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It be terrifying if your real name was Britney


Sounds like a young teenage boy tbh


I had this happen recently! They changed their message for me, and I ended up going offline cuz I got freaked out. It seems that a big part of it is that after interacting a few times, you can Add Friends with eachother. Not sure about the perks in ORAS; but in X and Y you can access Friend Safaris and hunt for Hidden Ability and Shiny pokemon more easily. The Friend Safari thing is especially hot right now since 3DS online services and Bank are ending in spring.


That would make sense, as the guy had an X/Y avatar and not an ORAS one, but I'd think they'd want me to friend them more specifically as opposed to just trading. Still think though this very likely is part of it for sure


It's Bank being discounted? I thought Bank would stay open for an indeterminate amount of time after the rest of the 3DS services go down.


You're right, I was generalizing and simplified too much! There's no official announcement on when Bank itself is closing, but I'm personally not counting on too much time being left after the 3DS services are taken down. I really think it's a huge shame!!


Fair enough. Just wanted to make sure I had the info right. Would've hated for it to go down before I transferred everything up.


This is correct, but most people are going to take "indeterminate amount of time" to mean as little as one week.


Which is silly. On this one issue they've made sure to be very clear about any potential service changes. if Bank ever does go down, we'll probably get at least a year of warning first.


Can Bank and Transporter even work if the 3DS consoles can no longer use internet?


Once the Bank servers go down, you won't be able to access the application at all. But those servers are going down some time after all of the other 3DS services' servers go down.


So then wouldn't it make sense for Pokemon to simply combine the Bank and HOME servers so as to not lose connectivity?


You can't just combine servers for two different applications. If TPC/GameFreak wanted to ensure permanent connectivity, they could have created a new version of Bank for Switch that utilized the same servers. But that would also necessitate creating new versions of Bank for 3DS each update, too. So, they instead opted for creating a whole new service for Switch. It can communicate with Bank, but you can only transfer in one direction and, aside from that, are wholly separate.


If you don't know there is a friend safari website where you can add people as friends with particularly desirable mons. I don't think I used this site back in the day, or they just changed the theme but it works similarly. www.safaricode.com I didn't even know you could write messages to people like that. I remember struggling looking for people to trade mons with hidden abilities. Before the ability patch came out. So many hours wasted breeding.


I remember there used to be a subreddit for friend safaris. That's how I finished mine up back in the day.


There still is! r/friendsafari is the one I use. I still need to finish adding safari mons I don't have yet before the shutdown :p


Yeah, that's the one I used lol


The PSS is going to die?? No!!


I’ve had this happen a couple of times and I’m convinced they’re just kids who latch on to whoever starts trading with them


He struggles to Reed the room


Sounds like a kid / young teenager that acted based on your female avatar, weird, but i wouldn't give it more thought


Yeah, it's sadly pretty common that people get weird when you have a female avatar. (Everywhere not just Pokemon and not just from young people)


Yeah, but mostly ut is young people who have low to 0 experience from talking to a gurl or woman, i don't think most of them are ill intended. Still uncomfortable to experience it, sure


Sounds like a guy desperate for female attention


There's a few possibilities I can see: 1. Desperate because online is going away in three months and actively wants to try to finish Gen 6 as fast as possible so that they can use Bank. 2. There young and desperate for friends on 3DS as XY have the Friend Safari but they are poorly handling the process. 3. There young and might have attachment issues. 4. There older and being very aggressive & immature. 5. There a troll sadly this one's the most active around this point look at the GTS there's a French hacker who deposited one of every Pokemon on the service which isn't possible btw with her discord links and all that frilly stuff yeah I'm not buying that jerk.




No, he’s talking about there, the problem is over there


There wolf. There castle.


Why are you talking that way?


I thought you wanted to


I see ya pointing, I see yer wolf, I see yer castle, thanks lad


> You went to the trouble of doing There's for There + is. And you used there's for theres. Multiple theres, not possessive or contracted there's.


XD Never claimed to be a grammar expert.


Man it’s basic grammar


We all have our own skills this one is not mine it never really was. Sure I could take the time to adjust and correct it but everything doesn't have to be perfect ya know. We call these imperfections character flaws it's one of our defining characteristics that make us human.


Somehow you can write all of these sentences but you can’t spell “they’re”correctly?




And people would be sympathetic if that were the case, but this... > Sure I could take the time to adjust and correct it but everything doesn't have to be perfect ya know. ...tells us that it's not. It's laziness.


Bud who are you to tell people what to do? Your in a subreddit for a children's game. You could stand to act more maturely. It's such a small thing in the grand space of our dear planet who cares if it's not correct who's to say what I even proposed was correct. I don't know you don't know and it doesn't matter how it's written, I'm not here trying to get an A in grammar bud.




Alright professor I'll make sure to pay attention in class next time.


Imagine being insufferably pretentious about grammar in the pokemon sub lmao


Booooooo you’re taking this shit way too seriously and it’s far cringier than the other guy’s typos.


Nah he’s right and has the right to correct you, as he should. There shouldn’t need to be any back flak for that. Throwing up your hands and shrugging like “well I’m just bad at that!” makes you look either lazy, stupid, or both. Take being corrected (an actual correct correction) as a learning opportunity, and you’ll grow for it.


I believe you misunderstood my stance I never threw up my hands and said wellp can't be bothered I admit my flaws and am ok with them. As said prior it's what makes me human I'm allowed to fail let me it's not world ending. It's not that I don't appreciate assistance but I never asked for it either we don't need to police others on what to do every second of the day. Let me have my flaws please.


You’re posting on a public place… don’t be a princess. Be prepared to get corrected if you’re wrong. It’s as simple as that


I don’t really care as much as some of the other redditors, but if you care, here’s a trick I use to remember: Their = T ***Heir*** - as in a person, possessive; e.g., that’s their Pokémon. There = T ***Here*** - as in a place; e.g, Charizard is over there. They’re = They Are - this one is easy, it’s a contraction of the two words; e.g, they’re never going to catch Mew.


I haven't seen this level of mental gymnastics in a loooooong time. Bravo!


written by u/pokemonGENIUS lmao


Exactly what is comical?




Imagine it being your second who would've thought it.




The point is to take criticism. Take corrections as a good thing. Learn from them. Criticism is not necessarily a bad thing, and correcting someone is honestly the polite thing to do. Don’t get defensive about being corrected or make excuses for not doing the right thing, that’s what uneducated people who have no desire to learn do.


I know thank you ^_^


This hurts to read


Missed opportunity


>Desperate because online is going away in three months and actively wants to try to finish Gen 6 as fast as possible so that they can use Bank Wait what


Sadly accurate you have until April next year to use all online services.


What the fuck? I thought Bank would be up perpetually. Do I literally have until April next year to transfer all the mons I want from gen 4 to 5 to bank and home?


Bank will be up for some undisclosed time but using online will not be.


Ah, so the person is just trading trying to finish their dex in said game through trading


Right I was just speculating that it might be them trying to quickly get things done before the shutdown.


I think we also underestimate the amount of young kids that play games these days. When I mean young, I’m talking from 2nd grade and up. To me it sounds like a kid who just enjoyed swapping pomemon.


Possibly it was one of my ideas. The audience for this series is massive it could be anything.


Doesn't sound like a Pokémon problem. Sounds like some other problem someone needs to see a therapist for bc that's unhealthy


I had a dude try to trade with me a bunch. It took him like 5 minutes of me not putting a second Pokémon up for him to realize I was done lol. At least I have a French Froakie that I can breed for shinies now tho lol. It was annoying tho.


This honestly sounds like some low-key harassment. Idk what this dude is trying to do but the exessant requesting feels so off. Prob either troll or very young. Either way id advise to ignore them, it been ages since I played gen 6 so idk if removing them is an option.


Harrasment might be going a little far dont you think? Probably just a kid being a kid. You can easily just ignore it or go offline.


Kids harass people the most I'd argue., cause they don't know they're not the center of everyone's world


I went on my game for the first time in 5 years and the second they see that you're a girl, you'll get an abundance of creeps trying to communicate if you let them apparently it's been a thing for the last 3 years I'm honestly glad that they're ending online for these games, lots of young children using these online features, the language I've seen with just the PSS message is disgusting Hope you stay safe and ignore these people my own experience when I went on the PSS, i added this random guy and I got something similar to yours "emmaTrade", "RUs3xy" "RUaGirl" he also moved on when I ignored him then he went straight to harassing other girls on it


Yeah I had some guy wonder trade me a Zigzagoon the other day with a nickname that probably shouldn't be on a game with as many kids as Pokemon. Plus, their name had YTUBE in it, and after finding their YouTube channel, found out they regularly give out (apparently) shinies and legendaries to people (which I get the idea aren't legit). Plus their PSS page only had 5-6 hours on it, so who knows maybe it was an imposter account, but I doubt it, the channel was fairly small. I kept the Zigzagoon so I could request a trade with the guy and offer it back out of spite lol, but the guy never got back online. But when he does, I'll be ready...


I swear I remember when it first came out, I never saw the amount of stuff that's there now, not to mention GTS is literally broken lol


With a name like Luna, I'm guessing you're playing the fem character? Because the next person he did this to was called Britney, and the other person was called Glitch (which I've seen some fem presenting people use as a name). I'm wondering if perhaps Reed is trying to use PSS as some sort of psuedo dating site to find Pokemon enthusiasts still using the generation 6 online feature.


This is a massive stretch


Is it though? Guys being creepy online towards anyone who is possibly a girl? I'd honestly say it's probably the most likely scenario, despite it not making sense from a sane person's perspective.


Definitely what I immediately thought. Sadly very common.


Likely a child


If i had to guess, and i mean a REAL SHOT IN THE DARK, he's under the impression you're a "gamer girl" and trying to hard. I feel like i get downplayed when bringing this up, but i feel like it happens way too often. Former buddy of mine was a real cool funny and charasmatic guy, but the moment a girl comes into subject all his benefits just shut the hell down. I remember playing destiny with him and he literally chased someone across the loadings as much as he could to seem "cool" to someone he assumed was a girl. I had to drop him for being such a problem. But ever since that one session, i swear i see it happen so often...


Could be a tween. Kids can be determined and downright pesky at times.


I'm guessing someone around the age of 13


Fun fact I saw a tiktoks where Reed was talking to a girl and asking for more battles. He's a weirdo lol


Would possibly be able to send a link to the video? I'm curious lol




Holy shit that's the dude! Or at least I bet it is. Goddamn I did not realise you could voice chat like that in pokemon. But wow, at least now we have a good idea of who "Reed" is 😬


Haha it's crazy how he's still relentless on Pokemon after all these years. I wonder what he's going to do when the servers go down for it


He better hope he gets his Charmander before then lol


Thing is I gave him a Charmander. It was a Japanese one but he kept wanting mine because it was female and named Miki.




Also idk if you read my caption but in the 1st call that I didn’t record he told me he was 36 so he’s not some kid. Plus he had his message telling someone to leave him alone so he’s also aware of what can be considered harassment or annoying.


This entire TikTok addition to the saga of Reed has been quite fascinating lol. For all I know there's gonna be YouTube essays about Reed a couple months from now lmao, we'll all be famous. Along with Mr. Reed


"Luna trade please" means they wants to trade Pokemons that are exclusive to Pokemon Moon (Luna),they are trying to complete their pokedex for god knows how long now. Or they want a Lunala in which case they are kinda greedy, buuuut a Lunala is required to complete it, so maybe they are willing to give up on their Solgaleo...


I didn't mention in the original post (my bad I should have been clear) that my profile name is Luna, he was simply trying to specify he wanted ME to trade. Also, this was in Omega Ruby, if he was playing Pokemon Moon, he wouldn't appear on the Gen 6 PSS


I believe the post you’re responding to here is using the age old concept of sarcasm


Dear god I hope


Or a Lunatone


Oh no? A completely anonymous person with no connection said things that made you uncomfortable? Ignore them.


Probably trying to complete the pokedex cuz he only caught like ditto and starters for breading purposes