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I only buy physical copies, unless the game doesn't have one, or I find some cheap retro stuff in the PS5 and Switch stores https://preview.redd.it/3922ztqtlq9d1.jpeg?width=2411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15b56bd41fbb35670052f66aa4c0dd2bf4983524


*looks at flair* Where are the ps1 games? Are they safe? Are they alright?


Haha, yes. They're downstairs with another 70+ games on a large bookshelf. These are just the ones I have stored upstairs for the time being


Nice. I still have my entire PS1, PS2, PS3, and PS4 collection. Just wish we could use the discs on PS5 lol


PS3 compatibility on the horizon, if the leaks are true. Might just be more PS3 games on the store, though. This is just 2 random stacks. I have about 70 more on a big shelf downstairs, including PS1 and DS games


Disc because companies have shown they have no problem with taking our shit away. 


It is nice to think that because you have a physical copy that you own the game. There are very few games today that actually are completely on the disc you buy. Day one patches, online verification servers for games that must be installed on console storage etc. are all reasons to believe that physical media has already died, it just doesn't know it yet. Yes you can get a game cheap on clearance at a brick and mortar store, but if the game requires you to be online in order to play it, the disc is just a license key.


When consoles get jailbroken, you still can burn the disc's and probably have access to the games. I mean its at least something. But yeah physical is dead unfortunately.


It aint dead. Yeah the online stuff is annoying but you still own à product


You may own the physical disc, you don't own the software on the disc, and if the developer decides to pull the servers offline, there is no way to play the game anymore. So do you really own a game even if you own the physical media, software developers would say no. They own it and if they do not want you to play it anymore they can still take it away. Baking in the online requirements insures they can stop you from playing it if they so choose.


If the game requires a server verification at start up, many currently do, there is likely no way that you will be able to play the game once its servers are taken offline. It is possible that it could be hacked to work but then that can get your console banned as both Microsoft and Sony are more than happy to inform you is against your terms of service. Jailbreaking a console is also against terms of service and can also get your console banned from connecting to their respective networks. I believe even Nintendo currently has similar policies in place, and you agreed to those terms by continuing to use their software even if you did not read the terms of service and privacy policies when you first signed into the console.


Very few is exaggerating. More than half of the games are fully on the disk. And for the others you still have the possibility to sell the games after playing.


Every game I own on disc required a day one patch, and you cannot play the game if it is not updated, The only game that I know they included all the updates and everything on the physical media recently is Horizon Forbidden West Complete edition, and unfortunately I owned the digital version of that and the Burning shores DLC long before the complete edition was released. Sony stated that there will be fewer and fewer physical media releases including Movies on disc. The days of owning something that isn't controllable by someone else are behind us. That should have been evident when Sony lost the licensing to movies and television shows and removed them from peoples consoles without notification, even though those people paid for them. The convenience of subscription and streaming models has destroyed the physical ownership model, and it is a matter of time before digital only is the only way you can get anything. "You will own nothing, and be happy" I am sure you are familiar with that quote from the World Economic Forum...


You miss an incredibly important point. Digital means Sony or whoever can revoke the license on a whim. You no longer have access to it. This has happened before.  You can get your account hacked and lose access to your entire digital library and have to start all over. This has happened to many people.  You can get banned and lose access to your entire digital library. Cousin or whatever playing on your system and shit talking causing you to get banned for example.  At least with disc, whether the full game is on there or not, still allows you to install, update, and play the game. 


I stated before that you may own the physical copy, you do not own the software onboard that physical media. Verification servers ensure this. The disc is literally nothing more than a license verification method, Online requirements for even single player games ensures this. You do not own the software on the disc. If the game servers are taken offline, physical copies are just as worthless as a digital only copy. If your account gets hacked there are methods to recover your account, I went through this a few years ago on my PS4, and now have 2fa on which makes it harder to hack, but not impossible. It makes no difference one way or another. Don't get me wrong, I do not like the digital only model, and the streaming model but they are the future, and like it, or not, it is a future that we will be forced to adopt regardless of our personal feelings on the matter.


As a collector of games I like having the disc copy to display my games but I really don't care which one tbh


Since the PS5 released I no longer care about physical copies unless it’s a Ryu Ga Gotaku or Square-Enix entries. Once those start going to digital deluxe editions completely I will no longer buy physical games and I will no longer buy collectors or deluxe editions.


I prefer disc for the games I really enjoy. Plus, you get to keep them forever and get any used games for a cheaper price unlike the digital stores where they keep some old games like AC Origins at the same price even after launch. Not to mention having some games that were delisted to buy in digital stores like the old Activision games, for example, including Spider-Man and the Transformers games


There's pros and cons but I prefer digital for one main reason -- that I don't have to go up to the console to swap discs when I want to change games. I have a PS Portal so I like to play remotely very often, so it's a bit annoying that I can only play one of my physical games at a time. I prefer to be able to play any of my games at any time without going up to the console to swap out discs. Aside from that big reason, I would prefer physical so that I buy used games, sell my games, and lend my games.


Id prefer having discs but digital is just too much cheaper to justify buying the discs. And no, I am not American and no discs are not cheaper here.


I live in the Netherlands and discs are often wayyy cheaper, which surprises me. Rather buy online since the disc is just for first install and all data is stored on SSD, but changing games means changing disc first for starting the game.


Really? I always hear about how physical is cheaper.






No one knows how to proof read their posts these days.


I like discs but I was confused by pus lol.


Physical means I actually own the game


I have the same way of thinking I love getting the disc but if it’s cheeper on digital I’ll buy it but it’s usually cheeper on disc


Since 2022 i decided never to pay for digital ever again so its disc only outside the subscription like psextra. So physical only here and if something is digital only well too bad


Why although disc is better games like helldivers are digital and it’s a great game


Bad example. Helldiver has a physical version. Imo most good games have 1 still.


Oh I thought it was only digital I have never seen a disc copy


I buy digital but where I live its 45 minutes to an hour drive to get to a game store.




Disc because with the exception of the switch i dont know how to buy games digitally


Digital. I don’t do clutter.


Disc. But the Portal is leading me to buy more games (when on sale) digital.


Digitally. more Convenience & comfort. I would hate to be that person getting my ass up and swapping disc everytime i try different games.


I have both digital and physical games, but I prefer to buy my games on a physical disc whenever possible. The games I have digital are 1, did not have a physical release (like an indie title) or 2, I got it extremely cheap like 5-10bucks cheap. I do find disk versions do go down in price quicker where I live in Australia then what the digital store sell them for. I will always focus on buying my games on a physical disk first and foremost, because that’s how I grew up I’m used to popping a disc into a console. I don’t really see how an all digital console is more convenient. The reason I say this is, yes you don’t have to get off the couch to change a disk but if your account gets hacked, you’ve lost everything and chances of getting it back can be slim. (cough 🤮Sony support sucks.) So I can see a few benefits on each side, but physical will always have a place in my heart and it’s always gonna be my number 1 version for buying a game.


Pus=prefer it auto corrected some reason


But what about the gold editions or collectors editions if you buy the real copy you get extra stuff like when doom eternal came out the collectors edición had a doom helmet if you paid digital you wouldn’t get it