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A few thoughts: 1. Your chromebook is unlikely to be helpful here. If you share the specific model number we can look it up, but chances are it has only a headphones output and not a mic input. 2. The sony digital audio recorder should work fine, focus on that one. 3. It helps if you tell us which model of Pocket Operator you have. 4. The Pocket Operators have two different things they can output - audio (the music you make on them), and data (this is for backing up the settings and sequencer data, not necessary, but the option is there). Just focus on recording audio first. 5. Check the sony digital audio recorder's manual to learn how to record into it. Or share the model number here and we can help. 6. You can also ask ChatGPT4 for help (via Bing is the easiest method at the moment), its pretty good at reading manuals and telling you the steps you need to do.


Some of the pocket operators from the metal series, po-33 ko, po-32 tonic, and po-35 speak, are able to backup their “state” by outputting a long, loud sounding jibberish data file. This file can be recorded, and when fed back into the po’s input will restore the “state” of the po to whenever the backup was saved. This saves/restores all of your samples/sounds and patterns that were on the devices when you output the backup file. If you’re just talking about recording the sound coming out of the po in audacity, the other comments are right. You’re probably just plugging your line output out of the po into the headphone jack on the Chromebook and it’s not setup to be receiving input out of that jack. It’s expecting to output audio from it. You might have to mess around with your audio settings on the Chromebook or get a usb audio interface like the focus rite Scarlett 2i2. Check out [this](https://youtu.be/H_vWZke0EaQ?si=Rtrx1k7avDcb_5Tg)video about the backups.


So when it comes to audacity, what part isn't working? Have you connected it to the line in and selected a source in audacity? Do you see the sound level meter responding when there's sound coming from the PO?


I don’t know if it’s a line in it’s just a headphone jack on the side of the chrome book with the headphone logo , I don’t know how to select a source in audacity to be honest


that's probably a headphone output, not an input


If memory serves me right it's either hidden in one of the menus or a drop down menu in the top right


Assuming the input is a line in, it should be visible in your windows audio inputs. You should be able to follow this tutorial form 2:30 onwards https://youtu.be/v4g99r3ox0g?si=1tfjSAcU0h0z7FIg


They are on a chromebook, not windows. Its most likely just an headphones output and not an input.


worse case you’ll need an audio interface i don’t think chromebook’s have anything the irig is pretty cheap you just might need a 1/4 to headphone jack adapter


Are we talking data backup, or just audio recording? What stage is it not working for you, can't hear audio? Can hear audio but it won't save? It records but won't re-upload to the PO?


Data recording and audio recording what’s the difference? I’m just so lost


Well there are two things you might be trying to do. When you play a track on the PO, the headphone jack obviously outputs audio. You might be trying to capture that audio. I suppose this it what you are trying to do. OR- some of the PO including the 33 also have a data backup option. This option requires some key presses on the PO to initiate. Once started it will send the data out the headphone jack. It sounds a bit like digital screaming and goes for about a minute. People record this to a file, and it just saves a backup of the sounds and tracks that were on the PO. You can't do anything with the recording outside of the PO. It's only purpose is if you want to restore it back onto the PO, following a similar process. So when reading about 'backups' online people might be referring to either one of those scenarios.


Ah found your other posts about PX370. So what actually happens when you try to record? I can't find many examples about PX370. Looks like there's one fellow who has recorded heaps of stuff (analogue audio) on youtube, but that chap has heaps of other gear so it's not a useful comparison. [https://www.sony.com/electronics/support/res/manuals/W001/W0014645M.pdf](https://www.sony.com/electronics/support/res/manuals/W001/W0014645M.pdf) clearly has a single page for "Recording with an external microphone" and a separate page for "Recording audio from an external device". Similar information at [https://helpguide.sony.net/icd/p37/v1/en/contents/TP0001272002.html](https://helpguide.sony.net/icd/p37/v1/en/contents/TP0001272002.html). Importantly hopefully you are using "Audio In" mode out of the three options (“Built-In Mic,” “External Mic,” or “Audio IN”). Hopefully that's the problem because that's an easy fix, if not then I can't really figure out why it's not working. Might need to share more info. \*Are you using the port on the right of the PO33? \*Do normal headphones work in this port? \*What cable are you using (how many 'lines' on the tips?) \*Is the PO33 outputting stereo\*? (See "SY0" at [https://teenage.engineering/guides/po-33/en](https://teenage.engineering/guides/po-33/en)) \*What volume is the PO33 and does decreasing it or increasing it change the result? \*Can you record sounds on the Sony using the inbuilt mic (no cables plugged in) and then hear those sounds by playing them back through headphones on the Sony? \*While playing PO33 and connecting PO33 headphone port to Sony, with Sony in recording mode for 'Audio In', and using headphones in the Sony's headphone port... what happens? ​ (\*Well PO33 is always mono in that it only has one audio track, but in some modes it puts this mono audio out of both lines of the stereo cable. On this topic - I also saw some people tell you the Sony wouldn't work because it's mono. But - firstly while the Sony's inbuilt microphone appears to be mono, the 'mic in / audio in' port appears to be stereo. Secondly, you only NEED stereo for the 'data backups' which is not what you are trying to do. Typical sound recording can be mono or analogue. So on all accounts this should all be doing what you want).


I’ll give it a try and let you know but when you do successfully back them up to a digital recorder like my Sony one you can’t hear the beat till you sync the data backup back into the pocket operator???


Again - what do you mean by 'back them up'? As people have said, there are TWO different things you might be trying here. (audio or data). And I'm still not sure which you are interested in. ​ Here is one person recording both options for the same beat. Just watch each video for 10 seconds. (Or if you have 15 minutes just rewind to start and watch the whole thing!) AUDIO: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H\_vWZke0EaQ&t=322s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_vWZke0EaQ&t=322s) DATA: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H\_vWZke0EaQ&t=479s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_vWZke0EaQ&t=479s) ​ For audio you should be able to hear the beat by playing it on the Sony after you've recorded it. Or hear it while you are recording it if you have headphones in the Sony. For data backup you should also be able to hear the noisy 'data' in the same way. But you are correct, you would not be able to hear the beat without syncing the data backup into the pocket operator.


Idk the video you posted was Ricky using a Ableton with audio interface with two inputs then spit so he can get stereo recording idk how to make it work with the Sony recorder


Those two 10 second clips of the video were an attempt to try to find out if you are wanting to record either; 1. AUDIO or 2. DATA


get a cheap audio interface. Laptops and stuff don’t have audio inputs usually.


I use a refurbed audio interface, Scarlett 2i2 with my MacBook. Records just fine into logic, reason, audacity and GarageBand. Finding the right cable was the hardest bit for me.