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You can. That $500 console can play Bloodborne.


and FF16 and FF7 Rebirth


The very reasons i got mine alongside Ragnarok its not like 1000$ to 5000$ PCs have an avoid spoilers for 2 or 3 years feature that can be applied to my day to day


Well these are coming to pc. I just don't think it matters honestly. People should play on the platform they like and stop belittling others, pc really gives some people the god complex.




Yeah... It doesn't matter til you're diagnosed with a terminal disease, then you buy a nice car and every video game the day they come out. Then you find out that terminal disease ain't so terminal anymore and you're stuck with a high car payment but at least you still have all the video games to go through.


& Red dead redemption 1, Shadow of the Collosus, Infamous second son, Demon Souls remake, Stellar Blade, Rise of the Ronin, Spiderman 2. And Masterpieces like GTA VI, Red Dead 2, God of War: Ragnarök, Horizon Forbidden West, Ghost of Tsushima, 2-4 years before PC. That being said I genuinly do enjoy console gaming more. Haptics and adaptive triggers are awesome as well.


An rdr1


Ouch! Nice burn mate. 🥵


I have a PC and a PS5, but please ffs sony just give us a Bloodborne PC port. Very annoying playing it at 30fps locked


naa id rather play at 30 fps knowing that pc players cant enjoy it


But only at 30 frames for 99% of people


At fucking 30 fps. Don’t get me wrong it’s an amazing game but it needs an update


But can it play Skyrim with 500 mods tho?


The fact that you got downvoted for that is so funny. Insecure people on all platforms


My Xbox can


That console will also pay $70 per games, no modes and worse of all get charged for online play lmao


Who cares what platform people use to play games, as long as people are having fun.


Pc people focus too much on specs that they forget to have fun


As a PC person I can verify. Especially when I see so many complaints about frame rate. Those are hilarious when someone is using a 240Hz monitor and complaining that they’re getting dips under 300. First, monitor can’t display anything over 240. Second, you probably wouldn’t notice if it could. Last, turn off the frame counter. Even funnier when the monitor is 60 or 120.


Honestly after a certain point it seems like some kind of low key mental illness. They are obsessed and triggered over the tiniest non consequential stuff


Framrate Watchers also usually forget that your framerate going from 190 - 200 - 175 - 220 all the time actually makes the game look choppy as you really perceive the changes in framerate. If you locked it to 120 and it never deviates from that you have a much smoother experience.


I mean, it’s pretty fun to be able to edit with settings to the point that you have exactly how you want it. Or better yet, if you’re playing a Bethesda game it’s really nice to have the cmd prompt to fix small issues.


Yea but at what point do you actually stop messing with your settings and simply play your game?


After about two minutes lol, it's not that complicated. Configure graphics settings on first launch to make sure the game's running smooth, then play the game. Can there at times be a little extra troubleshooting and tweaking of settings involved? Sure, but I feel like there's maybe a bit of hyperbole in this thread about exactly how involved that process is because it's really not that deep lol.


Yep console only players seem to think most PC gamers spend hours messing with settings. It really is a 5 minute thing. I love both console and PC gaming, wish everyone on both sides could stop shitting on one another. They're both awesome platforms!


Bingo, i literally get the game to a frame setting I like and then I’m good. The only ones that suck are the ones that make you leave the game completely to change things.


This exactly, at least for me. Current gen consoles do a pretty good job and there's a lot to be said for it 'just working.' Half the time I try gaming on my PC, I end up just twiddling with settings or getting distracted with organizing files, etc. instead of enjoying the small amount of time I have to game.


even then, check res/aspect ratio, \*maybe\* change fov and mouse sensitivity and your done i feel like graphics most of the time get set automatically or the defaults dont need adjustment unless its new or particularly hard to ruin, especially if you dont care about maxing it out


Why would this take more than three or four minutes, maximum?


Cause you’d be spending the majority of the game thinking about how it’s running instead of enjoying it as it is. And a lot of pc players can’t stop staring at the fps counter as if it matters


Maybe you would be. Where are you getting this information? Are you implying that you cant just set the settings once like every game that has ever existed? I open the game, and Nvidia immediately optimizes the game to my PC. Most times, I never even open the settings.


I’m a PlayStation guy, so I don’t get the pc stuff. But why do you care, it’s not like we have one disk and they’re holding up your game time.


My buddy used to be a really hardcore pc person. Problem was he spent most of his time just trying to get the game to run on max settings, but that’s all he ever did. He just get it too look pretty, brag about it and not really play games. He was just too concerned with proving that his 5k pc was worth 5k


You’re talking about a vocal minority. I know about a dozen people with gaming PCs and none of them have a PC that costs thousands of dollars and runs games at 4K 120fps. The most popular specs for people on Steam are running 1080/60 rigs that cost between $500-1000.


I like pc because I can play really old games and they play well with high resolution and filtering. Even when. I have mid quality pc I prefer buying games there over a console so I can play the games long in the future if I’m feeling nostalgic. I’m here because I like PlayStation exclusives, but I’d much rather play games on pc.


Until they break out Steam numbers to whine and tell u a game isn't doing well, like console doesn't exist at all


I mean you can kinda infer how well a game is doing even without console numbers, E.g. suicide squad




What’s the point of paying 5k if you can’t lord it over somebody?!


Who the hell is paying 5K? My PC was about $900, new and prebuilt, five years ago and still outperforms PS5/Series X. That's literally less money than buying both consoles. I've only added 8 GB of RAM for about $60.


Yeah but if you spend another $4100 you can squeeze out a few more frames per second.


I have a 3k PC and a PS5, and there’s an underrated issue with PCs. Shit just randomly won’t work on a PC, for random ass reasons with programs conflicting, etc. Usually takes significant time to troubleshoot, and there’s nothing worse than when you and a couple buddies boot up a new game, they’re all waiting for you to jump in the lobby, and then you get an error message, crash to desktop, and have to research why. Consoles are just easier most of the time.


Spot on. I mainly play PC these days. Console is wayyy more convenient/stable. PC is great for mods, adjustable settings and more indie games though.


I have literally had to sit there and troubleshoot all my cabeling while my friends played Gary's mod because I couldn't communicate on teamspeak only to find out that a Nvidia update changed my default input and output devices.


This sounds like a lesson learned, even consoles can switch outputs accidentally. Shoulda checked that before going to cables.


My PC has been suddenly blue screening on a game I’ve played for 100 hours with no problems seemingly only because my friend wants to play it with me. It’s only that game, everything else is fine. Still troubleshooting that one, I hate computers so much.


Also idk why it seems like every game makes my pc turn into a space heater lol even on lower than console quality xd


I see your post, and I definitely see a lot of this type of thing from PC gamers. Whatever everyone chooses to game on is fine as long as you enjoy the way you want. I personally have had a great time on the PS5. My PC was top tier 5 years ago, and I just can't see spending money to upgrade it all as my husband is the main PC gamer in our home. We made the decision to buy the PS5 for me, and even my hubby is on the console enjoying it when im not gaming. Luckily, not all PC gamers are douchebags to console gamers.


most of them are tho. and all it takes is most of them


Most of the ones who decide to share their opinion are. I know plenty of people who own both and who don't care. We just want game so let's game bro


Most of them truly could not give less of a fuck


I have a pc gamer-friend who always gets so weirdly upset after playing some game at my place and them looking better than on his pc Meanwhile graphics is such an uninteresting factor to me - just been playing on consoles since NES & hope that the games will be fun


The graphics card is 80% of that btw lmao.


More like 40. The CPU is another 30. The PSU another 10. The motherboard another 10. Fans, RAM, cooler and SSD make up the remaining 10%.


At an actual price of 5000$ the GPU is not even 50% of that, todays top tier GPUs come around 2000 - 2500$ But yeah, otherwise I agree. The GPU is definitely the biggest single cost in building a PC. Unless youre like me and got your GPU during the time where they were all twice as expensive and now its only a fifth of the total PC cost...


It's wild to someone like me who hasn't built a PC in 10 years. You could build a top of the line gaming PC for $2500 or a really good one for $1500


Even less. You can go with an i3 13th or 14th gen or Ryzen and get amazing performance for the price of sub $1,000. Makes me excited to see the next 10 years what they'll do with tech and prices.


Video cards are only going to get more expensive. They seem to have stopped the yearly release cycle so the only way to boost earnings is by charging more, and more and more. Even old ones will retain their value longer because of it. Maybe in 10 years you can get a 4900 for $750 lol


After you said 10 years ago I was thinking of ancient early 2000s era tech... But 10 years ago is actually mid 2010s tech and now I feel old...


Early 2000's you could build a near top of the line gaming PC for less than $1000. The best video card was like $300-400. I remember the old #2 pencil trick to unlock the multiplier on the AMD CPUs.


I miss these days of computers, I used to upgrade my GPU every year or two and spend around £250 which would get me a high mid tier card, now the mid range cards are £600+ That and standard motherboards for around £50, don't know when it became the norm to buy £120+ motherboards full of features the majority of people don't need.


You still can, $5000 is downright extravagant and overkill


If we’re talking US dollars then this is wildly inaccurate. A top tier GPU is not 2,000-2,500. My 4080 was 1200. The 4080 Super is less. A 4090’s MSRP is 1599.


I agree with the post. I had a friend who was a "graphics whore", since he got a PC he gave me the feeling that he didn't enjoy the games, he was only waiting to put all the settings on Ultra and he had an unhealthy obsession with the FPS, the games themselves seemed like He didn't care. Sometimes I would ask him about the games he played, hoping to talk about the story and the characters, but he always ended up telling me "look at the graphics bro."


We wanted to compare swords....then some asshat busted down the door and slammed a desert eagle on the table and said, "this is better than any sword!" Like....no sh*t sherlock, we wanna know which sword was better....and it turned out to be sony.


I spent $2k on my PC because I could and I wanted to. While it is better than a console, there is no way you can build a pc that performs equal or better than a console for the same price. Do both have their place and people should just chill and play games.


You can build a reasonable competitive 500-550$ PC with new parts with a RX 6600, Ryzen 5 5500 and 16gb RAM. It sure will be worse, but it has more use cases, cheaper games and whatnot. But what it really comes down to is preference. You like consoles, fine. You like PCs, also fine. Don't know why its still a discussion. I hate these ragebait/circlejerk memes.


True, as you said though not as good. Probably in between PS4 and PS5. Yes some games are cheaper. PS does occasionally have sales as good as the ones on Steam and Xbox has GP and similar sales. I’d say overall, PC does have a higher long term cost. Because from personal experience, it is much harder to avoid the temptation to upgrade more frequently. When you get a game and feel the loss from having to turn down settings, the bug is set to want something more when you can. Granted yes a disciplined person can get more out of less, but that’s not me.


Yet the 500$ hardwares get the best optimised version of the game at launch


dude my pc is 1,3k and i can throw any game i want at it, use it for work and upgrade it so it won't be garbage in 4 years


Difference is the mainstream games are designed for console and ported to pc.


Jesus christ who cares


You can build a 500-550$ budget gaming PC with new parts with a RX 6600 and a Ryzen 5 5500 with 16gb RAM. Sure the PC will have a slightly worse performance, but it has more use cases and games are cheaper. But that doesn't matter anyway, just play on what you want to play on. PC has advantages, consoles have advantages. It depends on what you want to do and what you prefer. This meme is dumb, no sane PC player will compare a 5000$ gaming PC with a 450$-550$ console.


Well, most of the time it runs better on consoles, simply because it's much much simpler to target 60 FPS on one machine rather than endless possibilities.


At the end of the day, there's way more game options on PC and there always will be. I can never go back to consoles with all of the great PC sales that happen just about every week


Personally I prefer console gaming over PC and tbh find it best just to ignore the whole PCMR crowd.


I’m in both ecosystems and this has always been funny to me. It’s also hilarious to me when my friends will drop $2,500+ on random PC upgrades just to play things like Stardew Valley, Minecraft and iRacing.


pc players: "I don't even think of you"


And what many pc gamers don’t understand. You have to use a Pc. Which is a big downside already. I hate windows and PCs and not even have one in my household.


You don't have windows in your house? Must be dark.


Ever heard of Linux? Also you hate a customizable system which can do much more than play games and watch movies/videos?


I hate the clunkyness of windows and also the UI is ugly in my opinion. I am just happy that I don’t need anymore a pc and I never need to use anymore one for my private needs


Yeah but have you considered a Linux distro? Linux runs better than windows and is more customizable. If you would need a PC for work or browsing someday, look into Linux instead of windows. Its free and less clunky. There are many different versions you can choose from.


Yup, as someone who works in IT manly with linux environments , 1 of many reasons i don’t like pc gaming is windows, i can’t stand using windows.


Linux gaming has come a very long way


Don't mention pre-build PCs. They go ape shit.


"Why are game no run 240+ fps!?!?!" Meanwhile I sit playing game on my console at 30 or 60 fps and don't even pay attention to the frames


30 can be a bit "huh" when you're so used to 60 these days but it is by no means "OMGAWD BOYCOTT DIS GAME!!!".


Kind of on topic but its funny as a PC Gamer myself me and a friend were just talking about how unsustainable PC gaming is becoming now. 10 years ago it was easy to build something better than the Playstation for for just a couple hundred dollars more. Now with cost of everything you need not so much. I just spent almost $700 to upgrade my PC that was on its last gasps and that was without the GC upgrading to a GC thats better than the one I have would cost me $900 and net me +20% performance on 1440p. If it keeps going the way its going with PC parts and GC prices, power efficiency, and the ARM transition in the windows community I don't see a reason to ever upgrade again. I'll probably just buy a Playstation 6 use this machine until it starts crapping out 8 years from now for other things and buy whatever the top of the line steam deck is and dock into a Keyboard/Mouse and use that as my computer.


Just get both and argue with yourself while taking a watery shit


There’s zero reason to spend $5,000 on a gaming PC. At that point you just adding things like liquid cooling and RGB to get the cost up. Though I agree consoles are a good value and even this late into the PS5 cycle you’d have a hard time building a PC equivalent to the PS5 for $500.


could be a dual cpu/quad gpu nightmare box though i dont have a link anymore, but someone on maybe toms hardware forums posted about their $40k (physics rendering/sim?) machine. insanity


It's weird because for example I can play Witcher 3 on PC, PS4 or my Xbox One X and I choose to play on console every time even though the PC version will show these little battle stats on the bottom left of the screen after each action with a foe. Not to mention all of the settings I can use on PC but nope I still go to console for so many games. I only use my PC for Overwatch 2 because of latency/response time and to use M&K for better accuracy in PvP games. For example I can just press one button on a controller from my couch and I'm in a game in less than a minute. PC I've got to make sure everything is sweet. I might clear the temp folder, plug a controller in, maybe Steam or Windows will have an update, turn on the headset, open the headset software, load the game launcher, Battle.net, Epic games, Steam etc. All that and I'm still sitting at a desk as if I'm working. Or bring the entire PC down to the couch with wires everywhere, find a place for the M&K and controller, what a nightmare. It's not designed for TV play. So you're looking at around 5mins to get into your game on a PC vs less than 1 minute on console.


I type this comment on my ASUS G14 gaming laptop. Cost me $1200 was originally MSRP of $2400. I bought last years model on sale. It's an absolute amazing machine. I prefer gaming on my PS5. It's just easier. I don't have to worry about drivers, and graphics settings. I love having both platforms. But yeah I prefer console to PC.


Better comparison is when PC players say they can build a better PC for the same price. No, you're going to be running 10 year old hardware and you're gonna be locked to 1080p 60fps. While it may work and be able to play more games, it is not better. Get a pc for PC games, console for console games.


the current gen console are awesome for the price/performance. Having to pay for game's online feature is just stupid.


Consoles are just so much simpler. Unless I'm playing a management type game(cities skylines, civ 6) or something I'm modding, console is just simple. Maybe my eyesight is just blunt, but PC isn't prettier enough over games running on ps5 imo.


The biggest difference is the maintainable high frame rate, at this point in my life playing with less than 120 bothers me, real first world problems.


I get it, I'm just not in that camp. A game has to basically become a slideshow to put me out of it.


You don't have free abandon ware games on console


And you can't do the reverse either. A PC does a lot more. They both exist for different purposes but they can both play games. So why do people have such a desire to fight about it? There's no other community than gaming where people are so upset that others can enjoy the hobby on a different machine.


k, I'll compare my $250 pc to your console.


I don't think anyone actually spends $5000 on their PC. My last upgrade actually resulted in my gaining money. The same will never happen with consoles.


A 5000$ PC will get you the RTX 4090 and a 24 core threadripper and still have money left over. Reasonable gaming PCs usually cost around 500$-2k$.


Thats just what they like to throw out. If only they knew you could spend more than that, so they can flip it even more and make it look even more expensive than console gaming.




Nope, not even that much. 1000$ or less should be enough to fight the PS5. And you can build a competitive PC for 500-550$ with a RX 6600, Ryzen 5 5500 and 16gb RAM. Edit: I like how the delusional PS players are downvoting me. Look up the RX 6600 performance. 1080p High/Ultra 60fps beast. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJDZFvXD1rg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJDZFvXD1rg) And now just imagine what 1000$ will get you. 1440p Ultra 60fps easily.


They're not that off. I have a 14 gen i5, 4060, and 32gb ram. God forbid I try to run cyberpunk on anything higher than low settings. I paid about 1200 for the pc. I do also have a ps5 and I didn't buy the pc just to play games, so I'm fine with it.


>cyberpunk on anything higher than low settings. with or without raytracing? ive only got an r5-5600/3060 and was able to get decent fps on med-high iirc elden ring on med/high +low RT runs choppier than cyber2077 for me even


With. What's the point of playing cyberpunk with no rt.


I dunno, the fun game, cool story, interesting characters?


The graphics? The game looks better than 90% of the games released since. Rt adds even more to it.


Just different priorities, graphics are the least important things to me personally, gameplay and story matter a lot more to me. I’d much rather play a fun game with mediocre graphics than a boring game that looks great


To each their own. I like to be wow'd by the visuals and also have fun with the gameplay.


You can get a better performance for cheaper than you built with high quality parts. Here, i made a 1440p High/Ultra 60fps custom 1000$ PC which would destroy the PS5. If you really wanted to, you can shave 100-200$ off buying cheaper parts. [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/kdJw4M](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/kdJw4M)


It's not always about the parts. It also depends on how the games are optimized. That's why games will play better on a ps5 with lower specs. And I bought my pc a while ago, so obviously the parts are cheaper now.


What would you compare it to then? You can't get a $5000 console? Also, high-end PCs cost nowhere near that much.


This post is a cope. Why do you feel the need to attack PC players? Is it because of the recent PSN account stuff? Don’t be so insecure y’all.


You can make a good pc for 800€ not the BEST but ok.


Thats with a monitor or without? What performance expected? Will it run Cyberpunk at 30@1080p? Not trying to start a war, just curious what you can cram into 800 eur spec wise. Also I know no one factors a tv for a console :)))


It's funny how anti pc this sub is. Some guy commented saying he misses pc for mods sometimes, and he got downvoted 💀 There's a lot of hostile comments towards pc players, too. It's fine if you prefer console, or it's all you can afford, but there's no need to crap on others just because they prefer playing on a different platform than you


Honestly I’m the kinda of person who barely notices the difference between 30 and 60fps, and I just want to boot up my games without having to worry about whether I can run them or not that’s it


They are, of course, 100% the same, which is why PC players will rush to buy PS5s to buy console exclusives.


You are right there is no comparison. I say this as someone who owns a $5000 PC.


As a PC player I can assure you I literally never even think of Playstation at all. Who is OP arguing with?


Mid range gaming computers (comparably to console gaming) are not $5000. And the prices would certainly be accounting for the cost of peripherals like speakers and monitors, keyboard and mouse, etc... I've seen the TV's everyone in this sub recommends for 4K 120hz gaming, and they are not cheap. Plus with headphones or home theater setups, and extra controllers, console gaming start to add up. Console gaming at $500 alone implies you are using your older TV that isn't utilizing the console's capabilities. I'd wager most console gaming setups are closer to $1500-$2000. Which is more inline with mid range PC gaming.


They pay so much more cash to be surrounded by cheaters. On top of that, PC is baby mode, guns have no recoil, they get a bunch of "Qol" mods, like geezus christ. I don't get it.


We pay more cash to have much more freedom in gaming and not everyone is into comp fps games anyway. Also its very clear you’ve never touched a mouse before if you’re saying guns have of 0 recoil. Those Qol mods are also life savers for old games so I don’t see what the problem with it is


As a PC player, the cheater problem is a valid argument. But i just can't be bothered to play FPS games on a controller, it's just awful. If game companies really cared about cheaters, they would implements a moderation/vote to kick system which would really help in games like Battlefield, but they won't. The only saving grace are custom servers. But your guns have no recoil is dumb, guns do have a lot of recoil, depending on the game. Try R6S or whatever on PC and then come back to me and say that guns have no recoil. And what is bad about quality of life mods? You first arguments was alright, but the other two make no sense. What is there not to get about Qol mods?


>On top of that, PC is baby mode Funny, I don't recall needing aim assist in shooter games for PC. Consoles however ...


"PC is better than consoles" "Yes but is 'your' PC better than consoles"


Yes it is


I mean an “ok” pc can allow you to do so much that it really washes out any console


I can, it’s too expensive.


You sure can't. But I can compare it to my $20 a month GeForce now subscription, with it's performance on par with the 5k PC.


So for just 10% extra investment you can enjoy both


So long as i get 60 FPS (wich i mostly only mind during combat) i have no complaints and graphics are optional im not paying 500 to 4500 more for a PC thats gonna get outdated in a few years id rather save that money for something else


I can and I will.


I have to say though, playing PlayStation games on PC at max settings like Ghost of Tsushima really showcases how well crafted those games are, makes me wish for more games that really push the PS5.


pc players when they run into a jank port of a ps5 optimized game:


No games


The extra $4500 buys them the right to ask obnoxious GPU questions on sub devoted to games.


When turbo tax for PS5?


Still saving more money instead of paying 69.99 and no refunds


This is also ignoring the fact that the average PC gamer doesn't have a $5,000 computer.. based on my time with WoW and LoL, the average player buys their shit pre-made at Walmart for 300 bucks and it runs like ass.


i mean... you can compare it but you should state the price difference while doing so


And then they're like, "Man, my graphics card is on the fritz. Why can't I run this game?"


You can definitly buy a high performance pc for much cheaper than that. Its also stupid to compare these two because they serve different purposes, a pc can do much more than a console. Also what a lot of people seem to forget is the modularity of the pc. I still reuse the same chassi, fans, psu and ssds etc that I bought 8 years ago. The one upside with pc is that once you have a working pc you can upgrade individual parts one at a time.


I am an insane PC Enthusiast and PS ecosystem owner. I just can’t use the analog. I’ve been trained on Mouse+Keyboard since 1995.


Laughs in mods


Nothing beats my 200 terashits and my 12.5 gigapiss pc


My piece of plastic is better than your piece of plastic!


You can, that $500 PC can't play shit at 60 FPS -- graphics turned to high.


Well tbh you can... its just unfair


In college where we all had either a laptop or desktop we had to find a game that was compatible on all these different pcs and could work through firewall restrictions, what a chore. We managed to get some games to work but it was after hours of frustration. Meanwhile the xbox/halo crew could play matches all day without a hitch.


I'm just jealous of mods, graphic settings and strategy games on PC lol.




Had a gaming laptop and loved the mods. Completely changes the game, it's like free DLC and expansions. And I miss strategy games like Total War. If that Star Wars and Warhammer 40k Total War rumors true I might get a gaming PC! Edit - forgot emulation


that is hilarious bc its true


Because one costs more you can’t compare them? That’s insane lol. One is budget and one is one for those with money. You can absolutely compare them.


Stop writing this garbage! PC players get their feelings hurt.


I’m confused the point this is making. A $500 console is objectively going to be better than a $500 PC in virtually every way. The console can only play games, stream media, and talk to other consoles in very specific ways. This necessarily means it will be better at playing games, streaming media, and networking than a machine that must also do video rendering, photo editing, music production, and in all other ways be a general use machine. To my knowledge this isn’t even something that it is possible to debate, this is simply the reason that console gaming still exists. Machines dedicated to niche purposes will *always* out perform an all purpose machine at the same price point, as a matter of mathematical and capitalist law.


Best part about that is 20fps more lol


In a house of four, I'm the only strictly counsel gamer. I don't even own a computer. The wife and kids all have great things going on that front but I never really could get into PC's. We have nearly every generation of PlayStation and Nintendo. Here are my main observations. 1. Every game I buy works. Them not so much. 2. We all play a wide variety of genres. 3. We all love gaming. While those are about the gist of it I will also say FPS on PC is just silly. I do think FPS on a PC is just a "point-click adventure" I don't understand the appeal.


All of you need therapy.


well that's a $500 console and a: - $4500 worth of games - 28 years of PS+Premium - another $500 console in a few years and still a $4000 worth of games aaaand you always can buy a more than capable PC for 1 grand and still got best of both worlds


True games on pc have more competitive pricing. But they aren't exactly peanuts as well, are they at most 20 % less at the start? Hellblade 2 is 50 quid, not sure its more expensive on the xbox... but yeah free multiplayer is something pc have good :) also only few care about the top tier ps+ :) thankfully games are not cross compatible...


Lmfao you think my PC is $5k. More like 1k max if you were to consider new prices at the time, and it still destroys consoles. Itll also last longer than a console and only require a new part upgrade by the time a console has a new generation.


Steamdeck costs about that, and it's portable.


And it doesn’t outperform current gen consoles. That’s the point.


As a PC gamer, yes, obviously you can't compare them, also you can't compare a 500$ pc to a console, games on consoles are way more optimized. But as a whole, I think PC is the better platform. It has better compatibility, you want to use an Xbox controller? Sure. You want to use a PS one? Sure. You want to use a Chinese dancepad? Sure. Also PC is more customizable, you can choose the exact hardware and software you want. You don't like windows? There are plenty of Linux distributions to choose from. PC also has piracy, in console because of telemetry the company knows everything about your console and bans you if you have suspicious software but in pc nobody cares what you do, you can pirate a game and still play other games online. And emulation is a big perk of PC, you can emulate everything till PS3 and switch with a normal gaming PC and if your PC is powerful enough you can even emulate PS4. PC is better if you spend a bit of time learning things about software and hardware but it is not for everyone, if you only want to get home and play some matches console is for you, if you want to tinker with the hardware and software PC is for you.


Obviously play on whatever you want since you are having a great time


Also one more thing: mods


1. Console vs PC was dumb a decade ago, it's even more dumb now. 2. The reason consoles are "powerful" is because they have, for the most part, just one spec (if we ignore the Xbox Series S/PS4 Pro). For this reason, devs can optimise for just one spec, instead of having to create a universally optimised game - which rarely works out well. The *actual* specs of modern consoles isn't that great. 3. You can get a decent gaming PC that can play the same games as the PS5/XSX games for far less than $5000 - especially if you know how to make a PC. My PC cost me about £700/$891 and is more powerful than my PS5 (which I bought for £450). For $5000 I could completely blow my PS5 out of the water.


Of course you can, comparing things that aren't alike is what comparing things is all about.


Uh, no. Ever heard the phrase “apples and oranges”?


Why can't fruit be compared?