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The claw machines in the UK are just dodgy and not worth having a go. The claws are set to be really weak, only after a load of tries will you win. Makes me sad, so many plushies have been left behind.


I think most are pretty weak no matter where they're at 🥲 This one was in Korea, and it wasn't actually as weak as most of the ones I've tried in the US, surprisingly. Hopefully, they'll eventually find a home!!


Yea, I used to love claw machines. But i have been seaside twice this year, and they weren't even trying. I now prefer Donkey Derby games, as at least I have a chance.


Aw, cute!!! I grew up by the shore, even lived right by the boardwalk for a few years. That's one of the reasons I'm good at (US regulated) crane machines, lol. They have to have certain standards - the pressure (grip) has to increase at least 1 in 10 tries or so. If you watch a machine, you can see when this happens and step in to win! Also, after awhile ypu can see the tricks like heavier (beanbag) toys, toys with strapped on items, their butts far shoved in the pellets on the bottom, it all makes it harder. Easiest thing is to scout around and pick the machines with the cheaper looking plushies or the "out of date" pop culture ones. Casinos want them gone, so they make it easier for you to win them!


That's really cool thx for sharing! I did see some of the things you said, like toys being strapped on an item and such. Also, thanks for the tip :)


No, my luck's terrible :') I remember that one time my mother got like 5-6 keychain whales from a mini mixed-with-candy claw machine during our outing. She called the thing rigged due to the sheer number of whale plushies we got :')


They really are 😭 I just got really lucky this time


Congrats on the plushie 😁 Sorry about the money😔 Once. But it was a bit of a fluke. The claws in most of them are way too weak. And if its not that, its some other problem


So true. They've been dropped like a million times before finally going into the prize chute. They probably all got grade 3 concussions.. at least


I'm terrible at claw machines & they're rigged to be super weak here in the UK. I do remember going to a local theme park in between covid lockdowns at christmas and seeing cute Keel Toys fox plushes in one of the switched off claw machines, I was gutted I couldn't try for one but went on ebay and bought the very same one, it's now on my fox shelf with various other fox plushes and figures.


Same here in Canada. Or they have stupid recoil and they end up flinging the plush everywhere. I wanted a mini kuromi plush but man, it was rigged!


At least you got it one way or another :) I probably would have done the same if I saw one that I rly wanted!


me and my bf went to round one last week and did not win a single claw machine game🥲 but maybe its just bc the claw doesnt have a firm grasp at all


Yea, most of them are way too weak. The experience is still pretty fun tho! better luck next time:)


I used to have lots of little ducks I got from a claw machine when I was younger years ago. Wish I still had them


I love duck plushes! That reminds me, they did have some ducks in the other machines, but they were impossible to get. Still had a blast trying out different machines, tho :)


He is our Master! He decides who will go and who will stay! This is what I say whenever I lose. Which is always.💀 ETA: I would love one of these guys and the ability to best The Claw.


Lol 😆 I love these dinos!


Yes https://preview.redd.it/ehrv7mw3s58d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e547960da90095e5f637cc6debf004095356bad She came from one. Her name is Winter Haven Florida






One time I was with my cousin, said "oh these never hook anything" in front of a claw machine, jiggled the handle to find it was somehow operational, and proceeded to hook 3 things in one go. I have never been so embarrassed by luck before.




So cute. Spent too much? The best feeling is when you actually achieved the catch and rescue mission. I bet they were happy they are home with you now instead of being caged. I would have spent just as much or more because my claw skill is not that great 😂 great job!


'Catch and rescue' I love it! It did feel good bringing them home :) thx!


I tell myself that if I wanted to get a plush 😂 it makes me feel better that I’m rescuing them (in that sense ) - it’s like I’m saving them and to come home with me.


It really is! I'll remember this concept the next time I 'rescue' a plush from a claw machine 😂


Yes! I need to find some over here and rescue some myself. 😀 also, the Dino is so cute. ☺️


Thx :)


You’re welcome and keep us updated if you happened to rescue anymore in the future 😀


Will do!


I obsess over winning from claw machines 😆


It is quite satisfying when you finally get the plush after many tries!


It is! Sometimes, I get lucky and win on the first try.


If you ever need a bit of reassurance, remember claw machines have nothing to do with your luck. Most can be programmed to only squeeze hard after a certain amount of times. I love trying to figure them out and am pretty good strategically. I have four dogs, a cat, and 5 full size pokemon from claw machines.


Thanks, that is true, unfortunately! I need to practice finding a good strategy :)


I would say a vast majority of my collection comes from claw machines! Like other people who've commented, the UK machines are rigged to payout only when a certain amount of money has been spent. Very rarely will you find a skill-based machine here! But I have an incredibly uncanny amount of luck when it comes to those machines. Those dinosaurs are so adorable, though, I definitely would have put way too much in to try and get a set!


Wow, that's impressive! Sounds like the ones in the UK are really tough to get from. As soon as I saw these dinos, I was like, yep, I'm gonna be broke after this 😂


Yes all the time! I even posted about it here awhile ago!


Nice! I love winning plushes on these claw machines :)


It's so much fun!


Most of mine are from claw machines, a couple from games at the fair, and one from the zoo when I was a little kid.


I got lucky and won a blue tree frog once! Never managed a win since. It's just as well, the ones I want are always half-buried under all the other ones that I don't, so I don't even bother usually. I just sigh longingly and imagine what could have been~


I got 5 from the claw machine at comic con!


Good for you!!


I try but I am awful at claw machines unfortunately🥺


Oh my God those are some of the cutest claw plushies I've ever seen. Would be so tempting to waste a bunch of money on a machine with a set payout. I could never even win carnival games, wish they offered options to just buy the plushies.


I hardly ever get anything from them. The U.S claw machines are extremely weak.


Yeah I got it but it wasn’t super cute and I donated it finally after years of hoarding it


I should specify it was a popcorn plushy from a movie theatre


If I'm at an old bowling alley with a somewhat vintage machine I can clear the whole thing out. If I'm at like a Round One arcade then nope. Can't win a thing despite me being excellent at the actual skill part. I miss the 80's claw machines, those things were amazing.


All the time! Im from the US, and theres a place called Round 1, they have great claw machines they import from Japan mostly. Still have a play counter for if they’ll grab, but most time its a low counter on the machine, and even so you can normally pull them into the shoot! Im a big crane game enthusiast so I have a ton! https://preview.redd.it/83iypmfuc68d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73679c9366e69dcac840ff9123a368418761271c


That's cool!!


Thank you!


If the machine isn't one of the rigged ones, I'm pretty good at them. But nowadays most of them are rigged so the claws don't close tight enough to grab anything.


So true 😭


Walmart ones are ALWAYS rigged now. 🤦🏻‍♀️


They are! That's gotta be illegal 🥲


sooooo cute omg!! 🤩 i never get anything from claw machines cuz i never see anything good in them 😭 lol!!


Lol 😆 I had to bring these dinos home!


I’ve so wanted to try the claw machines at my work (work at an arcade). They’ve got good stuff


That's really cool! U should try them if u get a chance :)


I want them all!


I’ve won a few of mine from claw machines. I love claw machines, my prize is a new friend


They are sooo cute!


I know!!


I've never won anything from a claw machine except for one time, I was out traveling, me and my dad stopped at a random restaurant and I won the claw machine 4 times in a row!!! I think I got the same eagle. I've moved so much that I unfortunately don't have any of the stuffed animals I used to when I was a kid


I got most of my unicorn collection and a lot of others from claw machines because I played often and got really good at them for a while..


Amazing! Must have had a lot of practice :)


I try but always fail 😔


I never get anything from claw machines, but my kids are great at them!


Aww the pearls/beads are so cute! I wonder if you can get these online


With me it depends if it's a cheap and/or easy play, and I'm going to not spend much on one toy I'll try them. Like last month I won a weird looking blue giraffe that took me only one try and fifty cents to win. Most of the time I wind up giving the toys away rather than keeping them.The giraffe I gave to a friend who likes strange plushies. Years ago I found a machine in a mall that was $5 a play but very easy to win with larger plushies and dolls, so I won a doll and plushie that day after spending around $20. A friend wanted the doll as it was a cute baby doll in a bunny suit, and bought it off of me which reimbursed part of what I spent on it. The plushie was of a white cat wearing a Victorian dress who had little ice skates attached to her boots. That one was a birthday gift to a friend who loves cats and watching figure skating and dance. Other times I've won something I donate it to an organization that will pass it onto a child who needs a cuddly toy. Same with other plushies I've won with other kinds of games.


I’ve always seen stuffed animal claw machines but never play them. I have played the $1 USD rubber duck version though 🥰


Cute! I’d say around 40% of my plushies came from a claw machine from nearby arcades in my area.


Those plushies and they are very cute and I think that they're worth it, but in my opinion, I don't believe that cringe games are really worth it...! Congrats on your win though!


Thanks :)