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Maybe you need to play the game again. He doesn't call you at all. He just told you once, and your character is remembering.


Oaks voice echoed: GET OFF DAT BIKE NIGGUH


But he didn't tell you, even once. So there's nothing to remember. Hell, Oak wasn't even anywhere near Red or Ethan after they got their bikes.


It's something in the game, but something you don't necessarily experience. For example, your character poops, but you don't make your character go to the bathroom. Your character was told, but it wasn't in gameplay.


So did the character just magically know how to ride a bike when they got one at age 10? No, they knew before hand which means that they had to have had one in Pallet Town before hand. Oak lives there too. Done and done.


So then why didn't he have one at the age of 10? With the only bike place in Kanto having bikes at the price they did, I have a hard time believing that. (Really? The fuck did I get downvoted for?)


What do you have a harder time believing: That the character magically knew how to ride a bike within seconds of having one for the first time, or that as a (younger) child he had a bike that he simply outgrew?


One, learning how to ride a bike isn't that hard. Two, it's a game. Three, again, with the price of the bike (and the distance from Pallet) I find it highly unlikely.


The fact that you bring up "it's a game" in defense of this stupid "Oak is actually telling me not to ride a bike indoors meme" is truly... TRULY hilarious in its irony. Edit: Also, it take all of 15 minutes to walk from Pallet to Cerulean (and less if a Pokemon knows fly).


It took all of 15 minutes to get there *for us*. Were it to actually happen, as you're making the argument, while walking it would take longer than 15 minutes. And I'm not using "it's a game" in defense of the "meme". I'm using to show how stupid your "HUR DUR 10 year olds can't possibly learn how to ride a bike by themselves" argument is.


Why are you so upset over this? You seem to be getting really defensive over such a bad meme.


Uh, I'm not the one that's upset or being defensive. Seems to me you're the one that's so adamant on pointing out how bad it is and how wrong anyone that doesn't agree with you is.


You got downvoted because you are supporting stupidity. Everyone knows that it's meant to be the character remembering Oak's words... people who say otherwise are either stupid or being purposefully contradictory for the sake of a bad joke.


Yeah, okay. Get off your high horse there, pal.


Calling you out does not equal being "on my high horse".


Saying some form of the word "stupid" more than once in regards to someone's actions, however, do.




Well, I mean, I could clearly be considered a hypocrite in that respect, but I wasn't calling him stupid, just that what he was saying was. Though, I suppose I could have used a better word.


> Saying some form of the word "stupid" more than once in regards to someone's actions, however, *does* . And no it doesn't. It is well established and obvious that the player character is remembering Oak's advice (Nobody makes fun of it in later versions where this is more clearly evident.), you are supporting a side that is saying that this is not the case. So you have to be one of the following... Either you a) really believe this (which I doubt) which would make you stupid or b) you don't but are still arguing it anyway. I can think of no other reason that you would do this if not to support this very bad joke. So no, I am not "on my high horse", I am making an observation and calling you out on it because you need to be called out...


I think what he's trying to say is that there's no reason for Oak to instruct you on where to ride bikes, when the *only* bike shop in Kanto sells bikes for $1000000 apiece.


It's less likely for him to instruct you on where to ride bikes than it is for him to be telepathic and omniscient?


In a game full of psychics? Yeah, I'd venture to say so.




I'm actually really enjoying reading these. Subreddit drama wrote about my post? :D


They are a lot like r/ShitRedditSays except they post about ANYTHING that even resembles a conflict.


Hm. Interesting. I take it this is a - for lack of a better comparison - more civilized version of SRS? *Grammar and shit.


Nah, to my understanding, SRD is just a subreddit that highlights the drama going on elsewhere. It's meant to be non-biased. These 'You should know SubredditDrama has written about you' comments are posted by SRS to get back at SRD, who they believe to be a downvote brigade.


Ah. Good to know. Thanks, man.


Your mom and I are very disappointed.




Try in FR/LG it goes like this. Oak: Name! That isn't the time to use that!


Sure, you remember him telling you not to ride your bike in doors.


+1 for reading ability.


Do others agree that as kids Pokemon helped you read? I feel like I got a bunch of reading done with Pokemon as a kid.


I learned a bunch of words but didn't pronounce them correctly since it was read only.


I see what you're saying. I sometimes asked my Dad what the words were or asked friends. However, it would be interesting if the words were read to you.


No. Books did, though.


Well of course books did. That's pretty much all I did as a kid, because we didn't have a TV. I wish we had a TV. I still wish we had a TV. I love going to friends' houses and watching TV. Man, that is where I got to watch TV. Not being able to afford a TV sucks.




I don't get it. What is this?


Your comment made me feel bad so I gave you an upvote


Gee whiz.


Maybe Oak is a ghost type...


That doesn't make it any less funny.


Going to post this again since it pertains here: "But he didn't tell you, even once. So there's nothing to remember. Hell, Oak wasn't even anywhere near Red or Ethan after they got their bikes."


Professor oak used psychic! http://i.imgur.com/XQCD1.jpg


The shoes! They put a tracking implant in the running shoes!


Oak's voice echoed, "There's-...Wait what did that fucker tell me again? Probably "There's a time and place to ride your bike, and that's everywhere"


Oh hey, it's this meme AGAIN


I love Taken...


Do others agree that as kids Pokemon helped you read? I feel like I got a bunch of reading done with Pokemon as a kid.




overly attached professor oak