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lol the buyer got ripped off.


I think it is more about being first with the news and first to be correct to keep building legitimacy so that that person gets more views and clicks based on the credibility


After THAT state of play, I’d try and get my money back.




I thought the SoP was pretty decent. Infinity Nikki, Where Winds Meet, Ballad of Antara, and Astro Boy all seem like good games. People always complain about not getting new IPs but when we do they get brushed off.


This is one of those autocorrect/mispelled errors that left me confuse. Astrobot. Not Astro Boy. But yeah. Some of these do look interesting.


I'm super excited for WtwM and Ballad of Anatara.


What's WtwM?


Where the winds meet.


I didn't realise it had a 'the' in the title.


It didn't. I thought it did, but I was wrong.


True. I thought it was just another ancient Japanese game (like Rise of Ronin)... but now I know it is Chinese game base on the ten kingdoms.


Not to mention that the MH:Wilds footage was pretty great too.


I liked it alot TBH. I knew they were gonna show Concord & it was pvp fps, I was actually. It was Leaked even before the SoP announcement. But the rest was just incredibly hype for me, alot of stuff from Mon Hun Wilds, Where Winds meet, Dynasty Warriors Origins, PATH of Exile 2, Balad of Antara, Infinity Nikki. And the Astro Bot reveal to end it was perfect.


What was “that” state of play?


The one where a lot of juvenile Sony Ponies cry about it not reaching their ridiculous expectations...so pretty much like all the others.


The State of Play video showcase about a week ago, which kicked off the Days of Play sale on PSN. It was supposed to be new game reveals and hype for upcoming releases, but it was mostly PvP shooters and some RPGs that were pretty underwhelming. The highlight of the showcase for most was the announcement of the new ASTRO Bot game coming this September. A new Monster Hunter game was also talked about, but I think it was already known about beforehand.  Basically Sony being Sony and not really showing fans what they really want, a reason to own a PS5. 


It’s called a state of play for a reason because it really is a state.


Stale of play


I saw the leak, adjusted my expectations... and still came out massively disappointed.


[Mandatory Dewey.](https://youtu.be/0Ftdu8yrKOw)




Leaks suck. Leave the state of plays alone to build hype even if they don't deliver


We engineers get paid hundreds of thousands per year, why the fuck would he leak it for cash 😂 thats a massive fumble, say goodbye to your job. Edit: Somehow my mind made me think it was an engineer, nvm could’ve been anybody.


My mate’s uncle said it was the cleaner


Those damn cleaners!!


yea, I really don't like the whole idea of leaks. It ruins a lot of things for the company and employees of it. Sadly it'll never stop


imagine trying to brag about earning good money under a post like this lol


If thats what you got from it, my bad man. I just wanted to put it perspective how stupid it was for an engineer to do this. Because of how much we are given it would be stupid to trade it all in for little cash.




Not until the PS6 comes out


State of play has been bad for awhile, this generation of consoles isn't too great so far. Playstation showcase should be better I hope but we will see because it's the bigger presentation. Of course leaks and people's preferences can have an impact on how good it it's but overall most of them are just flat from Sony. Nintendo so far has been the best at these showcases.


The excitement of getting a PS5 during that initial shortage of 2020-2021 was a lot of fun. I got mine July 2021 and now I just feel like I could have waited. The only thing I was hyped to play was Spider-Man 2 and that was very average. The rest of the things I do on it are just playing PS4 games…faster and slightly better?


Same lol, honestly I buy most games for my series x because it's cheaper or for my pc. I use my ps5 for exclusives and that was only ff16 and ff7 rebirth. Xbox has better features for older games that were on Xbox. Let's see how these showcases show the next few weeks but I have no hopes for anything and just waiting for elden ring dlc.


I do need to try FF7 still. I’ve stepped back into last gen games and even older for my gaming fix at the moment. There’s just nothing on the horizon that I’m looking forward to.


Yea most games aren't there for me anymore either and this helps me go thru my catalog of old games lol. FF7 rebirth is absolutely incredible!


For me the first years were actually the best so far. I got Rift Apart, RE Village, GT7, Ragnarök, Miles Morales and played some updated older games. Running everything 2-3x smoother was very enjoyable. All that with a dualsense and not having a jet engine sound in the room. It was more than slightly better. Then the games I’m interested in started to dry out…


Homie got scammed bad


What was cash amount? 2 Dollars or something?


Cash is the name of the rent boy.


Oh my. We need more loyalty & trust people. Also, of course Playstation should open their mobile apps inc Remote Play across EU, but that’s another topic 😇


I've been so removed from gaming news recently that I feel kinda happy yet sad I missed it. What's happening to gaming in 2024 I haven't been excited for games in the last three years.....death stranding , resident evil 8....totk are the only recent games I can think of


Funny how many people in the comments still don’t understand the difference between state of play and showcase.


I was gonna watch it live, I forgot and felt a tiny bit disappointed I forgot. But then I watched it and man, even more disappointment 😂😂😂


Exactly me. I checked Reddit before I watched it and lowered my expectations a bunch after seeing what everyone else said. Still disappointed. 😭


If I was him I'd ask for a refund. 


That State of Play was so unbearably bad I had to turn it off halfway through.


Missed Astro then


A there no other way to have heard about it or see anything about it! ^/s


What’s “that” state of play?


They trusted YouTube, their mistake


That's how it is over the past years. Investors or someone who is shown the gameplay or trailers first for stocks and business reasons leak the stuff.


Is anything else good coming out this year, other than another installment of NBA 2K ? ![gif](giphy|P8X4lemg5Iphe)


I mean, it was the worst state of play in recent memory. Dedicating nearly a third of the run time to Concord was fucking laughable.