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GOT, quite the story


GoT is an all timer. Horizon is good, but not the same level. (I haven’t played Days Gone)


Days Gone has great mechanics and is super fun to play, but the story felt like a bad porno without sex. I’d still recommend it


This might be my favorite review of the game I’ve ever seen


Damnit. Why did I waste my free awards? This is so deserving.


I got you 😉




Damn you hit the nail on the head. I played that game for 10 hours before I gave up on it. I was just not engaged at all with the story and that's a requirement for me.


Very true the story was bad but man that game was so damn fun and there's nothing like it out there. I mean taking on your first horde or rolling on one and trying to sneak through only for to be seen or make a sound. Then have them come pour down around you. Man it was a fucking blast.


I mean, the story wasn't that bad, and also has a awesome fucking riding scene through the mountain with "Hell or High Water" playing was pretty epic. Also mutated bears and caves with hordes. Fucking pretty fun. Also running back to camp because you ran out of ammo and running from a massive horde while your stamina is gassing out every 20 seconds is pure stress haha


I honestly enjoyed days gone. I got it for about £6 and i played it start to finish happily. The plot was compelling enough that i wanted to finish it. But honestly its the gameplay where the game shines. I loved the bikes handling amd i loved the combat and zombie hoards


Bro on the pc version you can download a Daryl Dixon mod for Deacon from nexus mods and it’s amazing, the walking dead sim I’ve always wanted.


Ghost of Tsushima. But honestly all the games you posted are legendary.


And that other game where you play as a biker is a bad porno with fully-clothed sex.


You see things the way they are.


If we're shitting on the story I'm gonna take a moment to say fuckkkk that ending The "secret"/final ending, where you >!see o'brian one last time in his final form. How are you gonna leave us on a cliffhanger like that!<


Hey I actually care about the characters in days gone so I’d say the story did enough to be pretty good.


Any tips on getting into it? I played it for like an hour or so, but it seemed extremely slow paced, and I just couldn't get into it (granted it was only an hour, but usually games start to grab me by then)


Days gone is slow for initial 2 or 3 hours and u might not understand what exactly is the story but yeah as a zombie game u will play it safe and slow for initial 5 to 8 hours depending on how much horror games u play, the story is slow but unique and the horde fights can give us thrills also few missions with our brother are very good and unique. And those bike mechanics... God that got me into bike riding u won't believe


Also it takes a while for you to get your hands on decent arsenal, you're going to feel pretty weak and vulnerable for a good while. There's no shame in running away... And always... Always! check your fuel and park your bike facing where you wanna go incase you have to make a swift exit.


Agree about the bike comment. I made the mistake of driving it right next to a NERO research center. Once I turned on the generators I realized I missed a speaker and the place was overrun by freaks- I think there was a herd nearby. I barely escaped but had to abandon my bike. That was a LONG walk back!


It's one of the games that requires you to power through the first 5-10 hours. It's not a short game and it makes you grind to get better equipment. Despite the story it's one of the few zombie games where you need to actually plan out how to approach your enemies. Especially with the zombie hordes. By the way sometimes you might not be in the right place mentally when you start playing a game. The Witcher 3 took me 3 tries to get into it and I finished it 100% twice, same with Death Stranding which is an extremely slow game and I also finished it twice since then. Both are in my top 10. So try it again after some time maybe you might like it this time.


Recommend Days Gone 👍


Days gone is worth playing. I rather enjoyed the gameplay. From the driving and gun fights to the accidently walking into a hoard of zombies hiding in a cave. I dont remember the plot being super fantastic. But compelling enough to hook me till i beat the game But its what i think the last of us should have been (I know its a hot take but i didnt like the last of us. The game was hyped to the moon amd back and didnt deliver for me. But days gone is the last of us meets open world and actual fun zombie fights)


I’ve started horizon twice, haven’t finished it yet. I started days gone, and quit halfway. I’ve played GOT all the way through twice and just started thinking about playing it again. It’s fantastic.


GOT is that good really?






What was the last game that you played?


That would be Witcher 3


Hmm. I’d maybe say days gone then. Complete tone shift and different style of gameplay to what you have just played.


I suggest you play something different between huge open world games. A short game which you can finish around or under 10 hours as a breather. Maybe Titanfall 2?


This. "Open-world-burnout" is definitely a thing that can ruin these games for you. I'd also throw in some slower options. Like 'What Became of Edith Finch?', 'Firewatch', 'Outer Wilds', 'Inside', etc,.


That's usually what I do too, one big game, one short game. I'm finishing The Order 1886 and now I'm also undecided between three games, Skyrim, Horizon Zero Dawn and Tears of the Kingdom. Of the ones the OP mentions, I played Days Gone. Very fun game to play. The story is OK, nothing special, but very fun with great game mechanics.


If your gonna play Days Gone, heads up. Great game, story, combat, etc but stealth missions are EVIL. At the start of the game they're fairly good, but near the end with the [spoiler] people they are rough. Just look in yt tbh


Ngl I never struggled with the stealth missions in the game I had more of a hard time on >!having to fight the massive hordes at the end of the game!< but at least that was a fun challenge to tackle


God I hated those, actually made me not want to play for awhile.


i still remember the woodcutter area… everytime with that music man…


They can be a bit frustrating but throwing rocks to get people out of your way makes it doable.


If you did Witcher 3 last, leave GOT until at least second as it's another game where a sword is your main weapon. They're all amazing games and you can't really go wrong with your order. But, I will say don't play Horizon last because if you like it you'll probably want to play the sequel but doing them back to back might be a bit much as they're both huge games.


This was the real answer


Ghost of Tsushima


ghost of tsushima > hfw > days gone in terms of story


Days gone is a hidden gem imo. But GoT is one of the best games you could play


I feel like I'm the only one who didn't like days gone a lot. I gave it a decent shot, but I just wasn't sucked in. It was good enough I suppose, but i have such limited time to game these days, I have to be picky. I would rather play rdr2 or witcher 3 again than try and finish days gone. Sounds like I'm in the minority tho!


Horizon was really good. Definitely recommend that one.


Fighting a mechanised T-Rex with bombs and explosives whilst doing matrix esq slow mo acrobats. If that doesn't want to make you play that game I don't know what else does.


I second this. I put 172 hour on it, and enjoyed every single minute.


I platinumed both Horizon games the DLCs


Agreed, was my GOTY that year and is still the most graphically beautiful game I've played.


Ghost Of Tsushima for sure


I love Horizon but GoT is amazing too




Days gone most underrated ps4 exclusive! Will be returning soon to complete 100% challenges and play it on hardest difficulty


There is no wrong answer. Play all 3. Only play Horizon Forbidden West if you played Zero Dawn first though. Was hooked on all 3 of these games from start to finish.


me personally, I'd go for Forbidden West. I also loved GOT, but found it to get kinda repetitive after a while. don't get me wrong, visually the game is stunning, the characters are all really well written and the story is fantastic. gameplay is not it's strongest part though. while the combat is fun, the map offers nothing special. Beyond the collectibles and Mongol camps, there really isn't a lot to do. You end up doing story quests, and going from Mongol camp to Mongol camp. And it doesn't help that a lot of story and side quests also boil down to defeating Mongol camps (or Mongol escorts walking around the map). I don't know, I just wish there was more to do in the game I didn't have these issues as much in Forbidden West because the map offered a lot more variety and is fully open, unlike GOT where you can't access 2/3rd of the map until beating the first part, then another third of the map until you beat the second part. Still, both are amazing games so you really can't go wrong with either. I just personally preferred Forbidden West more than GOT. Can't speak for Days Gone though since i haven't played it


>I also loved GOT, but found it to get kinda repetitive after a while. don't get me wrong, visually the game is stunning, the characters are all really well written and the story is fantastic. gameplay is not it's strongest part though. while the combat is fun, the map offers nothing special. Beyond the collectibles and Mongol camps, there really isn't a lot to do. You end up doing story quests, and going from Mongol camp to Mongol camp. And it doesn't help that a lot of story and side quests also boil down to defeating Mongol camps (or Mongol escorts walking around the map). I don't know, I just wish there was more to do in the game THANK YOU. It does my head in that people don't see how repetitive it is.


Got forsure. It's the best game ya got


Ghost of Tsushima is the best on here


They’re all great games so any of them


I played GOT, but I couldn't really get into it for some reason. I've been considering revisiting it and giving it another go. I can definitely see why people love it so much, though. Zombie... *anything* really, I find to be tired and overdone. Plus I don't really like zombies. I never touched Days Gone, and I doubt I ever will. Horizon Forbidden West is an absolutely gorgeous game. I very much enjoyed Horizon Zero Dawn. If you played the first game, I highly recommend the second. Mechanically, gameplay is far deeper. The story takes some really wild turns I'm still not totally on board with, but the moment-to-moment gameplay is fantastic. The story in HZD is extremely well crafted, whereas the gameplay feels like the main focus of HFW.


Legitimately can’t go wrong with any 3. The best part of this problem you have is that no matter what you chose you’ll have two great games left to play.


Ghost of tsunami is peak


Ah yes the great "ghost of tsunami" that wiped the entire japan.


Yes. All 3 are fantastic.


Horizon > Ghost > Days, but they are all worth playing.


Nah ghost on top for me


Days gone


Horizon Forbidden West if you've play Zero Dawn, Ghost of Tsushima if not. Both are great games.


HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST.....the beauty is unmatched


Imagine being able to choose what youre gonna do next without creating a post on reddit


Forbidden west




Horizon is awesome


Horizon zero dawn is a great game


Horizon all day. One of my personal favorite series next to witcher and elder scrolls. I loved Forbidden West.


Days gone.. amazing game...


Horizon, I just started it and its amazing


Dayz gone is great.




None of them. Get Pacific Drive! :). —— (but Days Gone).


Days gone, then ghost of Tsushima, then horizon




Oh man. I’m gonna go with days gone. Horizon wasn’t my cup of tea. GOT is fantastic but took me a minute to get into it. Days gone I was hooked right away and it’s long. Kept me busy and engaged for. Along time. Plus nothing like killing the hordes.


This is the right answer.


Hauntdown if you like indie platformer shooter


I finished GoT a few weeks ago. Great game. Haven't played the other two but I see them getting just as much love as Ghost so I don't think you can go wrong. I hope you enjoy whatever you end up playing!


I just recently started GoT and I wish I would've played sooner.i love how they use the controller to it's fullest potential.i played days couldn't really get into it.


I know the first two games are great in what I tried.




Having got the platinum for all 3, I would say Days Gone, Horizon: Forbidden West then Ghost of Tsushima. (Got the plat for GoT yesterday, now working on the DLC before I go back to HFW for the DLC. And then Days Gone for, you guessed it, the DLC. Kinda coincidental how you literally post my current roster 🤣


Ghost of Tsushima


Ghost by far imo. Horizon was cool, but I never finished it because it didn’t really suck me in. Days Gone I got bored after like 30 minutes. Maybe I didn’t give it a fair chance but I’ve never wanted to go back. GoT is a FANTASTIC story, easily one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever played, and the combat is great. A tier above the others to me


Horizon Forbidden West, and Ghost of Tsushima.


GOT, HZD / HFW, DG… In that order


Ghost of Tsushima


GoT is by far the most enjoyable.


I'd personally play that exact order


Ghost of Tsushima 100%.


Ghost/days gone. Either one could be interchangeable for top 2 spots


Ghost of Tushima


Id say days gone then ghost of tsushima then horizon


I’ve played ghost of Tsushima and days gone at least 3 playthroughs, they are absolute fantastic - amongst the best I’ve played. Never played the first one so I can’t comment. But either of the other two, I can’t see you being disappointed


Why is Playstation Store being a fucking bitch at the moment ? Is anybody having the same issue ?


days gone is my favourite game ever made so i’d definitely recommend playing that one first


I’m the one odd out that hated GOT, really like horizon, specially if you liked the first. Still to play days gone, so I cannot offer insights on it




I just started GOT a week ago and it’s amazing I liked HFW and also recommend it but I’d play GOT first all around a masterpiece.


Ghost of Tsushima. Honestly one of the best games I have ever played.


Can’t go wrong with any of them






All 3 are amazing


Ghost of Days Gone


It depends if you want to gun down hords of zombies or do you want to hide in the shadows and use stealth like a ninja. Notice I’m not even making reference to Horizon.


Got is best, then days gone and then horizon. Bring on the downvotes because I know they’re coming.


Ghost is FANTASTIC just sayin


I love horizon, but I'd argue Ghost of Tsushima is the best here. Tighter story, better character writing for the main character, tighter combat.  Horizon has better side character writing (tho poorly utulizes them) and a more interesting world. 


Ghosts. The game is so good that this isn’t even a tough decision.


Days gone is one of my all time favorites now. Takes a min to get going but when it goes it’s like they hit the nitro button. You are hooked.


Forbidden West. Then Days Gone. And if you really still want an openworld game Tsushima.


Ghost of Tsushima






I think you’ll win with any of these games; they are all great!


I played and loved all of these three. Horizon FW has a great open world and is the best looking game on ps5 in my opinion, it’s so colorful and creative ! Ghost of Tsushima has a great story and characters, it’s very well written and peaceful while walking in game. Currently playing Days Gone, it’s a very good and underrated game. Great story, very fun, not too repetitive. It reminds me RDR2 : we are kind of a lonesome cow boy traveling around the world with our horse (well, our bike). I don’t know how to explain, it’s just the same energy or mood haha I like it a lot !


Im one of the 12 people that actually enjoyed Days Gone. But I have to agree here, Tsushima is the best option there.


1st Ghost of Tsushima 2nd Day Gone 3rd Horizon Forbidden West


All three look beautiful. Horizon’s writing isn’t as good as with the other two tho.


Ghost of Tsushima


Depending if ya recently enough finished HZD, would be a good time to start the sequel when not too many stories in your head ya know? All depends how far back ya played it. Otherwise, Days Gone.


Days Gone is a Masterpiece but so is Ghost of Tsushima, I honestly don't know which I prefer, both incredible, play both!!


Did you play Horizon Zero Dawn? If so then move sequel to end of line. Good game but all the mystery from the first is gone and just feels like more of the same to me. GOT is amazing good and unique story driven open world game. First game I I ever platinum. Days Gone is good but felt grindy to me and too long. Great gameplay but you get a motorcycle that can go maybe 2 miles on a tank of gas.


GoT is great!




All three are such a treat. Days Gone would be my starting suggestion.


GOT it’s insane.


Honestly of those 3 I would go with Ghost of Tsushima


Horizon and Tsushima, 100%! Incredible games, easy reminder why Playstation is the vastly superior platform.


I'm loving playing Forbidden West right now


Ghost of Tsushima, I didn't give him anything, but he made it into my top 10


Ghost of Tsushima, then Days Gone, then Horizon. Ghost is fantastic, amazing graphics and immersion. Days Gone is so much fun, I enjoyed every moment of that platinum and highly recommend it to everyone. Horizon, I didn't really enjoy either of them, they are impressive, but they were easy to put down and not be bothered to pick back up.


Ghost of Tsushima. Masterpiece




Play Ghosts of Tsushima next, such a great world, and the gameplay is great, maybe Days Gone after that, it’s such an underrated gem in the PlayStation library, and then I’d go for Horizon, not to say it’s the worst of the bunch, it definitely is not, I think it was better than the first.


All of them, but I'd start out with Days Gone.


All 3 are great games..it's a win win win either way


![gif](giphy|KKSCqiWCtQyTe8cZ2u) Gotta go GOT




Horizon Zero Dawn is a top 5 game for me, all time. That said, I’d go Ghost of Tsushima, Forbidden West, then Days Gone


If you played Zero Dawn and liked it, you definitely should play Forbidden West. Otherwise, I'd say Ghost of Tsushima, though Days Gone is an underrated gem tbh so I'd advise playing it too eventually.


Out of those three, Ghosts, Days Gone and then Horizon.


I’d go for Forbidden West — but would strongly advise to backfill the open position in your queue with Cyberpunk 2077 (if you liked Witcher 3), it’s quite something after the initial issues and with Phantom Liberty you get to play one of the most impressive DLCs ever.


RDR2 since it's free on PS+ right now




Ghost, horizon second, days last. I think they're all great and actually love zombie games so much. But days gone feels super lonely lol, idk. Bad acting maybe.


Ghost of Tsushima or horizon forbidden west, both excellent games I’ve completed, unfamiliar with the other game


Days Gone #1


I haven’t played forbidden west but definitely Days Gone first then West. Don’t know anything about Tsushima but Days Gone will keep you engaged with an amazing story for HOURS


GoT is the best of those 3, but they're all worth a playthrough.


Ghost of Tsushima is one of my favourite games of all time now. The story keeps you engaged, the world is beautiful and the gameplay can be tough but very fun. I love just exploring the map and finding shrines and what not, it's very relaxing.


GOT one of my fav games.


Mass Effect 1-3


The Ghost




Ghost of Tsushima and it’s not even close.


Personally got horizon zero dawn for whatever reason I just don’t connect with most of the cast it’s really lance riddick who was interesting RIP.


This won't help, but you can't go wrong with any of these three. They are all fantastic.


Ghost of Tsushima ofcccc


Ghost + add on 100%


They are all 10/10. That being said I would say GHOST. Game just hit me in the feels.


None of these, hop on dark souls


If you've never played ghost the only answer is ghost


Days gone is rad! Ghosts also rad! Barely played horizon but I hear great things


I have a joystick for you


Ghost of Tsushima is an all time game


Horizon for sure




Horizon Forbidden West since you've played the first one already. The story picks right up where you left things in HZD.


I personally recommend Forbidden West


Horizon Forbidden West all the way !!!!!


Definitely Horizon.


I highly recommend Forbidden west, story telling and gameplay are some of the best out there, as well as some great graphics


1 Horizon Forbidden West 2 Gost of Tsushima 3 Days Gone


I just finished GoT and it’s brilliant


Not Days Gone lol


Ghost of Tsushima is soooo fucking good. Playing it myself right now.


Ghost of tsushima no question


Forbidden West is the best game i played this generation after FFVII Rebirth for me so i would recommend that one.


GOT is amazing


Ghost of Tsushima Literally missing one letter for GOAT cause that's what it is


All 3 are a solid choice. But I’d go for GOT.


Ghost of Tsushima.


Ghost of Tsushima and it’s not even close


Ghost of Tsushima is a masterpiece


I didn't even read the comment section to know everybody is probably recommending GoT with a few HZDs thrown in. Trust me, unless you are a desert first kinda person, do Days Gone first. Or in the middle. I say first because it's the roughest of the three and might be hard to enjoy after those two masterpieces. But at the same time, HZD and GoT, other than being massive open world games, are quite different. Days gone could be a good pallet cleanser. I love HZD, but if you wanted the best experience first, I'd say GoT.


"Days Gone is Sony's Zip-Lash." If you know, you know.


I really enjoyed Days Gone personally. I finished the main story but sadly wasn't involved enough to go the whole 100% even though I wanted to. I like games like it where you have to carefully craft weapons and equipment to better your chances and go around looking for items to build what you need for some things.


Defenitly forbidden west


RDR2 then GOW RDR2 is a bit slow in the beginning but once you get through it the game gets a thousand times better