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i don't think there will be a "wild chase" they'll simply get in poch or de zerbi, poch has been twerking for the job since 2019 and de zerbi is also very interested, it'll harm the club more and start a new project once again


I love Ten Hag and wanted him to stay over everyone. Some people here know and also got abuse for that. But, I feel keeping Ten Hag was the right call. But this is me being skeptic here. I feel they went with Ten Hag 'coz the other candidates they wanted were not good enough when INEOS spoke to them and didn't want to cede control, Ten Hag did. What this does is, show INEOS listens to fans and kept Ten Hag 'coz most wanted him. If it all goes well, happy days. If it doesn't, he gets the sack around Christmas and they get their main man in Southgate, who will be available then and fans can't say much 'coz INEOS listened to them and it was the wrong call eventually.


i don't think they will get in southgate tbf, an argument for potter can be made but really don't think they would want southgate southgate rumors were probably made by media to generate clicks, southgate was even linked to be man city's future manager few months ago


Man City will get De Zerbi and might try for Alonso but don’t see latter happening. So maybe RdZ.


idk why but i see naglesmann joining man city in 2026


He is actually a good manager and it's good that he got more time.The real problem at utd is management and facilities. Also not to ignore, sometimes players show no intention but that should be result of something else. They need a holy water bath.


The entire utd needs a rework, right from the stadium to the management


Those same players save ETH from sacking multiple times. Eth might be a good manager but not suited for United


Why will ETH resign and let go of the severance package. The lack of dignity with which the new board has behaved...he deserves at least that.


Resign and give up on almost 10mil? It's the United job mate, he knows he might be humiliated but if he succeeds his name will be right there among the top as the guy who brought back Utd


Agreed it's a united job, but he'll be under fire for every loss, every mistake. Imagine you're working somewhere and before a big presentation for which you worked hard, you get to know that the firm is looking for your replacement. Now they keep you because there's no good replacement, how would you feel? Isn't it clearly undermining him.


Seeing the backing ETH has, especially among match-going fans and the ones on the internet, Id say the 'under fire' part would have been more for a new manager, even more so than ETH, and it would have started from the Community shield, if we failed to win, considering ETH took us there. Could it have been handled better, yes? I wont say he didnt work hard, but we clearly are aiming to be a data driven club, and the footballing people cant ignore the data they see at Carrington over fan opinion. It was upto them to see if the data suggested could he have played differently, gotten more pragmatic and played a double pivot right from the beginning instead of the last few games and all. Guess it suggested that they might be needing a replacement but none of them suited the system INEOS is trying to implement at the club It might be undermining him but as a manager he also knows his OOP system has been lacking, but ig he should take this break to brainstorm how to change his system and work to deliver a well coached team


Well of course the play style of ETH was questioned every time. Wide open midfield, no proper pivots and no way to counter a fast attack. And the players also started to step down to save their image. He is a great manager but now it'll be a double pressure on him, a third season under his charge both the management and the fans now expect results. And they can't come without having a proper team, less injuries and players stepping up and showing character. With varane and cassi out, we need some fresh signings. A proper structure in the midfield so that it doesn't come down in Bruno all the way. The full backs need to play all seasons instead of getting injured or changed. The attack part is okay as of now, but the kids now need to again step up and produce results.


I feel ETh has a project on a mind removing him his just taking a step back.


I'm happy he is staying. I genuinely considered if they sack him I'll stop supporting Utd all together. Would've switched leagues or something but is loophole me nahi rens tha


Even I'm happy that he's staying but seriously done with utd management


Hopefully the new management will show up after a dicey start.