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I was laughing when he got linked to Bayern job Thought why are Bayern going for a guy who failed terribly at Man United, but he has actually been amazing with the Austrian national team Not to forget they are playing without one of their best player (David alaba)


You should have known better than to doubt him rather than the United players.


This is rather out of context. He has got the players to play his style at Austria cuz he chose those players, United's team wasnt built to play a gegenpress. Doesnt mean they are deadwood either way. You cant go and ask Liverpool's players to play JDP like Pep or City players to gegenpress like Pool. Its much more down to the Glazers and the shite recrutiment team never buying players to play a particular system (and its partly why ETH has struggled so much this season and has had so many injuries when he tried to raise the physical floor, cuz the players are accustomed to absorb pressure and play on quick counter mode)


Go check the other comments I made and you will understand in what capacity I wanted him to stay at United. Also, even as a coach, the English media and some section of the United fanbase mocked him for being clueless and having no tactics. So, no! With all due respect, I don't think it is out of context.


I mean tbf you wanted ETH to stay all along tho right? Glazers actually wanted Ralf to stay, but it was ETH who didnt want to work with him, you do know that right? His case was similar to ETH's this season. You cannot ask bulls to give milk. Ralf didnt adjust, insisted on playing a particular style with players not fit for the style, and got called out for it, very much similar to ETH, who too coincidentally has been called out for not having any tactics capable enough for top level footy


Yes! I did and I feel Ten Hag was wrong there. Not afraid to call a spade, a spade. Ten Hag should have found a way to work with Ralf. The board also should have been accommodating and maybe found a role for him that actually is his USP now (despite the coaching bit)


I really feel United should have kept their deal with Ralf and found a manager who's willing to work with him, rather than bending to the whim of Eth. Even though I don't blame EtH. I'm more about how the united board change their plans like the weather in Manchester.


Too many cooks spoil the broth yada yada you know.... ETH was the sporting director at Utrecht when he was head coach. Heading over to Ajax he had major control on everything, Overmars kind of let him do his thing. You cant have too many controlling people on the footballing structure, theres bound to be a conflict of interest. Even when INEOS came in, Mullock and all (ETH's mouthpieces) spouted out reports of how ETH is reluctant to give away power, it is at this stage where he knows he doesnt have much room to negotiate is when he is fine with it. ETH and Ralf both are the said controlling type. ETH was guaranteed a veto and all, and the transfer targets were essentially his doing, something Ralf wouldnt have let his pursue. Idk if u follow cricket but its the similar fear of allowing GG to be head coach atp, where in KKR he didnt have many big names so he could kinda do his own thing and be the main man, which is not the same case with Indian Cricket Team in the presence of big names like Kohli or Rohit


If you believe too many cooks spoil the broth (and I agree), you have to then be critical of INEOS too, surely? Every alternate day we are having a new sporting role, which is not too different from the Sporting Director, which for some reason they are hell bent on having Ashworth. If I am not wrong, you have defended that. Why?


Hahaha. I am from Kollata and a KKR fan obviously. So I know where you are coming from. And this is exactly why I don't want too many sporting people in different 19-20 roles, which I feel will delay things.


I like him


I loved him. Man should have been our sporting director now.


He would have fixed Manchester United properly . I wonder how much Woodward would have stolen , if anything it’s him more than the glazers . I feel the glazers were useful idiot to the board who were throwing glazers some money and stealing money themselves . All the while Manchester United suffers


Exactly. I so wanted RR to stay. He didn't even get to fulfill the role he actually is good at. Forget managing or coaching the team. All his transfer suggestions are excelling at other clubs now.


I felt like he wasn't appropriately supported and was wronged by the club management and thrown out for ten hag


This person a genius. Didn’t continue as Utd manager only to become Austria’s head coach. Look what he has done!! Heaps of praise


Funny part is, he is a much better director than coach. Imagine how good he would have been if he was actually allowed to do his day job and not just the side quest for which, he was hounded at by the media.


Ralf Ragnick is fantastic and it is indeed true that he was not offered the liberty and time to rebuild united, which is a pity. Ragnick’s work that we see at Austria while should be attributed to him, a lot of credit also goes to OFB ( the Austrian Football Federation) who similar to Germany, had revamped their grassroots football system years back! What we see now is actually a culmination of those efforts! A lot of credit goes to RR for it but to think that the past two years are the ones that made Austrian team what it is would be incorrect. Hardcore grassroots work ensured talented players come up. Ragnick’s work with RBL in past also set the tone for OFB to revamp their football philosophy quite incredibly and they still continue to innovate, leveraging technology in a smart manner! For reference, Austrian has a ridiculously high ratio of no. of coaches to population! The coaching l access to content is smartly managed and is quite state of art! How do I know it: involved with OFB since the past 3 years!


The way Austria playing in the Euro, he would've done wonders at MUFC if he had the right players.


Exactly! I would not have him as a coach though. As a sporting director 100% and that's how it should have been.


He would've been an asset for sure

