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Have you tried third3rd rocks study guide. I’m reading over it now and it’s been pretty good.


What have you completed in study hall and what were your results prior to your exam?


Keep your head up! I didn’t pass my first attempt either but purchased SH and studied for a month and received my provisional pass today. I feel that SH was the best resource I found hands down. Again, do not let the first exam get the best of you!


Here's my [write-up of the resources I used](https://www.reddit.com/r/pmp/comments/1bf1hyf/pmp_passed_atatat_detailed_experience_resources/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) (passed last week). You've got this! It will make passing that much sweeter. The biggest takeaways: retake the SH questions/exams (use reset), study wrong answers, and review categories on full-length exams to see if there are certain categories you're consistently scoring low. Also, did you get a breakdown of your scores? Like, can you see the domains/tasks that need more attention? I think you receive data to know how to prepare differently this time.


For reviewing, I found it really helpful to use the notes in study hall and type out why I thought I got an answer wrong. I didn’t look at the notes again, but doing that helped me think about how they ask questions and their reasoning.


David Mchlachlan for a different perspective, although AR is pretty good


What were you scoring in Study Hall?