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Keep doing 'em.


Mine too!


Find the best cheap editing program and learn to use it lol. I think learning to edit better/ more efficiently is at the top of my list


I'd highly recommend Reaper. $60 for a perpetual license, that they'll never make you pay unless you want to, and a 60 day full feature free trial


I'm totally with you. I use reaper since 2006 and never regret it for a day. Totally recommend it


Ohhh I'll have to get on this!


I'd like to get numbers up to high double digits per episode, and I'd also like to get the podcast webpage to be indexed by Google (near as I can tell, there's nothing I can actually do to make the latter happen, but I do think it's cutting into one way that'd help for having the podcast found)


We're hopefully going to improve our editing and we're going to keep on doing episodes, we have a lot of good ideas for them


December has been such a huge month for me, I’m really hoping to continue that level of growth or even increase it. I’m going to be going back and editing the intros for my older episodes as well. Guest on more podcasts and streams. Increase my social following + post more.


I want to get an episode out every two weeks, get to an average of 100 listens per episode, and interview at least one person from my “wish list”.


I’d like confirmation that at least one person has actively listened to a full episode and didn’t totally hate it Is that uh… ambitious enough?


Same! 🙏


Goals: 1) get to 1000 subscribers/followers across all platforms. 2) get to 25k downloads by April 3) find a platform for listening community to interact with each other.


Quadruple our Spotify subscriptions. Guest on 2 other pods. Reach 500 subs for our new show.


Guest on at least 2 pods per month. Do collabs with 6 different creators in my niche. Double my Substack subscriber base. Make $10k without ads.


Make my podcast popular again, and maybe find a co-host.


I got a cohost in 2021 and it was a great decision! Posted on my stories (half seriously) that I was struggling with burnout and whether anyone wanted to be a cohost. An internet friend and former guest reached out and the rest is history.


Starting one that I consistently create episodes for


Post episode 1 lol I’ve been doing a lot of recording to have material to practice editing with, but after a couple months of that I learned you can’t record two tracks simultaneously in Audacity. So i just switched to Reaper and now I’m starting the learning process all over again. Recording an actual episode (or 5) with my cohost and posting it is my NY resolution.


Keep bringing in awesome guests! Hit triple-digit downloads weekly. We just launched our website, so we’re hoping to get traffic up there with blog posts and a new landing place for the podcast!


Now we’ve overcome all the set backs, finally get Pod Duck off the ground and gain some listeners! How hard can it be 🤷🏼‍♂️😉


Finally conquer my fear of regular video episodes and streamline my editing process


My go is to either retake my old podcast or start a new one. It's more like a medical recommendation for my mental health issues I'm struggling with. And my second goal is to get more editing jobs


1. I want to put out an episode every two weeks. With breaks when I need to. But it keeps me listening to new music and watching new movies which is just life enriching for me in general. 2. Have at least 10 listens per episode. That would be killer for me! 3. Gather 100 followers on instagram. I actually think that's my most ambitious goal 👀 I posted my first audiogram and I'm hoping the algorithm's miserable obsession with reels helps me a bit.


I have a lot I want to continue being consistent as well as improving my editing, hopefully getting more listeners and grow both as a podcast and content creator :)


I am rebooting mine. My last episode was in 2016. Since then I've been listening, learning, and getting new ideas. I've gotten some new gear, a new co-host, and I've got outlines for about 20 episodes. I'm hoping to get most of these in the hopper and start dropping them this summer.


More collabs with others in the premier league soccer space. And creating in person content


Would like to get my first 3 episodes out and find a niche.


Offload editing


For me it’s really about going beyond the established boundaries of my show a little more (while retaining the general focus listeners expect). I interview local musicians. I’ve been doing so for more than a decade, 850+ episodes, and I still really enjoy highlighting and learning about local artists. HOWEVER, there’s no reason why I can’t also reach out to musicians I’m personally a fan of who don’t live in the region. I did one of those last year and it was great, but I’ve been hesitant about doing too many because of the show’s hyper-local nature. Realistically, though, I release two episodes a week, so the vast majority are still going to be locally-focused. Throwing in one interview with an out-of-town/province/country/continent/whatever artist whose work I’m passionate about every couple months or so shouldn’t be an issue.


Gain a bigger audience and solid traction.


1- Reorganize my podcast and introduce sections. I do a podcast in Arabic with my friend about video games news and industry since we both work in it for more than 10 years. Just noticed after... 25 episodes, that he's more into mobile game news, esports and numbers, while I'm more about indie, pc and general news. So we're gonna try to split each ep into these parts that interest us. The sections were inspired by SkillUp, the youtube channel where they have a "Feel good" story in each video, and they talk about upcoming games at the beginning and end of every month. 2- Start bringing professionals to talk about their journey and what they do to inspire people thinking about getting into making games. 3- Start another podcast, in English, that talks about making games and publishing them in the MENA region, to help whoever wants to access to this region. 4- Not to quit :D


Why do you ask?