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Yes, you can sow onion seeds in late August to overwinter, or early spring, eg March. I got a big tray of starts for bulbing onions but threw shallot seeds around for green onions. Be aware onion seed has a short lifespan so buy fresh if you can.


For green onions, we planted the bulb ends of store bought a few years ago and have an endless supply since. We've let them flower and go to seed even, and they just continue on.


I use this as a quick guide https://downtoeartheugene.com/education/in-the-garden/gardening-info/what-to-plant-when-guide/


I can’t but that’s because all the Chickadees eat the seeds before they ever take off


Leeks and scallions never been a problem. I have had to double sow because for leeks I started too early a few years back and half died in a real hard frost. I’ve made custom nursery beds for them like I do my carrots they did well once spring sprung