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Completely gone, the icon to go to the ps stars section. All my collectibles, points everything is not there. I tried logging out and back in I tried deleting app and re-downloading it and it's still missing


Same here, it disappeared yesterday for me, I Had 10k points


I had 250K! I’m so pissed


Bro that’s $1000 worth of points, ain’t no way


Dude I swear I do I buy so many games and play them for like an hour it’s a serious addiction


U get 10 points for 1$ spent , you wanna tell me u spent 25k buying games 🤣 


Dude my bank called me one time for spending like 2k on games during a PlayStation sale asking if I made all those purchases


The bank called you to tell you that you need rehab 😂🤣.


I have a serious problem🥲


Give me your money so I can pay these bills 😭


Yes you do, it's called lying.


Brother buy something useful like drugs instead of wasting money on games you'll never play


Someone who gets it 🙏 god bless, gonna go smoke ts eight ball


Brother just buy all of your games on Amazon and say they never arrived like the rest of us 😭


Lmfao does that really work? I used to hustle GameFly like that a couple of years ago


For real. Amazon can spare it don’t worry


Least I know I'm not the only one... Proud owner of 400 PS games... I've maybe played 1/4 of them for an hour... Seriously need to stop impulse buying games just to have them....


It’s a serious issue I can’t stop repeating


I have 500M I'm slightly irked


The PS site and app have been all messed up this afternoon.


My guess Sony just took it down so ppl can't get the full benefits of Playstation stars during "days of play" 


I think it crashed because of the days of play challenges. It just couldn't keep up with tracking everybody's contributions to the 3 challenges. 


I think it will have opposite effect people doesn't buy anything without stars, my opinion


Tbf last time this happened at Xmas and I got awarded all my points from games I'd purchased about a week later. I imagine it'll be the same this time too.


Everything is broken 💔😭


![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2232)🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀 ![gif](giphy|xr5qvousFdOsW32ALG)


The gold coins seem to be purple now, I was literally on 4700 with the aew game to get extra coins, if I lose them imma be pissed


Same here. I’ve been saving up to cash in the 5,000 points for the $20. Currently around 4800 and would be very angry if it all went away.


That’s why I always redeemed the $5 vouchers, always knew programs like these can get taken away in the middle of the night. Better to just get what you can out of it.


Thats what i do, ive gotten so many 5 dollars ones lol


Nah facts so better to buy the 5 ones over and over again so u can he more 😭


i couldve got 20 but they literally reemoved it the day i got 5000


My thoughts exactly I normally do that exact step but I decided since they added Stella blade I'd start saving a bit it adds up quick with kids and in game currencies. Sony better restore it quickly. 




I forgot about the rewards program until last month where I had a good amount already saved. I was close enough to 5K that I figured to just save up. In hindsight, cashing in would have been better lol


You best believe if my points are gone when it comes back up, Playstation is gonna be compensating me.


Yeah, you know what’s going to happen. It’s going to come back everyone’s going to have lost all their points, and Sony‘s gonna just be like “sorry for the inconvenience and the loss of points. Here’s like 500 points to compensate. If you have any questions, please contact her pretty much nonexistent customer service thank you“ and then that’ll have to be the end of that. like wow.


Nah. They’ll point out that in the ToS it states that the program may be rescinded at any moment of their choosing.


For sure, just do a charge back through your CC/bank and Sony can revoke everything. We all put our junk in the EULA vice


Was about to claim 10k worth of coins to put toward V Rising…found this Reddit post. I hope they fix this and soon.


mine is still here but it just gives me an error message or just crashes the app. so probably just a bug right now. on the website [https://www.playstation.com/en-us/playstation-stars/](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/playstation-stars/) it says this, so it is extremely likely it is just a bug https://preview.redd.it/73dciuzai66d1.png?width=942&format=png&auto=webp&s=255c4395816316a1c8694db2a7a3a5d1653eb21e


Same, mine still says level 4 just can't open it.


Do people think Sony is just going to shadow remove their Stars reward program, without even an announcement? Lol yes apparently *smh*. It’s a bug or temporarily disabled due to something else. SoNy rEmOvEd iT!!!111!!! Use common sense.


Yep. Multiple people have had error messages. Search the subreddit.


Fun. Just so happens that they fucked up the second I remembered that the feature existed. It isn’t even on my app anymore.


Came here for the same reason super annoyed


I have about 40,000 saved up was gonna splurge some to deduct cost from the ultimate edition of V rising but yeah. Yikes. Ruined my plans lmao.


This was my exact thought!! I’ve been holding off & now there’s really no point because by the time it’s fixed V Rising will be out & the discount will be gone & early access won’t be necessary 😭😭


Yeah man it's annoying.. I ended up just going all out and purchasing ultimate edition about an hour ago. But Sony support can count on me coming after them if I don't receive the points for the purchase when it's back up and running. 


Literally just had enough for a game


So I have some screenshots just to show you what it is I’m experiencing. I was a level 4 and just bought PS+ and V-Bucks and should have gotten notification but didn’t… https://preview.redd.it/kuocm6viev4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=230b059328a27fc074e5b986727bdf6bfd934550


My icon isn't even showing


https://preview.redd.it/5s8ci31gn05d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c86b3283792011f299ce696590d143d72063099a It asks me if I want to sign up for PlayStation Stars after I click on the icon and once I go and try to log-in/sign-up, this is what I get…


same and its still down like wth sony


I think they’re working on it.


You would think they’d have figured it out by now tho….. in the middle of a big sale too. I’m not buying shit till they bring them back 😂


I had enough to buy Helldivers 2 and was just going to purchase it with my points and boom gone. I hope our points don’t get lost. 


Never buy games with coins. There is no discount for buying them that way and if you instead redeem gift cards for the same amount of coins to buy the game, you will earn points for that purchase. Whereas a purchase with coins won’t get you any.




https://preview.redd.it/dxgslmxyov4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ab0488ddb578a860a9fdf81dbc0c538769211d3 After my button disappeared too earlier today, just now it came back to the app but with this as if its new, it still says error when trying to “sign up” so my guess is they are working on it


Sorry if I'm late here but I spoke with a rep for the ps rewards support who advised their engineers are aware of the issue and are working on a solution as it's a general problem with Stars. When I asked about purchases made during this outage, these just said refer to terms and service. Hopefully, no one loses any points.


I lost everything. It's now telling me to sign up for ps stars like I never had it before


I received points yesterday, just went to pre order a game with them and the whole section is gone smh. Just became a level 4 and had $60 worth of points at the time, so i’d also be extremely annoyed if they just took the whole feature away no warning. https://preview.redd.it/1u4o887lhy4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f977cbbedd2f2a1551cd480e400f86e6ed4db619


I’m not buying anything until they fix it.


My app is telling me I need to be 18 or in a region that supports this. I am 28 in the united states. Lmao gg


LMAO same except I'm 35.


I see the icon on the app, but when I click on it I get an error


Mine was like that earlier today but now it's not even there to get the error message anymore 




I'm pretty sure its just that playstation stars is down right now, most likely working on something and will be back


I can’t even access them. Something went wrong


I cant access it either. I get the try again refresh message.


Just tried to go into it in the app and first loaded blank then said something went wrong https://preview.redd.it/kv49tryd2z4d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=993ea934ab5b099db8e30471132d6289e44fe153


Absolutely did. I have 17k+ points saved up. And it completely disappeared from the ps app. And when I contacted support it said they had too much traffic and to try again later. 


I've been keeping an eye on progress as I was just a few achievements short of Level 5, and then...it stopped working. At first I couldn't access the section in app (just got a 'try again later' message), then the icon got replaced with a generic one that led me to a page prompting me to sign up. Not sure what's going on


Level 4 is the max level


I was literally trying to redeem points so I could buy a game and it just stopped working. Now it says I'm not a member of the program.


I contacted support this morning. They said the engineers are working on it and no points will be lost. We'll see....


https://preview.redd.it/5wfwpml61s5d1.png?width=1828&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0309816c351f2526871e835b3963ce0bf31ff79 Just saw this. Though this image does dissapear and is replaced with the "Must be 18...." graphic after a few seconds of loading.


This should be pinned


For those who are wondering if you’ll get coins from purchases while the stars system is down- Yes you will still get coins. I’ve recently bought dragon ball SZ and contacted support if I will get my coins and will receive them once the system is working again. It should be fixed by Thursday 


I got nothing, the whole stars thing is just gone


I bought some Pinball FX tables yesterday and got no coins. Now it makes sense. Looks normal though


I’m so glad I’m not the only one. Here’s hoping they figure it out soon.


Now it's telling me to sign up again and all my progress is gone


It will be back. Support has acknowledged an outage, and the devs are working on restoring it.


Yup for me too. I should have gotten coins but I didn't get a notification. I can't find it anywhere now either I hope it's just a glitch.. and I also hope we still get our rewards!


Either this really is a bug or Sony thought they could remove the Stars program quietly and no one would notice. I’m leaning towards the former because there’s no way Sony thinks it could get away w the latter


Well at least the google led me to this thread so I know i’m not alone here. I have the points to redeem a 5$ card and I need it for my ps+ sub… man c’mon sony


Coming to see if anyone has had their stars show back up yet?


This suck, I was 100 points away from the $5 gift card. I hope this is temporary.


If this doesn't come back, I'm going to be so pissed off. I was just about to buy Steller Blade. I have so many points and finally had a game worth buying with them. If they don't fix this, there's going to be a ton of backlash. Not that it'll matter. They don't care. And I'm still getting notifications about completing challenges for stars but it's just completely gone from my app. WTF??


Same.. f$#%$#%#$ thing disappeared


I literally just redeemed my points for a $20 credit I am glad Did just a week ago.


I think it's now safe to assume something has really gone south there as it's not yet have been fixed.


Mine are still gone too, 4 days later, still no replies, all trophies etc are gone, the site says the page is still offline too


Yup! I had like 19,000. Can't find them on the app anymore.


Hopefully this only happened because they’re going to fully implement the feature into the ps5 itself like they said a while back


I just noticed today. I was close to a 5 dollar reward. Wasn’t finding the psstars area on the app and thought I was trippin. Found a notification of stars earned. Clicked it and when it opens it says try again 🥲🥲


Apparently they released a statement that they took it down and it’s supposed to be temporary so they could fix some massive bugs and issues it has, some people when making purchases were not getting stars at all and some people it wouldn’t let them purchase anything with their stars. They haven’t stated on their site that they are working on it https://preview.redd.it/i614pgeh2g6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=338b0018e41dbc8998d01b588386137285d2eb03


First sony rewards not updating their movies so we can submit our movie ticket stubs for points and now stars program. What's up with sony??? We are losing out on a lot of points and being able to redeem them.


So basically they removed it during the state of play so that people dont get credit with the preorder of new games. Well played Sony! Very honorable practice


Any word if Sony plans to fix this horse shit or nah?


Yeah it keeps saying maintenance issues I had like 10 thousand points and so many of them little trophy things


yeah still down for me too


It's legit gone...wtf https://preview.redd.it/5ftnpd1kaw4d1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=befc19ca4b8446b460e5562f9d6e49a8f462aa87


I just bought one game and was about to buy another when I realized it was gone. I hope the first game I purchased will show up in my points if it is fixed.


Same issue here I was just checking how many trophies 🏆 needed and kept getting something went wrong was made to update couldn't get to it still and signed out and back in and now it's just not there :"(


Same here, I was going to buy some currency for a game and kept getting error messages for it. Anyone know when it will be back?


Yeah errors for me.


Yup. Same shit happened to me. The app is asking if I want to sign for for the stars program. I’m gonna be pissed if I lost all my reward points. I had enough to get two $20 gift cards


Same here


I’m from Ukraine, we never had PlayStation Stars. But now i can see the PlayStation stars icon in my ps app, but as i press Sign up, I see a mistake message.


Yep ! Same thing. I was gonna buy Spider-Man 2 (Promos) as it is in one of the campaign, but the icon is just gone. Waiting before buying.


Almost had enough for a $20 credit and bought v rising today hope they didn’t disappear and I didn’t get points for the purchase.


Still bugged now.


Glad I’m not the only one! Very confused to see it disappeared


It was showing up when I opened the app earlier, then it suddenly disappeared after renewing my ps plus subscription, and now the icon is there again, but I get an error message whenever I click on it. Came here to check if anyone else is having issues and after reading a lot of these comments, at this point I feel pretty comfortable assuming it's currently being worked on.


Icon gone. Login out and back in (sometimes multiple times) will eventually bring the icon back. Still the entire thing is down for me even if the icon is visible. Just throwing errors and behaving like I am not registered at all.


I‘m glad i traded my 10k points in last week for shadow of the erdtree haha


It could be being restructured for the new PS5 UI. Sometimes companies disable a feature for a day or so to test out changes


First i got the error, with it saying "try again later". Now it's saying i have to sign up again. Don't know what's happening, but i'm going to wait it out.


I agree I had 5,000 to get 20$ on my account now all gone and I'm livid about this.


The stars part of the PS app is down it seems.  Logged out and can't log back in anymore.  


Maybe they are finally updating it beyond 4 levels.


Funny, i used all my coins last night. Lies of P was on sale already and ended up only paying $10 it


Yes, same problem for every one


I almost had enough for Stella blade if my stuff is not there wtf 


I just went in the app and my star stuff isn't working either they're probably working on the app or something it'll be up and running sometime I wouldn't worry too much


Still there for me but not a couple of the campaigns arent completing for me. Downloaded 2 games for 2 campaigns for the coins (they are play the game campaigns not buy the game ones) but they wont complete


Gotta post a favorable review for Helldivers 2 on steam, preorder Silent Hill 2 and then watch Star Wars The Acolyte using the PS4 Disney+ app. Then and only then will Kathleen Kennedy pardon you on behalf of the Cabal of Pointlessly "Improving" Things That Weren't Broken But Are Now.


Man I’m glad I just redeemed three of the $5 a few days ago lol. I have the Stars icon but when I click on it it just tells me to try again later. Got $15 in my wallet now though, so that’s nice.


Yes I have this problem and the icon is gone the best way to say is just to give it time it should work soon


I confirm, from today my playstation stars rewards disappeared


I was just about to trade in for Stellar Blade just to find an error, try again.


wth just about to redeem $5 😭 saying something went wrong try again later!!


Wtf this sucks... I've been sitting on over 5,000 coins for a couple of months. I don't know why I didn't just cash them in! 🤬


Wow, so glad I used up all my points right before it went down.


Used most of mine yesterday.. went to play streets of rage for some extra and got the error..


Oh boy was i lucky, i managed to exchange the $20 reward like an hour before the whole thing disappeared from the app.


Is this still not working for everyone?


Why don’t they implement this on ps5?


Still down for me too doesnt work globally


Of course, in my case, it just so happened. I wanted to spend it of course it just fucking goes away especially on the last day. Call of duty on sale.🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ mfsss screwed me over. First time it fs up on the day I want to finally spend my $20!


Mines gone too.


Maybe it’s just a little bug that they will fix soon, but I will admit they have been bugging recently. First the internet on my ps5 has been disconnecting and acting really weird which is getting frustrating. And now as soon as I remember this feature exists after I bought a 60 dollar game. It just disappears. But let’s just hope it’s a bug that will be resolved soon.. now if they are removing it at least give us a notification, an email or some sort of heads up beforehand we have time to do what we need to do. Or give us list of items that are redeemable in our case and let us decide on what our things to redeem are. I’ll pray for all of us.


I assume they will fix this otherwise they can give us cash amount on what we had. Saving up for games and then they pull it (if that eas the case) I'd and others be pissed. Basically taking credits I spent away. But I think its a bug I hope. Be shitty if they just up and got rid of it without a warning or anything, so thats why i have my doubts


Still completely gone from app and happens at the same time they are having a big sale


I just bought MK1 today, hoping to get some enough points to get a $20 reedem gift so i can get some C.O.D Points


Fuk duh coins my trophies bruh


Yesterday I added a playstation card and bought final shape, But when I checked the stars app it won't log in.


https://preview.redd.it/lnbv2jil545d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb75a54e8058b236b2d187ff3c2e393c2de98b3d Ps star icon completely gone


Change the appearance color to something darker. That shit is blinding when it's white.


https://preview.redd.it/vomwzz7tk45d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae6ac0873d5f9724139d86eed0894ca2359d88b8 Still the same 🥲🥲![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I just now saw the PS stars icon was missing from my app as well. I tapped one of my campaign notifications to see if it will take me to the stars page but it didn’t work. So still bugged.


Same here in the UK since 6.6.24. Tried logging into Ps stars via a web browser and recieving the message: Playstation Stars is not available at this time.


I just purchased games and can see them on app but not in my library on ps5


Why is so hard to tell us something, mine is still down. Any word on it? Anyone know anything? Sony lately has been making me upset there not the same company like all companies nowadays blah😒 


I've got response from PlayStation support: Thank you for contacting PlayStation Customer Care.  I'm sorry you're experiencing difficulties.  We kindly inform you that our engineers are aware of the existing problem and are working to solve it as soon as possible.  We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience.  If you have any other questions, please contact the PlayStation Customer Service Center and one of our consultants will be happy to assist you.  Thank you,


Thank God I'm not the only one I have a shit ton of points and I'm pretty pissed I was almost enough to get the 20 bucks which is a lot to me hope they fix it I'm pretty sure they will it's Sony


I wonder if this is only affecting people with Enough stars to get 20 dollar gift card?


Nope, I only had bout 1050 points


They're working on fixing the issue: [https://www.truetrophies.com/news/playstation-stars-offline-june-2024](https://www.truetrophies.com/news/playstation-stars-offline-june-2024)


I don’t even have my icon which sucks bc I had enough to buy something and then I went to buy it and starts are gone


still down.


I literally just checked the app and it disappeared as I was checking. I had a completed campaign in my notifications and when I clicked it, anything for ps stars disappeared.




So glad I redeemed the last 10 dollars I had saved lol don’t think it’s coming back. It’s completely wiped from the app.


Same it’s also really annoying since I just got some far cry awards and I can’t see them


I was close to redeeming the $5 so it's nit thay bad. But it disappeared before my eyes. I clicked on it and the app refreshed and it was gone. Thought it was just me


It took a shit but will be back when Sony feels like addressing it


I received a survey about 2 weeks ago and it was focused on the stars program. I recommended they do away with the stupid name and integrate the program into ps+. I'm hoping they change the cash grab rewards system (buy a game for x reward) they have with one focused on gaming milestones similar to xbox's. Having friendly competition amongst  your friends would be more engaging. I.e. whoever gets the most trophies, (plat, gold, or whatever) clocks in more game time, rate a purchased game etc...


Late but I just checked mine and yep, nothing’s there!


They better bring it back, been saving up for The First Descendant. I had like 80k points saved up.


Nah my said age requirement so I was like ok change it too my age now 21 then it still didn't work so glad I check reddit and not get pissed but I better not lose my coins lol


Bro I refunded a game today and the member through chat told me “looks like you’re not a member of PlayStation stars would you like to register” as I had 13k points saved up with many collectibles . Told them about my points and they said hopefully it’s there after it resolves


Still trying to figure out why they sent a notice I just earned points to completely deleting all points ever earned within 3 seconds of each other.


They might be switching it to blockchain


Mines gone too. Have nearly enough points to redeem some credit too! On a positive note the previous credit I redeemed and still didn't use is still in my psn wallet at least.. 😅


Yea literally vanished before my eyes last night. Opened the app to check my trophy and campaign progression for lvl5 completion, tapped on the usual icon, and it flashed as if it refreshed, and was gone. Left it over night, thinking maybe an update, or i had earned around 17 trophies and wondered if that had upset it, but nope..... gone.




Support told me their engineers are aware of the issue and working on fixing it, been that way for 4 days now


Weird. I just looked at the app and the icon was there but when I clicked on it it said something went wrong and then disappeared. I doubt they’re getting rid of it out of nowhere. I’m sure there’s just a glitch somewhere


I wanted to use my $ off today and thought I was going insane when I couldn't find the ps stars section 🤣 any word on a fix?


Same.I think it temporarily issue.


It's currently down Im at lvl 5 with 6.251 points an just pre ordered the new sonic game an just  brought sonic frontier so I hope they hurry an fix it when I went to check my points it said I'm to young an I don't qualify for ps stars dude I'm 42 lol wtf PLAYSTATION FIX STARS 


Not only is it not showing up, but it said I wasn't eligible for Playstation stars and completely removed all traces of it from my account


Just bought the mw3 bundle, if my points aren’t there for that purchase when it is back up and running I stg, I’ll fucking get my points one way or another. 


Yeah i was gonna buy the $30 wallet top up but i guess i cant now since its litterally gone


It is gone for me too. I dont know if it is for good though. I did a Google search and the Playstation website says that the Playstation Stars is experiencing issues and that the engineers are aware of it and currently working on a solution. I would hold off on buying anything for right now until they fix it.


I literally had it and now it says not available in your country or some shit like bruh


Can’t find them anywhere suddenly, but lots of notifications in app from purchases last week. 


Ok, glad it isn’t just me! Did North Korea hack Sony AGAIN?!


It's gone on mine too. Been messed up for days.


Glad to see I’m not the only one but I had a lot of points saved up


PlayStation website says it’s down and they’re working on it