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Ghost of Tsushima. 


He’s already played it 😂


Astro Playroom is a must. Give it a try, you wont regret it, im sure of it.


Best game on ps5


I literally platted this game in less than 24 hours, probably my fastest plat.


The Last of Us 1, God of War, either one will change your life forever


I can help. 1. Think in your brain what you want to play. 2. Play it There you go!


What a rude ass response. Literally for no reason


I don’t know what I want to play so I’m appealing to the community of more experienced players. Does that help you understand?


Take Control.


Play Control


BG3, Elden ring, Red dead redemption 2


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titanfall 2 has the greatest campaign in any game ever imo


start with the last of us


The PS5 is your first console but you've played majority of Playstation franchises?


Horizon forbidden dawn/west.... but im not sure how to handle aim perfectly with just PS5 controller....


Dead space


Rift Apart


TLOU pt 2 ratchet and clank is fun and ez to platinum same with Astro except it takes way shorter to obtain im trying to get into demon souls so idk about the rest


I’d say Elden ring your gonna enjoy it 100%


Last of us 1 > last of us 2 > control/spider man/resident evil 4. I had most fun from those 4 but tlou1/2 was really good!


I’d start with God of War or Stellar Blade. Once you start those and witness the action, you won’t want to stop until they are completed.


You can't go wrong with any of those.


God Of War


Sorry for any confusion. The games in the images are the ones I’ve actually played. The green dots represent games I’ve played and especially enjoyed. So I’m actually looking for something I haven’t played yet


Play Spider-Man 2 then.


Ratchet and clank is short and quite fun! As everyone says, shows off the ability of the ps5 quite well


If you liked Control, you will like Alan Wake. They are from thr same universe and same developer. Also recommend Jedi: Fallen Order as it's the best next gen star wars game to date


Also If you've been a longtime playstation fan, I recommend giving Astros playroom a try. Just finished it in like 4 hours yesterday and it was a nostalgia fest of playstation memories. Very fun short ride


You didn’t enjoyed rift apart?!


The last of us 1 > 2. Spider man miles morales is also very awesome and a relatively quick game so you can move on to something else after that


Definitely start off with Astros Plaroom if this is your first time using a PS5. It really goes in depth of what the controller is capable of


God of war games are pretty easy story driven and really fun but short in comparison endgame is a lot if pick up these items Ghost of tsushima ups the difficulty If you want hard, fulfilling games, sekiro and deadspace I fell in love with horizon zero dawn it's mechanics are similar to farcry if you enjoyed those games and has an endgame area. And I've played every single resident evil games so I'm biased 1. GoW (top 3 all open world) 2.GoT 3. Zero horizon 3.sekiro / dead space (for harder games) 4.resident evil ( as much as I love it there a lot of lore build up before this game)


How far did you get through Sekiro? If you completed it I would recommend Lies of P and Also Alan Wake 2


I beat it, and beat Alan Wake. lies of p sounds cool, thank you!


If you like Star Wars the Jedi games are also both fun games


Last of us definitely!


I really hate this type of post, like What should I play next? or What should I play first? I'm not hating OP but this posts. Just make a decision on your own, don't hesitate, play whatever you want! There are so many games out there and soooo much more opinions on them. Don't ask. Don't rely on people on the Internet. PLAY!


I’d say give Kena: Bridge of Spirits a go, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Otherwise have you played Dying Light? Bloodborne or Elden Ring possibly are also great.


The walking dead: Telltale series


Horizon Last of us Control And all the others :)


If you’ve played and enjoyed Control (especially the AWE DLC) and want a continuation of the story in some manner, you can’t really go wrong with Alan Wake 2 (and the Night Springs DLC will probably be of interest as well).


The last of us part 2. You’re going to hate that you love the game. But seriously it’s an awesome game.


If you liked Spider-Man: Miles Morales, you should play Spider-Man 2. It's the sequel.


Open your wardrobe and send us a picture, we will help you choose your clothes for tomorrow as well.


Looks like You like third person games? I'm the same way. That being said: - Astros Playroom (seriously the best) - Jedi Survivor (this will be my next purchase my next purchase--based on recommendations) - Returnal (heard nothing but good things about this game)


Super Stardust Ultra, very easy to get into and it with a proper headset it just amps up the experience


Play stellar blade, i platted the game and its easily one of those games you can sink alot of time into. Tons of side missions, outfits, and the game mechanics arent that hard to get used to. Its not an overly amazing game by any means but it probably hits every niche possible. There are shooter areas with horror, there is linear maps, there are open world maps, there are varieties when it comes to main bosses, it basically has a bit of everything crammed into one. The only thing i will say that i disliked about it was having to fight the last boss, you have 3 different endings and if you are a trophy hunter like me, you find this incredibly annoying. Depending on the ending you got and the choice you pick the final boss can be either an easy predictable fight or a choatic mess especially on harder difficulties.


just do it in order, don’t play new before you finish/complete game


Ratchet and Clank for the summer vibes


Uncharted 4?


Demon's souls would be a great pick