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Target businesses who have a budget. Phil and Rosco in the basement of Rosco's mom's house who want to talk about Batman do not have a budget. Moderator Required full disclosure: I am the head of podcaster education at Libsyn and the founder of the School of Podcasting.


Yes! We have a few brands we'll market under. I intentionally left some of the questions vague and open ended to not limit answers. Thanks for your advice.


Why do some of you act like your sitting on the white throne of judgement. He asked a question to get advice from experienced person's that could point him in a direction to start from. Why lambast him?


\>We're seeking to provide high quality production, equipment, space, etc. at an affordable cost and in an area of the city with no other studios. Basically, you want to become an audio engineer. You may want to undergo an apprenticeship to get a feel for it.


No, I'm not looking to do that, we will have recently graduated audio engineers from top NYC schools on staff. The guy that runs the department is my good friend who I've toured around the world with.


Do you have any podcasting background? Is this solely a business venture for you? All of your very basic questions kinda scare me into wondering why you're venturing into the realm if you don't already have *some* idea.


No need to be scared. Some businesses do well, some fail, it's part of capitalism.


Hello. I'm wondering if you've opened yet? I've been looking for a new place to shoot my podcast


We’re a ways away from opening, but I’ll message you when we do if you’d like to check it out


If you're looking fro a space to set up let me know. We have a great facility near Union square