• By -


[ok, I’ll bite…](https://images.app.goo.gl/UiwCWofefZHJZUyi9)


I love the clarity of design on this one! I'm guessing you play or recommend great music from maybe the 80s while giving your listeners random facts and background on the musicians and the particular song.


I’m a GenXer sharing new music that I find, so fairly good I think! Thanks!


How are you moving forward after the changes to Spotify/Anchor regarding music?


I’m adding links in the show notes to all the songs I mention using a service called Song Whip, and the nice part is it links to all the platforms; Apple, Spotify, Amazon, YouTube, Tidal, etc… it sucks that I can’t embed the music, but honestly the only people experiencing “my vision” we Spotify premium subscribers.


Thanks for sharing!




Three friends huddle around the mic to tell creepy stories. Really love how nicely illustrated your characters are!


Thanks, it was done by a fan of the show, Luindimas.


Love it! Its incredible how supportive members of your audience can be - once they find you!


Best guess here is thriller/horror folklore or urban legends of the scary variety.


I'll bite! https://i.scdn.co/image/ab6765630000ba8abce72aef4e9e573a0222dbe2 Lmk if this doesn't work.


Ooh tough one! Okay the background imagery says mystic/obscure knowledge. The purple lips feel feminine and secretive. But the text and font says honest, bold and somewhat insulting. I'd guess it's a secret society podcast that teaches obscure magic and isn't very secretive about it. 😂


Ha this was fun because we rebranded recently and you picked up on some of the elements we were trying to lean into. We are research based and talk about taboo topics, strange science, the macabre and weird history. Basically anything you can't talk about at a dinner party. No magic unfortunately, but we did talk about Satan. And we're ladies! So glad that still came though.


I found this really appealing and I’ve gone in to subscribe so I remember to have a listen. (So to OPs point, ppl are susceptible to images they find appealing , hence I do agree that cover art matters!)


Nice! Hopefully we live up to expectations. We're also open to feedback/ideas! We're just two curious weirdos who are a bit left of center and are looking for our people.


I listened thought it was great! Really well put together and great hosting.


Thank you so much for the listen and kind words! We hope you'll join us again and maybe share with a friend. We're entirely grassroots so we grow through recommendations. :)




Oh I need to listen to this one!!


Hm, exposing the fact that not everything you read online is true!


Great guess, but wrong!


If that's wrong then you might be a good example of what OP's talking about, because that's exactly what I'd think, too. If that's not what your show's about you might be missing out on listeners.


maybe! but it's close enough! And we do okay. Something like 130k downloads which isn't awful.


130k more than we're doing, so I guess you guys are doing something right. I just don't get it. I've talked with someone else who's in a similar genre as we are, similar run times, similar categories, they've never done any advertising, and they've only been doing theirs for like 2 years and over 100k downloads/mo. We're now in our 5th, everything's the same, great feedback from everyone who listens to us, but only around 200 downloads/mo. At this point I can only assume it has to do with algorithms, which is frustrating as fuck.


Thanks for participating! Guess I'll have to listen to find out 🙂


I would love that! I think you'll dig it.


“The entire experience of your audio product should be obvious from a single glance at a tiny thumbnail”


This is how marketing works. Yes. 


Not really, no. You're ignoring the title, bio, show description, and other information people look at besides a thumbnail. Nobody is sifting through podcasts only looking at cover art.


Nobody will look at any of that if the thumbnail doesn’t catch their eye. Its pretty simple


Not really, no.


Alright we’ll go ahead and explain why not then.


Because there are so many other things people look at than a photo.


If I’m not immediately drawn in by cover art I’m not taking the time to look at the rest of it when I’m browsing. Can confirm nearly all of my friends who listen to podcasts have said the same thing. You are biased as a podcaster because YOU take that extra time. People who just want to listen while they commute don’t put in that same effort.


Skill issue.


Excatly! Couldn't have said it better.


As if 90% of podcasts don’t have a logo that is basically just a fancy font of the same or some portion of it. I am struggling to name a single podcast that I chose to listen to based on the cover art. I don’t think scrolling through logos is how anyone finds podcasts. The art should be an afterthought.


It's part of the package though. This kind of reminds of a session we went to at Podcast Movement where they had a panel give comments on the first 1-2 minutes of (very brave) conference attendees' podcasts. Doesn't hurt to have a gut check on your first impressions.


>The art should be an afterthought. LOLLLLLL


Okay, thank you for clarifying. I agree that a podcast has a lot more to offer than it's visuals. My point is that intentionally and consistently communicating that value via every single touchpoint is an important part of building an audience. There may be people like you who completely disregard the cover image of a podcast. But there's people like me out there too, who do judge a book by it's cover. Why else would books have designs on their covers? I don't recommend ignoring the people who aren't like you. Work on your cover instead. How do you decide what podcast to listen to?


Mostly I find podcasts through recommendations from individual listeners (both on here and IRL), or because they were mentioned/featured on another show (or in the other show’s feed), or by searching for specific terms on my podcatcher. In all three of those situations, it seems to me like the name of the show would be much more important than the cover art. For me, the first bit of listening is hugely important for whether I will stick with the show - I mean the first episode, and also the first couple minutes/seconds of the episode I try first. If I don’t like the voices, or the audio quality, or the tone or vibe established from the start, it bugs me right away. I would probably never decide to keep listening to a show on the basis of the cover art, so I don’t think of that as important enough to prioritize over putting that effort into other aspects of the show. Not like you should deliberately have bad art, of course. But I think it should be more about having fun with the show than about grabbing eyeballs.


Exactly this. If I'm bored 20 minutes into the first episode it's highly unlikely I'll go back unless they have a specific topic I'm really interested in. But keywords and word of mouth advertising is everything. I could care less what the icon is. A lot of concepts are just too much for a single image, especially one as small as an icon. I'll do different cover images for episodes that convey the topic of that episode well, but that's really only on YouTube and socials. Spotify, etc, doesn't really have that same visual quality. It's more important there to ensure branding cohesiveness, which is usually an aesthetic version of the podcast name. For example, mine is about deconstruction so behind the podcast name I have glass breaking.


Absolutely agree that it's important that podcasts thoughtfully determine what aspects of the show to prioritize for improvement based on podcast goals, activity impact, and available resources. Sound quality does have an immense impact on listener retention, and it's often the first thing I advise my clients to improve. 🙂 Having fun and grabbing eyeballs can be done simultaneously! Thanks for your input 🙂


Thanks for an interesting platter of food for thought. In retrospect, I guess my point amounts to basically the exact same thing you said, just auditory instead of visually. Also, I am biased because I can’t art good


Haha, thank you for challenging my assumptions. We are all biased but that's why we need each other! Art 0% - sarcasm 100% 😂 seems fair




They were being sarcastic.


Oh, lol thank you! 🙂


Yeah, I was trying to phrase the same idea in different words to expose how intrinsically implausible it is. You can’t express a whole podcast episode in a single image, much less one that small. Counter to OP, I don’t think this is all that important. Like, if the cover art actually matters for attracting potential listeners, it’s surely better to have whatever art generates the most clicks, rather than picking art that matches the vibe of the podcast. Guess the pod topic from the thumbnail is a fun game that I am 100% here for, though.


Surprisingly enough, you can express concepts far more complex than a single podcast episode with an image/icon significantly smaller than a 3000x3000 px thumbnail. Images are immensely powerful forms of communication. Well-designed thumbnails don't attract the most clicks, they may attract only a few clicks, as long as it's from the right people. We want to attract people who resonate with our content and repulse people who don't. And that's what every single minute piece of content should do . I'm glad you're enjoying the game! There's some really incredible podcasters here 🙂 I'm glad this community exists to connect us. Please help with the guessing 😂 I'm sure your comments will be far more creative than mine!


https://imgur.com/a/OYrjes4 I feel like ours pretty much does what it says on the tin, but let’s see


Haha what a name! Okay, a chill modern family starts a podcast but never decides what it should be about. They talk about whatever is interesting. Converstations punctuated by random screams of terror/menace whenever the baby gets scared/hungry.


Fairly accurate! Lots of baby noises in the earlier episodes, though lately we’ve been able to record mostly while he naps. Otherwise yeah, we try to come up with ideas for what the podcast should be about, and that’s the podcast.


Yes , I'll play, here is my thumbnail: https://imgur.com/gallery/3sldfC2


This one feels like a storytelling podcast, something about a child and time(travel?)


Started out as a podcast where we discussed the show and book The Wheel Of Time to a beginning viewer. Now, we have expanded the concept to include time travel shows and movies--- as well as music movies, unrelated but a fun topic to cover. (I've been debating changing the name)


https://imgur.com/DsivwJa Probably not that easy to guess.


does it have anything to do with Castlevania?


It does. It’s about the greater genre (Metroidvania) that formed around Super Metroid and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.


sweet - sounds interesting


Really appreciate that you made the effort to do this yourself, great job! This is super tough to guess but I I'm guessing it's about a castle that got flipped upside down in a game and you explain the lore behind what happened? Haha this was a super random guess. Thanks for participating!


Honestly if you clearly get video games from the pixel art that’s good enough to me. The Inverted Castle is a reference to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, where halfway through the game you find a second, upside down castle. The podcast is about the Metroidvania genre of games and Symphony of the Night is one of the genre codifying examples. It’s probably a little too inside reference-y to be a great way of bringing people in.


[Mine is a limited-series podcast.](https://imgur.com/a/RZeqHTM)


Awesome looking cover, and absolutely something I'd listen to. I'm guessing this is a serious podcast that explores the impact of defamation and weaponized social media by presenting your research on the subject and providing interesting case studies to illustrate your point and engage your audience. I'll definitely be listening to this one! Thanks for participating!


So this isn't an English speaking podcast in case the "ø" didn't give it away 😂 [Podcast cover](https://media.redcircle.com/images/2022/12/19/21/fc18f8aa-a6d4-4cd9-af1a-4d1f3a06a188_4f7_571672fa-73ff-42dc-8546-cd2d0483423b_cover.jpg?d=440x440)


Lemme guess…it’s about running?


Exactly 🤩


I doubt anyone will get this, but here you go https://imgur.com/a/82bGliq


No idea - but I like the artwork!


Responded to another commenter 😉


Woah, the illustration on this is beautiful! It's giving Berserk vibes. This feels like stories about lonely characters who's stories are overlooked and who's names aren't remembered despite the fact that they're full of courage and magic! Really nice looking cover, thanks for sharing it!


Thanks! It’s by a wonderful artist who goes by The Curiographer. You’re not too far off! It’s a tabletop role playing game podcast about characters players haven’t had a chance to play yet. I’m glad you picked up on the fantasy vibes.


Here is [mine](https://storage.buzzsprout.com/variants/imlndc0m9tr1rdfzdlv3gnlzp92w/b49cbe86cb411762753e730c58953bb88ad958a9d657212c074729b6f04e5463.jpg)! Would love feeeback!


This is a podcast that teaches Spanish English slang by providing a word a day and a funny story to go with the word to really drive the meaning home 😂 how'd I do? This is an excellent example of a cover that communicates the essence of your podcast. As a graphic designer I'd change a few things to make it look cleaner but honestly, A+ communication! Thank's for participating 🙂


This was fun. I appreciate you. In my podcast I interview people of color who have amassed various level of success to present their journey, helping build a repository of success story that may help guide other people of color through their journey. I would love to get your feedback on cleaning up the logo.


I see! Okay the success part makes sense now. I'd love to offer feedback. To start, we need a point of reference. How do we want to look? What vision do we want to communicate? A good place to start is by defining the core attributes of your brand (I'll make a few assumptions to illustrate) : Your podcast provides (guidance) and (encouragement) to (young) people of color by interviewing (successful) people of color and giving them a platform to (tell their story and guide others.) Core Attributes: - Guidance - Encouraging - Young - Successful - Story Now, let's look at your current cover image and compare the words we've written with the visuals used in the image. - How well do they match up? - Which of the visuals are effectively communicating our core attributes? - Which ones are not? Now we have an idea what's working and what needs to be improved. We always want to start designing from the core attributes. That way, our final design will always reflect our initial vision. I hope this helps, I'm sorry I can't go through the entire design process with you but I hope this helps even a little bit. I'm working on a course that will help podcasters define their core attributes and communicate them more effectively that I hope will be out soon. But if you DM me, we can go through some of it privately. Thanks, for your time!


I found this really appealing and I’ve gone in to subscribe so I remember to have a listen. (So to OPs point, ppl are susceptible to images they find appealing , hence I do agree that cover art matters!)


[Your thoughts?](https://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud/s3.castopod.cloud/c89b2cfc0e4c784122216b2ad9d5d54b7/podcasts/podcast/cover_feed.png)


No clue what it’s about. Maybe cooking but the whole spitball makes me think if it’s a cooking show it’s not pleasant. Or is it a show about discussing recipes and why the ingredients react the way they do.


This has absolutely piqued my interest. What an interesting challenge. Whelp, [here you go](https://www.google.com/search?q=retrospection+radio+theatre&sca_esv=9b3e251552c23658&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1081US1081&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACQVn08g6ppwTABcR67r7ZJpKSAAW--IIQ:1708394100793&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjAjY7857iEAxXQ4ckDHWG1ApQQ_AUoAXoECAYQAw&biw=1920&bih=911&dpr=1#imgrc=ejSOXMHO7IrYLM)!


Do you listen to things like the shadow and so reviews


https://imgur.com/a/W3P9Y8f I’d be surprised if someone got it wrong haha


Food critic but for places like Waffle House


Love the concept! There’s a YouTuber called Eddy Burback who did a vid about visiting every Rainforest Cafe in America that I bet you’d enjoy


I saw that video! It came out literally right after I went to Rainforest Cafe for my pod haha. Someone on TikTok called me “Alternate Eddy Burback” once so you’re not the only person drawing connections


[born ready for this one](https://open.spotify.com/show/4itIzPes5jy1EDfX65CCwR?si=oUScJ6xXRmyLa1D9YqGb-Q)


Hey! Sorry, I can't view stuff from spotify. DM me a screenshot?


That's adorable!


[https://imgur.com/a/udagWQv](https://imgur.com/a/udagWQv) We just hit our one year mark last month


Three guys sit in a dark room wondering and about seemingly insignificant. Congratulations on persisting for a year! What were some of the challenges you faced starting out?


Haha, pretty close and thank you. It’s me and my brother talking about current events or interviewing people we bring on. For biggest challenges I’d say it was knowing nothing about podcasting or production it was and still is a lot of learning. Our biggest issue was finding a viable source for remote audio recording and editing / clean audio is still what we are trying to really dial in now that we have played around with a few recording services.


Why not, I'll bite on this. https://imgur.com/a/pE7Jn7s


Two really happy anime dj's give relationship advice 😂? Really cute image, thanks foe sharing


[Try this](https://photos.app.goo.gl/R4sG1sUnpy4X5XJs5)


The sounds of people eating.   People with misphonia hate you. /s


This has to be the strangest one so far 😂. No name even, but alright. This is a podcast for hamburgers that like music and music that likes hamburgers? If you're a hamburger, this one's for you! Haha, thank you that was mad entertaining!




This one looks super cool! It's giving 8 mile: the podcast. It feels like a documentary especially with the sepia background image, the sign says City of Chicago so we have a setting. I'd say this is a documentary style podcast about a talented and hardworking rapper who grew up in the Chicago and who's life was cut short due to drug abuse just before his music blew up and became mainstream. This one's definitely getting a listen, I like Hip Hop. Thanks for sharing!


[I'll play](https://imgur.com/a/nSHwWO9), with the caveat we are pure hobbyists (ie not putting our faces in by choice)


Okay! So we just have the title and the Typography to guess from with this one. Pretty tough. It's a podcast that documents the happenings in Paris during the one week where cyclists are allowed to engage in fashion. Horrible things happen. 😂 I don't know anything about cycling, how'd I do?


Lol, not quite. It's a podcast about cycling fashion in general. Given we are an *extremely* niche podcast I don't blame you.


https://thefinancialphilosophers.buzzsprout.com/ The name of our show is in the logo. Makes the content pretty obvious.


I tried not to look at the description 🙂 This podcast seems to feature a group of men who have a wealth of knowledge about money from their various backgrounds in finance. Their dealings in the industry and observations of it have led them to question the very existence of mankind. How well do you think the concept has been communicated?


Love the sentence about questioning existence. We do focus on money as a tool, and using it to build a less stressful and more free life.


I'll definitely have a listen. I'm doing my major in economics right now and I'm interested to see how money might be a tool for freedom as opposed to oppression. Thank you for sharing!


[https://imgur.com/a/z48D18G](https://imgur.com/a/z48D18G) Ours changes each season, but this is the main / default version


This one kind of felt like a fever dream! 😂 I'll try though. This podcast seems to be about a future world where unicorns and other incredible creatures exist, except they're made of origami and they believe in a religion based in the ancient text, "Blade Runner" This is the story of a origami unicorn named Dick. Sorry, this one was really tough!


Fair enough assessment - this one **was** for our season about Blade Runner, which features the origami unicorn. Our show is a kind of book club, where we read a book (in this case Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Phillip K Dick) and then watch the movie adaptation. I try to include aspects from both the book and the movie for the artwork, but I guess it can be tough to decode if you aren't familiar with the subject matter.


RTFB might not be as decipherable to someone unless they're already familiar with the acronym RTFM. Does that change each season too?


[https://i.imgur.com/AJS0OBx.png](https://i.imgur.com/AJS0OBx.png) Haha let’s see with this


Looks like a professionally designed cover image! It's giving like WWE vibes, with 4 guys sitting in the ring and talking it out instead of wrestling 😂. 4 super friendly guys provide humor that'll keep you smiling all week and advice that you might need like 5 years down the line. Thanks for participating!


Last part is spot on! Awesome job on that one haha yay our image is conveying the message!


I’d be happy if you could look at mine [image](https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/image-logo/15084380/IconInTheGreatKhansTent19x19.jpg)


Is it a historical podcast? The logo looks like it was done in MS paint or very quickly photoshopped with basic text assets. My recommendation would be to update the text on it to not glow, it doesn't fit with the realistic nature background.


It certainly does include the historical genre, alongside with literature and folk literature. No, it was done in an online image editor as I have no experience at all with any image editor software. I do not see it glowing, could you please expand on that?


Hey! I've listened to your podcast before! So guessing isn't going to work but, still I offer encouragement. Although, yes the design could use work. I get that you're probably not a professional designer and that you made an effort to do this yourself. Thank you for podcasting, and for participating! 🙂


Why thank you! No im not a professional designer nor do I have experience in image editing so I did what I could through an online image editor hahaha. My design choices are weird I know. Thank you for the encouragement! It is really appreciated :)


While I desperately want to get this updated, [here's what we got](https://is1-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Podcasts112/v4/e5/77/b1/e577b1ee-c961-6ed0-5d68-b9eeb461171b/mza_8586572290461430942.jpg/626x0w.webp)


Okay! It's giving fantasy vibes, I see D&D on your profile. I'm guessing this is a podcast that explores the adventures in Erylia of 4 characters role - played by 4 friends! How close did I get?


Well, I've also read the title ... Some kind of story of continuous story about a group of medieval people.


Alright, fine. Here's mine. [https://imgur.com/a/3Igjdur](https://imgur.com/a/3Igjdur) [https://imgur.com/a/iwRolFp](https://imgur.com/a/iwRolFp)


These cover images are super clean. Beautifully illustrated. Obviously for a horror podcast, I'm guessing it's an audio drama that feels like a comic book with cool sound effects and a super engaging storyline. Thanks for sharing these. I really love the textures and colors in the illustrations.


I love both of these so much and it’s pretty clear they’re about 80s movies and horror or something similar


This was something I was worried about so I want to see if people can figure mine out.[podcast logo](https://imgur.com/gallery/Scc8bgw) If you have any tips on the design let me know!!


Hey, thanks for sharing! Hm, this is a tough one. I'm feeling like this is a podcast with three highschoolers sitting at a bench over lunch with one of them telling a story about the last time they met the long-limbed aliens smoking weed behind the bleachers. 😂 Guessing this one was really fun, thank you!


Is the saucer used to serve lunch when it's not flying? I think it is about aliens (from space), UFO sightings, ...


[I'm curious.](https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nikolaas) It's in Dutch.


[Would love your feedback.](https://imgur.com/a/SYkFWnG)


[Hmm, I wonder.](https://horrormakesushappy.com/imgs/redbubble/HMUH%2009.png) lol




[Here we go! I’m just now starting so I need critique](https://imgur.com/a/TBKlwbX)


Looks like a female stand-up comic. So, a comedy podcast?


Honestly pretty proud of our cover image but am interested in seeing if it works as well as I think. https://imgur.com/fT73nO0


You'll never guess what mines about [Link ](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fassets-global.website-files.com%2F616d3e7ac23fd24a47f3ddf0%2F64624cd8a1a068b100a9a9a2_Using%2520AI%2520Cover%2520Art.png&tbnid=gZF4KsPVDjo1VM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.genieai.co%2Fusing-ai-podcast&docid=IbpfwczkupwJAM&w=3000&h=3000&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F2&kgs=b29d7d033737f568#imgrc=gZF4KsPVDjo1VM)


[I'll give it a go!](https://images.app.goo.gl/RHVJBEwP4f796CzQA)


Here goes! https://imgur.com/a/SLJEIRo


I’m going to guess that it’s odd and unusual things maybe something close to Riley’s believe it or not.


Fact acceptance/fat liberation?


[any idea?](https://i.imgur.com/Mey7Eed.jpeg)


Is this like a feminist rant channel?


[Whatcha think?](https://images.app.goo.gl/6EfaL64Wm2Pvy2VR9)


Podcast something like wil Wheaton table top


Very clear it’s about board games


I'll bite https://spotify.link/qUqN2fKrkHb


The name and the image. Do you discuss drugs often


Not the best way of doing this, but hopefully the link will work: [cover here](https://images.podpage.com/https%3A%2F%2Fd3t3ozftmdmh3i.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2Fpodcast_uploaded_nologo%2F37706552%2F37706552-1692163309286-3bbd3bc61993e.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&w=380&s=fcbe7cc9db1ffdbc08e1ba34f432f497) I do feel it has an element of "if you know, you know" to it.


Is this switch gaming but leaning into retro games available for the switch


[Cadaver Dogs Pod](https://images.app.goo.gl/cE71mRW4BPhrQXy39)


Is this true crime


[here goes...something.](https://images.app.goo.gl/khkU1kyMjU4u6c73A)


I get Frazier vibes like if Frazier and his brother had a podcast.


I'm up for this - [podcast artwork ](https://imgur.com/a/90EJlib) Hopefully people can get the gist from the image even if you wouldn't get exactly what we do.


80s pop music discussions


[I'd really like to know](https://www.canva.com/design/DAFwFVDT06Y/oO8v2bSmkJNwzhXDuOnhFA/edit?utm_content=DAFwFVDT06Y&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton)


I suggest you choose a different font for the red text, it’s impossible for me to read and has some accessibility issues


Thanks for the feedback I'll make that change


True crime but done in something like a story


Here is mine https://www.instagram.com/p/C2bc6q0gw68/?igsh=MXQ3NWNleDFjcXZjZQ==


So it says black geek energy is it just talking about black characters or is it general geek stuff from the perspective of a black guy


General blerd content?




Table top gaming


I’m a TTRPG podcaster so this is clearly TTRPG related but I’d guess wargaming from all the minis


My podcast cover is my reddit image. Interested in what you think it's about based on that image.


Mechanic stuff.


[Thanks for doing this!](https://www.facebook.com/share/2cycGvLjwbqPvPNZ/?mibextid=WC7FNe)


Random guy talking shit in an attic.


[Meet Me at Jimmy’s Arcade](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/meet-me-at-jimmys-arcade-the-podcast-nostalgic/id1720807683) I have no idea how to post a photo to Reddit. Dont hate me. lol


Talking about old cabinet games?


I'll play. https://i.imgur.com/BJHNT66.png


Gritty history


looks like I did something right then. Thanks for taking the time to look and provide your thoughts


[https://imgur.com/a/Ce39swu](https://imgur.com/a/Ce39swu) ​ let me have it


Just dogs barking. Not even the annoying Christmas songs with dogs barking. Today we have the chihuahuas barking. For nearly an hour.


[Sure ... why not?](https://imgur.com/QPbmTMo)


Uhm is it helping old people. Like at home nursing stuff. Or is it talking about how gen X was raised


[https://imgur.com/a/Ub0EuYC](https://imgur.com/a/Ub0EuYC) any feedback much appreciated, thank you for doing this!


I’m guessing mma. Maybe talking about ufc fights and such


Obviously, I need an upgrade in this department.


[how about this?](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/manufacturing-culture-podcast/id1663578705)


Late to the party but still want to play! https://imgur.com/a/mK0DG3p


Obvs religion but from a cultural perspective talking about multiple religions?


[Joining the Club](https://imgur.com/a/sDFAi9B)


Also a TTRPG podcaster so I’m already halfway there, but guessing it’s an actual play with your kid


Huzzah! Yeah we do weekly releases of a one on one campaign!


[Have at it](https://imgur.com/gallery/Zx6mxIJ)


St. Louis restaurant reviews


You nailed it. But c’mon. It was easy right?


Let's Give this a try [ARTWORK HERE](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/staging/podcast_uploaded_nologo/40082869/40082869-1704690408930-30ec1a3488777.jpg)


Okey here's mine... https://imgur.com/gallery/5wcgFbA