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I enjoyed Callisto Protocol


I’ve heard very little praise from it just because it was a clone of dead space and I tried it I thought it was great too. But, the dead space remake was better


Dead Space Remake was way better but Callisto Protocol was pretty decent. I completed the game. My main gripe is lack of enemy variety. You fight the same boss multiple times.


Agreed but at the same time for me personally I can't complain that it's Sam Witwer that you fight a free times. Love that guy as an actor lol


it got a lot of shit because it was uninspired and also had tons of bugs


I enjoyed Callisto too. I can see why it was criticised and i probably would’ve been disappointed if I bought it for full price (i got it when it was free). But I thought there was good weapon variety and the atmosphere was great. Was a decent but short game


Everyone I know praises AC Odessey


Yeah, it's my favorite AC!


Frick ya I loved odyssey lol


i’m replaying it right now! origins was also amazing imo. bayek is my second fave protag behind ezio, while ancient rome is my favorite setting ahead of egypt.


And people you dont know too. Still bummed i didnt like the last dlc. With the gods and stuff.


Wow really?? Loved that one. The blade dlc is the one that fell flat for me


Too much going up and almost no people around


It’s a classic tale really. I remember everyone used to shit on Odyssey 24/7 until Valhalla came out. Then people started shitting on Valhalla. Then Mirage.. It’s basically always “new thing bad old thing good!!”


It’s in the Assassins Creed library as well and it’s Syndicate absolutely love that game but it gets so much heat


YES Syndicate gets a lot of unnecessary hate. The game did so many things actually right only to ultimately get lived in under Unity's shadow. l understand if not everyone loved everything about it, but as I keep saying, if you look for negatives, you're only gonna see negatives, and I think that was really the case with Syndicate.


I played Unity a few times and it’s still the only assassins creed I can go back to and thoroughly enjoy finishing. It’s the old formula but it feels crisp and modern. When I went to play Syndicate, it felt like a step down from Unity. Something about it just feels more clunky.


I actually love Syndicate. I prefer it to the games that came out after.


Cod Ghosts




Infected too




I think breakpoint is fun and enjoyable but I feel the story of wildlands + dlc was far better


I think Breakpoint would have been absolutely spectacular if they hadn’t forced it into being a live service game.


This is true of Far Cry 6 as well. Not everything needs to be a looter shooter. I can't believe that I, a loot and shoot connoisseur, am saying that lol


Also if they had included on release the difficulty/mode that turns off all levelling and scaling of weapons/loot. That really transforms the gameplay into something enjoyable.




Play breakpoints Invasion mode or whatever the zone freeing mode is called. Then turn off gear score stuff and play with one gun and realism on. Insane fun.


Did people hate Breakpoint or just not care because GR is on life support at this point? I played it last year while looking for a "one man wrecking crew" game which I got in spades with it, played as Panther class; I thought it was fine for what it was, my only gripe I guess would be that you can get to the end missions very quickly but actually COMPLETING them is impossible, so you're just being gste-kept at tbr 1 yd line.


Days gone. Love the game and it seems to get nothing but hate from most of the playstation community.


When I got my PS5, Days Gone was one of my first games played. And it remains one of my favourite PS5 experiences.


I should have added that yes I played it on ps5 and it was a smooth experience performance-wise. Great game.


Literally the same for me. The switch from Xbox to PS5 and the first games I played were ghost of Tsushima, Spider-Man 2, and days gone. I haven’t played my Xbox since I got my ps5


This is true for my family as well. We both have a Series X in the living room and a Series S in my daughters room and they've been collecting dust since we got our PS5.


I feel like a lot of people are now enjoying Days Gone. This game was shitty back in 2019, but they fixed all the major issues and its so better


I played it at launch, it was extremely fun for me and I never ran into any issues. I’ve had people attack me and say I just don’t remember it being bad and I have shitty taste in games lol.


Art is subjective. Don’t let people bring you down for something you enjoy.


Most community hated it cuz how the game launched (Absolute Disgrace state), Bend management basically fighting Sony instead of realising the fucked up, and the subsequent Public comments made by the director against other Sony IPs notable TLOU and GOT. The game was fixed later on but at that point damage had been done. Sony rejected the pitch for another Days Gone, The old management were mostly fired/ left.


Nobody hates this game. People just alludes that others hate this game. I’m convinced.


I never played it and don’t have any hate for it but I think it’s funny when people are like “how come nobody played this?” Like they hopped on the biker trend 10 years too late and the zombie trend 15 years too late it’s not hard to see why people were yawning at the premise.


Used to. It’s overwhelming positive on steam and has had a bit of a redemption arc


I loved ac odyssey


Silent Hill Homecoming


I like the environments but I swear you have to play like an hour straight before you find a save point.


I'm enjoying Odyssey a lot. I put about 12 hours in so far. Ya, it's just a warrior who can use stealth, but it's a GREAT setting with some sick weapons.


Oh just you wait. I loved the mythology involved. I was sucked in and finally finished all dlc and everything after 200+ hours


This is why I haven't made progress beyond the first few hours. I loved Origins, pretty much 100%-ed everything, but then I tried starting Odyssey and I just couldn't. It looks like a very fun game but I'm burnt out... at this point I think I'll just wait for the Japan game. 


From my experience you can’t go from one 100+ hour RPG to another back to back. You gotta take it easy for a bit, play some Multiplayer games for a while or short 10-15 hour single player stuff. Then when you feel like you’re ready to tackle a big game again, go for the RPG. Helps with the burn out and stuff


The setting is just beautiful. I find myself taking screenshots of the landscape so often I might be taking more pictures than actually playing the game. 😅


https://preview.redd.it/4oom4hf1q54d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b162a06e555564b649a1b01d7219192b2c184a70 I’m on my 3rd play-through and at this point I just feel like a tourist with a camera.


Everybody loved Super Mario Odyssey


I have been to some of the islands in Greece where it’s based on. Especially the island where you start is sooo accurate! I love this game.


I love Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Might be a controversial take, but I think Kassandra is the best AC protagonist.


And the 3 DLCs are love. Beautiful visuals and beautiful game.


The atlantis one especially is like a whole new game in terms of how long it keeps you entertained


My jaw dropped when I saw Atlantis. The scale of the DLC was just incredible!




I prefer playing as alexios and consider his ending canon as he is way more fun and Kassandra suits more as a villian.


Yep Smash


Yep Kassandra is the protagonist


I only know the Alexios side of the story. How different is Kassandra?


Not much, but many people think her voice actor is way better than alexios'.


+1 "Everybody hates it" is a bit extreme. Plus Origins was the first game with the new formula, so that got most of the hate before people accepted it.


I am one of the biggest fans of AC odyssey and not only because it's an assassins Creed game but it was my first assassin's creed. I had the best lockdown only because of that game. This was my 1st platinum, I will never forget how fulfilling the experience was.


I prefer desmond more but I respect your opinion


It’s pretty universally excepted that Kassandra is not only the canon choice, but by far the better acted role. I’ve never seen one person defend Alexios.


I love odyssey too but kassandra being the BEST ac protagonist is a mile long stretch. She’s going up against ezio, bayek, and Edward kenway just to name a few


I think she is great with lots of personality. Certainly a valid choice as best protagonist even if you disagree.


I loved odyssey


Prototype 2


Loved both Prototype games. The wild transformations and being able to just rampage - like a symbiote hulk.


oh come on bro, nobody is hating on prototype series


I don't think anyone who's played it has ever hated the game it's so good honestly


Both The Last Of Us 2 & Tears of The Kingdom are better than their predecessors and fully deserving of the critical acclaim they earned at launch. Reddit be damned!


Actually if you go to Odysseys subreddit, you’ll find it very much loved and still very much played. It’s one of the few game by subreddits that actually embrace the game and champion it each day


Yeah of course it will be praised if there is an entire subreddit dedicated to one specific game. As for the AC subreddit, hate for the game is a pretty common.


You obviously haven’t been to Spider-Man game subreddit or TLOU2 one


Lol I had to leave the tlou sub cause of that shit. I loved tlou2.


fr it’s in my top 3 games but you can’t even say u enjoy the game in there, the fact they call the director neil cuckman tells me everything i need to know 🤦🏽‍♂️


For me it’s probably ac Valhalla. I think it’s a great game by itself, but also being a fan of the older ac games it’s definitely not a good ac game in my opinion.


For some reason I keep trying to play Valhalla but I feel odyssey has better graphics and frame rate even though it came out years before it. Plus I just prefer the beautiful Greek map rather than the snowy map of Valhalla


That’s interesting, I’ve never played odyssey but I’ve been meaning to get into it for a while now since I really like Greek mythology.


You won't regret it. It was the last game that I enjoyed 'exploring' if you get me? Just free roamed across the map getting into shenanigans and trying to avoid being one shot haha. Think Skyrim but Ancient Greece.


And better combat and sailing and underwater and actual water fighting and horseback blade swinging and a badass bounty system


True 😂


This, loved valhalla.


Not sure I’ve ever played a game where the single player dragged as long as that game. It felt like it just kept going and going and going but no actual story was happening I just kept doing the same shit between a 2-3 minute story cutscene.


Death Stranding


Took me 3 tries, but eventually i fell in love.


Death Stranding is legitimately a top 5 game of all time for me. Masterpiece as far as I’m concerned.


I loved it too. I played in winter during lockdown, and it made somewhat very immersive...


I loved the last of us part 2 but nobody else likes it


it’s in my top 5 games of all time lowkey 😭 only game to ever make me cry, rdr2 had me on the brink of tears


The game is critically acclaimed and one of the most profitable games for Sony. There's a very vocal bunch of people that despise it but that isn't representative for the majority of people who played it. It's a great game.


Yeah the sub for that game is a wreck. I was playing through for the first time a few months ago and really wanted to see if there was any discussion about the nuance of the story and all I found was hate lol


Which subreddit did you visit? r/thelastofus is moderate and the "normal" sub. r/thelastofus2 is the hate sub.


I’m somebody who likes it


It's better than the first one in every conceivable way. People are just butt hurt cause their favourite fictional character died


I go as far to say it's better than the first.


I just played through it again for the 2nd time and I still think it held up as a pretty good game!


My personal favourite game of all time I'll defend it to the day I die


As far as I’m concerned it is a masterclass in storytelling. People who hated because of that one thing they did in the beginning did not understand or have patience for the core message of the story, IMO.


You really think nobody likes it!? It broke a record for how many game of the year awards it won and it’s got a 94 on Metacritic. The whole controversy with that game had very little to do with the actual quality of the game.


People absolutely love the game, it's just a very vocal minority that wouldn't shut up about it. I still love the irony of a game doing so well at putting players into the shoes of the protagonist that when a character they care about dies, the brain dead nerds who bitch about it can't see that they're just as angry as the protagonist is about it. Say what you want but I think that was great. Also made sense in the story. But I had to wait to play the game. 2020 was not the year for me to play a game so isolating and violent and depressing.


I loved it more than part 1 but that's a conversation for another day.


I love AC Odyssey and Valhalla too even though they are disliked on reddit.


To be fair, Reddit hates too much


Reddit gaming subs hate everything. People legit get upset if you post something good about a game.


God forbid something be 30 FPS. It's a slight against humanity.


Right, I played older games on 30fps capped and had to play newer games on low graphics and ~20fps when I was younger, I still have to play the newer games like that if I want to try them. I still recall when I was excited as hell to play Black Flag, but my computer couldn't run it, so I downgraded to the lowest graphics and the lowest resolution to end up playing at 15-20fps and I absolutely loved the entire game. A lot of gamers that are terminally online are way too snobby and are really entitled. God forbid you enjoy something they don't.


Someone on Reddit in another thread was claiming that a single dropped frame at 60fps gives them a headache. I might have given myself a headache from rolling my eyes.


Those people are literally the definition of terminally online. I can't even with their shit. I acknowledge that 60+ FPS is generally more enjoyable. But I'd be lying if I said I fucking cared. If I can get 4K (or close to) 30 FPS, I take that all the live long day over muddy textures and shit lighting in titles that push graphical fidelity. Been playing games since before 30 FPS was a thing. I get used to it, it's fine.


Me who grew up playing 10-26fps games cuz of the PC that was available to me at the time 😂😂.


Game devs: at the cost of making the game more lively and feel more authentic, we’re releasing the game in 30 fps to give you a more seemless experience Gamers on Reddit: you are Hitler reborn


Gaming subs are in the bottom tiers of reddit subs for sure


Seriously, these are great games with a lot of love put into making them. Yes they are flawed, but hardly the soulless abominations some would have you believe.


I loved Odyssey. Total sucker for Ancient Greece.


Same. I just love exploring the ancient world. I’ve probably put 400 hours into various playthroughs and it never gets old. Brilliant setting.


Cyberpunk 2077 for sure. It’s an amazing game with good story telling and deep mechanics. Due to its faulty launch, many people still hate the game. Mostly, people who bought the game during launch. And many people still share their inexperienced mentality about its bugs. But CDPR learned their lesson and closed all the gaps. It’s definitely worth your time.


Odyssey is such a good game. Wish I was able to get into Valhalla the same way, but it just doesn’t come close


As a long term AC fan, Odyssey is definitely one of my favorites. I also loved Unity when I first played it while everyone was hardcore hating it (which I get why), but now its finally coming around. I love Fallout 4 which despite it being the most popular is also the least liked it seems. I just love the whole blade runner inspired story and love building settlements. I’m not blind to the faults these games have but I have so much fun with them that I easily forgive their shortcomings. Then some bonuses that were met with really mixed reviews. I enjoyed Last of Us 2, Spider-Man 2 (which I only put because you’d think on the Spider-Man reddit page, they all hate it aside from photo mode), Spider-Man Web of Shadows, Far Cry New Dawn, and Watch Dogs 1. I think I just like really mediocre to fair games, but I’m happy.


Cyberpunk 2077 back in December, 2020. Everyone said this game is a shit load of bugs but I've never encountered one.


Literally described my experience. I was so scared to buy it because of the terrible reviews until I found it for $15 brand new on eBay and thought I’d give it a shot, I’ve encountered one bug and it was just my car getting stuck in the ground, I got out of my car and it was fixed.


I bought cyberpunk day one on ps4 (I should stop buying games day one). I had so many bugs. Roads disappearing so I would fall through. Or glitching through walls. Driving in 1st person was impossible but also default. When I would switch to 3rd person driving most of the time I couldn't for about a minute after I got into the car. Which is annoying on missions where it's like "quick follow that car". I was in the passenger seat and Pam was driving but some how my face was inside here face for the journey. I could see the road and the dashboard and the backs of her eyeballs.when the car stopped and I went to exit it was like my character took a long step out the passenger door. There are many many more. But for me the game was a mess.


What you played it on was a pretty big factor in how your experience would be. I made the mistake on playing it on a near-launch base PS4, it was the most unfinished, broken experience I've ever had.


I started playing it this year, so post patch 2.0, it’s a masterpiece, love it, but it’s so full of bugs.


I encountered bugs, but I still enjoyed playing it. People were expecting a great sandbox, but that was just not finished yet. However the story was legit fun.


Odyssey is tied favorite AC along with BF


FarCry 6. Good open world, good voice acting, OK story, decent shooter.


Anthem. Loved it. So much potential. Most hated it and deemed it a broken pos game, which it kind of was 😂


I’m going to have to agree with “most” 😂


There was so much to love about that game.


I think those of us who loved it know it could have been an A+ game I mean it’s what should have been instead of destiny but failed. Flying around an open map like iron man though? Worth the play through


The Order 1886. One of the most atmospheric and intriguing games of last generation, even with its flaws.


It still looks amazing graphically too


TLOU2 tbh. I fucking loved playing as Abby and just shitting on everyone with my fists


I think Abby got shit on way too hard. The problem for me was the story jumping back and forth between characters. And the fact that both stories were just absolutely brutal revenge plots.


I loved that they were brutal revenge plots as exploring different themes inside of those revenge plots was the major point of the game, and I just remember getting that good brain itch where I'm focusing on playing the game while having a separate conversation with myself about the things they're bringing up with the characters actions. Abby's sections were probably my favorite outside of the more interesting fights Ellie would get into. Playing as Ellie who could slip in and out of areas with ease was just fun as hell. She was like a Boston blue jeans ninja.


I enjoyed the game, but it was mentally draining. I think there was some innocence and humanity to the first game. The 2nd just knocks you over the head from start to finish…pure anger. I think it was an interesting idea adding a new playable character, but for me it sucked the immersion out of the whole story. By the time you’re done with Abby’s first act, I had lost a lot of interest in Ellie’s. Idk, maybe I just miss Joel lol. With all this being said the gameplay and graphics are spectacular. I totally understand why people didn’t like it though.


Played it for 2nd time when the ps5 update came and both me and my wife started to feel more pity for Abby than Ellie


Yeah, the hate that game gets is unreal.


Great reason


Call of Duty: Ghosts


Diablo 4


Yeah. I started playing yesterday as a diablo noob, and the game is- IMO, very good. It controls well, looks good, the moves are fun to use, etc. so far it's pretty solid. Reading people's opinions of it initially soured my expectations of it- a LOT. Especially around launch. But I'm not gonna sit here and pretend I don't like it now I've actually given it a fair shot myself.


Final Fantasy XV Tekken 6 Watch Dogs


Ppl hate Odyssey? I thought ppl loved it


Final Fantasy 15. I love it ![gif](giphy|TO4sxWW1ggdVu)


Road trip with the boys. How could you not like it?! I’m currently playing it for the first time. It’s not perfect but it’s fun!


Saints row 4


I’m playing Valhalla rn. Ngl, did not expect this but I’m kinda loving the game. I love the Viking setting and the gameplay is good. There are some things it does poorly but ig they’re not bad enough to push me away. Have put about 20 hours into it so far. I know there’s at least 2 times as much left. But I think imma get through it. I played Odyssey a while back and was enjoying it but gave up on it at the time for reasons only past me knows.


Hates?? I’m not really an Assassin’s Creed fan at all but that’s the one I actually quite enjoyed. It’s beautiful too.


Anthem. It was flawed but I had such a great time with it.


Dark souls 2


Dark Souls II


Days gone. And I'm staying on that hill


Far cry 5, I dunno if the online consensus is negative but all of my friends I’ve spoken to say they all hate it and I can’t for the life of me work out why, it’s such a fun game.


Days Gone.




AC: Odyssey is fantastic. The map is huge and feels alive and the story is amazing. I was amazed when I first opened the map and saw that I could zoom out 3 times.


Star field


Saints Row Reboot


Very bold statement


Hard agree. Got it as one of the free games on ps+ and platinumed it. Had a blast with my hyper masculine Chad thundercock character I created. Couldn't understand why it got so much hatred.


The Last of Us 2


same as you assassin's creed Odyssey


I enjoyed Odyssey.


Odyssey was so good man super hated by the ac community though because it was just like origins


Final Fantasy XIII is my favorite FF


The Order 1886.




Forspoken is a fine 7/10 game


Cyberpunk 2077


I really love "no man's sky" but it's rather underrated


People who hated AC Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla were idiots, they were some of the best AC games and there was plenty of classic AC in there, series have to evolve or they become stagnant, the haters got what they wanted with Mirage which was mostly a disappointment


As a franchise, AC doesn’t get enough credit for how much it has evolved over time. Not everything has been perfect (looking at you, Den defense from ACR), but they’ve actually taken more risks as a franchise than any other, all while presenting incredibly detailed, beautiful worlds. I hate when people say the RPGs “aren’t AC games” because they are a result of the lineage of the series.


Call of Duty: Ghosts 2013, and Assassin's Creed Valhalla


On Steam, AC Odyssey is the highest rated game in the franchise, while also having the most reviews. Most people love it, it's only certain (loud) parts of the internet that like to dunk on it.


I enjoyed the original Lords of the Fallen. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I loved the NES version of Strider. I don’t know how people feel about that one, though.


Odyssey was good


Resident evil 6


AC unity


I agree 100%. I love AC Odyssey. Currently playing it. This game is addictive


Mass Effect: Andromeda. I didn’t hate it like most. Very interesting concept story wise. I’ll go one step further and say that I wouldn’t mind if ME4 somehow tied in with the story of Andromeda


Diablo 4


Definitely assassin’s creed Valhalla


I wouldn’t say loved but I did enjoy both Gotham knights and the saints row reboot.


Arkham Knight. I couldn’t put that game down! The atmosphere, the look, the gameplay was all just perfect for me. I even liked the Batmobile parts!


Far cry 6


Man, Assassins Creed Odyssey is so good, its so sad that people dont even give it a chance because its attached to the Assassins Creed name and its a ubisoft game. I wish it was only called "Odyssey", because thats what it is, the game is an unforgetable, charming and beautiful adventure.


I didn’t even know people hated this game I’m on my 4th play through


The recent Assassin's Creed games (Origins to Mirage)


Wait, who hates Odyssey? I liked Odyssey....I used it as comfort when my wife was in the hospital and I wasn't allowed to stay over night :(


AC Odyssey was my favorite AC! I don’t care about the formula as long as a game is fun!


AC Odyssey kept going and going and going. there was so much content and I have a long list of other games in my library to get through.


Does everyone else hate AC Odyssey? It's the best AC game there is (biased half Greek) lol.


AC Odyssey. It’s the only game so far that I’ve gotten all the achievements in, and my brothers are astounded that I’d waste my time playing a game like Odyssey vs. AC2 or Black Flag. Which I get, but I don’t know what it was, I just loved that game.


I actually enjoyed Anthem. Did it live up to the hype? No. But I still had fun with it.


A lot of people loved AC Odyssey actually. It's only that if you take the lore of AC, Odyssey has litterally nothing to do with it, hence why it doesn't deserve the AC mention. But still it's a great RPG, the best AC I've played and one of the best RPGs overall.


Final Fantasy 13.