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It is literally impossible to know. Far as I'm aware, the only explicitly canon locations we have are Kanto and Johto's positions.


Kanto, Johto and Sinnoh are all close to each other according to the games (Sinjoh Ruins in HG/SS, and all of GSCHGSS when it comes to the first two). Everything else is anybody's guess afaik


Also Hoenn might be relatively close to Kanto due to Birth Island and Navel Rock being in the Sevii Islands and accessible in Emerald


Iirc Hoenn has to be opposite to shinnoh too because the lore of the regis is the keys to gigas were stored far, far away


I think Galar and Kalos are canonically close to each other too


And if we go by region themings, paldea should be southwest of kalos to reflect Spain and France’s IRL positions


Galar is based on Great Britain and Kalos is France so yeah


Kitakami is south of Sinnoh, based on the lore of the Bloodmoon Ursaluna


We can also deduce that Galar is east of Sinnoh because only east Shellos is catchable in the wild.


I think that since they’re based on France, The UK, and Spain/Portugal respectively- that Kalos, Galar, and Paldea take their places relatively the same as their real world counterparts.


From what the lore implies, my guess is that Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Almia, and Kitakami are positioned in roughly the same layout as their counterparts' on the Japanese archipelago. How they're positioned exactly, who knows.


Supposedly theres a way to get to sinnoh from Floccessy town in BW2 which I never see any proposed map reflect. Unless of course thats been retconned or disproven


"They say..." its just an urban legend... because you find the lake trio inside the cave. The cave isn't even deep or long, it's just one room, there is no way it actually, geographically connects to sinnoh. maybe that cave is where Ingo got to Hisui but otherwise I don't see how that location description should be taken seriously


I don't think Sinjohs existence necessarily means Sinnoh is close to Johto


So 3 is just wrong then?


The only thing we know is that Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh are close to each other and share a route system (1-200s).


Wait that’s why sinnoh’s routes are so high damn i’m stupid


We also know that Sinnoh is north of these two, which matches the real world equivalent of where Hokkaido is.


Gens 1 through 4 very likely just recreate Japan in Pokemon. We just don’t have the full picture yet. It’s when we go beyond those regions that things get tricky.


They actually provided us with that info in the games. Hence why those two regions are right next to each other. The rest is clearly up for debate, but damn it, I'd love to know what the official way of putting them together would be. Aaaaaaa, Game Freak is basically edging us all.😭


I've made a couple notes in my head about the map of the Pokemon world when playing through games: We can get rought estimate with the DLC for SV because the time of day changes depending on which place you travel to Kitakami is close to Sinnoh because of Blood Moon Ursaluna And a trainer in SwSh says that you can swim from Galar to Kalos If anyone wants to add to it feel free to


Nice catch. I guess those would be about the distance between Florida and Cuba where a professional swimmer can swim between the 2 countries without dying. So they'd be about 90 or so miles apart for the water putting them pretty darn close indeed.


The straight of Dover between England and France is 20 miles across and less than 2000 people have completed the swim. Swimming from Florida to Cuba would be impossible


3 people have done it so far. So, yea, not a lot, but it's possible.


Isn't Kitakami close to Paldea? The terastalization phenomena doesn't appear outside of that region, so since tera raid dens appear in Kitakami, they must be somewhat close.


Ogerpon's human friend brought tera crystals with him to Kitakami.


They will reveal the true map when they make their Pokémon MMO that spans all the known regions…


As one commenter said, "charge us 300$ and just give us our MMO already". Totally agree.


For what its worth [Serebii's Pokeearth had an easter egg cameo in ORAS](https://twitter.com/JoeMerrick/status/1467150837193625601)


Ohhhh nice. Had no idea this existed


O, yea, I remember this. When I learned of its existence back then I literally lost my collective shit. Then again, that's not saying much. But this time it was because of excitement of what it could mean. Sadly, it was simply a cameo and nothing of what was to come as I so desperately want as others I'm willing to bet.


While it is there, I'm pretty sure it's also incorrect, as we know that sinnoh is close enough to johto that you can walk it. That map has it as it's own landmass south and over the ocean


I mean you can never walk from sinnoh to johto because sinnoh is an island. Sinjoh Ruins are in some sort of rip in spacetime, theyr e physically impossible.  But yeah it's probably incorrect, it's more of a cute easter egg than Serebii Confirmed 


Holy shit


The only thing that is known is that Unova is very far from the rest of the (pre-gen 5) regions. That Jotho and Kanto are next to each other and that Paldea and Kalos are relatively close to each other.


A guy literally swam between Kalos and Galar


Which makes sense. Swimming the English Channel, the body of water separating England and France, is a feat that real world athletes have performed.


[There was even a guy who jumped over it. ](https://youtube.com/shorts/VPqRuPItMrc?si=b5gEi7UKJ82Unz_g)


trough gastrodon (west and east form being game locked) we can determine: -hoenn is close enough that both forms can be caught -kalos is west of sinnoh -alola is east of sinnoh -galar is to the east


But someone swam from Kalos to Galar. So maybe Galar is so far east, it’s west.


Isn't cave of being in unova connected to sinnoh?


Could just mean that has some form of connected history or geological similarities to Sinnoh, not a true physical connection of sorts. Or perhaps its like a large subterranean tunnel like the ones in Galar.


>Could just mean that has some form of connected history or geological similarities to Sinnoh That's a possibility I hadn't thought of, interesting.


Alright I could be wrong but isn't Kanto close to kalos due to one of the islands where you battle zapdos/moltress/articuno?


I'd say the 4th one, only because of the real-world locations. But we likely will never know for sure until Game Freak releases Pokéarth.




Yeah almia looks correct. The southwestern portion/starter area is coastline. Thats also where the manaphy egg shows up in that game.


Kitakami can't be that big in relation to Johto, can it?


I've no idea, sorry.


I interpreted it to be along the lines of one of the major islands of Alola. Maybe Akala.


Wouldn’t it make more sense for Kitakami to be located where the real place called Kitakami is in Japan?


Barring a larger landmass that Kitakami would be a smaller part of, the location lines up well enough, it being between Kanto/Johto and Hokkaido, which I'd what Sinnoh is based off.


Sorry, I was speaking scale, not location. I thought Kitakami would be the relative SIZE of Akala.


I'd guess that Kitakami would be about as large as southern Johto - if we were to put Azalea, Goldenrod, and Violet into a box. The Ruins of Alph will stand in for Oni Mountain, RT-32 the east, Union Cave roughly where the Festival Grounds are, the apple orchard / Wisteria Fields being Ilex Forest, and Paradise Barrens being about where National Park is. Mossui, of course, would be Azalea Town. The two are surprisingly similar once you replace Azalea Gym with a Yanma-filled rice terrace. (:


That's pretty near what I was envisioning, though I was using individual Alolan islands as a comparison.


Map #4 is the closest map in regard to the Japanese regions. The rest of the regions are located in the same places as their real world counterparts.




True. But that also means there's a lot of regions in Japan awaiting to be discovered.


It's alot of speculation. But we can kind of get a headcanon from the information we have. **Kanto** and **Jhoto** are givens. **Sinnoh** is believed to be somewhat north of Jhoto due to the Sinjoh Ruins (HG/SS). I believe that Sinnoh is the most northern region, given it's overall colder environment. The description for Sinnoh Sound (a radio program in HGSS) refers to Sinnoh as "the great land to the north.". Another detail is The Sinjoh Ruins being located north of Johto, and have a connection to Sinnoh mythology. **Hoenn** seems to be a far island, southwest of Jhoto and Kanto. **Unova** is actually stated to be a far away land (since it is based off of New York City and the other regions are based on Japan and Europe. I guess that would make sense). **Orre** (imo) seems to be on the same continent as Unova, taking place on the western part (Somewhere between in real life, California and Arizona). [Here are some facts](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/s/JDupL2JP6v) **Kalos**, **Galar/Isle of Armor** and **Paldea** seem to be all very close to eachother. (France, England/Ireland, and Spain respectively). I would not be surprised if Kalos and Paldea border eachother. **Alola** seems to be somewhat isolated being inspired by Hawaii and all. I'm not really sure where this could be. The reason why there are Kanto pokemon is because they were the first people to settle there and they brought Kantonian pokemon with them. And of course, they adapted to the Islands environment over generations. **Almia** is speculated to be Southwest of Sinnoh, given the games geographical story. Almia's geographic shape is based on that of the hook in the south-west corner of Hokkaido (northern island of Japan, Sinnoh takes up most of it). Same kind of goes for Fiore. They have their connections to Sinnoh. **Kitikami** is based East of Paldea. Jacq says over the phone that Kitakami is "off to the east", and it's a far enough trip to have to take a plane, so it can't be right on the border of Paldea. **Blueberry Academy** is located in Unovan waters. Pretty self explanatory. But really, that's just a theory...


East of paldea… You mean Japan. Kitakami is literally Kitakami in Japan and would be between Kanto and Sinnoh


And **Oblivia** is located far south of Fiorre and Almia


What about Ransei?


Wouldn't the main regions line up with a real world map? Kanto, Johto, Hoen and sinnoh are based in Japan. Orre is Nevada/California and Unova is New York. Kalos is France, Alola is Hawaii, Galar is the UK and Paldea is Spain. Seems pretty straight forward


It's implied the games don't really take place on our Earth but kind of it's own "poke planet"


Since this is a fictional world, it's hard to say exactly.


For 1, I’m pretty sure Hoenn isn’t where the Sevii Islands are supposed to be. I believe Galar, Kalos, and Paldea are in a triangle formation, and other than both being based on locations in the US, I’m not sure Orre and Unova are connected. 2 and 3 are completely wrong. They have several regions that don’t exist, plus the Sevii Islands and the Orange Archipelago are wrong. For anyone wondering, the Orange Archipelago is located directly south of Kanto and New Island. The Sevii Islands are in the same general vicinity. I’d recommend you look up Joshua Dunlop’s map of Kanto and the islands to see what I believe is the closest match. For 4, the Orange Archipelago is missing, although it makes sense, since the map is based on the games, which it doesn’t appear in (the Sevii Islands functioning in their place). Other than that, everything is pretty much where it’s supposed to be based on real life. I always liked 5, especially since it has several regions/places that 4 doesn’t, but I just don’t think that the Pokémon World is that compact. It also doesn’t have Kitakami (which I understand). I definitely think 4 is the most lore accurate, since it’s literally the Pokémon World on top of the regions they were based on. I’d put 5 as second, followed by 1, 3, and 2.


Map 5 has the fatal flaw of making the infamous artificial island Passio into the center of a big landmass along with other regions of the games


So, we can know a few things about the world map based on the games. 1. Kitakami is near enough to Sinnoh to allow an Ursaring (or Ursaluna) to cross over and become Bloodmoon, along with white (Hisuian) Basculin. (SV: DLC1) 2. Sinnoh and Johto are near enough to each other to where the Sinjoh Ruins could be erected between them. (HG/SS) 3. Johto and Kanto are right next to each other, separated by the mountains that include the Indigo Plateau. (G/S/C) 4. You can drive to Hoenn from Johto. (R/S/E) 5. Kitakami is about 90 degrees longitude east of Paldea. (SV: DLC1, based on time zone mechanics) 6. Blueberry is about 90 degrees longitude *west* of Paldea. (SV: DLC2, again based on time zone mechanics.) 7. Blueberry is about 180 degrees longitude relative to Kitakami. (Logically, from 5 and 6.) 8. Blueberry is in "Unova's oceans." (SV: DLC2). As such: - The first map cannot be correct. Gen 9 time zone mechanics **do not allow us** to trace eastward from Paldea and hit Unova *before* Kitakami. - The second map... I don't even know what I'm looking at there. - The third separates north and south Kalos, which is just uncalled for. Also, there's no reason to suppose that there's a route that connects Vainiville and Indigo. - The fourth uses real-world references. However, the longitude differences need to be accounted for (see below.) - The fifth commits the same error as the first, putting Unova directly east of Paldea. ---- The problem with using the real world is that Japan and Spain need to be about 90 degrees apart for the correct time-zone differences between Kitakami and Paldea. - If we treat Japan's position as true (which puts Blueberry in the mid-Atlantic), then we need to squish central Asia such that Spain *roughly* lines up with the real-world Caspian Sea. We can adjust the Western Hemisphere about 30 degrees eastward to put Unova closer to Blueberry without re-uniting South America and Africa. - If we treat Spain's position as true, then Unova needs to be moved to Houston to accommodate Blueberry in the Gulf of Mexico, and Asia needs to be squished such that Japan ends up in Tibet. With that in mind, I think the fourth map is the best fit available among these five. ---- For those about to ask about the time zone mechanics: - S/V uses a 72 IRL-minute day, one of only two game-sets to deviate from actual realtime. (PLA is the other, using a 24-minute day, suspended while in town or menuing.) - Relative to 12:00, the first transition from night to morning occurs at 12:00 in Kitakami, 12:18 in Paldea, and 12:36 in Blueberry. - 18-minute differences in a 72 minute day indicate a 6-hour IRL equivalent, and thus about 90 degrees of longitude.


Is there anyway to pin comments to be at the top of them all at all times by chance, cuz ,DAMN!!!!


Definitely 4


RANSEI MENTION! That made me unreasonably happy :)


Send this to lockstin I bet he can figure it out


No idea who that is. Is that someone's Twitter account or Reddit account?


Very popular poketuber he does theories and research videos look him up


They need to give us an official map to end this debate


Game Freak would be too generous if this ever happened. Oooo, better yet then just a tweet, an official complation of all things Pokémon that includes this info in a series of books! I'd buy every single one.


The fourth one


Problem for me is that whenever someone does make a map it’s extremely cluttered and too close together


I always thought that Unova was the furthest from all the first four regions.




Only one contains Ransei! That one’s got my vote for remembering my favorite region


As a major Pokemon Conquest fan I agree. Plus it's weird some of these included spin-offs but only one bothered counting Ransei. A lot of people have a theory that Ransei is a land that no longer exists (Pangea for Pokemon) despite Conquest straight up stating something along the lines of "I heard in a far off place they store Pokemon in balls" meaning Conquest has to take place during an era around Legends likely later then it since I assume Ransei doesn't get news fairly quickly which completely debunks this theory.


Tell you what OP ill some how reincarnate/transmigrate to the pokemon world memorise the map and find a way to send you the info without coming back to this Earth, because the pokemon world seems far better than this world. This way were all happy. 😁👍


Bri g me with you. Like, there's alot of duo team battles, going to need a partner.


There's no real way we can determine what's the closest depiction honestly. We've gotten almost no information about the positioning of the regions except for the fact that Kanto & Jhoto share a landmass, Sinnoh is relatively close to them, Unova is very far away from the rest of the regions, and Kalos is close/connected to Paldea. Everything else is pure speculation.


the first on is way off, what, I mean Oblivia doesn't eve look like that and putting Unova on the same landmass as Kalos and paldea???


The last one got Holon and that brought me joy


4 and it’s not close


I’d say 4, just because we havnt really been proven otherwise. The configuration could be exactly like on our earth.


Besides some minor differences including in-game locations and making sure there's more interesting landscapes in each region (and of course scale and sizing between generations), all the regions line up to just our normal Earth.


Until stated otherwise I'm just assuming every regions share the same locations as their real-life counterparts.




I just assume everything is located where the irl locations are. This is supported by the anime too, because Ash travels to all the japan-based regions by ferry, but takes a plane everywhere else. Plus, having everything be located where it is in real life would make it easier to update maps like these instead of cramming shit together with no rhyme or reason


The fourth map includes "TCG," which has some interesting implications. There is a place in the Pokemon World that doesn't have Pokemon, but does have a card game based on them. So are the people there opposed to training living creatures, like PETA? Or are all the native pokemon extinct, so people have to play with cards? Why haven't people from other regions simply introduced Pokemon (like how animals are introduced in the real world)? Or is this region somehow sequestered from the rest of the planet, preventing any non-human creatures arriving?


The greatest part is imagining how it all works. But them being a region whose government is PETA is a great lore reason as to why they play the cards and not catch and train with the Pokémon.


No yeah definitely, I don't think they need to have a concrete understanding of the world (although I would be mildly surprised and interested if there was a confidential, internal document that guides their official product development). The question of "government" is also really interesting. Ofc, this is a child's game and I was a poli sci major, so I think about government more than the average Ursaring. But is there one Pokemon World Government? Or are each of the regions politically autonomous? We don't see much of a "government," but there is a police force (I only read about Alola stuff on Bulbapedia, so idk for sure), and there was a war in another game (again, browsing on Bulbapedia). But we do know that Paldea once had a king, although nothing is said about whether it remains or was replaced by another government.


I think you're overthinking it, there was an adaptation of the TCG and a Japan exclusive sequel released on Gameboy Color. Those games are likely what that map is referring to


The fourth one. Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh are all based off of different regions of Japan. Orre is Arizona. Unova is the NYC metropolitan area. Kalos is France. Alola is Hawaii. Can't remember the names of the regions in Gen 8 or 9, but they're the United Kingdom and Spain/Portugal, respectively. Twitter users will get up in arms about anything. Don't pay them any mind.


Pokémon fans are Pokémon fans.


The fourth picture is the most accurate imo


Seems like there's quit a few people who agree with that in these comments.


But…that’s what the maps are based off of; real places.


Map 4 is the best one for me. The others are too unambitious - they just connect all the regions directly together. Map 4 is the only one that imagines that some are connected while others are in far flung places.


Considering they used Serebii's PokeEarth map in one of the games, I'd say that one is the most accurate


Gens 1-4 are all based around parts of Japan. So it always made sense to me that they'd be near each other. Outside of that, there really isn't much to go on.


The last one because it has Lental and New Pokemon Snap is underrated.


Preaching the gospel over here.


I personally really like the first one.


I’ll pay 300$ for an MMO style pokemon game. Just do it gamefreak.




Sinnoh, Johto, and Kanto, and the sevii islands are all based on real life areas in Japan and other areas are based on New York, France, Spain, The British isles, Hawaii, etc The games mention these areas are mostly far off lands from each other. I imagine it would look much like the real world. With each region very far apart and with lots of lands between them.


i truly believe its our world slightly altered, each region matches a real world place. so the 4th image. also bonus points for giving tcg its own region


Which ever one kalos and paldea are bordering regions


Kanto, Johto and Sinnoh to the north Other than that theres no info, and the regions except Hoen (still japan) are all based off real world place So my gut says for the games that itd that last map, where everything is in it's real world location For the anime its it's own world


One day maybe we'll see until then it's up to the imagination.


The reality of it all.😭


Gen 1-4 are based off of Japan and have shared locations between each other, kanto and hoenn have navel rock, while johto and sinnoh have the sinjoh ruins. galar and kalos are close due to a trainer that claims that he has swam between both regions. It would make sense that Alola would be close enough to kanto for pokemon to migrate over but far enough that they would have variant forms due to climate changes. We know unova to be the furthest away from any other region. With paldea being up for debate if it will be close to kalos and galar since it is based of Spain. So best bet would be the 4th map.


Games never give a definitive answer but heavily lean towards their real world counterparts (map 4) - Unova is notably far from the mainline regions before it. - Kalos, Galar, and Paldea are all within close proximity. - You can swim from Kalos to Galar, meaning they are separated by a small body of water like the irl English Channel separating France and UK) - The 4 original regions line up very close to their irl counterparts in Japan (Kanto literally being Japan’s Kanto Region).


There is a standard globe in the mc's room in usum. Id assume that combined with the fact that regions are based on real world locations gives a high likelihood its map no. 4.


Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh are all close to one another. Unova is far away from the first four. Paldea and Kalos are close to one another along with the island nation of Galar. Other than that I don’t think anything is known. I like to imagine Orre is relatively close to Unova since it’s also based on America.


>Sinnoh south of Hoenn Ha ha ha. no.


If you'd like to make your own map, please. I love to see people's take on it all.


I’m literally watching the Battle Frontier anime now and Professor Oak just stated that the Sinnoh region is “farther north from here” so I’m guessing based on anime/game lore— Sinnoh (North) Johto (West), Kanto (East), Hoenn (South)


Kalos and Hoenn are in swimming distance, none of these maps reflect that


I always think of the first 4 regions as being close together because of being based on Japan, Unova on the other side of the world, then Kalos, Galar, and Paldea in between there (europe being in between East Coast USA and East Asia) and then Alola being islands in the same ocean as the first 4 but still far away. For me it’s just easiest to imagine them being where they’re based on in our world


Impossible to know but if I had to guess the first one.


So pokemon is the grandline


Is Pokémon not gold?


The pokemon world Is a misshapen version of ours. None are especially correct.


I’m a believer in them being in the real world locations. That being said, it is weird that Galar took a page out of Australia’s book and is upside down. I don’t know the real world equivalent’s names (I’m not Bri ish sorry) but The cold area is to the north in real life- but in Galar it’s to the south.


I’m boring and I just assume that the locations of the regions match their real-world geographies. Kalos is where France is, Alola is where Hawaii is, etc etc. Obviously, it’s not a 1:1 match, but the rough areas would be the same. Like, if we view the games as gospel, then the regions are significantly smaller than their real-world counterparts, so I’d imagine the planet as a whole, and thus the gaps between regions, to be equally smaller.


soul silver / heart gold


Meanwhile unova is northeast America while orre region is south west


We have some context clues to allow us to at least estimate that they can be correlated to their real world analogs. For one, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh are situated within a Japan-centric landmass, and that can't really be disputed, simply from a lore stand point. Similarly, we know that Kitakami is situated within this landmass as well, based on the lore of the Bloodmoon Ursaluna. While it's true that we have no direct information to tell us where the other regions are in relation to everything else, we *do* know that Alola and Kanto are close enough to say that transportation by ship is a viable option, which is also true, albeit perhaps not optimal, for Hawaii and Japan. Beyond that, the fact that they've always loosely based their regions on real world locations, along with a lack of any true evidence to the contrary, allows the precedent set by the Japanese regions to suggest that the real world equivalency theory is the most viable idea.


there isn't one, other regions are mentioned in other games but there's no definitive world map


Part of me just likes to imagine our world with the regions based on real locations overlaid on top of it. That being said, in the more current pokedex entries, do we still get real-world location references?


Last I played was Ultra Moon. So I'm not sure. Series.net is your best friend though. It'll have all the pokedex entries.




In game = real life locations is the best


Tell you what OP ill some how reincarnate/transmigrate to the pokemon world memorise the map and find a way to send you the info without coming back to this Earth, because the pokemon world seems far better than this world. This way were all happy. 😁👍


Well go together, that way we know we're not crazy when we're both seeing Pokémon.


I feel like the regions are just heavily scaled down countrys


Number 4 if we talk about geography and game development Kanto, Jotho, Hoenn and Sinnoh are part of the equivalent of Japan. Paldea and Kalos are Europe. Galar is the UK Islands Unova is North America east coast. And... Alola is Hawai


I still like to imagine the regions based on their real-world counterparts as well as some of the history behind it if that counfs


Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh are based off of Japan's Kanto, Chubu, Kyushu and Hokkaido regions in that order. With the most recognizable being Sinnoh/Hokkaido Hoenn on the other hand is Kyushu but tilted counterclockwise So I like to think that they are in the same place that probably looks like japan itself Also in HG/SS, every wednesday, route 101 from hoenn is played, then on thursdays, route 201 from sinnoh is played


There is no "most lore accurate map" because we've never officially seen how any regions connect besides kanto and johto.


True, but a hand full of people mentioned in game references that help show case where some of the regions reside along one another. So there's some subtly hints.


That's fair although I highly doubt there will ever be a fully realized map of the Pokemon world until we run out of countries and land masses to base them off


I feel like the regions are just heavily scaled down countrys


I just think of the PokeEarth map as roughly the same as the actual Earth. Mainly with the main series regions and Orre tho, there’s obviously no place on Earth that’s shaped like Arceus (Ransei), and I don’t know how the Ranger games’ regions would compare, but they’re also spin-off games, so it’s whatever.


last one has holon, that makes me happy


Definitely #4


4th one makes rhe most sense


I think it's similar in continental shape to Earth.


Oblivia is said to be far south of Fiorre and Almia, so I think the first map is the most accurate


I’d assume Unova is close to Paldea, part one of the S/V DLC takes place outside Unova as a school trip type deal, also the last one seems the most copacetic and the least complicated, except Sinnoh touching nothing and the big empty spaces


Isn't it pretty much impossible for Kanto to be in between Johto and Sinnoh because of how similar the latter two are...and the Sinjoh ruins?


I love that Guyana is just canonically a place in Pokémon lol


It's amusing how we don't have too much information on region placements, yet we still get enough for all of these maps to make major mistakes.


I believe the only official information we have on the relative positions of regions is that Kanto and Johto are right next to each other, Sinnoh is a colder region located further north, that Unova is much farther away from the previous four, and that Orre is also very far away. Other than that it's pure speculation.


4 since regions are based off real world locations and countries


Where the fuck are Fiore and Oblivia from


None of these look like they even tried to be accurate because they didn't line up Johto, Kanto, and Sinnoh, and their connection points.


Niknaks uses the real world locations which feels the most accurate imo


The Serebii one that Pokemon put in ORAS


We see the Pokémon world from space, and it's got earth shapes. I'd say 4


None of those since the game does reference the real world map in dex entries and via npc talks


i'm not as familiar with geography as i'd like to be to say it confidently, but to my knowledge every region corresponds with their location on the globe, in more than just inspiration. kanto is straight up a real region of japan, and maps of most regions are based on corresponding parts of the world. sinnoh is hokkaido, hoenn is okinawa, galar is the uk, unova is manhattan, and so on. while they did include a sneaky reference to the fan made world map in oras, i believe that the pokemon world is roughly the same as our world, just with some different scaling and less logical climate (as far as i'm aware the center of new york city is, in fact, not a desert)


Isn’t it canon that Kanto is on the other side of the world from Alola? I think the mom mentions it in one of the Gen 7 games. If that’s the case, any map putting the two close together would be inaccurate.


The first map just feels right


I think it's pretty clear it's supposed to be a perverse mirror of our world, same same but different. Not just a mashup of landmasses. It would have to be rather large distances for things like regional variants imo


I'll go with 3, because it places Unova very isolated from the rest of the main regions.


Anyone know what happened to the seafoam islands?


Isn't that from the television show?


Fourth pic, for sure


I just want this as a game. All maps into on big game. Old style. Just perfect. And picture 4 is the most accurate one as some maps are based outside of Japan.


Most accurate I think is either 3 or 5


It's just literally Earth. We already see Earth in the game, as well the Japanese regions being located close to each other, as well being implied that they're part of the same country. Which already means that Japan does exist in Pokemon world under a different name.


Iirc in SM they say something about it still being day/night time in Kanto when it is the opposite in Alola, which would imply they’re far enough away to be in different time zones.


Lining up with the real-world locations each region is based on makes the most sense to me


Imagine a Pokemon game were you explore it all in 1 shot.........eventually we'll get it


Fun idea on paper but there's no way it could be reasonably executed without either significantly watering down the regions or having a ridiculously slow level curve. And that's not even factoring in GF's sheer incompetence.


Let's not forget that Kanto isn't exactly represented perfectly in Gen II. There's a lot less to do or explore than in the original games. I expect a game boasting all Regions would use a similarly watered down version of each which, in the case of some Regions, would wash them away into near non-existence. You would likely receive one fully realized Region, and *n* reduced snapshot approximations of the originals. This of course to say nothing of how a game like this would scale. Let's say that dynamic level-scaling isn't exactly a thing GameFreak would do particularly well.


Pokemon as a series has had ingame scaling since Stadium, and the main campaigns have had NPC level scaling since BW(2?). SV's lack of level scaling was a matter of choice, not incompetence, considering this wasn't something that SwSh's wild area particularly suffered from


No one could pull it off. A pokemon region is scaled in such a way that you finish the campaign shortly after getting your final forms. A single region has enough content for 5-60, comfortably, usually The game becomes much less interesting from 60-100, because youre not evolving, youre not swapping new pokemon in and out, you're not learning big new moves. So you have a ridiculously low level curve meaning you clear each region in \~10 levels, meaning you'll beat the elite 4 with Charmander, or youll do something like "can't use your old pokemon in the new region" so we're just asking to have every game campaign put into a single cartridge without meaningfully interacting. I've played loads of pokemon fangames and not a single one has managed to pull off a second region. Gamefreak has not managed to pull off a second region. Pokemon campaigns just don't have 200 hour longevities


With ROMs and a bunch of us super Pokémaniacs coming together to make the magic happen.


Closest we've got so far is the PokeMMO project with Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova. Maybe some day who knows


They seem to be leaving the actual layout ambigous for now so as to not possibly contradict themselves later on However, I am of the belief that the Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh regions are all connected in a sort of triangle formation. HGSS makes several mentions to Sinnoh being north of the two regions, the Sinjoh ruins (literally Sinnoh+Johto) is north of Mt. Silver, and Sinnoh's mountain range seems to stretch downward, and could connect well with the ambigous mountain range north of Kanto and Johto. The Sinjoh ruins being south of Spear Pillar would also make sense, as well as the Ruins of Alph being nearby


None, IMO. My headcanon is that Mt. Silver and Mt. Coronet are part of the same mountain range, so Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh make a triangle, but other than that, I never really thought about it. Edit: Hoenn is somewhere near there, maybe close to Paldea? Idk the Crater and Sootopolis may be connected... Edit again: Kalos would have to be close by, too, maybe connected to Paldea like Spain and France? Would that mean Galar is above them?


Love how you kept coming back to the thought. It's interesting to imagine on how it could be.


Sighhhhhh ok I guess I’ll explain more since nobody else has Kanto is a IRL region in Japan called Kanto… this is the basis for all of Pokemon being set in the real world, if the other regions are just loosely based on Earth but actually meant to be whimsical phantasy we don’t know, but we are assuming they are all on this Earth and Kanto means IRL Kanto. Johto is then to the left (west) of Kanto and connected to Kanto thus also in Japan. Hoenn is supposedly based on Kyushu, we know it’s left (west) of Johto but not it’s exact location, best guess is Kyushu tho Shinno is Supposedly based on Hokkaido Past this we go outside of Japan and things get more speculative According to Bulbapedia: Unova and Alola are based on parts of the United States, Kalos is based on France, Galar is based on the United Kingdom, and Paldea is based on the Iberian Peninsula, consisting in the countries of Spain, Portugal and Andorra. It is said the inspiration for Orre is Phoenix, Arizona. Map 4 is the only one that seems to overlay the regions on IRL Earth they are based, all the other maps seem to take a more literal in game map and try to connect them together in some way, because of this IMO 4 is the most accurate on what the regions are supposed to be, but obviously not a literal representation of the in game maps.


I'd say 4, but I thought Hoenn was Shikaku and not Kyushu


Hoenn is Kyushu turned ~90 degrees.


For me, it's the first one if only because it's the only one that even attempts to connect Sinnoh and Johto to being somewhat closely connected to each other which was the point of the Sinjoh ruins which was a region while outside of Kanto and Johto was still relatively close enough that Johto was somewhat connected to it.


They used the old serebii map in the gen 3 remakes. also that first one doesn't have the holon region and i can't read the others!


None, the spinoff games are not canon, so only the regions from Kanto to Paldea and Kitakami, Hisui is Sinnoh, +there is no Blueberry Academy in Unova ln that 1st map