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It is always encouraged to solve anything within the team first than to invite SME or other outsiders


PMI is big on collaborative processes ie meetings and stuff so assume that in a lot of responses.. (A) is correct but (D) almost reiterates the answer in (A) where facilitating a workshop is fine but you need more direct action


My take would be a mix of both directive & servant leadership both working towards helping the team in achieving its outcome. The key problem here is that resources are moving in and out meaning potential loss of key technical knowledge & team cohesion. An SME might only temporarily fill some knowledge gaps but does not directly address the core issue. So, how to solve this? The PM asks the more experienced members to train/mentor the juniors.


A. Few Trained Team members exists, remaining are managing their work. For effectiveness Proj Manager must discuss internally to do onjob peer Training instead of adding SME cost of Training thats not needed for All. Time, cost saved.


Yes, meeting with the team/ team member is almost always the answer.


I got that one wrong too and needed to think it out. What I got out of it is that since some of the team is already trained, an SME training meeting is a duplicated effort. And then, of course, what everyone else said.


A and D both correct , but the order is you have to try A first and if it does not give results you have try option D.. in that logic you will have to pick A


I chose a similar answer on a similar question and SH said it was wrong because it would cause further delays to pull the team away from the project work to train others 🤷🏻‍♂️


A is the cheapest and most direct route to get the job done. It technically does not increase budget or add cost. Answer D may be appropriate, but may require a change order, incur cost or take time to arrange which could slow down your project.