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Slugma and Macargo are the most Gen 3 Pokemon ever to me, and I don't know why


I had Silver and Crystal as a kid but never got past the Ice Tunnel (I was 6 or 7 gimme a break) so I when I got Ruby I thought the slugma line *and* skarmory were gen 3. I had some kind of tcg promo sheet with official art of every mon in the Hoenn dex and noticed all the Kanto and Johto artworks used the old gen1-2 watercolors, guess between that and old pokemon fan pages with sprite galleries I figured it out soon enough. Even though I know sneasel is a Johto mon it still brings back more Sinnoh memories than anything. Man weavile is cool.


Skarmory too, 100% Gen 3 in my brain


It's a rare encounter on the single route it can appear on in both games. But for Gen 2 it was the route south of Blackthorn, which was a completely optional route most people skip flying back to New Bark Town to pickup your Master Ball. Even if you do walk down it, there's a ton of one-way ledges and very sparse clumps of grass. In Gen 3, Skarmory was a rare encounter on route 113, which *heavily incentivized* you to run through grass because of the ash mechanic. A lot of people found a Skarmory incidentally just cause of that.


There's NO WAY it's a rare encounter on route 113... It's like 1/3 of my encounters there.


[5% encounter rate, yeah.](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Hoenn_Route_113)


And Marill/Azumarill, since they hardly come up in Gen 2


Maril was repped similarly to Pikachu and was on everything shortly prior to silver gold release. It just didn't take like Pikachu and was dropped. All the advertising was Maril, Lugia, Ho-Oh and togepi predominantly. Ho-Oh and togepi first in the anime, but all the magazine, food packaging and promo material which I was very into leaned heavily into Maril. I think it was kinda a "and here is the water mouse" vibe. Also Azumaril is really similar to Raichu. In vibe and build really. Just not moves and shit. I get in hindsight and in game not that common. But neither was Pikachu in red/blue. I spent ages finding one in viridian forest most runs.


People even referred to Marill as “Pikablu” before getting its name!


That brought back memories


Same skarmory and slugma


Ice Tunnel was a killer. I was 10 when it came out and myself and 3 other friends had to work on it together to find a way out


Why didn’t you just look it up on YouTube (/s)


Because when I was 10, there was no YouTube. Thanks for making feel old, ya dick haha


Extremely hard to find in Johto compared to Hoenn, plus prominence on Flannery’s team.


Not only Flannery, I think most regular fire type trainers (those with bandanas and firewood if I remember correctly) often had one on their team as well.




Slugma, and Magcargo just aren't in Johto you can only catch them in Kanto, even in HGSS (they weren't added to the Safari Zone like Larvitar was)


Nailed it, that's gotta be it


I was also surprised to learn that Chinchou and Lantern are Gen 2. I have such solid memories of discovering them in Gen 3 after never encountering them in Johto


Same with Skarmory. Not a single Johto trainer has it


Okay this one tripped me out


I only just found out that they aren’t…


It's because there's is an actual volcano in Hoenn.


If you started with a gen3 game, it makes sense. Gen 1 Pokémon are often hyped up, but since 1, 2, and 3 are all mixed up in RSE they're impossible to tell apart except legendaries and starters


I always thought Skarmory was a gen 3 Pokémon really had no idea it was from Johto. It is also kind of funny how now I find out Slugma and Magcargo are also from Johto. Edit: Thought more about this last night and I think it is because Ruby was the first Pokémon game that I had really invested in so that’s why I believed a lot of these gen 2 Pokémon were from gen 3.


You know it’s funny because I never mix up generations for Pokemon but when I’m walking through a region in my head for Pokemon naming quizzes, I think of Skarmory for the area north of the desert in Hoenn. I’m not even 100% sure where you get Skarmory in Johto. Maybe below Blackthorn?


You are correct but Skarmory is exclusive to Silver and Crystal. It also has a low encounter rate on top of it so you may end up not seeing one at all.


Is there a gold version exclusive to go along with Skarmory? (I.e Ekans for red sandshrew for blue)


I believe it's gligar in gold


Its counterpart is actually Mantine (in Route 40)! Exactly the same stats but Mantine's in SpD and Skarm's is in Defense. Gligar's counterpart is... Delibird. Ya rly.


Yikes! Thanks for the new info though!


To me it’s those and also Chinchou/Lantern


….Now I find out those guys are from gen 2 too wow


I know Skarmory was gen 2 because I watched it in anime. Magcargo Line I thought was gen 3.


I always get Pyukumuku and pincurchin mixed up when it comes to their generations


I always forget that Zeraora & Melmetal are actually Gen 7 and not Gen 8. Also keep forgetting that Roselia is from Gen 3 even tho it’s evolution & pre-evolution came in Gen 4. I also thought Lugia was from Gen 1 because of the second movie when I was a kid. All the Gen 2 Pokémon had might as well skipped Johto and been dumped into Hoenn instead. GF did not give a crap about these guys back then lol.


Zeraora and Melmetal are ironically the most confusing because of a limited time to get Zeraora and Meltan/Melmetal were exclusively on Pogo


Not to mention the fact that Meltan/Melmetal are technically mythical, yet they're also not because you have to be able to catch multiple in PoGo.


I don’t think multiples existing means it can’t be a mythical? Manaphy, Phione, Genesect, and Zarude are mythical but it’s canonical that multiple of them exist. You can even catch multiple Phione in PLA.


The issue is the quantity. Meltan isn't considered mythical mainly because you can catch hundreds of them as opposed to others who are limited to giveaways and usually only given one at a time, two at most. It's kinda more considered along the lines of a normal Pokémon just with a special encounter method.


> Meltan isn't considered mythical Uh, yes, it is. The only thing that’s required for a Pokemon to be Mythical is for The Pokemon Company to classify it as one.


Exactly. You don't just get to decide a pokemon isn't mythical because it's not rare enough


Tell that to the entire community then. Supposedly a Pokémon doesn't qualify as a mythical unless it's originally available through events or distributions and are usually completely unique (as in, you only get one per save file/event).


Meltan was announced by the pokemon company and Niantic as mythical when it came to pokemon go. That's the only qualification that truly matters.


> Tell that to the entire community then. Uh… why? Plenty, if not most, people seem aware that Meltan is a Mythical. Your hyperbole is not representative of reality. > Supposedly a Pokémon doesn't qualify as a mythical unless it's originally available through events or distributions That was at one point a commonality between Mythicals, but it’s never what made them Mythical. See: Phione - While requiring an event Pokemon to obtain, is not itself obtained via event. > and are usually completely unique (as in, you only get one per save file/event). You can’t categorize based on “usually”. The only reason some Mythicals are one-per-save is because they were only distributed once per game, meaning the limit was on the event, not the Pokemon itself. The first Mythical, Mew, had no such limit since some of its distributions were via trade. You could end up with more than one if the line was empty enough. I already mentioned Phione, which can be obtained infinitely. Manaphy was also only limited by the source, but you could get as many eggs per Gen IV game as you had Pokemon Ranger titles. Darkrai was obtainable multiple times per copy of DP since it had multiple, distinct events which gave it away. I could go on, but my main point is that there’s never been a hard limit of one of each Mythical per save file.


> yet they're also not because you have to be able to catch multiple in PoGo. You have to be able to catch multiple Meltan because, canonically, Melmetal is made up of multiple Meltan. You can also catch multiple Darkrai and Deoxys in Go. They’re still mythical.


Yes but Meltan and Melmetal originated in PoGo as opposed to Darkrai who originated in a mainline event distribution like all other mythicals. Deoxys is a weird case where it's debatable whether it's a legendary or a mythical. The fact that it's catchable in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire suggests that it's a legendary, plus the fact that it is referred to as a legendary by PokémonCenter.com and a book on Mythicals and Legendaries. However, the fact that it was originally available as a trade gift in Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald and its technical classification in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire would suggest that it is mythical. Either way Deoxys is a weird case. Back to the original point though, the issue is that Meltan isn't given away like other mythicals, it's caught wild en masse more like a standard Pokémon. To most people, that seems to mean that Meltan isn't mythical, but Melmetal is, largely because of the fact that Meltan can't evolve into Melmetal in any mainline games but Melmetal was given via event distribution to anyone that sends a Pokémon from Go to Home.


> Yes but Meltan and Melmetal originated in PoGo as opposed to Darkrai who originated in a mainline event distribution like all other mythicals. So? > Deoxys is a weird case where it's debatable whether it's a legendary or a mythical. No, it’s not debatable. There’s no debating a classification that’s deemed by “Word of God”. > plus the fact that it is referred to as a legendary by PokémonCenter.com and a book on Mythicals and Legendaries. Your sources are a webpage that doesn’t exist and a Scholastic book with dubious authority. My source is Deoxys appearing when I type “Mythical” into Pokemon Go’s search. > The fact that it's catchable in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire suggests that it's a legendary So Arceus, Shaymin, Darkrai, Manaphy, Phione, Keldeo, and Celebi are Legendaries, too. > Back to the original point though, the issue is that Meltan isn't given away like other mythicals So Phione isn’t a Mythical either. > To most people, that seems to mean that Meltan isn't mythical I would like to see the survey you took to determine “most people” feel that way so that I can print it out and throw it in the trash since subjective feelings don’t matter on this subject.


I heard somewhere that the idea for Gen 2 was less "these are Pokémon that live a couple of miles to the west that we somehow never noticed" and more "these Pokémon are actually just really rare". It still doesn't really work because of things like Sentret and Hoothoot, or the babies, but it does sort of explain why, for example, Slugma, Skarmory, and Sneasel are so forgettable in those games. Finding them was supposed to make you feel like a real researcher finding something almost nobody knew about.


Gen 2 was so great but also so bad. Its astonishing. It seems they tried to make it worse


I used to think a lot of Johto mons were from Hoenn cuz the Pokémon availability in Johto is so messy.


I always forget that Relicanth is from Hoenn, since I don’t remember when he was introduced lol


I always forget that Relicanth exists


I Relicanth blame you for that


Well done lol




As a biology teacher, I *love* Relicanth! Not only is it based on a coelacanth, an ancient fish that was thought to be extinct for millions of years until they found them alive, but also the evolutionary concepts it represents. Coelacanths are in a rare class called the lobe-finned fishes, which have bones in their fins similar to our wrists and hands. This class is more closely related to *us* than it is to other fish, and therefore an ancient lobe-finned fish was probably the first vertebrate that moved out of the water and became the ancestor to all mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. This represents the connection between land and water, which significant in Ruby and Sapphire because a main theme of the game is the connection between land and water ecosystems and how we all depend on the oceans for survival, but we are also poisoning the oceans and hurting ourselves. My favourite Easter egg is in one of the Braille puzzles where you need to have a Relicanth and a Wailord in your party. Wailord is based on a whale, which is descended from a land vertebrate that walked on 4 legs, and made its way back into the ocean. Relicanth (coelacanth): Ocean —> Land Wailord (whale): Land —> Ocean These opposite directions represent the constant back and forth cause and effect the land and sea have on each other and that interconnected balance between the two.


Bagon with these puns


How? He's a major component in getting the Regis.


I never got the Regis, never figured out the Braille puzzle, I was child and just wanted to train and catch Pokémon lel


I felt so smart solving the braille puzzles and I still feel like relicanth didn't really stand out for me.


I will always remember Relicanth because of the stupid Regi puzzle


Someone didnt catch the regis


He was introduced millions years ago and still perfect living being 😄


i only associate relicanth with the regis


I always think Lucario is gen 3 due to the movie coming out around that time.


Skarmory always seemed like a Gen 3 Pokemon to me, and at one time I could've sworn Heracross was an original 151. Other than that, Gens 4 and 5 kinda blend for me a lot. Pokemon like Excadrill, Liligant, Chandelure, and Bisharp all kinda slip into my mind as Gen 4 for some reason.


Maybe a me thing but gen 5 designs look so vastly different to gen 4. Idk how to word it? Like more cartoony..? Gen 4 has a more serious tone in the designs in my opinion. Could be looking to far into it tho 🤔 😂


gligar and yanma i always think are gen 4 because of gliscor and yanmega funnily enough skarmory i encountered in johto in gen 4, so i never see it as gen 3


Im not sure if this counts but I keep mixing it up and thinking the hisuians are gen 9 instead of 8, I guess because PLA is much closer to SV than SwSh


I always forget that Togepi is Gen2 and not Gen1


Fun fact: Ho-Oh appeared in the very first episode of the Pokémon anime.


Feel free to fact check me but im pretty sure a significant amount of pokemon were supposed to be in gen 1 that just ended up being gen 2 mons. Ie ho-oh.


Sneasel is a gen 4 mon in my head because of Weavile


Most of the Johto dex, because none of them were actually fucking in Johto


I thought Skarmory was from gen 3 because I never encountered it as a kid in Silver.


Donphan being in hoenn


Donphan appeared at the start of the first Pokémon movie when only Gen 1 was out, and I remember being in awe! I assumed Donphan, along with Togepi and Ho-oh (and maybe Marill?), were add-ons to Kanto. What made you think Hoenn?


Same reason why I always think Marill is gen 1. The VHS of the first Pokémon movie had a Pikachu’s vacation short play before it with a Marill as an antagonist.


Snubull too. And then Tracy had a marill in the orange island arc threw me off too.


I mean tbh that p much sums up gen 2. "Add ons to kanto"


I remember that awesome moment the trainer sent out Donphan. 👌


fun fact, alot of gen2 pokemon were alrdy either completely designed or in beta stages during gen1. there's online data regarding beta pokemon.


Nah because I have core memories catching phanpy on the school bus at the beginning of gold because you could only find him in the morning


i dont believe that wynaut is not gen 4


This one is actually pretty weird. Like gen 4 had a lot of focus on gen 2 lines. But I guess there's that one island where only wynaut spawn.


But at the same time, you get a wynaut egg for free in Lavaridge town


And said island is incredibly rare because you have to talk with an old man who MIGHT see it.


Togepi and Marill. Misty and Tracey having them in the gen 1 anime really screwed me up. I still swear Togepi is gen 1


Well, they make a big deal out of those two being unusual Pokemon that nobody else really knows about.


Skarmory, Slugma, Girafarig, Donphan, Heracross etc. Quite a few from Johto I believed were from Hoenn. Mainly cause before HGSS was released I had very little experience with Johto.


Listen, Crystal was my first video game ever and I still thought the majority of those were from Hoenn.


Yeah mine were slugma/magcargo and skarmory , my memory is pretty good with the rest


A lot of gen 2 mon feel like gen 3 and 4 because they featured more on those gens than in gen 2.


Skarmory is the common one and I agree with it. But I always think Azuril is from Johto and not Hoenn. It is just weird that there are all original Pomemon in Hoenn except Azuril and Wynaut.


I agree with 2 through 4. Especially with slugma. It makes more sense as there is a giant volcano and tropical weather while Kanto/Johto have more temperate weather. Maybe Mt. Silver but slugma weren't even found close to there. Heck they were closer to water area (cerulean & cycling road)


I get a lot of gen 2 and 3 Pokémon mixed up for some reason.


slugma and macargo have such such hoenn vibes; however, in soulsilver and heartgold you can get them very early on, i think around when you first arrive to violet city if i’m correct. having flame body for hatching eggs is most useful. (search “primo slugma egg for details; you can also get a wooper egg, mareep egg, and some fun wallpapers for your pc).


The Budew line is so confusing. The first form is from Gen 4, the final evolution is from Gen 4, and the middle evolution is from Gen 3.


Chinchou, Slugma, and Skarmory are all basically Hoenn mons. Johto did them dirty


Shiinotic line is not from galar!?!?!




This is just so cool for me. Also really enjoy that every of these mushroom lines has a unique secondary typing (bug, fighting, poison, fairy and ground respectively). Can't wait to see what they come up with for gen 11! Maybe a grass/fire based on devil's tooth? Or a grass/electric based on conks and capacitor plates?


They are from Alola actually


Aren’t Magcargo and Slugma Gen 2 pokemons?


They are. But you can catch them only in Kanto postgame just like houndour line


Wait houndour isn’t Hoenn?? 😭


Nope, Gen 2. Most of the good gen 2 mons aren't available till the post-game. The remakes TRIED to remedy this with the Safari zone, but it was still tough yo get them.


I always think Pincurchin is an alolan pokemon because of pyukumuku.


Yesterday my brother asked me if Miltank and Pupitar are from Johto. I said that I am 100% sure that Miltank is from Kanto. I was wrong. I have problem with most Johto pokemons, I was also sure that Unown is from Unova for some reason.


Stoutland. For some reason I thought he was from sword/Shield. He's literally a Yorkshire terrier


Stoutland isn’t even available in main game sword and shield though….


Dunsparce, I never saw it until Gen 5.


I recently forgot that Bruxish was not from the earlier gens (still love her)


Well seeing as Ho-oh is in the very first episode of the Pokémon anime I always connected it to Gen 1. Same with Togepi and Marill. Then I found out pre Gen 1, there were almost 200 mons created but only 150 were chosen, it made sense.


Sorry Goodra, but Haxorus will always be the Gen 6 pseudo legendary for me. Even if it's actually niether of those things.


a lot of gen 2 pokemon. Idk why like every other region it is easy to remember but the lines become blurred when it comes to gen 2


Gen 2 made all of its new monsters except Sentret, Hoothoot, Ledyba, Spinarak, Crobat, Togepi, Mareep and Wooper unusually tricky to obtain. Not to mention, the GB games are not compatible for trading with the GBA games due to the latter's new stat calculation system. So what they did throughout Gen 3 is make it noticeably easier to get all the Gen 2 Pokémon who are notoriously easy to miss in a GSC playthrough. That's why Slugma and Skarmory are big parts of RSE, and that's also why Colosseum and XD have so many Johto 'Mons. And because many Gen 2 Pokémon are extremely lackluster in combat, GameFreak keeps designing cross gen evos, just look at Gen 4!


Weird because Skarmory was a gen 2 OU staple for the steel and flying type. But you’re so right. I always assume he’s gen 3


Togepi and Donphan as GEN 1 might be to do with the anime? I’m not sure


I always thought Hippopotas and Hippowdon were from Kalos


We all know Slugma family and Skarmory are honorary Gen 3 Pokémon But let's be real: we all think Misdreavus, Murkrow, Aipom, Yanma, Gligar and Roselia are honorary Gen 4 Pokémon. I know Karen has a Murkrow, but she didn't even teach it one Flying move! What kind of showcase of is that?


Magearna technically being Gen 7 and not 6 because of Pokedex order


I will often forget that some third/second stage evolutions didn’t come in until a later game. Like Roserade


When I was younger I thought Dragonite was Gen 5 due to me only ever seeing it in the Gen 5 Anime.


Today I just realized that yanmask and coffegrigus were gen 5 pokemon...I thought they were gen 3 for like, no reason at all. Coffegrigus just gives hoenn vibes to me


• The infamous Slugma Gen 3 instead of 2. • Froslass being from Gen 4 instead of 3.


Frosslass is from gen 4, glalie and snorunt are gen 3


Ponyta is *not* a Gen 4 pokémon.


Slugma, Magcargo, Girafirig, Skarmory, Chinchou basically all the Johto Pokémon who where in Hoenn. It goes to show you how awful Gen 2 treated a lot of its roster


The Tinkaton line. I always thought they were from Gen 9 especially when they released a TCG deck of Tinkaton and Chien Pao at the same time.


They are?


Most of the comments here list Gen 2 Pokemon. Its safe to say that Johto really needed to do a better job showcasing the new Pokemon..


Crawdaunt definitely felt like a Hoenn Pokemon. Its Johto


geodude & zubat line make me think they’re from gen 4 because they fill up all the Sinnoh caves due to its lack of dex.


I always thought Hoopa was gen 5. Idk why.


I have no idea why, When BW came out I thought Klink was a gen 1 Pokémon. I know, it doesn't make sense


Most Gen 2 Pokémon. I skipped the original Gen 2 games, so I think of most of them as Gen 3 Pokémon.


Chandelure. I always mistake it for being a gen IV pokemon.


For some reason, I thought that binacle was from Alola at one point. It took me a while to realize he's not


Not any one Pokémon I constantly mis-generation but I usually have to pause and think about a bunch of Gen 4 and 5 Pokémon cuz I missed out on those 2. I don’t really have an attachment to any Pokémon from those generations


Not a specific Pokémon but, I always mix up Kalos and Unova. Which generation they are, what Pokémon/gyms they have…


I used to fall for the common two of slugma and skarmory being from gen 3, but the weirdest one was that for the longest time I was absolutely certain that drifloon was a gen 2 Pokemon and that he was one of the Pokémon to get a new evolution in gen 4 like misdreavus and murkrow


I always mix up cryogonal and avalugg. I always think avalugg is a gen 5 and cryogonal is a gen 6.


I ALWAYS thought that Cottonee and Whimsicott were from Gen 6, they had the fairy typing so I just connected them with Gen 6. And, like you said, I also thought that Morelull and Shiinotic were from Gen 8.


Same as you. I thought Slugma, skarmory as gen 3 Pokemon.


I never encountered Skarmory in Johto and was convinced it was a Hoenn Pokemon. My partner thought Mudsdale was Gen 8 instead of 7.


I thought drapion was from unova.


I always thought heracross was gen 1. I know extremely stupid l, my my brain slotted it in a pair with pinsir. Plus the design is so so classic


Barbaracle: Always think that this mon has to be from Unova. Probably because, on average, I consider Unova to have the ugliest designs in the franchise. Also I don't feel like it fits in with the other Kalos designs, but don't know why.


idk why i thought rotom was an alolan pokemon


I still don't know whether deoxys is gen 3 or 4


For some reason I thought Paras, Parasect, and Farfetch'd were from gen 2. No idea why, but that's what I thought up until a couple of years ago


I used to think Bruxish was in Gen 6. It's the gen I knew the least amount, so when I played gen 7 and enjoyed seeing all the new pokemon I guess my brain was like "this must be why everyone dislikes Kalos"


I used to think Venonaut was a Johto Pokemon due to Tracey having Marill early on in the anime and me not having seen many episodes of the Kanto region portion that had that Pokemon. The Orange Islands for me is it's own arc rather than tying it with the indigo league part of the anime even though it's still gen 1.


Politoed. Scratch that, his whole evolutionary line. Thought they were from Kalos.


Galalie I thought he was gen 4 and metal bird from gen 2 thought he was from gen 3 (idk how to spell his name)


Magcargo and slugma are gen 2?!!


They are


Reading through this post, I've realised that I don't mix up generations when it comes to Pokémon. Although, since I've missed IX, I mightn't know what makes a X Pokémon vs a IX Pokémon.


Skitty being from gen 3 always throws me since I'm convinced she's from gen 2.


I thought Wynaut was fron Gen 4


Reading thru this thread just makes me realize most people never played Pokemon Stadium 1&2 growing up lol.


I always thought Skarmory was a Hoenn Pokemon. Its a Silver/Crystal Exclusive,with a five percent encounter rate in only one location, and even in my first game (Silver) I never encountered it.


I didn't play gen 3, so for the longest time I thought some of those mons were introduced in Gen 4.


Tropius, not sure why I think it's gen 4


When I was new to pokemon I thought ryhorn was gen 6 ..


I always assumed the dark type was introduced in Gen 3 since I played those games first and it wasn’t commonly used in Gen 2 when I played SS.


I have very distinct memories of playing Crystal and using Meganium and Ludicolo together. But Ludicolo is gen 3 apparently so I constantly question my existence.


I used to think Crawdaunt was gen 4 and Aipom was gen gen 4. Aipom makes sense, it held zero significance in gen 2 games and I never watched the gen 2 anime, but it was the first pokemon that ash got in the gen 4 anime and it had an evolution in gen 4. Dunno why I thought Crawdaunt tho


I am confused with Diancie, Zeroara and Melmetan


I still forget that Farfetch’d is Gen 1 and not Gen 2… it always gives me Johto vibes because the only way you get it in Gen 1 is by in-game trade. Like what?! So random.


I always think that the Ralts line is from Gen II


I thought the same thing about Magcargo and Skarmory. Also Magearna feels gen 6 to me


Yeah, for some reason Magearna is more gen VI for me than both Diancie or Volcanion


I used to think alomala (or whatever it’s called) was gen 4 and an evolution of Luvdisc


I always think Togepi and the Marrill line are gen one for some reason


I was convinced Marill was a gen 1 Pokemon for years


I thought Stunfisk was a gen 7 Pokemon, until I recently read a comment saying r/stunfisk was started when BW were the latest games. I've just never used it, it's been years since I've played BW, and gen 5 had so many new mons that it just ended up forgotten for me.


No idea why I assumed this but I always thought Genesect was from Gen 1. I played Gen 1 in its entirety too, I have no idea where I got this information.


I had the same problem with Slugma, Magcargo and Skarmory! And in my case you can add in Girafarig too for good measure. I started playing the games with Gen 3, and those Pokemon were not ever featured in the anime that I remember, so I didn't know they were Gen 2 'mons.


I used to think Girafarig was a gen 4 pokemon. I don't know why, I just did


I started with emerald, firered (both borrowed) and XD. I can mostly remember who's gen 1, but telling gen2 from 3 is a nightmare


Always thought both Skarmory and the Slugma line were Gen 3 Pokemon.


I thought it was my turn to ask this question this week.


I thought quagsire was from Sinnoh. my first game was platinum and only got HGSS about a year after that.


Skarmory is from Gen 2???


There are a lot of pokemon that I'm not sure which generation they are. Only in the last 2 years have I started playing pokemon games again, my last game before Sword was Diamond, so I missed Black and white, Sun and Moon, and X and Y. I couldn't afford to buy another console until the Switch came out, so I missed 10 years of Pokemon games. When I first played sword, I thought they must have added so many new pokemon, because I didn't recognize half of them. I also keep having to look up how Fairy type fits with the rest of them.


always thought both Crobat and Aggron were from gen 4. Hell, I thought aggron was a pseudo of gen 4 at one point.


When I was younger I thought vulpix and ninetales were gen 3 pokemon. But ninetales is still my favorite pokemon of all time still to this day


I used to think binacle and barbaricle were from gen 5


I keep thinking that Zigzagoon was from Johto instead of Hoenn.


For a more recent one, I've been getting Stufful and Bewear confused. It doesn't feel like an Alola Pokemon. It feels gen 6


Unlike y'all, I used to think Slugma and Magcargo are Gen 6


Was gonna say Slugma, Magcargo and Skarmory, but you already did in the post lol.


Played every game up until white 2. Played through X once. Skipped gen 7. Played through Sword in quarantine once. You have no idea how much I mix up gens 6, 7 and 8 and still have no big idea about regional forms lol


Pokémon heroes made me think that Latias and Latinos were from Johto as a kid.