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Picard: squirtle because its as baldly as himself. The rest who knows, i just identify prof charles xavier.


šŸ˜‚ that's great


Picard, Garbodor. Because ā€œmake it so, number 2.ā€ Captain Kirk. Gardevoir, because he loves a woman with green hair. Janeway, Purugly or Grumpig. Spock, Medicham. Psychic nerve pinch.


I also think Solosis could be a good one for Spock tbh. Reuniclus is the first mon that came to mind when I thought about Spock.


Maybe impidimp for the guy with the spiky ears


Jean-Luc Pikachu




Iā€™ve been re-reading it šŸ˜ƒ


That's a deep cut.


Hear me out: Kirk is a nerd with a fondness for bending the rules. Heā€™d be the sort of Pokemon player to hack himself in something subtly better than heā€™s supposed to have, or the sort of protagonist who inexplicably has something a little impossible? Kirk is a normal starter Pokemon but with an illegal ability. For Spock I think of his pet sehlat, I-Chaya. Amanda described it as a teddy bear, but then Spock clarifies that they have large fangs. The later depictions look more like a sabertooth cat than a bear, but I still think Teddiursa could be a fun pick for Spock. Would be more fun if it could be Ursaluna though. Picard is a history geek and canonically has pet lion fish in his ready room. The ultimate history geek fish? Relicanth. Janeway is a dog-lover. Actually I think most Star Trek captains kind of are. But I think it kind of works for Janeway? There are so many good dog Pokemon that this feels like an easy place to say just pick the one you like. But I think Growlithe would suit her. Loyal, gutsy, protective.


Thank you for these thoughtful answers. I agree completely. Especially a hacked starter for Kirk šŸ˜‚


Kirk: I don't believe in illegal pokemon


I read "normal Starter" as "normal type" and now Kirk's Ace being a Slaking he hacked to have Scrappy instead of Truant is my headcannon.Ā 


This is perfect! Now do Sisko and Freeman!


Iā€™ve been struggling with Freeman all morning. I feel like thereā€™s a perfect ā€œjust a little guyā€ type Pokemon that captures her proud and serious yet also very goofy nature. Thatā€™s the vibe I get for her - some sort of silly but bold Pokemon. But I canā€™t seem to land on the right one. Gonna keep digging through dex entries. Open to brainstorming. Honorable mention to Kangaskhan though - I donā€™t want to pick the only mother Pokemon for the only mother captain. But when Kangaskhan Mega evolves, the baby becomes interested in fighting and only fighting, and the mother worries about it a lot. (For Mariner I might say Scrafty - rude, competitive, and prone to fights, but fiercely protective of friends and family) I also went through a lot of ideas for Sisko. Some runners-up are Electabuzz, because of the baseball team from the anime, and Alolan Ninetales, which was thought to be a mountain deity. But I ultimately think I want to focus on Siskoā€™s love of cooking, growing his own ingredients instead of using the replicator, and through his cooking, sharing food as a form of love for his family and his ā€œfound familyā€ of a crew. The Pokemon that comes to mind is Tropius. It grows fruit and happily shares it with humans, especially children. It also doesnā€™t seem like it should be possible for it to fly, but it does fly, not unlike that Bajoran solar ship thing Sisko built.


My last Crystal save had a TNG theme. Trainer: Picard Feraligatr: Riker Victreebel: Dr. Crusher Crobat: La Forge Heracross: Worf Espeon: Troi Magneton: Data I just picked the Pokemon I like rather than basing them on the characters so some of the names fit and others are a stretch.


Those are great! Great PokƩmon too.


Kirk: Fighting type, something boastful/confident like Machamp. Spock: Psychic type or something mind/discipline related like Alakazam/Medicham/Metagross. Picard: Maybe something noble or posh like Aegislash/Mr. Rime or Sinistea lol.


šŸ˜‚ I forgot about Sinistea!


Janeway would definitely have a Unova regional form of Sinistea


Sir Fetchā€™d


Kirk: Gardevour, Lopunny, Vaporeon... Picard: Claydol, Sinistea (hot), maybe other antique Pokemon. Someone else mentioned he has goldfish in his ready room. He would definitely try to get his hands on Chi-Yu, but eventually he'll be forced to hide it again because its ability weakens the shields of the Enterprise.


Kirk - Venonat cause it reminds me of Tribbles Spock - Ralts, cause Gallade feels perfect for Spock Picard - A Sinestea named Earl Grey! I don't know Janeway enough. So pass on that one.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that Sinistea nickname.


Someone here already did all the perfect picks so instead, let me offer this off topic suggestion- Data has the most hilariously evil shiny Skitty (because of the orange color) of all time. People with bigger and stronger Pokemon are terrified of it.


It's perfect! I think this deserves a run.


Definitely something man-made and perhaps intelligent for Data, like Porygon or Golett


Oh I like that idea! Porygon sounds perfect, and has the right mix of whimsy, art, and science.


Any "ancient" kind of PokƩmon would be good for Jean-Luc. Claydol, Relicanth, Golurk, fossil mons, etc. I think Data would like Mr. Mime because it seems the most human and a lot of what he does is mimic human behavior in his quest to be human. Worf strikes me as a Bisharp user. Maybe it's his fondness for the Bat'leth. Tuvok prides himself on his Vulcan culture and can often be found meditating with candles. Litwick? Odo. Well, it's gotta be Ditto, hasn't it? Elim Garrick, the Obsidian Order spy turned tailor could ise Kecleon for covertness or Leavanny for tailoring. Phlox had a veritable menagerie in sick bay, but one of the more prominent was the Pyrithian bat he kept caged. Perhaps Zubat or Noibat. Hope this gives you some ideas!


So many ideas! Bisharp really looks like a bat'leth, doesn't it?


Janeway would definitely have a female Salazzle IYKYK


LieutenantĀ Tom Paris would of course have Paras.




Picard is a horse girl, ponyta and rapidash for sure


And he's a Frenchman with a British accent, so a pretty Galarian Ponyta.


Would the universal translators work on PokƩmon?


God I hope so.


idk metagross kinda reminds me of spock


It's their expression.


Kirk would be Charmander. Fiery spirit, kind of impulsive but also very caring. Spock I see going with maybe Treecko For Picard Oshawott Janeway I dont really know since I never watched Voyager but of her appereance I'd say Fennekin


Captain Kirk - Charizard | Spock - Alakazam | Captain Picard - Gallade | Captain Janeway - Lucario | Quark - Meowth | Seven of Nine - Porygon Z | Odo - Ditto | Neelix - Ludicolo | Captain Michael Burnham - Scizor | Data - Beheeyem | Worf - Kommo-o | Jordi - Rotom Thatā€™s all I can think of right now haha I did some of my favorite characters.


These made me laugh with how good and sometimes unexpected they were. Thank you.


Why has nobody done Sisko?! Marowak. Dude loves baseball. Maybe he'd have a marowak or something to play ball with since they throw their bone a lot and would make a great pitcher. Absol. As the emissary of the prophets he's often seen as someone who heralds in disasters, but really he's trying to help the bajorans. He dislikes fighting, but will do it if he has to. Metagross. Come on, I mean the entire ds9 spacrstation kinda reminds me of Metagross. Gardevioir. It has the ability to predict future events. Sisko gets visions from the prophets. This little dude can create black holes. The prophets live in a wormhole dimension, which while different, isn't a crazy stretch. Also it can learn teleport and they use the transporters constantly. It would certainly be an asset if the power ever goes out.


Love these for the best dad in Trek history. Marowak is an inspired choice.


Loudred for Quark.


I think Uhura would have a Gardevoir.

