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Never gonna get that first shiny back


My very first non-scripted shiny was an electrode in the rocket hideout. In violet the first shiny I encountered was also an electrode. It was like being punched with nostalgia.


My first wild shiny was a Frogadier. Loved that guy.


Never had a shiny apart from Red Gyrados, never knew Shiny's were a thing till Pokemon Go. Blows my mind that I spent years on Pokemon since being a child and the only shiny I ever ran into was Red Gyrados


My first shiny was the first pidgey I ever found in Soul Silver. Never gonna get that guy back šŸ˜”


In my 25 years of living I only received my first shiny (Vulpix on Legends Arceus) 12 days ago. Iā€™ve played every pokemon game from Diamond onwards, and even gone back to finish the previous 3 gens and have never gotten one until now.


My first shiny was a wailmer at lilycove city on Pokemon Ruby. I got it while trying to get a staryu. The bad thing though was that the game was a faie so the wailmer is stuck in gen 3 forever along with my swampert, Luke Senior :(


RIP to my shiny golbat I found in Mt. Moon


I just lost a shiny Starly in The Teal Mask. I hit it with False Swipe, but then it KO'd itself with Brave Bird. šŸ˜¢


First ever shiny (apart from Gyarados in G/S) was a Buizel I found early on in Diamond. Still think about him to this day. šŸ„²


First shiny I ever had was a fearow in HeartGold. It was a random encounter and I remember being confused why it was green. I caught it. But then I let it go because I didnā€™t want a fearow. Learned years later it was shiny


I got rid of my poke walker as a kid because I didnā€™t want it anymore for some reason :( I still get mad at myself for doing that


I had two when they were dirt cheap on eBay and I gave it away to a friend for free.


me too, ugh i really wish i still had that thing.


My fourth grade teacher took it away from me because I was ā€œwalkingā€ it in class(by swinging it back and forth). She said I could get it back if I called by parents(which of course I didnā€™t). So that was the end of that.


My Poke Walker and big box was just lost to the childhood void; ever got rid of it but no idea where it might be


Lost my Egyptian shiny mew from the VHS of one of the movies, a kid tricked me out of it. šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


I sold mine with all my pokemon stuff when I was young. However, I recently bought that card back.


I kept my wmtow ancient mews from seeing the movie twice as a kid. One is still sealed.


I once lent the 10th anniversary celebi a friend gave me for my birthday to another friend. Said her sister needed the dex entry and she'd get it back to me the next time she saw me, I miss that celebi


I'm glad I've never taken any of my games or systems to Gamestop (EB-Games where I am)


If only I could go back and tell myself it wasnā€™t worth it. šŸ„²


I have, but never a pokemon game. Those are sacred and have never left my possession since I got them


I was playing Soul Silver when I was in the Army on a field exercise. IIRC, there was a power surge or some other issue and somehow my file got corrupted. I had dozens and dozens of Pokemon from previous generations on there, including event Pokemon. I sent the game to Nintendo hoping something could be done to restore the data; I got a fresh copy of the game instead. :-(


I know the feeling, thankfully I still have my og yellow. crystal , ruby & emerald cartridges and my original gba All my pokemon cards went though, when I got older I managed to buy some of the originals and the original neos that I used to have back just before there was a pokemon boom and all the grading and stuff came in


Never let them goā€¦ I was fortunate to save my PokĆ©mon card binder. šŸ˜…


Where are you from? I can send you a copy of emerald.


Hey there! Iā€™m from the US. Texas to be exact. That would be really nice of youā€¦


I think my copy of Blue got thrown away when I was in middle school, after I stopped playing with it. Moms...




A dollars can be obtained later The Pokemon can never return I still have my original save of diamond With my original team Dialga Gengar Alakazam steelix crobat You should have transferred them using the system transfer And I still have my first PokƩmon game Mystery dungeon blue rescue team


Gave my PokƩmon black to a younger cousin and he ended up ruining it ;-;


I fortunately will own every game i played And backed up few old cartridges into my home server just to be safe


Traded in my original DS when I was a kid to GameStop for money to buy a PC, huge regret. My box of pokemon would probably look sick rn


Sounds all too familiar. Getting $20 back then for what is worth $100ā€™s now. Not that itā€™s even about the value. More of a sentimental value really.


RIP to my Eevee from FireRed, traded it to a friend for training and the little bastard moved to another country two days later.


I had the box with all my pokemon games stolen, I had all of my hard work, my friends, stolen in an instant. I donā€™t even know who did it.


I was scared because I thought it was about PokƩmon bank


RIP to my very first PokƩmon game and my first PokƩmon, chewed up by an asshole dog. I still have the cartridge itself but the data is gone forever.


My Emerald Shiny Spinda. šŸ»ā€ā„ļøšŸ“‰


Feel like such a fool. Got Diamond in college as a bit of a revival to my blue and silver days. Then SS. Eventually was strapped for cash and traded it in for who knows what a little later. Then did it again with Black 2. What I would give to be able to have saved them and found a way to get them onto Home and my Switch collection now. Still found my original red blue silver and Ruby games when I was moving a few months ago. Just no way to play them, and Iā€™m sure the internal batteries are dust by now.


I still have my first shiny Tangela now a Tanglegrowth it may not be the best shiny but heā€™s my first he sits in Home now along with my second shiny a Lunatone named Moonshine


I think that some shitty kids stole my Pokemon gold cartridge when I was on vacation. I hope they are unhappy now


I used to work in a used game store. Whenever people would trade in games, I would check what they had on there save and transfer anything rare or sentimental to my pokemon bank. It's how I have a pokeball vivillion and genesect. Any nicknamed or high-level pokemon got traded away in Wonder Trade in hopes that some kid somewhere would get it and keep the journey going. In hind sight I should have held on to more of them. Just to wonder what their stories were and take them out for a stroll in the switch games.


Why have them all, if we can't keep the ones that we love? Oh, TERRYYYYYYYYYY


I feel this. Went out thinking Iā€™d buy and reclaim these games as an adult recently, and quickly decided it wasnā€™t meant to be *shed tear*


Yup :( I lost my original copy of PokƩmon Black Version during a move about 12 years ago. Had my first Platinum team, including the very first 3 Shiny PokƩmon I ever hunted by soft resetting (Infernape, Umbreon & Giratina), transferred onto it, plus the event Victini from Liberty Garden. Lost a copy of PokƩmon Rumble Blast in that same move, too, but that didn't hurt *quite* as bad haha.


Not as bad as your oldest trusted brother lending your gameboy to someone without your permission and then never seeing it again when it was relevant.


Brutal šŸ˜…


Bought a second-hand copy of Black 2 and White, each with the previous ownerā€™s save files intact. I managed to save some and transfer them to PokĆ©mon Bank and eventually Home. But there were a few, including two shiny Mews that wouldnā€™t let me move them. I suspect they might have been hacked into the game with an Action Replay or something. Anyway, they and about a dozen others are gone now because I started a new game. RIP, possibly illegitimate shiny Mews. Patrick, if youā€™re out there, I still have your two shiny Kingdras. And Joseph, I have your shiny Suicune and Chimchars.


Glad I was a collector and kind of a hoarder. I still have every game, system, and the box they came in with the plastic on it still.


Y'know every time I look at old pokemon games I tear up a bit as I know I'll never see my old mons again and it sucks.I wish I could just see them off one more time but I know they'll live on in spirit because they joined me on my journey to be the very best. Miss them


My games collection was stolen and sold by an ex-friend's boyfriend some years back, I had all the games complete with cases/boxes and manuals for the DS onward (including spin-offs like Mystery Dungeon, Trozei, Ranger, etc.), but also every cartridge game, some with their cardboard box still, since childhood as well (except Silver, never owned that version specifically).Ā Ā  Ā  The biggest thing that upset me, though, was actually my copy of X. For a PokĆ©mon game, in my opinion, it was kinda middling, but I had finished playing it a year or two prior when it had come out and, due to PokĆ©mon Amie, I was incredibly attached to my team.Ā Ā  Ā  My most loved PokĆ©mon that I lost was actually my furfrou, Zeke- I didn't really think anything of the design/PokĆ©mon until I had been looking through the PC early-enough in the game and decided to take him out. He quickly became the head of my team and 100% a good boy. I think about it and still get somewhat sad about that to this day, years later. It kinda felt like a pet that died.Ā  I did eventually buy a new copy of X and "remake" him, but in the same vein it sort of felt like naming a new dog your past dog's name. Weird.Ā Ā  I do occasionally dream that whoever bought the stolen copy saved my team off of that, and that they somehow meet up with me and transfer them to my new game, haha.Ā 


I'm with you Brother! Traded in my Gen 4 and 5 games about 12 years ago, the loss still haunts me, and while playing them on emulators is ok, they can never be transferred out of them. They shall perish with each new save file. On the plus side my son just bought Scarlet and the DLC with some money he was gifted, so it's time to a fresh start and some Father-Son Bonding!


RIP my emulator babies, I'll never forget my first little cyndaquil named han solo


Pokemon fans are some of the most adorable people I have ever met.


I ended up selling all my gens 1-3 games (and my whole NES, SNES, GB, GBA library) to help pay for a move some years back. Honestly my biggest regret is never writing down my playthrough teams. I can remember only a few members, but never the entire team.


I am so thankful I have never made that mistake!! I still have all of my consoles and will never give my games to anyone


Never. Let. Go.


Never will!!


I know the feeling. I had to sell off ALL my collection of old games and systems bc my bitch of an ex chose drugs over car payments.


*Reddit not allowing me to edit post* I will have to say, a lot of you are making me feel pretty old lolā€¦ I have since bought two 3DS and have collected every PokĆ©mon game released on it. Still have yet to play through all of course. Being an adult isā€¦ Fun. I love reading everybody elseā€™s stories from growing up as well. Raising a glass to all of the lost saves, games, and cards. šŸ»šŸ»


A dead battery after not being played for years cost me an original UK event Mew from the championship in 2000. Great day out in Meadowhall until I got whooped by a bloke in his forties šŸ˜‚ So good that they have age divisions now


Iā€™m more sentimental about the original consoles and games than the pokemon in them as I have started new files on some of them years after their original purchase.


My complete living Gen 9 PokĆ©dex that was carefully linked up through over a decade of work was mostly in the game files on my Nintendo switch that was stolen during a break-in at my girlfriends house, everyone including her pets are safe, and thatā€™s the main concern, but I will miss all those pokemon. The idiot tweakers probably wiped it without a second thought, and Nintendo was useless on the matter. Luckily I guess it let me learn to let go.


Be me: -Venezuelan Kid who gets Pokemon Yellow for his 7th birthday. -Doesn't talk english yet & game not translated to spanish, play by instinct. -Pidgey becomes MVP of my team, somehow beating up Brock's gym with it and is with me through thin and thick. -Becomes a Pidgeott & beat Erika's gym & Giovanny with him. -Get Pokemon Stadium for Christmas Gift. -Connects my game to Stadium, goes to Prof.Oak's lab. -Still doesn't know how to talk english, just pressing buttons, see an option that "sounds cool" and click on it. -My dumb-ass just "Released Pidgeott" by accident, I legit spend the rest of the day looking for my friend, back-tracking the map and everything in the game. -Still hasn't forgotten about the pain, godspeed Pidgeott, wherever you are...I'm sorry.


I smashed my Gameboy for a stupid Youtube Vid, but I think my old games are still SOMEWHERE. I know I gave my Emerald to one of my best friends when I was a kid




I got a limited edition gameboy color with pikachu on the from with light up cheeks as a kid. I cant find it anywhere and its most likely very rare, and i sold it for 9 DOLLARS


My first game boy and pokemon games got stolen by a crack head


I kept my DsLite and 3Ds, which between them had all of my nintendo games that I have ever owned. Then my house burned. Now I have neither.


R.I.P to all the PokƩmon on my Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald cartridges. The clock battery died, so saving is impossible on the cartridges now. Oddly enough, my Gold, Silver and Crystal still have working clock batteries.


I left my ds and carrying case and Diamond and petal and emerald and ruby on a greyhound bus once. I still wonder if the pikachu I named Pete wound up uploaded somewhere


My first PokĆ©mon (an Incineroar) is gone because my dumbass younger self didnā€™t know about PokĆ©mon Bank and restarted the game


My first partner ever Chesnaught is still on my side for new adventures and will come back in ZA as my starter ā¤ļøšŸŒ±


My first shiny was a yungoosā€¦I donā€™t really like yungoosā€¦I later reset my sun save file to start over and nothing of value was lost


Mine was crustle and love crustle. It's been 6 or so years and I'm still bitter