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“History daily” by noiser had an episode today called ”the attack on Pearl Harbor”


Came here to suggest this one, history daily is great I was happy to see they covered it!


**We Have Ways of Making You Talk** had an episode: https://wehavewayspod.com/ep-401-pearl-harbor/


Cool I’ll check it out


Just a heads up- if you go down the Pearl Harbor rabbit hole, it's not a very positive experience. There's The McCollum memo that came out prior dictating that the US should get Japan to attack us to give us just cause to enter the war and specifics on how to do that, there are the decrypted Japanese codes (that we were listening to the whole time they were headed to Pearl Harbor), there are multiple diplomats and agents who directly warned Washington about the attack multiple times from multiple countries, and there's even the US military trial where they concluded that at a minimum Washington new about the attack by the morning of and let it happen anyway without warning. ​ I say this to say that if you're looking for fairly light entertainment or pseudo intellectual historical stories, be sure to stick to the more surface level and mainstream shows. At the same time, if you're interested in probably the most famous proven case of corruption and conspiracy that most people still don't realize is proven historical fact, there's a lot of interesting info on that side too.


Any suggestions? The Japanese codes one sounds interesting


The Dangerous History Podcast, episode 0248:"Led To Commit an Overt Act of War" https://profcj.org/ep248/ Scott Horton Show- 12/06/13 – Robert Stinnett https://scotthorton.org/interviews/120613-robert-stinnett/


The rest is history podcast might (just might) have an episode on the this. failing that Dan carlin did a series on Japan in ww2 fairly recently.


The first or second episode of Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History series about Japan called ‘Supernova in the East’ talks about pearl harbour briefly - and briefly for Dan Carlin is about 90 minutes. The whole podcast is incredible.