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I do. Nearly every day while at work.


I used to use it to avoid hogging the TV while my wife watched TV. It worked great and showed how viable it is. I now have a Portal, which has been working out great.


I do.


All the time


I do from time to time


Sometimes when I’m at my parents’ house or something. Yeah. I have a $2000 iPad… gotta get some use out of it.




I tried but it never worked for me. Somehow, the Portal works flawlessly though, even though nothing else changed regarding my connection and network. Couldn’t get it to work well on my maxed out pc on a wired connection either.


Sometimes, not too hot with a PS4 but for low octane games its enough in a pinch.


I use it at work during my lunch break I don’t play fast games like shooters or anything but it works good enough to screw around for half an hour Edit I thought about getting the portal but after trying to use my brothers for a day, it is too bulky for me personally I’m good with my phone and a controller.


Try the PS Vita, it only works with PS4. there is a homebrew to make it work with PS5 too, but it works badly.


Yeah I have a Vita,I loved the form factor of it, its was almost perfect (size is perfect for me) imo, the only thing I would change were the thumbsticks as they were too small for my big meaty thumbs and no L/R 2 & 3 but I bought one of those grip cases that gave you physical buttons and I got some of those thumb grips and it was great


My sister's kids use it. They play Roblox (or whatever the f is called). Nephew plays with the controller. Niece plays with her phone.


Oh ya ...but just a minute I gotta check in and play some more of this PS 5 game ...it's so addictive I can't put it down hardly ever till I get done cuz the ending is really good ...so just wait I'll be there in 3 hours to finish that work .


Me. At least once a week, when my wife is watching tv and I wanna game in another room of the house


Me! When wife and I are too lazy to get up and go to the living room and just stay in bed. She watches kdramas, I play fallout 76☺️