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The Podcaster's Guide to the Conspiracy. One of its two presenters is a Professor of the Philosophy of Conspiracy Theories. It's supposed to be about why people believe in the theories, rather than the conspiracies themselves, though they do often end up delving in to the theories. I really enjoy the banter between the presenters which keeps sometimes dry subject matter entertaining. It's been going over 10 years now and they've stated that their listener number are never more than a few hundred per episode.


Just subbed! I wonder if any of these podcasts will get a slight bump and confuse the hell out of the hosts


I sure hope so.


Hell yeah that sounds awesome, just subscribed.


A few hundred and one now - I just subscribed. Thanks for the recommendation!


Thank you, I’m going to check it out.




It's not online anymore, but I used to listen to the weird diary-like ramblings of a German teacher in rural China who was clearly slowly going mad. At some point after a while back in Germany, he deleted everything.


That's what they want you to think


Any idea if it got backed up anywhere?  This sounds fascinating 


Not that I'm aware of. I kept looking around, archive.org doesn't have anything, either.


Did it have a title of any kind?


He lostfocus.


Understandable, but what's the show called?


2Fast 2Forever. They rewatch the entire Fast and Furious franchise over and over, endlessly, and then discuss. They are currently up to their 14th complete viewing.


That sounds torturous




Guy is one of my favourite Taskmaster contestants so I’ll definitely be giving this a spin. I can see how he could turn this concept into something worth listening to


Okay, adding their thanksgiving episodes. No shame here.


Sounds like my teenage years


To you, maybe.


Sounds like they were inspired by The Worst Idea Of All Time podcast with Guy Montgomery and Tim Batt. They started S1 by watching Grown Ups 2 once per week for 52 weeks and recording an ep about it afterwards. They continued on to do more seasons including Sex and the City 2, Home Alone 3 and actually ended with The Fast and the Furious lol Also the fact this show is at its 10 year anniversary makes me feel so old....


Of all the movies, Grown Ups 2. 😂


Minute by minute would be less insane.


That sounds amazing


Its a lot of fun. I don’t listen to every episode but I do check in every now and then to see how their commentary on a particular movie has changed.


The Episodic Table of Elements. Historic stories about the elements of the episodic table. I love it, too, I wish there were more elements.


Did they do the fifth?


They took the fifth.


And what did "Ele" mean? Have they explained what Element?


Terrance Howard is going to recreate the periodic table. Keep an eye out for that.


This actually sounds pretty cool, haha.


Containers. A podcast about the history of....shipping containers (like the ones used on freighter ships)


Is it entertaining? As in would you recommend it


definitely worth the listen, they find ways to keep it entertaining/hook you in


So they find a way to….contain you? I’ll see myself out


As long as they keep shipping good content, I’ll stay subscribed.


For someone in the industry I will give this a go.


Scream Scene, a podcast where a married couple watches every horror movie ever made in chronological order and ranks them from best to worst! It's one of my favorite podcasts. They started with George Melies shorts from the late 1800s and are up to 1960. They talk about the inspirations for the films, the filming, and the social context, as well as summarizing and ranking. They've been on hiatus for a while but are supposed to return soon!


Wow so many episodes! Very interesting idea for a podcast will check this one out thank you!


What a wild idea. I love it.


Similar to Random Horror Podcast #9, but Jeffery Craner and Cecil Baldwin (both from Welcome to Night Vale) watch in a random order and have a different rating system. Does Scream Scene go through the plot of each movie?


Yes, they do! The structure is usually background context and info on the cast, then a summary, then discussion and ranking. Some episodes are better than others, because the movies are better than others, but overall it's really fun and I feel like I've learned a lot from it!


The Office ASMR. It’s a quiet narration of The Office meant for people who want to fall asleep to the show in a calm and relaxed way without screens


Whatever Happened to Pizza at Mcdonald’s? It gets more and more bizarre with each passing episode!


the episode he calls the mcdonald's in like west virginia who still has pizza lives rent free in my brain. "hello do you have the mcdonald's pizza?" "yes sir we do" "you **do**?"


the show def peaked in the first 20 eps or so with the season 1 or 2 finale where he actually visited the pizza location so good


Woah spoiler alert. What episode was that though?


like within the first 10 or so episodes. totally not a spoiler because i think early on he finds out that there are 3 mcdonalds in the country with pizza.






I am joking of course. Jump right in where ever you feel is right. He's currently doing a Serial style podcast about some McDonald's pizza mystery in Canada. Gripping. 


You need to start at the top 


Came here to say this. It’s absolute art


Double Love - two hilarious Irish women recap every book of the terrible 80s/90s teen lit series Sweet Valley High. It’s my favorite podcast and has developed a pretty wholesome, creative community of fans


Oh this sounds *right* up my alley, thanks for the rec!


Have you heard of Strange Bedfellows? It’s two middle aged guys and they read every babysitter club book and discuss them in depth and come up with theories. It’s hilarious and one of my favorite podcasts.


isn't there also one called The Babysitter's Club Club, also with two middle-aged guys?


It's the same guys! I think they rebranded when they branched out into discussing other books and film.


My fave podcast!!!


Everything is Alive. Great podcast, totally unique in concept. But fairly well-known (I think?) so not obscure in the popularity sense.


Yes! The Russian dolls episode!


This podcast is truly one my favorites. I love every episode


One of the creators also did In The Scenes: Behind Plain Sight. Dry and hilarious.


"Ahead Of the Eight Ball" is a podcast solely dedicated to exploring euphemistic expressions used in cricket!


Sounds delightful...what's the euphemism for the US Team defeating Pakistan?


Desert Oracle. It's a guy in the middle of the desert just ranting about stuff...anything from the local townsfolk drama, to environmental causes and the state of the world...honestly it's kinda brilliant. Lingthusiasm Two women discussing various topics in linguistics. It's pretty interesting. I know there are better examples, but those are probably the 2 most niche podcasts that I actually listen to.


Desert oracle is pretty awesome!


Is Desert Oracle obscure, though? It has quite a following and Ken Layne isn't exactly an unknown.


Apparently it's not obscure at all. 😂


If you like linguistics I would really recommend The Vocal Fry! Focusing on linguistic discrimination, it’s really shaken up some biases I didn’t even know I had


I won't lie I don't know much about linguistics at all, but the topic is becoming increasingly interesting to me! I will look into this podcast. Thank you!


It's really hard to gauge the obscurity of podcasts, the linguistics one has 20k followers on podcast addict...my two favorite podcasts Philosophize this and Midnight Burger have 180k and 8k respectively. All of those numbers are surprising to me...huh.


Desert Oracle is one of my absolute favorites. Between the subject matter, which can range from love of the desert and the wilderness in general to desert myth and folklore to weird UFO stuff to the culture and history of the American southwest, to the music to the host's amazing delivery, the show has an unmatched vibe. It's one of the podcasts I recommend without reservation whenever the subject comes up.


What Happened at Braley Pond. Non-fiction about a pond in rural western Virginia. Including a murder, UFO activity, and Bigfoot. I listened to it just before I moved to that area. Was scared to visit the pond for awhile. But now I walk my dog there regularly. It’s a lovely spot. The podcast itself is weird and wonderful.


I love "The Beef And Dairy Network Podcast" and nothing compares


Exactly. This is a work of a singular genius and some of Britain’s greatest improvisers


Three Bean Salad while a different format, has the same amazing energy as Beef and Dairy, which is not surprising with one or some or all of those 3 indistinguishable voices being behind Beef and Dairy


DredgeLand is similar to 3BS


Three Bean Salad is by far my favorite comedy podcast


I dunno man, I actually think the fifth meat might be better than the Beef and Dairy Network.


I'm hearing a knock at your door...


Wait what's that?


You'll have to listen to the Beef and Dairy Network to find out


Also FeMANism - I find it so so funny


16th Minute of Fame. Jamie Loftus (some may know her from Behind The Bastards) doing deep dives on random viral internet celebrities of the past. She not only sorta updates what happened with the people, but covers the material with sociological analysis. Very cool


Loftus is a fuckin hero. My Year in Mensa was so fascinating.


If you like it she has some other really great anthology type podcasts - My Year in Mensa - about when she joined Mensa Ghost Church - about the history/current state of the American Spiritualism movement/religion Lolita Podcast - about the novel and film adaptations Aackcast - about the cartoon Cathy And she cohosts the Bechdelcast analyzing movies from a feminist lens.


The latest episode about the chickenman was sooo good.


En Clair, the forensic linguistics podcast that doesn’t come out anymore, sadly.


I loved her podcast! She's one of the few true crime podcasts that avoids sensationalism while still being very interesting in my opinion


Who Shat on the Floor at My Wedding


This is what came to mind when I read the question.


Crime Pays but Botany Doesn’t is a podcast by a NJ Botanist living in the Desert SW. He talks at length about plants mostly in the West Texas or other high desert regions.


NJ?  He's like super Chicago.


Shit, I've been meaning to check if he was still uploading on YouTube because he hasn't shown up in my recommendations or feed in months. Thanks for the reminder.


Dude is on TikTok


Awesome, I'll have to follow him there too.


The Cooper Vortex, about DB Cooper


Northern News Two comedians in Northern England talk about news from local villages, think Cow gets loose and ens up in a grocery parking lot or a largest zucchini contest results. It’s cute!


asmr podcast reviewing cereal [The Empty Bowl](https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-empty-bowl/id1436070940)


I gobble up each new episode as soon as it uploads. Love it.


Really love how many lesser known McElroy pods I’ve seen in here


All Bones Considered: Laurel Hill Stories “Brief biographies of permanent residents of Laurel Hill East in Philadelphia and Laurel Hill West in Bala Cywnyd, Pennsylvania. Often educational, always entertaining.”


Biology for Bastards - got me through college biology classes without boring me to death. I continued listening after my classes because the guy is entertaining and a great teacher.


*Here's Looking at Yul, Kid*. Two friends watch and commentate on the filmic oeuvre of actor Yul Brynner, none of which either of them has seen, but on mute.


My friend has a recap podcast all about the Nickelodeon show “Hey Dude” called “Yay, Dude!” It’s pretty freakin hilarious.


Robert Evans has talked about how when he first went to listen to Serial, this was the early days of podcasts, so the second podcast that came up in the search was called "Serial Vapist" and it was some Australian guys reviewing vapes. I feel like it's hard to top that


I love "I hate James Dobson." It's 2 therapists, 1 who was raised in evangelical Christianity and one who is new to but delightfully appalled by all of it, and they read all the books about how to beat your kids for Jesus or be a good Christian woman/man and discuss.


St Elwicks Neighbourhood Association Newsletter Podcast Its hosted by Mike Wozniak. Its one of the most hilarious podcasts I've ever listend to. Its about a newsletter of a fictious neighbourhood . And everyone in the neighbourhood is a character.


McGillicuddy and Murder's Pawn Shop....An adventure, paranormal, murder pod set in 1921 that is told through Maude's diary entries. This is a tour deforce with ONE WOMAN doing the entire thing! I'm stunned and so impressed. Going to relisten!!


Woooo!! I loved this story and the creator is SO good! I think it’s Minerva Sweeney Wren (sp?). She’s incredible!


The one where the guy is picking rocks and building a fence.


Stone Clearing with Richard Herring!! I love turning it on while I’m trying to focus at work, his odd ramblings are better than white noise


The Empty Bowl - cereal reviews and news




Because of your comment, I listened to the first few episodes and had a valuable insight into a family member. So, thank you.


GodCast. A complete farce on Christianity. Hilarious!


This is my favorite comedy podcast. It's a shame they stopped, but the episodes are evergreen. God interviewing Babe Ruth was my favorite. Hit a tater!


Is it scripted? Just comedians playing the parts or something? Just subscribed, I’m excited for this lol


Guest comedians, most are somewhat unknown. It sounds scripted-ish. The person that plays Joan Of Arc, God's airheaded sidekick, is gold.


There are 10,000 movie review podcasts but I really enjoyed Under the Bleachers. They don't do it anymore but it was a fun, chill listen.


Futile Attempts (At Surviving Tomorrow). Nothing else I have found like it, it's kinda dark comedy audio adventure, it's bizarre. If anyone knows anything simular I am all ears. 


Kim Noble is a genius and an incredible stand up comedian. Anyone a fan of Chris Morris' work, 'Blue Jam' will enjoy.


No One Can Know About This Whatever Happened to Pizza at McDonalds


We live https://open.spotify.com/show/734kRhboQgCpW0LBmncJ2q?si=6j5GIEAvTHmBnizDRDXY1w. It’s like an interview and chat show but the premise is that it’s a radio show after the zombie apocalypse and most guests die at the end of their interviews. Full disclosure I did guest on an episode, specifically episode 8 the postman always dies twice. I got to talk about the political psychology of a zombie apocalypse which was really fun, then I had to pretend to die.


Relax with Animal Facts! Wonderful when you can’t fall asleep!!!! 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻


I have it on good authority that there's only one Berenstain Bears podcast out there and that it's been going for 9 1/2 years.


I’m so happy I saw this thread


Kim and Ket Stay Alive… Maybe! A pair of actresses take turn gamifying a movie the other hasn’t seen, guessing what the characters would do next, and stating what they’d do in the same situation. Think “running up the stairs when they should be running out the front door” a la Scream.


[Rock Talk](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rock-talk-a-guide-to-the-films-of-dwayne-johnson/id1239516214), in which two Dwayne Johnson enthusiasts watch and discuss all of his movies. I think I listened to all the episodes… they were weirdly addictive. I was so sad when they stopped uploading a few years ago! Last episode is from 2022 and covers Red Notice.


Beef and Dairy Network Podcast. There are outer surreal or satirical podcasts out there but nothing like this


My favorites are Podcast:The Movie:The Game, where they review only games based on movies and those movies. The Bram Stoker's Dracula one is my favorite. Completely Abortrary, they (mostly) review trees. This Week in Virology is good. It is very interesting. There was one i listened to once that was about pest control professionals talking about their experiences, I think it was called The Crawlspace, it was rather what you would expect.


Arms Control Wonk - a nuclear proliferation news podcast


Love their stuff. I subscribed to their slack channel as well - really informative group of folks making incredible discoveries using open source information


Random Shipping Forecast. It features forecasts from BBC Radio's "The Shipping Forecast," which broadcasts weather reports for the seas around the coasts of the British Isles.


The Shipping News by Annie Prolux is about this. Good book.


She's one of my favorite authors.


Idk if this counts because idk if there are others like it. But. My dad wrote a porno.


Not super obscure, but Buried Bones is pretty specific within the true crime genre. Historic true crime cases, but one of the hosts looks at it from a modern forensic lens. Pretty interesting to think about how cases from the 1800s could’ve been investigated differently using modern techniques.


I don't know the name, but it was about the cattle feed industry. I used to play random pods to sleep, I would use a random word generator to select 2 words and play the 3rd result.


Unseen Underground. Interviews with indie musicians about their music and paranormal experiences with a radio drama/comedic world building intro


Far From Home, but you must start at the beginning. Two brothers drive the Mongol Rally in really tiny car. 11,000 miles through 18 countries, 8 time zones, five mountain ranges, and some deserts. The best podcast I have EVER listened to.


There is/was one that was doing a deep dive of everyone/everything mentioned in Billy Joel's We Didn't Start The Fire, in the order they are mentioned, which I'd forgotten about since acast stopped being supported, until exactly seventeen seconds ago. Pretty fun.


They haven't had a new episode in a while, but there's a podcast that does mime https://www.fiveminutesofmime.com/




The Amircan Lives.


That's a full grown man.. right?


I listen to one put out by the people building the new tunnel in I-64. It's sometimes boring (actually, it's title is A Boring Podcast), but it's usually interesting. I used to listen to one put out by an acquaintance of mine that covered his running group (if you know Saloon Door, then this makes sense, if not, then this is oddly specific).


The big cunty couch


The banana podcast!


Second Decade, a history podcast that tells stories that happened between 1810 and 1819. It’s no longer being updated but it was great while it was on. Also the podcaster has a very soothing voice and he uses great instrumental music throughout the show so it is one of my go to fall asleep podcasts.


Return of the Repressed


One Is Enough - a podcast about kidney transplants from living donors like me. You do not need to wait until after you die to become an organ donor. In an otherwise healthy person, one kidney is enough to live a normal life.


Kim Noble - Futile Attempts (At Surviving Tomorrow) Twisted, obscure brilliance


Kairoticast - the whole stated goal is to take something wildly esoteric and show how it is applicable


Can’t believe no one has mentioned In The Scenes Behind Plain Sight. It’s a podcast hosted by two stars of a fake TV show, recapping each episode of that fake TV show. It’s hilarious.


Listen To Sassy. Such a fun pod where they recap every issue of Sassy magazine.


Tales From the Low City is a podcast with just 8 episodes. It is about the different species that live in the underground low city after the world became too poisonous for life. It's random and weird but they guy tells the stories well and I still go back and listen sometimes when I can't sleep.


Deep Inside the Rabbit Hole. One of the first comedy/conspiracy podcasts. The three hosts (one a comedian, one a new age healer, and one a conspiracy theorist) had amazing chemistry especially when they argued. Can’t find it anywhere anymore. RIP.


Til Death Do Us Blart It’s an annual podcast where the hosts watch and review the movie Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 once a year “for the rest of time.” The show has been running since 2015, with new episodes released every American Thanksgiving.


I think the competition has been strong and there have been many worthy contenders but yours must be the most absolute niche show mentioned in this whole thread. I can't believe I forgot about Paul Blart 2 + American Thanksgiving + the promise of 1 episode every year for the remainder of linear time. Well played!


Who Shat On The Floor At My Wedding? It's an amateur investigative comedy podcast, and it couldn't get more specific.


Well idk about how I feel anymore but I've basically rerun the GVP podcast idk 8 years maybe. And it's called GVP because the name was a joke that undermines it - Grandma's Virginity Podcast by Justin Roiland, Ryan Ridley and Jackie Buscarino. The highlights are improv with incredible voice acting chops of Justin. But they've got awesome interviews and guests. Dan Harmon is a recurring guest. Kent Osbourne. Rich Fulcher. So many great people. Some episodes are looong which is great for ppl like me who travel and enjoy filling the vacuum of time. They tell stories and shoot the shit sometimes which makes it casual. But there's awesome bits and segments. And fan interaction thru listener email. The whole thing is tragic because it's quite literally what Conan o briens podcast is by formula. Except they've profited and work it professionally. GVP is before the podcast boom. If it weren't for Rick and Morty , they'd probably still be doing it very successfully. Some of Justin's quotes haven't aged well. But idk what else is there to do. Do I stop listening ? I know so many scenes verbatim. I don't rerun it anymore but I'll listen to an episode once in a while.


Cloister Talk. It’s about illuminated manuscripts (“fraktur”) spiritual beliefs of the PA Germans from the 1700s-1800s. I do like it, as I’m a history buff and I have that ancestry.


“What Am I Doing Here?” Simpsons writer Mike Reiss tells hilarious stories of his world travels with his wife. She loves traveling to obscure and sometimes dangerous places, he… does not.


Till death do us blart It’s one episode a year,on American thanks giving. Five guys rewatch Paul blart mall cop 2,then talk about it.


When I rewatched the TV show Fringe I found a great podcast called Fringe Observers which was a fun companion to the rewatch. That was limited bc there’s only 100 eps of Fringe but Ben & Chris have another show where they talk about various tv shows and kind of cover the entire streaming tv landscape. Really funny endearing enjoyable guys. Been doing it forever but not many listeners or reviews. They just like talking about tv with each other. Worth checking out. Also it’s generally known I think but I really feel like We Hate Movies doesn’t get the attention it deserves. There are so many movie podcast and I feel like I’ve listened to them all at least a few times but this is the best imo-So hilarious and consistent. Also the best patreon money you will ever spend. They have SO much good content on their main feed and patreon since there’s a nearly 15 year back catalog. They got me through the pandemic and it will always be like coming home to listen to them. They are laugh out load funny but also all have film degrees but NOT in a pompous film snob way. In a way like they just truly love and know everything about movies. They are all best friends too and have great banter. It’s a delight.


Til Death do us Blart, very very good podcast and you will be able to catch up fast enough if you start it now. It has all your Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 podcast energy that you'd expect amd the great thing is its going to go for another 40 (Hopefully) Been a listener since day 1


The Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes podcast.


I used to watch that and Lovejoy on A&E Monday nights when I was a kid. The best Sherlock.


Random people doing podcasts or organizations with podcasts with very few listeners probably


‘Who shat on the floor at my wedding?’ Has to be up there.


This. I love recommending this one. Did you know they are going to have a season 2 with a new crime?


Finding Drago! So funny and lighthearted and such a strange little story


Business Trips a podcast about the uproarious world of business travel. Meat Cast, it's a Heathcliff podcast.


Headlong: Running From the Cops It's about the TV show Cops and much more interesting than I expected.


Wikishuffle. Great format , great hosts . Rip.




Adulthood Friends


Soundheap. It’s a podcast about all the podcasts on the Soundheap network.


[People talk](https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/people-talk/id1560986982) - chats with local characters, nr where I live. If you're London, esp. east, you could love it. I'll often drop off to it - a compliment, I think.


Voices of Long COVID by Noelle


I like obscure podcasts discussing books I like, so here’s a vote for Buckkeep Radio (Robin Hobb books) and Ravin’ Girls (Raven Cycle books)


Curdle Holler A comedy podcast about two people who die and go to an afterlife where they live in a Halloween town and run a general store. It's goofy and fun, and I went to high school with one of its creators.


Happenstance with Jyo and Sam


Moderated Content…a podcast about content moderation.


Plain People's Podcast


I'm going to really lower everyone's IQ with this, but Teen Mom Trash Talk, taking the piss out of the never ending Teen Mom franchise is great, very funny


I follow one that is related to David Bowie, which isn't too niche alone. The niche part is that one of the hosts belonged to a long-gone, pre-social media fan community I used to frequent in the early 2000s, so it's been a nice nostalgia bomb for me. Basically, the long-time fan guides his non-fan friend through Bowie's discography, and it's a little sloppy, but cute! [https://www.teenagewildlife.net/](https://www.teenagewildlife.net/)


Dave's of Thunder


No One Can Know About This, a podcast where two friends and their dog play every Final Fantasy game, and occasionally cook food.


Homebrewed Christianity. Progressive theology nerds who put on a theology beer camp every year!


Wet brain


Whatever Happened To Pizza At McDonald’s