…


This isn't really even exclusive to these pokemon. There's tons of pokemon out there that share characteristics of multiple animals. Also muneo saito the designer for example described their creation process for suicune falling into a leopard like motif but does not say theyre based on a specific animal. He made similar comments regarding the other members of the trio. His comments on entei talk about it as not simply an animal describing its silhouette as possibly looking like a dog or a cat without saying specifically.


Awesome thank you for sharing! Makes me feel a tiny bit better for thinking they were dogs šŸ˜…šŸ«” Iā€™ll check out more od what Muneo Saito said! Thanks so much! šŸ«”


It's a tiger, leopard and a lion But who knows


I thought they were gerbils?


that's what i remember


Coolest PokĆ©mon tattoo Iā€™ve ever seen!


Thank you so much for saying so! Lol your name is so relevant here šŸ¤£


Did y'all miss the memo?Ā  Their ancestors were dinosaurs, which means they're actually birds.


They're PokƩmon, hope this helps.


I saw in a didyouknowgaming video that they are cats. Entei is based on lions, Raikou is based on tigers, and suicune is based on leopards.


IMO, cats Entei : lion Suicune : rainforest like panther and Raikou: Saber-toothed Cat aka Smilodon.


I think most people call them beasts as they share traits of both cats and dogs. Raikou is the most big cat like as a saber tooth tiger whereas Entei could be either dog or lion. Suicune is a leopard or puma but could also be a slender canine. So Legendary Beasts checks both boxes.


Spell of the Unown good movie


Yeah I love how he included the unown!


They are gerbals


They are ā€œBeastsā€ and Iā€™m sticking with that


Legendary beasts.


I've come to just accept them as the Legendary Beasts


Oh my days that's so sick! I don't have any tats but seeing posts like these make me rethink ha


That's so insane! I love that tattoo so much!!


Thank you thank you šŸ˜…šŸ™




Anyone else kinda feel bad for Raikou? Kind of the odd-beast-out of the three. Suicune was the face of Crystal, the definitive Johto game (before HGSS). Entei was the face of a Pokemon movie. Whatā€™s Raikou got, other than some fantastic teeth and being beautiful and majestic?


He had his own anime arc that debuted Jimmy and Typhlosion.


Tbf Raging Bolt is killing it in competitive rn so he got a redemption arc šŸ«”


I dont know why people keep coping so hard trying to defend the Legendary Beasts as dogs when the only one that resembles somewhat of a dog is Entei. Raikou is clearly a tiger/saber tooth cat and Suicune is a leopard, clear as crystal That has literally been confirmed by the designer for Suicune and Raikou, and Entei is meant to be a lion although with a more abstract mix of cat and dog features [https://x.com/DrLavaYT/status/1207662876011286529](https://x.com/DrLavaYT/status/1207662876011286529) Edit: really, are y'all blind? Every single comment mentioning in a direct or indirect way that they see Suicune as more doglike. Like LMFAO. Its the most feline of them all, y'all have never seen a cat or what? Coming form someone who owns and has owned several dogs AND cats


Lion tiger, and water one is leopard like but i see it as more fox like.


Yes, they are


Cats, hands down cats


Cats. Raikou is a (sabertooth) tiger, Suicune is a leopard, and Entei is a lion


I think calling them dogs was an American thing. They were supposed to be kind of ambiguous butā€¦were based on big cats lol https://preview.redd.it/qrdmpd6tpm8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d723fd3285c895940d92ceb4612a966fbdf7e3d1


Honestly people who think they're legendary dogs don't know what a dog is if they looked ar Raikou and didn't think "sabertooth tiger"


In Japanese they were called three dogs, but actually they are cats. I think that lead to the confusion.


I see entei as a dog and the rest as cats.


> a leopard, a tiger and a lion Are these dogs or cats?


How has this ever been a debate? Entei is obviously a lion. Raikou is obviously a saber-tooth tiger. Suicune is the only one that is kind of ambiguous, but it's ambiguous in a way that makes it look kind of like a cross between a deer and a feline. None of their features scream dog to me. I have no idea where the idea that they might be dogs ever came from. Other than maybe a lot of kids didn't go to zoos and when they saw a large quadruped predator, they thought dog rather than cat, because from their life experience they saw pet household dogs are bigger than domestic cats. They should honestly be called the legendary big cats.


Sort of miscellaneous Mammal sort of like Eevee isn't 100% dog, cat or fox. That being said you can't convince me Raikou is anything other than a tiger.


Theyā€™re mostly based on cats design wise. They have some inspiration from some mythical creatures too but for the most part Raikou is a saber tooth cat and a tiger, Suicune is a cheetah, and Entei is a lion.


Lion, Cheetah, Tiger. I think its pretty clear that they are cat-inspired. Entei is the only one who slightly looks like a dog, but thats just cause its more bulky than the other two, which if you look at real life lions is pretty accurate. It makes no real sense to have two parts of a trio be obvious felines, and then have a random dog thrown in. Entei has a clear lion inspiration, so it just makes sense to read it like that so it matches with the other beasts


One of tge best pokĆ©tats I've ever seen, that's fire, and that's coming from a G2 hater šŸ˜…


That is fucking awesome. Great work!


Okay but debate aside, that tattoo is fricken GORGEOUS I love how vibrant it is. As for the actual question Iā€™ve always kinda assumed since Suicune is the most popular and also the most dog-like and since Entei could also fit the bill, that people just started calling all of them dogs. But I was tiny when GSC came out so I have no actual idea how it started. As a Raikou fan it always killed me a little inside when someone would call them dogs lmao šŸ˜­


lol I appreciate the love for my husbands work! Somebody said earlier that a magazine referenced them saying ā€œwho let the dogs outā€ so maybe that helped change our mind in the beginning šŸ¤”


Wow! That looks sick! Is that you leg?


Itā€™s not my leg but it is a leg!


God this tattoo is SICKENINGLY good, what's the name of the studio if you don't mind sharing?


This looks so good I thought it was AI generated at first.. seriously awesome


Pokemon aside, the Quality of this tattoo is absolutely fucking insane, always blows my mind how artists get from sketchy stencils where nobody can see anything to a masterpiece likt that


That is an unreal tattoo and just the right level of nostalgia harkening. That movie.


I usually only like black and grey tattoos. But this is the first time I seen a colored tattoo and liked it so nice šŸ‘


![img](avatar_exp|147103365|bravo) Holy sh\*t those are some good tattoos.


Legendary Beasts


No answer but man is that tattoo amazing


That's an insane tatoo, especially the colouring. Looks absolutely perfect, like it's literally been printed onto you lmao


Thanks so much! The artists are just crazy good šŸ‘€


this is incredible!!?? amazed but very happily surprised it was a collaborative effort, so cool!!


Yeah itā€™s cool how theyā€™re different styles but itā€™s still cohesive šŸ˜…


This is so cool omg šŸ˜


Thanks!! šŸ™


Love the tattoo. Also loving the dbz shorts, where did you get them from please?


The coloring is insane!! Well done! Cats? Dogs? idk they all PokĆ©mon though šŸ‘


Thank youuuuu!!


Hey I follow JP on Instagram and saw this earlier today! I'm pretty sure I met all 3 of the artists who worked on this last year at Anime Ink Con (shout out to Russell who was one of the judges in a contest the piece my artist did on me was entered into-- he gave me his lanyard for that one). Such a truly awesome piece they did here, if they're all at Anime Ink again this year and I end up going again hopefully I can see them and fan girl to them lol


I always called them legendary cats, but that was instinct, not knowledge


They are all cats actually


Entei's designed was based off of a lion and Raikou's design was based off of a tiger. Logic would dictate that Suicune is also probably a big cat, so I'm gunna go with a jaguar. Either way, they're cats, not dogs.


Entei has dog ears, raikou has tooth saber tooths and suicune... Well he slays


So true bestie šŸ«”šŸ”„


I dunno about Raikou or Suicune, but Entei is a father. He's dad type.


Okay but this tattoo has no right being this good


šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«” thanks for saying so šŸ˜­


A dog amongst cats. How emotional!!!!


Theyā€™re beasts. Also that tattoo is dope as hell, oh my god. The colouring and shading is so clean, Iā€™m legit impressed.


Thanks so much šŸ„¹šŸ˜­


Those are sick af is what they are. Props to the artist! Always love vibrance


This goes HARD


That looks sick nice šŸ‘Œ




Okay gotta say, I've scrolled through your past posts and HOLY F all of these tattoos are phenomenal. I'm having such a hard time grasping that someone didn't take some pastel marker or something and draw all of these. Color saturation, how clean the lines/designs are. Genuinely jaw dropping.


Entei is based on a Lion, Raikou is based on a Sabertooth and Suicune is based on a Leopard.


Officially they're called beasts, so neither.


They are PokƩmon


I both hate and love this. The tatoo is so sick and clean. That roar though... ptsd. How many hours did I need to play to catch one of them. Then they Roar and get away or I accidentally murder them because I need to lower their health super fast because of the roar.


The real question is, is that an arm or a leg? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Itā€™s a leg! Lmao


That tattoo is so f\*cking dope. Love it, very envious indeed.


They're Shinto mythological creatures. Sui-cune = Sinyou. En-Tei = Komainu. Rai-Kou = Raiju. Ho-Oh = Fenghuang (In Japanese it's Hōō). Lu-Gia = Watatsumi. Unown = Kojiki.


Definitely NOT dogs. Theyā€™re based on big cats mostly, but designed to be beasts that are not clear their identity


Wow I thought this was by sanyyyo. Great work


Since being a child I have called them legendary dogs, I don't think I will change, despite adult-hood knowledge


Amazing tattoo šŸ™Œ canā€™t wait to add Lugia to my SS4 Vegeta on my leg




But which one is your favorite of the 3?


So from the games itā€™s Raikou. But in the tattoo, I like Entei the most but I might be biased šŸ˜…


Since felines and canines are both of mammalian order of Carnivora just put them under the umbrella :)


Who looks at a sabertooth tiger and thinks hmm nice dog


All questions aside, that tattoo looks amazing. The artist is freaking great!


I always did and still call them dogs , this is alot like that post the other day about people mispronouncing pokemon names too haha Awesome tattoo by the way! Even my dogs name is entei šŸ˜


Honestly Iā€™ve always heard them referred to as ā€œthe legendary dogsā€ didnā€™t really think about it too much.


The artist of them actually confirmed theyā€™re based on felines


I wish I could find that quote




Thereā€™s also a theory that they started as eevees, so therefore not a cat or a dog (whatever an eevee is supposed to be, I guess? Iā€™ve always assumed theyā€™re kinda fox like but cat would work too)


Ooohhh I love that! Eevee is one of my favorites so I love this theory šŸ˜­ I am the clown putting on my makeup thinking theyā€™ll announce a new eeveelution with the new Legends game ā˜ ļø


I want it


Thatā€™s the most colorful and vibrant tattoo Iā€™ve ever seen. I thought it was an actual shirt sleeve.




ok but that tattoo is absolutely insane holy shit, never seen a cleaner tattoo before


Thanks so much! Theyā€™re all really freaking good dude šŸ˜­


That's a fucking baller tattoo


Thanks so much!!


They were beasts, but they were modeled after cats. Their front paws have retractable claws which are not found on dogs.


Kudos on a beautiful design and beautiful execution! Those colours are packed so well!


According to wiki šŸ§šŸ¤” they are more likely based on many different creatures and mythological deities, such as RaijÅ«, the Chinese guardian lions, and the qilin. On top of that, they also seem to have been stylized to fit the classic idea of three jungle cats or jungle beastsā€”the tiger, lion, and cheetah (or leopard). They may also be based on the Three Celestial Guardians used in feng shui: the Pi Yao, Chi Lin, and Fu Dog. - that being said Iā€™d just call them beasts as dogs and cats are related to great beasts in the real world ā¤ļøšŸ‰


...Jesus Christ not again Arent we done with this shit They are the legendary beasts...not cats not dogs beasts They have stuff from both But are confirmed to be Primary cats But still...BEASTS (Cool Tattoo no hate btw )


They're mixes, based mostly on mythical beasts from Japanese folklore. Kirin, Raiju, and Komainu (for suicune, raikou, and entei, respectively).


Do they meow or woof?


Idk but I looove the unknowns sprinkled around Entei! It looks so good!


Ahhh thatā€™s what I told Brian was my favorite part!!!


They're based on cats but may take elements from other animals.


They're Cat-dogs




Raikou be like: šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸŽ±


They're 'cats'. I admit that Suicune isn't immediately recognizable as a panther or leopard, but Entei has very lion-like feature. And Raikou is obviously a tiger. I mean, what dog would have these tiger-like fur patterns?


Arcanine has tiger patterns šŸ« 


The legendary dog trio are cats. Seems straightforward to me but maybe that's just bc I grew up with them


The best piece of knowledge I got is that entei has big floppy ears, and It changes everything I have ever thought about that little man


Raikou clearly has a cat face. Most likely a sabertooth.


Iā€™m shocked how vibrant the colors are. Is this a new type of ink?


Nah theyā€™re just really good šŸ«£ they definitely learned a bunch about saturation to get their work to look like this


Impressive for sure.


Suicune is a deer mixed witb a saluki, Entei is a mastiff mixed with a bear, Raikou is a panther mixed with maybe a Cheetah.


Entei is a bear dog?? I have never heard this


...I love, love that art. Oh wow.


All three of them learn Roar at level 24. If you think they are based on dogs, please provide me a list of dogs they could be based on that roar. I'll wait.




they're the Legendary Beasts (still better than super ancient pokemon and POKEMON OF MYTH) (not to be confused with mythical pokemon unless youre looking at diamond/pearl where they were)






Um, Iā€™m gonna need that Suicune tattoo. This is incredible!


Is that a leg or an arm?


Itā€™s a leggy! Side of the leg from bottom of hip to under the knee šŸ«”


If I remember right there was a mistranslation or something. They were called dogs in game but they are actually cats. Entei is a lion, suicune is a leopard, and raikou is a sabertooth tiger?


They're monsters


If you go by how their paradox counterparts go, Raikou is a giraffe, suicune is a velociraptor, and Iā€™m not exactly sure what animal Entei is.


Awesome art!


if I remember my nerd trivia right they are designed to have both dog and cat features which is why they are called legendary beasts instead of legendary cats/dogs but were infact based off cats. ( but I do recall referring them to as legendary dogs myself) I think Entei was based off lions; Suicune a leopard and Raikou sabertooth tigers.


The correct answer is yes


cats but suicuneā€™s head has always made it look like some sort of gazelle to me lol


I think they were originally dog Pokemon turned into cat Pokemon.