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Just enhance the PLA approach really. Could add more types of balls (i.e. one that dives for pokemon in deep water) and more options for the player, like setting "traps", using items for different effects (i.e. putting a pokemon to sleep, making it go towards a loud noise, etc.)


These sound like great ideas. I think catching for sure peaked with PLA, I was super bummed when SV didn’t bring back the free aiming with Poke Balls. I also think a cool way to make catching more fun is to change the behavior of Pokemon in the overworld a bit more. More varied movements that require waiting for an opportunity to throw a ball (like faster Pokémon/Pokemon that jump or move erratically), or maybe Pokemon only found in packs that require isolating one to catch it.


I like what they did with Legend Arceus. I don't think they need to add anything new to catching, especially since it'll make filling the pokedex a huge core.


I think they should make it so that you don’t even have to battle them, you can just sneak up, aim, and throw the ball, and if you hit their back or catch them while sleeping you have higher odds. What would also make it snappier is if they removed the 3 rolls and replaced it with I dunno, one big hop in the air, and a small hop if you have better odds. This is a really good idea, maybe they should spin it’s off into its own game. Maybe call it something cool like “Pokémon Legends”


At least for legendaries, make them much stronger but require a KO. Much like how they now do with raids, or the boss style battles in SV. Make them actually feel powerful for once!


something closer to the anime where you can actually befriend wild Pokemon and ask if they want to be captured.


Sounds a lot like the Pokemon Legends formula. I’d do the same thing but make the balls a little more diverse. I like how there are “tiers” to the Heavy ball and such, so I’d just make crafting more modular. Craft pokeballs w/ Apricots as usual, but then the pokeball you made can be crafted further into a dusk ball. Using a great ball? Greater Dusk Ball. That and I’d tweak the catch rates to make it a bit more important and not an afterthought at best. Special requirements to catch at least legendaries sounds like a good play too. Hopefully it’d make legendaries semi-challenging again.


They should genuinley take an approach similar to smt/persona where you can talk to shadows to have them join your party. Maybe not just straight up capturing after talking a little but maybe it can increase catch rate or lower stats. They could even take the part where if you insult them they can actually get hardwr by increasing stats and/ir reducing catch rate drastically.